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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11900612 No.11900612 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I wanna drop alot of body fat.

What's the best food for that?
Low calorie and low sugar.

>> No.11900625


>> No.11900638

I asked /fit/ and they said "food"

>> No.11900651 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 896x942, Diets and Nutrients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

•Protein is the most satiating. It's the second most abundant item in the body, only to water – and is also utilized in *many* utilities.
•150g+ / day
•Specifically, casein and whey – mostly the former because of low-insulinogenic aspects, amongst nutrient timing for hypoglycemia; the latter for a little extra consistency / creaminess / cakiness

•Deficits are OK because supplements are a thing (esp. pyruvate for gluconeogenesis; grams of vitamin C; powerful antioxidants)

>> No.11900667

Dude what the fuck are you on about? That sounds like eating fucking glue or calking shit. We wanna get real food.

>> No.11900673
File: 142 KB, 853x738, 55D1BE09-19F3-49B2-AB2A-24621002BCC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking retard is an avataring spamming sperg who gets btfo every thread. Pay it zero mind

>> No.11900676

Yeah dude, I've seen his shit everywhere and I finally decided to reply. He freaks me out kinda. He's on /ck/ and /fit/, it's very frustrating.

>> No.11900680

Just get a calorie tracking app, reduce calorie intake, and cut out anything with added sugars. I have lost 11 pounds in a month and would probably have lost more but go over about 25% of the days. Even on those days I go over I still eat less then I normally did.

>> No.11900687

You aren't going to "drop fat" by eating a certain type of food, you need a whole diet.
>drop calories to 1600 per day
>stop all sugar drinks & alcohol (unless you're an alcoholic then go to a doctor)
>remove dessert
>no sauces.
>minimal carbs (drop pasta, rice, potato, most fruit, replace milk if you have it with coconut or almond milk unsweetened)
>breakfast: 3 boiled eggs
>lunch: can of tuna with some vegetables in a bowl or 100-200g of meat (deli meat, spam, cooked chicken)
>dinner: 300g of chicken, pork, a couple fish fillets, lamb, beef, add some vegetables, spinach/lettuce, maybe pickles if you like them
>add more boiled eggs or small amount of a decent cheddar block cheese (20g-40g) if you aren't making the calories.
>track everything on something like myfitnesspal
>try to do 30 minutes to an hour of exercise, even if it's just walking around the neighbourhood
>stick to it for a year.
t. guy who lost 80kg in 2 years doing exactly this.

>> No.11900697

I wanna do this but with like 500 cals a day. Maybe 1000.

Are eggs really that good for you?

>> No.11900715

>500 or 1000 cals per day
Do not do this, it will destroy your body. 1200 is the absolute minimum and that's only for women. For men you really don't want to go under 1400.
1600 cals will product a very significant deficit.
to lose 1kg (2.2pounds) you need a weekly deficit of 7,700 calories
if you intake 1600 per day that's 11,200 a week.
maintenance for most men is roughly 2500 or 17,500
that produces a deficit of 6,300, or just under a kilogram per week
Going harder than this is potentially damaging to your body.
>are eggs really that good for you
boiled eggs are a pretty cheap low-carb food, that are easy to prepare in both large & small quantity. If you're eating a few per day as part of a 1600 calorie diet, they aren't going to be a problem.

>> No.11900718

Whatever this guy said is a meme. He's definitely never even been fat or lost weight.
Listen to me. All you need to know is >>11900651

>> No.11900735

I'm doing the potato hack. I've been under 500 cals for 5 days now, and biked for 45 mins today. Feeling fine, what should I worry about?

>> No.11900755

You'll eventually put your body into starvation mode. You probably aren't getting enough vitamins, proteins and salts, gallstones can create major problems and the body will start grabbing what it needs from weird places like your bones and brain. It's not something anyone should do for an extended time.

>> No.11900759

of course, if it's something you are doing because you're grossly overweight, the benefits will outweight the negatives in the short-medium term, assuming that when you finish you don't balloon back up again.

>> No.11900786

Who has the images of the no calorie peanut butter shit?

>> No.11900793

When I was in HS the wrestlers said they would drink soylent to lose weight to get into a lower weight class

>> No.11900892

>drop calories to 1600 per day
literally all you need to know 2bh
fuck, you can lose weight by eating fucking twinkies as long as you're at a deficit

>> No.11900910
File: 38 KB, 876x1034, Gains - Deficits, Gymnasts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mystery why that was deleted.

