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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 630x960, 1537440360557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11902201 No.11902201 [Reply] [Original]

IMAGINE having to whip out the fucking periodic table every time you want to try a new recipe

Why do Americans and Brits do this?

>> No.11902226
File: 123 KB, 800x800, gallon man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using an inferior and purposely overly complicated thread chart like that made for aesthetics rather than useability
>not using the superior Gallon Man
I shiggy diggy to you all.

>> No.11902245

If you're not able to use cups efficiently you're just a moron.
t. canadian

>> No.11902299

This is a fast food board kiddo.

>> No.11902315

>Americans and Brits

Only Americans still use the retarded imperial system pham

>> No.11902336

>Imperial units
That's what the Brits did innit? Crikey mate.

>> No.11902416

Imagine being a European and lacking the brain power to make a few basic conversions. You morons do realize that the metric system was designed to prop up your diminishing intelligence, right?

>> No.11902454

This is unironically a great way to remember

>> No.11902487

but you don't have to
it's pragmatic
you just have a scoop for a tea spoon, one for a table spoon, and one for a cup.

stuff you add in tsp amounts isn't the stuff you add in tbsp amounts and tbsp stuff is only occasionally what you add in cup amounts.

>> No.11902500
File: 17 KB, 873x624, time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Europeons really still use standard time?

>> No.11902515
File: 45 KB, 606x644, diagram imperial units of volume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems really convoluted on paper, but in practice it's not all that complicated. and most of the time, any imperial measuring vessel will have metric equivalents as well so there is no actual math to be done. also see pic related is how i remember

>> No.11902521
File: 21 KB, 671x854, 369CB391-AF22-492F-AEA0-DC5CC2C29463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if you show conversions using the most convoluted, retarded chart ever

>> No.11902588
File: 49 KB, 1010x1077, cupcuppintpintquart4gallon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've edited your pic
I cannot make this chart any more clearer.

>> No.11902597
File: 286 KB, 666x720, 1541189301833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you only invented a superior, more intelligent system because you're all stupid!

>> No.11902620

Your average eurpoor can't even fucking divide integer numbers. Your only hope is based 10, so you can use your fingers to count like a fucking 2 year old.

>> No.11902635
File: 73 KB, 300x466, tree-of-life-kabbalah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>periodic table
Looks like the Kabbalah

>> No.11902641

>Why do Americans and Brits do this?

Fun Fact: The USA passed a congressional act under Jimmy Carter that mandated the metric system as the standard US system. But after a massive public outcry that "changing our math" is the equivalent of racism towards blacks, the US repealed the act and went back to traditional measurements.

>> No.11902647
File: 979 KB, 185x200, colbert79016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're so much smarter than americans
>can only do conversions if everything is in base 10

>> No.11902655

>"changing our math" is the equivalent of racism towards blacks
Math is racist. This has been proven over and over again. Why else would asians, who learn calculus in high school, dominate math while 'Merican niggers can't even do basic algebra?

Racism. That's the only explanation.

>> No.11902696
File: 105 KB, 511x512, 1550083810293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more intelligent!
I can't believe there are suckers who seriously believe this.
There's nothing intelligent going on in the metric system.

Metric tied unit standards to absolutely irrelevant shit like "mass equal to one cubic centimeter of water at maximum density" (almost)
What use is the gram then? In the metric psuedo-intellectual attempt to arbitrate a hard standard they created something completely useless.
OH BOY this recipe calls for 28.3 grams of yogurt. What an I N T E L L I G E N T unit of measurement.
>"Consider" the metricuck says to me "how easy conversions are in the metric system! 1000 grams is 1 kilogram."
>"By adding a prefix, you can simply move the decimal over. It's genius and so much more scientific."
Science you say? You mean where I might write papers and work complex engineering calculations? Certainly I would opt for fool-proof scientific notation such as 1.5778E9 inches. I won't waste time doing elementary school conversions and changing prefixes.

Imperial measurement system uses units of measurement that came about from experience with everyday human applications. A cup itself is a practical of value and unit for cooking. A mile is a practical unit of distance for everyday travel, walking or riding or driving. (Think of how easy time and distance is to track for a journeying layman with miles, where a mile is typically walked in 20 minutes and for a land-bound almost 6 foot tall person, the horizon is 3 miles away. For a metricuck, it's 4.82803 kilometers, and they can walk a kilometer in ~12 and a half minutes)

But ooooh nooooo. Eurocucks bought into the idea that fractions are bad and claim their system is more intelligent.

>> No.11902704

What if we just keep blacks on the Imperial system while everyone else moves to metric? That would be "fair" to blacks then right?

>> No.11902714

I'm sorry, but in the first world we use scales. Technology didn't stop with the invention of a container.

