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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 605x340, two egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11900843 No.11900843 [Reply] [Original]

People are animals and animals are people too. Why would you eat something that could grow up to be a great person? This eggs could have become beautiful chickens, but instead you had to steal them from their mother's care and cook them alive, and eat them, while pretending that you are not eating people.

stop it

you can be perfectly healthy as a vegan

you have no excuse

>> No.11900849

fuck. this post made me vegan. i cant go back eating eggs after I looked into his eyes.

>> No.11900859

>I'm not a faggot
>I had plenty of attention and love as a child
> I have a degree, good job and a functional relationship with all the people that surrounds me
>I dont follow meme trends imposed by baizuo first worlders with saviour complex
I could go on but I think that's already enough reasons

>> No.11900860
File: 140 KB, 853x1024, eggs produced daily no rooster needed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eggs we eat aren't fertilized. Chickens are constantly producing them, like menstruation, regardless of whether there's a rooster around.

Read a book, dummy.

>> No.11900862

>People are animals and animals are people too

Closet fur fag, I'm calling it. Would probably fuck a sheep.

>> No.11900863

ayygg lmao

>> No.11900864
File: 182 KB, 768x431, xUH4tCeJ_0912171939061gpaiadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Domestic chickens are the most successful and wide spread species of bird on earth because they are delicious. They evolved to be eaten by humans. Their one goal in life is to be eaten.

Life is terrible and should not be preserved btw

>> No.11900866

Store bought chicken eggs aren't fertilised idiot.

>> No.11900872


>> No.11900878

thank you, you will live a long and healthy live

>muh argument from authority

The eggs >I< ate when >I< was a carnist (because I didn't know any better) were definitely fertilized. Still, eating someone else's menstruation is cannibalism and inconsiderate for her feelings and dignity.

>The Chicken Holocaust is good
heil carnist hitler

>> No.11900888

lol u ate chicken cum

>> No.11900896
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>> No.11900899

>inconsiderate for her feelings and dignity
Guarantee you she couldn't give two fucks that you disposed of her menstrual waste for her.

>> No.11900904

Stop lying, retard.

>> No.11900907

Ask your girlfriend about that (if you have one) how she'd feel about you gobbling up her body parts.

>> No.11900934
File: 118 KB, 362x402, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I was a sinner for a while, but I've seen the light since then.

>> No.11900962

What's up with vegans and cannibalism? Just because I eat chicken doesn't mean I hate chickens nor have the want to eat people.

>> No.11900974

>What's up with vegans and cannibalism?
We are the only ones who are not cannibals. We were created on this Earth to love and care for each other, not to kill and each other!

>> No.11900979

Soy plantations due more harm to the environment than any meat plant.

>> No.11900988

>meat plant
this is what carnists believe

>> No.11900993

i asked if she'd be cool if i ate her pussy and she said sure

>> No.11900997

What do you call a place where the meat from cows and chicken are harvested then? It's not a slaughterhouse iirc because those actually process the meat. I'm talking about the place where they die.

>> No.11900999

Hitler was vegetarian but I won't hold that against him.
Heil Hitler!

>> No.11901047

They're forced to produce them more often than is natural. It kills their bones and gives tgem osteoporosis and an early painful death. But I wouldn't expect a carnist to understand, I wouldn't understand either if I had parasites eatinv me from the inside out

>> No.11901050

They don't taste all that different. You could feed a carnist some human and they wouldn't think twice while eating it.

>> No.11901071

>They don't taste all that different. You could feed a carnist some human and they wouldn't think twice while eating it.
h-how do you know?

>> No.11901152

So when I go into the woods/desert/tundra alone all I have to say to mr. Wolf and his family "I applaud your bravery sir but I am a person like you, I love you and you should not eat me!" Chimps will eat rival chimp babies. They're our closest animal cousin.

>> No.11901160

No, in nature the weaker animals get eaten. Would you call a lion immoral? He kills chickens, like us

>> No.11901239

A- vegans are not even healthy in any small way, it's a starvelings emaciation diet.


B- Why do vegans pretend to care about animals when they literally slaughter millions of animals with chemical pesticides??


>> No.11901878

>People are animals

>animals are people

>perfectly healthy as a vegan
No, you merely have a long term decline in overall health. Normally, this is manifested as mental instability. You may be cleaning up your diet, as your old diet may have been terrible in all respects, thus you'd feel better going over to a new diet, but the, "vegan," aspect of the diet isn't what makes you feel better in the beginning. This bettering of your immediate health would also happen by cleaning up your diet using many other standard dieting methods and is not specifically because you went vegan. Since veganism becomes a long term health degradation, it is not recommended that people turn vegan. People who are vegan and have cheat days can often times prevent a long term degradation of health. It should also be noted that vitamin B12 supplements are all non-vegan and that brewer's yeast is fortified with vitamin B12 supplements and does not come naturally with vitamin B12. Since all vitamin B12 comes from animal sources, it isn't vegan. Humans not consuming vitamin B12 will eventually die, but at a very slow pace. Normally, through food contamination, people can get just enough vitamin B12 to stave off or extended this long term health degradation.

>> No.11901913

At least it's fun watching the vegans waste away and die.

>> No.11902060

Educate yourself
>vegans live longer and have less deficiencies

>> No.11902077

>>vegans live longer and have less deficiencies
>source: my cult's propaganda

>> No.11902082

>>vegans live longer and have less deficiencies

It's been proven time and time again that pescatarians live longer than both vegetarians and vegans.