A). The image is a basic summary of trends and dieting options, correlative with keto (but plausible with other). "Your" (proper) options amongst it being posted are keeping silent or improving on what's available in/for discussion. That's it. "Avatarfagging" is meaningless when a). it's topical, and b). there are tripcodes, etc. Furthermore, reposting similar actual paragraphs and sentences over and again while many demographics are being lazy is redundant and below interesting standards. Both I and that image are worth more.

B). "Real food" is such memery, ignorant and really simply critiquable. Dairy proteins (casein and whey) are of similar properties to dairy (amongst various ratios). Casein is frothy / savory-esque / pillowy / powdery. Whey is crumbly / cakey / creamy / sticky. It's possible (even cold-) making frostings, fillings, creams, fudges, brownies, cookies, cakes, and toffees – especially amongst stevia, coffee, cacao, etc.

C). Reducing BF% has really specific trends. Low insulin responses (casein), protein availability and muscular / MPS signalling (anabolism), but also EMS (though, quite specifically liquid-immersion based) … CICO.

Dietary recommendations on cholesterol were dropped because of minimalistic effects associated with blood levels (plausibly also relevant for saturated fats because they're food-correlative).

>> No.11900916

I lost like 30 pounds in a few months when I already was totally normal weight due to depression. my hair thinned out, I bruised really easily, had little energy, and really deteriorated my already bad metal health.

Don't ignore this advice, it's a bad situation to be in.

>> No.11900918

Jack scalfani has had good success with keto

>> No.11900926
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>> No.11901041

1500 calories a day of anything

>> No.11901354

>I wanna do this but with like 500 cals a day.
Absolute retard-tier.

>Maybe 1000.
Maybe if you're a woman (I don't say this as "hurr girl r dum" - I mean that this really is still a little too low) and a smaller one at that. If you're a guy this is way too low.

>> No.11901538


>> No.11901540

Drink milk and sleep off the pounds

>> No.11901618


Eat no more than 1500 calories a day. Exercise 1 hour a day preferably strength training. Drink only water, black coffee, herbal/black tea. No more fried/processed crap. Lots of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, boiled eggs, whole grains. If you must snack, plain popcorn is low in calories, you can also eat a bit of dried fruit or nuts. Do that for a year and your life will be much better.

>> No.11901633

The best food for losing weight? 2 beers.

2 beers
2 beers
2beer2 beers2beers 2 beers 3 beers a beer 2beers 2 beers 2 beats 2 beets 2neers2beers2neers2bewre

>> No.11901882

Jesus man eat some lean proteins and healthy fats in moderation. You might lose some bodyweight quick with what you're doing but it's not sustainable and your body will literally start to consume itself.

>> No.11901902

I ate nothing but two beers three times a day for a year (nothing over 6% ABV for dinner though) and lost over 200 pounds. It really does work.

>> No.11902209
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Boiled egg

>> No.11902216
File: 214 KB, 1255x1250, Custom-Fitness-Mealplans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks your path
Follow Scooby's gospel, it is the best free advice for actually losing weight and isn't a fucking meme diet.

>> No.11902468
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1486232439257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it retarded to go down to 1200 kcal per day if your TDEE is 2400? I've been on 1600 kcal for several months and it feels too easy.

>> No.11902473

DNP, that is if it doesn't outright killl you

>> No.11903032

put down the fork

>> No.11903195

Dont eat anything. Zero cal, zero sugar.

>> No.11904554

>Low calorie and low sugar
You got it mate, just eat that !

>> No.11905134


simple as

>> No.11905152


>> No.11905160

Eat fruits, vegetables and high protein

>> No.11905165

Fasted exercise.

>> No.11906207

>500-1000 calories
You're better off doing one meal a day (or every other day) if you're going to go that low.

>> No.11906231


>> No.11906236

I was on the 45 beer a day diet, myself

>> No.11906256

chicken, fish, and vegetables. don't neglect carbs entirely, that's a dumb meme, so eat some rice as well. i wouldn't really recommend eggs as they are kinda high calorie

>> No.11906260

Tuna omellete with is around 300 calories eat two times a day supplement with multivitamins for lunch.

>> No.11906319

this is retarded advice. a fucking zero fiber diet.

>> No.11908007

with rice*
anyway as the other anon you need to supplement it if you're lacking, so juices with fiber in them. I wouldn't worry about this since most fatties won't go through with it.