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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11897558 No.11897558 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11897569

>you will never bend Claire over, pull down her pants exposing her fat, milky-white ass cheeks, get down on your knees behind her, spread her ass cheeks apart, inserting your nose on the rim of her asshole, and inhaling deeply

Why even live

>> No.11897575 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11897581
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How does Brad's wife feel about a fat Jewish spinster openly flirting with her husband on camera?

>> No.11897583
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>> No.11897584


>> No.11897585

She accepts that based Brad needs to fill up Claire's tight, stinky asshole with hot cum from time to time to keep the marriage going

>> No.11897593

What color is Clair's panties

>> No.11897613

Dark brown to hide the shit stains from her THICC ASS

>> No.11897618

Fuck off shill.

>> No.11897631

hot desu

>> No.11897636

What does Carla smell like?

>> No.11897658

Burnt food

>> No.11897664

She smells like a mixture of damp dog and girl-sweat. I hugged this Jewess at a food convention and took in a deep smell while doing so. I think she noticed and became really awkward when I kept talking to her and the rest of the team.

>> No.11897667

Claire doesn't flirt with Brad, she adores him like she would a really cool older brother which she probably never had

>> No.11897676

>Jewess at a food convention and took in a deep smell while doing so
But why?

>> No.11897683
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I want Claire to grab me with her sexy mother bear arms and give me the milkies.

>> No.11897705
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>> No.11897722

I love how obvious it is that America doesn't think about Europe in the comments with all the, "Please to excuse, why no know Roche and Nutella same same!?!?"

>> No.11897741


>> No.11897762
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Another thing that piglet never ate.

>> No.11897781

>that barrel chested asian WHO IM SO PROUUUUUUDD
god what a fucking awful person

>> No.11897798

How is she awful? She complimented Claire's hard work. Do you perceive every compliment as sarcastic? How hard has life been for you?

>> No.11897805

Because Claire is the thicc jew of my dreams. I'm sure if hitler pounded her large ass the holocaust would have never happened.

>> No.11897830

She's so happy and proud at the end. I wish I could make her feel that way.

>> No.11897832

>made in japan
>actually a chinese

>> No.11897846

You should post that under her vids on jewtube.

>> No.11897860

shes overly fake and american. also fucking ugly.

>> No.11897877

She's probably relieved that there's somebody to share the demands of his enormous libido.

>> No.11897886

Do you think Andy is a top or bottom?

>> No.11897888

do Emmy lewds exist?

>> No.11897897

I bet Brad fucks like a stallion due to all the allicin he's eating.

>> No.11897908

anon... I know it's 'popular' to hate on women here but come on

>> No.11897916

"It's like a two part epoxy" he screams as he cums down the throat of another bon appetit staff member, gifting them his 'live cultures'

>> No.11897922

Obvs a bottom, maybe vers. Just look at any of the videos where he's goofing off

>> No.11897975

>Claire doesn't crack the nuts herself

>> No.11897989

>Brad come here
>Andy follows
>Claire keeps glancing at Brad and is turned towards him
What did she mean by that?

>> No.11897993

he's not gay though

>> No.11898000


>> No.11898005

I refuse to belive he's not at least bi

>> No.11898032

Oh look, it's the daily ba shill waifu thread.

>> No.11898096

And for some reason, the mods allow it. They must get paid off.

>> No.11898111

>Be BA
>Be own by Advance Publications worth almost 2.5 billion dollars
>Notice audience is significantly lacking in the 18-35 autistic NEET demographic.
>Pay Pajeets to write stories on 4chan to capture some of that market.

>> No.11898116

Guys, I’m not sure what’s going on in this video. Is this the new normal? Is this the endgame of a feminized society? Who the fuck is this Brad guy? Who is this meaty but somewhat attractive Jew host? Why the contortions to reproduce a spherical wafer? What the fuck is really going on here? All of this seems unsustainable. Maybe it’s just because I had a glass or two of wine at lunch.

What the fuck is this life all about? It can’t be simoly shit like this over and over again, can it? How the fuck do these people do this day-in day-out?

>> No.11898121

>be internet video series
>advertise on website that has helped shape internet culture for over a decade

>> No.11898126

Hey man this is just a thread to appreciate some youtube cooking show. There's no need for a mental breakdown

>> No.11898129

>t. money

>> No.11898131

They're better not be any poor people breathing and touching my Ferrero Rocher.

>> No.11898133

how do you shill something free

>> No.11898163

>They must get paid off
gee ya think

>> No.11898172

Have you ever seen an ad for a tv show?

