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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 1200x800, snap-spaghetti-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11902136 No.11902136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do white people do this?

>> No.11902142

To make it fit in the pot, and it's really most Americans not just white Americans. I correct everyone I see do it though

>> No.11902146

Slurping is bad american table manners

>> No.11902149
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How else would you avoid it catching on fire?

>> No.11902151

good point

>> No.11902159

You twirl your fork to wrap the pasta, which is actually easier when it's unbroken. No need to slurp.

>> No.11902164

Pick one

>> No.11902168
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happens to me all the time. thanks for the tip

>> No.11902175
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Wa la

>> No.11902184

Half the carbs

>> No.11902194

This is the first time I've ever heard of anyone doing this.

>> No.11902200

Spaghetti seems like a leftover relic when pasta making technology couldn't make better shapes.
Its just pressed through round holes, or if its starting as a flat sheet, cut into thin strips.
That's lame.
Why do people still choose this shape? Is there any advantage? The only thing I can think of is that it stacks more densely than any other shape. More weight in less space than shapes enclosing air. But how is that really an advantage, unless you are taking it with you to Mars or something? Possibly backpacking where space is extremely limited. Otherwise, its just a crappy, obsolete, inconvenient shape.
If there are redeeming qualities, what are they?

>> No.11902210
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>> No.11902223

My Mexican father-in-law is the first person I've ever seen do this. Fuck off, OP. Your observational bias is retarded and you should be embarrassed.

>> No.11902236

>slurping spaghetti
Ever wonder why everyone you know thinks you have autism?

>> No.11902238
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>If there are redeeming qualities, what are they?
You can easily twirl it around a fork and that is extremely satisfying.

>> No.11902240

The proper way to break spaghetti, if you're going to, is to use a twisting motion, like you're wringing a towel. Far less shrapnel.

>> No.11902750

so I don't have to slurp that one damn noodle for 2 months

>> No.11902784

White people are the only people that can actually make pasta. Niggers, spics, and chinks are the ones that fuck it up

>> No.11902794

>Niggers, spics, and chinks are the ones that fuck up spaghetti

Why are shiskins always appropriating european culture?

>> No.11902804

better question is why has no one cashed in on this and started selling short spaghetti?

>> No.11902818
File: 811 KB, 1571x2076, Unhappy-Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any pasta in the linguine family

>> No.11902820

Because it's superior

>> No.11902821

No it fucking isn't. No one wants a fucking pastawad

>> No.11904059
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>> No.11904094

It's easier to eat as well. I don't see a down side. There's even pasta sold half length now.

>> No.11904121

>non whites trying to tell whites what to do with their own invention

>> No.11904124

Im white and I nor my family do this

>> No.11905461

What’s your burner on?
Flamethrower setting.

>> No.11905519


>> No.11905877
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>it's in a saucepan
This is a pot.

>> No.11905954
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Only reason I can imagine.

>> No.11905974

I break up spaghetti as many times as possible for my chicken noodle soup.

>> No.11906013

People who do this should be vilified and also people who cut up their noodles

>> No.11906017

are you seriously this pedantic and retarded?

>> No.11906061
File: 78 KB, 596x588, 10432477_663081687078645_8714964320498042123_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedantic, true enough, but I'm not the retard who calls a saucepan a pot. Don't act like you have a leg to stand on; you can't even cook.

>> No.11906073

a saucepan is a pot
a stockpot is a pot
stop trying to be smart, you're not good at it

>> No.11906110

>hold them vertically in center of the pot
>let go
>the spaghett are now distributed in a balanced way all around the pot
>in time they just magically fall in the water in an ordered circle

>> No.11906164

A saucepan is a fucking pan, mongoloid. that's the entire point about >>11902175's shit being labeled "pot-sized". Spagoots are already fucking pot-sized, you're just an idiot who doesn't know the most basic difference between a pan and a pot.

>> No.11906172
File: 2.74 MB, 3024x3024, 059C2490-0A4A-4C96-B779-5C50E686828C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this instead

>> No.11906187

I unironically do this so it cooks even

>> No.11906188

woww it's almost like there is no difference
or the difference is pedantic, arguable and meaningless

>> No.11906212

for all the autists and mouth breathers.

put pasta in pot. use hand or fork to slowely push pasta in as it softens takes an extra minute.

youre welcome faggots

>> No.11906225


>> No.11906433
File: 42 KB, 542x500, 1518317433004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's the Joseph Joseph Spaghetti Cutter™, the best uni-tasker

>> No.11906515

Also good for circumcision.

>> No.11906571

>Italians are white
Dios mío...

>> No.11906573

Or break it in half and work on the rest of the meal instead of hovering over the pasta like an utter retard.

>> No.11908229

Fucking NOICE.

>> No.11908299
File: 6 KB, 128x128, uncultured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots even realize standard length is already half of traditional? Breaking standard length in half makes it actually harder to twirl them up but I guess you never noticed since you cut your spaghetti..

>> No.11908880

>yes its a pound!
>(x) doubt

>> No.11909015

>Dinosaur Comics is still going
I... fucking what? qwantz.com is old enough to drive? Is it good these days?

>> No.11909934
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>> No.11909966

>just put it in and let it cook until it all fits
>half the pasta is overdone by the time it's ready to eat
You(ropoors) just don't get it.

>> No.11909977

found the wop