>> No.11902124

It's basically just a waste product for humans, she'd probably just look at you weird and think you're disgusting not for cannibalizing a part of her, but for wanting to eat menses on its own, kind of like wanting to eat shit

>> No.11902141

I once witnessed a self-proclaimed carnist pick up an egg from under a chicken roosting on it, and cracking it open, drinking its contents raw. I saw the horror on the chicken's face. She was deeply sad and heartbroken.

I expect a human gf react similarly.

>> No.11902260
File: 764 KB, 2030x2030, C8E756B3-2A48-4894-A57F-F79AAA7CFA60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been vegan for 7 years. I started to feel tired throughout the day. I found out it was a lack of protein. I found a solution last year. I eat Scotts Premium Topsoil. Apparently it was tested in a lab and safe to eat. I stop by Home Depot once every other week now. I got my dog on it too.

>> No.11902382

Nope. I've done that exact thing with my chickens, crushed the shell afterward and she happily ate it.

>> No.11902400

>time and time again

>> No.11902414

That's a lie, trying to portray the victim as barbaric perpetrator. Animals are kind.

>> No.11902418

>should also be noted that vitamin B12 supplements are all non-vegan
Nope. Cyanocobalamin is a bacteria and all supplements are made with a vegetable stearic acid. I don’t know why you’d lie about something so easily refuted

>Since veganism becomes a long term health degradation, it is not recommended that people turn vegan
American Dietetics Association finds it suitable for all stages of life

>> No.11902421

>facts are propaganda!!!

t. a deranged cultist

>> No.11902447

Oh yeah, I’m gay if that matters

>> No.11902457

>vegan delusions

>> No.11902471

>It should also be noted that vitamin B12 supplements are all non-vegan
Microbial production of vitamin B12: a review and future perspectives

>> No.11903289

Why the fuck are eggs sold in the dairy section of the store, and not meat?

>> No.11904109
File: 29 KB, 657x527, 48451568974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another vegan thread

>> No.11904601

You're against pets, right?

>> No.11904732

>People are animals

>animals are people too
Incorrect. IIRC, we actually have court precedent to suggest that, for instance, monkeys are not people under the law because they do not have the capacity to understand and follow the law.

>This eggs could have become beautiful chickens
1. These
2. Wrong. For an egg to become a viable chicken, it would need to be fertilized. Hens lay eggs regardless of whether they are fertilized or not, and the eggs you tend to buy in the supermarket have never been fertilized. Either you eat it, or it goes to waste. Personally, I'll enjoy the cheap protein.

>you have no excuse
I don't need an excuse. Blow me.

>> No.11904740


Because they're not meat, and vegetarians (not vegans) still eat eggs.

>> No.11904783

Probably because they're used as frequently as milk and it's convenient. And in America, we don't take proper care of our animals and vaccinate them (big surprise) so the eggs also have to be refrigerated like the milk does.

>> No.11905383
File: 8 KB, 259x194, carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrots are people and people are people too. Why would you eat something that could grow up to be a great carrot? This carrot could have become beautiful people,
but instead you had to steal them from their mother's care and cook them alive, and eat them, while pretending that you are not eating people.

stop it

you can be perfectly healthy as a carrot

you have no excuse

>> No.11905387

>People are animals and animals are people too.
Listen here you soy chuggin, veggie munchin, gum flappin, no muscle havin', dick takin', red flannel shirt wearin' something or other. If it was legal to cook and eat a baby I'd probably try it at least once. Hell, I'd try it twice just to be sure. Don't give me none of that humanitarianism shit.

>> No.11905423

Eating blood isn't cannibalism you retard also what analogy is shit because humans aren't chickens

>> No.11905440

Reminder if you're a christian who thinks killing animals and eating meat is unmoral and bad you're going against what the bible says

>> No.11905502

Damn dude is this for a school project or something

I thought they made you write an essay instead of making you act like a complete doofus on the internet

>> No.11905770
File: 435 KB, 781x1024, 1520868857491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, I'd enjoy it more. Would love to try me some free-range grass-fed faggot like yourself, but your meat would probably be all stringy and sour.

>> No.11905871

people are mushrooms and we are people too.

>> No.11905933
File: 24 KB, 400x400, FJE2-JgL_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, OP, but OP, you forget to consider one thing.
Some of us are perfectly fine with the concept of cannibalism too.

>> No.11905951

Human skin is delicacy.

>> No.11905984

I fucking bet. Pork cracklings are good as it is.

>> No.11906022

Most vegans are athiests or open Satanists. Vegans literally create a "Hell on Earth" existence for themselves, torturing and starving their own bodies.

Sounds insane? Veganism is insane.

>> No.11906027


>> No.11906033
File: 43 KB, 700x897, 1542467116990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animals are people too

>> No.11906037
File: 119 KB, 1941x1885, Satanic Commandments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link vegans to Satanism again and I will slap your shit. It's insulting to Satanists.

>> No.11906175

OK sorry, vegans are "influenced by demons" if you want to be technical about it.

>Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
>2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

>Forbiddingto marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

>> No.11906183

And your rule 1 reads more like a vegan manifesto than anything satanists would care about lol.

>> No.11906192

Your "Satanists" aren't Satanists. They're Jews. Jews are the ones mutilating children and manipulating dipshit Christians into working for them. Lucifer loved humanity. That's why he didn't want them to be slaves.

>> No.11906211
File: 141 KB, 250x296, 1544539095640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write down some gay modernist shit that fucking Bill Nye would believe
>colour it red on a black background
>this passes as satanism in the year of our lord two thousand and nineteen

>> No.11906972

Supermarket eggs aren't fertilized dumbass

>> No.11907019

If you read this post and take it seriously enough to respond you should be sterilised