>> No.11898198

Luring redditors repost stuff from 4chan for upvotes all the time.

>> No.11898201

That's because they want you to pay for the streaming service it's on.

>> No.11898205

Network shows are free over the air, yet there are still ads for them.

>> No.11898208

>advertise on website that has helped shape internet culture for over a decade

>> No.11898211

Christ Brad just give it to her already. She's going insane. And the smell from her grool trail is bothering the other staff.

>> No.11898213

>implying it hasn’t
Meme culture started here.

>> No.11898221

I think you just give this place too much credit. For every 1 person that might go like one of BAs videos there are 10 out of touch neets who will try and burn it down.

>> No.11898226

Wow, Brad is negging the hell out of her all through this. Her frustration must feel like a frantic nest of ants.

>> No.11898229

I think you underestimate how manufactured everything that happens online is now. Nothing develops organically anymore, least of all fanbases

>> No.11898231

Dis nigga's right, obvi marketing ploy.
It's clear that BA is looking for viral fanfics of Claire's ginormous ass.

>> No.11898237

Is that some sort of piracy slang? You're supposed to pay the stream providers. That's what they expect when they make the show. It's illegal to just get the show anywhere you want.

>> No.11898249

Stop roleplaying as a retard. It’s gay and not funny.

>> No.11898250

rather than entertain the idea of there being shills on 4chan without solid proof, I'm more inclined to just believe that shill accusers are all schizos that are being overwhelmed by the amount of information they are reading from anonymous sources.

Schizos. If you're reading this, stop trying to put a face to the opinion. This blue box you're reading these words in are just that - blue boxes. Or just get off 4chan buddy. Take your meds.

>> No.11898251

He has several photos on his instagram taken from Fire Island

Interestingly enough Chris has a wife and children

>> No.11898257

Why wouldn’t there be shills on an anonymous image board? It’s way easier to do so here; you don’t need to make sock puppet accounts like they do on twitter.

>> No.11898258

idk what that is. and how is Chris gay for fucks sake.

>> No.11898267

because it's fallacious thinking.

When you are hooked to social media you want to think of yourself as being observant and watchful. The truth is, the shills you think you encounter are just other people who truly believe in bringing to this board the product, whether that be a youtube show or tech. You yourself shill for shit as well, but you would defend it. There is no middleman, we are all shills. so calling out 'shill! shill!' is redundant. You just don't like talking about how frumpy and dumpy claire is like everyone else does.

>> No.11898288

These BA threads showed up literally out of nowhere over the Summer, and were posted like clockwork every. single. day.

>> No.11898294

Advertising and consumerism are viruses that have infected every aspect of our culture. Our entire society is set up to sell us shit, and the internet is a game changing resource for marketers. If you think the amoral borderline sociopaths in advertising aren’t taking advantage of it, you’re beyond delusional.

>> No.11898298

That's what happens when a no-life anon decides an e-celeb is his waifu/husbando. /tv/ is full of these threads.

>> No.11898300

Do you think that shills just don’t exist on the internet? Because there’s an entire industry based around shilling online.

>> No.11898305

A beach community for mostly gays also Chris has a lisp and is a little bit effeminate I was surprised tbqh

>> No.11898307
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And this related to bon appetit shilling claire's ass how?

>> No.11898309

Threads were posted regardless of whether or not Claire or whoever was in the latest video.

>> No.11898310

Of course they exist, but /ck is a slow as fuck board; hardly /v or /tv

>> No.11898312

Do you have a brain injury that prevents you from properly forming connections?

>> No.11898314

I don't think Conde Nast Publishing would pay to get one of their contributors promoted online as a "braphog."

>> No.11898320

I don't think you understand what shilling is.

>> No.11898323

maybe. do you? everyone knows about astroturfing. But in this context it's ridiculous and grandstanding.

BTW I do it for free and will not quit until brad gives claire the dicking she deserves.

>> No.11898325

Only Claire and Brad videos get consistent threads. Andy videos were posted as a bait to hate on him for being gay and prissy.

>> No.11898328


>> No.11898330

Fuck off, shill.

>> No.11898331

They pay a marketing firm who contract out the work to 3rd worlders

>> No.11898338

Why is it so ridiculous to suggest that an internet video series is being advertised on the internet?

>> No.11898354

It is ridiculous. But sure, let's pretend this is a shill thread. And someone is paid to talk about how Claire is a fatass that sneaks treats off camera and lusts after Brad's penis. And despite BA being really good with the youtube algorithm and getting plenty of views without /ck/, some dude is getting paid for it. Sometimes smaller channels get posted here and even with every anon visiting it, the views only total up to 2~3 thousand. And that's on busier boards, not /ck/.