>> No.11902715

>Euro has trouble with fractions, short division and multiplication
>turns shit into the tree of life

>> No.11902731

>Why else would asians, who learn calculus in high school, dominate math while 'Merican niggers can't even do basic algebra?

I'll bet you our "math challenged" blacks earn 3x what your "smart" chinks make in china. Affirmative Action & hiring quotas can even the playing field, and then some, my yellow friend.

>> No.11902739


>> No.11902740

You mean the Metric Conversion Act, which established a board to encourage the "completely voluntary" adoption, signed into law by Gerald Ford, then abolished by Ronald Reagan, largely at the behest of one old guy, because
>Metric–I just think it’s too disruptive, requiring too much sudden change, not only in numbers but in language—especially in sports—and mostly for the benefit of the manufacturers of equipment, tools and kitchen appliances.

>> No.11902745

No we switched to 10 hour days. 100 minutes to the hour.

>> No.11902749

this chart is as retarded as the point it's trying to make
it starts off ok untill it gets to days in a week, then it repeats days 3 times and skips to years

>> No.11902751


Giving the uneducated and unqualified blacks high paying jobs simply because of the color of their skin is not something you should be proud of, racist.

>> No.11902758

If we didn't, black people would be burning down our institutions, more than they already are.

>> No.11902759

France tried to introduce metric time and a new calendar at one point, but it never caught on.

>> No.11902767
File: 12 KB, 301x168, American Stores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we didn't, black people would be burning down our institutions
And how is this any different from 'merica today?

>> No.11902774

The only thing wrong about slavery is that it brought blacks to America

>> No.11902785

>The only thing wrong about slavery is that africans were so eager to enslave and exploit their own race

FYP. Black on black slavery is still very much active in African countries like Lybia.



>> No.11902801

Don't mention this around lefties. Only WH*TES can be slave owners.

>> No.11902810

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S2qtGisT34 [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pvLvdpJI80 [Embed]
Really difficult to comprehend that slave auctions are literally happening in today's world. These are truly fucked up people.

>> No.11902815

Isn't that the country that formed its constitution around the US's, being made of a significant amount of free slaves, but included in the constitution the right to own slaves?

>> No.11902986 [DELETED] 

You're thinking of Liberia.

>> No.11903026

You're thinking of Liberia. Repatriated blacks from the New World were always a small minority of the country, although they held most of the financial and political power. Slavery was expressly forbidden by the constitution.

>> No.11903029
File: 34 KB, 450x450, 5FD6C80D-F174-4F01-B438-AD72B2AECEA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a challenger appears!

>> No.11903042

base 16 is objectively the better way to make measurements, it can be divided evenly 4 times before you start working in halves
base 10 like you dummys use can only be split once before you start working in halves

you idiots are so reliant on counting on your fingers that you can't comprehend how much more sense our system makes
There's literally no arguing this fact

>> No.11903078

Nope. It was the cuckservative drooling knuckledraggers who screamed that metric was a gombunist, socialist, atheist, jewish conspiracy to prepare for the worshiip of the antichrist.

>> No.11903090

>wants to adopt an inferior french unit of measurement
>calls anyone else a cuck

>> No.11903098

Thanks, I'm going to print this out and stick it on my fridge.

>> No.11903104

He's right though.

>> No.11903106

Ever since I got a digital scale I mostly do everything in metric when possible. I guess since most people still don't use them, imperial is just as good as metric for those volume measurements.

>> No.11903118

I've already explained why metric is dumb

>> No.11903245

And everyone knew you were wrong. Now explain to us how you're sure the earth is flat, lol!

>> No.11903261

actually so nice

>> No.11903290

a litre is more practical

>> No.11903330

than a quart?
lmao @ u

>> No.11903362


After you use it once or twice you just memorize it. It's not hard.

>> No.11903382

>buy online or in grocery store for around $10
>pay for batteries
1 cup + 1 small spoon
>find these literally anywhere for less than a dollar/ask someone if they have any extra lying around you could have

>> No.11903390

It really unnerves me that they have trouble with simple fractions. There's only a few measurements to learn. They'd have to be really retarded. Either that or they're like the boomers and scream I don't want to learn when you give them the most basic task.

Are they aware that a lot of skilled Americans (cooks, programmers, engineers, carpenters, construction workers, etc.) can use both systems, doing conversions without a calculator?

>> No.11903649

Yeah, it usually costs more to purchase a vastly superior product.

>> No.11903861

>britcuck measurements
no thank you

>> No.11904360

This is some good bait son

>> No.11904369
File: 1.82 MB, 299x348, 1489420734440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11904378

I agree, its frustrating

>> No.11905253 [DELETED] 


>> No.11905345
File: 10 KB, 319x319, OkCJ1ut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11905425


I can use this.