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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11899141 No.11899141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And just like that his presidential run is finished.

>> No.11899180


>> No.11899196

suddenly rural unemployment goes down as black market avian and mammal meat skyrockets at lower costs and better quality

>> No.11899197

Wow, someone who actually shares my gay name. same spelling too.

>> No.11899199

If the corn and soy subsidies were removed, the price of meat would skyrocket naturally.

>> No.11899208

Why are cows fed stuff like that instead of just grass?

>> No.11899210
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Mongo like meat!

>> No.11899216

He never had a chance to begin with. Warren is the only viable candidate at this point.
>sage for off topic

>> No.11899225

Clearly, he's a bug werido that expects everyone to follow in his bullshit bug eating policies. Damn straight he had no chance.

>> No.11899229

did you just annouce your sage?

>> No.11899236

Yes, because my post was off-topic. It's proper chan etiquette.

>> No.11899238

Corn and soy are cheaper after massive U.S. farm subsidies than having grasslands for cattle to graze on.

>> No.11899239
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Seems as if anon was a one off maroon.
Probably paid off to post here.

>> No.11899255

Well, trump is causing a drastic price increase across the board so I wouldn't mind if it were restricted to meat. Based, articulate Booker who makes "trumpspeak" look like a 2 yo toddler in a sandbox who had to share toys.

>> No.11899273

Not always true, but do look into the fact that Hawaii was the best producer of sugar on the planet and then through a land grab a lot of people in congress got very wealthy very fast buy doing this from corn aka hfcs. I'm not a conspiracy nut but this is true.
They were clearly putting their financial positions before their offices and should have been hanged for treachery.

They really come across as the shillary supporters these days, the most dishonest lying fucks on the planet, right along with hanoi jane and CNN and MSNBC. People really believe the outright lies.

Has anyone wondered why a lot of people go into Congress with pretty much no money but come out as millionaires?

>> No.11899274
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>it's the all rural people raise livestock and grow produce meme

>> No.11899277

This is how yellow vests get domestic.

>> No.11899279

Prove it out.

>> No.11899287

Democrats seem to have the herd mentality sculpted by hollywood.

>> No.11899288
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*blocks your path*
as if he had any shot at running anyway.

>> No.11899290 [DELETED] 

well, he's done. even if this gets him the democratic nomination, he is dead in the water at the actual race.

>> No.11899305
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In the past, the rules now dicate not to do that.

>> No.11899319

That bitch is so stupid she doesn't know that she's stupid, same with her so called followers. They're no good. That whoar pelosi from california is behind it all, they're all seething little cunts, seething because their anointed one didn't win.

>> No.11899325

She isn't old enough.

>> No.11899326

... and schumcy schumer from NY. They're both poster bois for term limits on congress.

>> No.11899337

Elizabeth Warren is probably the most retarded politician alive

>> No.11899340

Constitutionally it is old enough. I do mean it. That doesn't qualify as a she.

>> No.11899363

There's worse, that weirdo from Cali, maxine waters or something that who went in front of Congress saying that we never went to the moon and other shit out of bizzaroworld. Yet she gets elected time and time again, that's even stranger, and another reason that there should be term limits on congress people. Both senate and house.

Then there's the weirdo from Texas. They're always black and always full of shit.

>> No.11899379


>> No.11899381

Sheila Jackson Lee
She's just downright pathetic and Texans should be embarresed.

>> No.11899387

One Bourbon
One Scotch
And One Beer

>> No.11899418

Dude you have to be 35...

>> No.11899428

>trey gowdy
Yeah, you unintentionally posted the most retarded politician, next to Cruz and of course Trump.

>> No.11899438

I remember seeing that guy on Forensic Files. he seemed pretty intelligent. what makes him retarded?

>> No.11899449

There are different age requirements specified in the constitution.
You're mixing them up.
35 is for president, not for members of congress.
Read US Constitution, Article II, Section 1.

>> No.11899472

>implying a nigger stood a chance after obama


>> No.11899479

He looks like he has even more white in him than Obama.

>> No.11899481

Based and vegan-pilled

>> No.11899489


>> No.11899495

Don't expect a reasonable response, they're still seething in their closets in fetal positions because their anointed one didn't win.

>> No.11899517

>trump very likely will be in jail by 2020
She speaks the truth, thank god!

>> No.11899519

I thought the guy I responded too was inferring president.

I know the dumb bitch is old enough

>> No.11899521

i know right? i wonder if he'd make Jordan Peele his vp.

>> No.11899530


pick one.

>> No.11899539

Observe instead of hanging around f(au)x news and /r_td

>> No.11899548

I don't want my venison pre-fucked

>> No.11899550


>> No.11899552

Did you actually say hanoi jane? GTFO this site grandpa, 4chin is for zoomers only

>> No.11899572

Veganism won’t kill him, but some Trumptard leaking that he’s gay days before the election will. I don’t know why he’s denying the gay rumors so vehemently when digging and subsequent political shitflinging has become an acceptable and commonplace practice

>> No.11899616

Its also easier/quicker

>> No.11899631

And literally no one gives a shit if he is gay other than evangelical droolers who would vote for Satan on the republican ticket as opposed to Jesus Christ on the democratic. And how about Lindsey Graham? Now there's a 5'7" masculine 63 yo life long single male with a strange lisp and a stalwart southern baptist to boot, lol!

>> No.11899671
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I really don't understand why it wouldn't be better to make vegetables substantially cheaper than meat

When a decent salad is $8 in comparison to a $1 McChicken then you begin to uderstand why the poor are so fat

>> No.11899697

Pretty much every demographic has a lot of overweight people, except Asians, and it's not because vegetables are more expensive than meat. People are just eating too much and not exercising enough. Also, cheap vegetable oil and refined flour/sugar is probably a bigger cause of weight problems because it's not satiating but very high in calories.

>> No.11899701

>And literally no one gives a shit if he is gay other than evangelical droolers
Niggers and shitskins don't vote for faggots.

>> No.11899710

Fuck of with your facts and logic!

>> No.11899716

thank god the evil people are also stupid

>> No.11899718
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>> No.11899720
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>a decent salad is $8

>> No.11899724

>t. not from the midwest
lol if you're in the middle of the country and you know how to do something that ISN'T farming you fucking leave

>> No.11899737

Cows are fed more than just grass because it makes them fatter. Muscle marbled with fat makes the beef higher quality, just look at top cuts of beef. That's the result of a steadily increasing caloric diet with plenty of mixed grains. Pure grass-fed beef is kinda shitty.

Do it anyway. They don't need the subsidies, it's all crony capitalism at work. Do it the /pol/ way, pack the FDA full of actual full NatSoc agents who protect the people with hardcore draconian food and drug safety regulations, and remove subsidies to let the rest of economics to decide what's worth keeping and what's worth losing.

I hope one day most of America lives semi-rural with each multi-generational family home raising their own livestock. I'll feed soy latte sipping liberals like into the shredder to get there if I have to.

>> No.11899743
File: 222 KB, 960x960, tumblr_p017kcUuDW1ur6vh9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is sage? lol

>> No.11899750

fuck off back to appleacha with your bedroom raised chickens

>> No.11899752

Sage grows in all fields, anon

>> No.11899763

All you flyovers grow is livestock grade corn. Cali grows and exports 80% of the nations veg fruits & nuts. Stay mad bitch

>> No.11899772

and all of it has parasites from the poop of illegal immigrants on it. Sorry not sorry california quality means it has poop on it round these parts.

>> No.11899773

>Fruits & nuts
Absolutely true, anon. Ya'll should try keeping them for yourself though.

>> No.11899784

No, you begin to understand why ignorant, pleasure seeking, people are fat. You don't go to McDonalds because it's cheap, you go there because you're lazy.

>> No.11899794

That sounds wonderful.

>> No.11899810

>I hope one day most of America lives semi-rural with each multi-generational family home raising their own livestock.
That's retarded. It was already like that at one point. You're just going backwards.

>> No.11899870

>the dystopia is the future don't go backwards
into the shredder

>> No.11899908

They usually don't vote period, but when one of their own is running, gay, straight, or bi, they're voting for him. But most of them live in voter suppression red states anyway where their vote has been nullified, so it comes down to the swing states and they don't give 2 fucks what consenting adults do in their bedroom. Unlike perverted evangelicals, most people don't like to crawl under other peoples' bed.

>> No.11899994

This hypocrisy is too much.
You position yourself on the side of being "right and good" while simultaneously calling minorities "yours" and telling everyone else how they're going to vote according to your rules.
I'm a black from Michigan and I'm leaving the plantation.

>> No.11899997

this is a very uneducated opinion go to grad school for polisci then come back to me when you understand that the evangelical movement is majority urban and black, ok sweaty?

>> No.11900007

>Muh subsidies
Your talking about $20 a year per person it's not enough to make a difference in your price of anything