Its ridiculous but its so fucking stupid that I like it and am willing to believe it. Yes. Someone wrote a prompt for shills to talk about and sent it out to a bunch of people that post by the penny, to constantly talk about claire's sweaty anus. I dig it. Just like how claire's granny panties dig into her ass.

>> No.11898362

Why is it so ridiculous to suggest that an internet food video series is being posted by genuine people on on a food-centric image board?

>> No.11898370

It's not ridiculous to suggest. It's ridiculous to cry shill every thread seconds with zero proof.

>> No.11898371

Why is nobody talking about the fucking recipe?

I'm looking for the food and cooking board, anybody know where it's gone?

>> No.11898380

This is a Claire's moist anus appreciation board, dum dum

>> No.11898383

I'm surprised it's that simple to make Ferrero Rochers.

>> No.11898394

reminder to report OP for advertising.

>> No.11898404

>all those folds
>relief slits
>is one slit enough

>> No.11898405
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>ba threads
>people actually talking about the recipes

>> No.11898412

Notice how OP never mentioned any of that stuff. The shills are the ones making the threads.

>> No.11898430
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She really can't contain herself, at all.

>> No.11898435

right after this she feigns disgust at brads criticism and then laughs right away, because women who are too aroused need to play it off from fear of it being too obvious

>> No.11898461

Can you imagine the smell? I know Brad likes to talk up the benefits of garlic/allicin, how it's a sticky, two-part-epoxy like substance with endless health benefits. But why does he never talk about Clairicin? The sweet, musky ass juice that is infinitely dripping out of Claire's thicc derrière. The scent alone is enough to cure most diseases, but ingesting it will give you God-like powers that the world has never seen before.
Brad should really do an episode on this.

>> No.11898471


The waffle iron and molds are doing most of the work. Chopping, sifting, and then rechopping the toasted hazelnuts to ensure a uniform piece size for the outside coating is probably the hardest manual part. Seems like a simple yet laborious project. Also I did not know that Nutella and Ferrero Roche were owned by the same manufacturer or that the filling actually is Nutella.

>> No.11898472

t. paid BA shill

>> No.11898480

go buy some, its identical

>> No.11898504

Hellos Mister Boss, I have complete my assignment of to write on 4chans about Claire's large ass. If you require more please do the needful and revert to me another email
T. Pajeet

>> No.11899399
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>> No.11899525

She a Japanese born Chinese? Like O'Ren?

>> No.11899714

Great, now you're adding an incest angle for me to jerk it to.


>> No.11900138

American born Chinese of Malaysian descent who spent 2-3 years in Japan because her husbando worked there. Still cool though.

>> No.11900775

Are you purposely being dumb or are you genuinely that ignorant?

>> No.11900798

you fucking brap cunts ruined asp and now you're here fuck you all

>> No.11900802

I knew they were the same company but had no idea they used nutella in the rocher.

>> No.11900877

Inverse of her hair color. White with a dark stripe down the middle.

>> No.11901069


>> No.11901076

nobody bored of this shit yet? Yes, you can fairly well recreate most food products, as they are food products.

>> No.11901077

I haven’t watched the last three or so of these videos that came out

>> No.11901679


>> No.11901699

>rent free

>> No.11901727

I'm surprised people even started watching it.

>> No.11901730
File: 583 KB, 473x678, dontcry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes smaller channels get posted here
looking at you john, stay off of /ck/. your videos suck!
I love claire, but there is something about seeing a girl almost cry, so sexy. and she screws something up in every video. her look of disappointment is priceless. pic related is todays.

>> No.11901736

>I'm surprised people even started watching it.
I am not, dummy.

>> No.11901790

those who likes Brad, tell me

are you a girl ?

>> No.11901793

>confronting the autistic children with logical facts
I don't think that's ever going to work here, m8

>> No.11901815

What did that anon mean about disgusting

>> No.11901979

>believing that internet videos are advertised on the internet is autistic

>> No.11901983

Not on the internet in general, anon. Here. In this specific instance.

>> No.11902143

Chris is obviously bi-sexual. He's into having sex with guys but also wants some wholesome time with his wife and kids in his sexless marriage. Do you think it's a coincidence that he shares his cubicle with Andy? Andy is so leaning into his gayness that you have to be blind and death to not know he's a homo. I could die a happy death after getting split-roasted by Chris and Andy, but, no homo.

>> No.11902197

I love watching Condé Nasts Bon Appétit. As the leading arbiter of taste, its home-grown talent and tireless dedication to recipe testing separates it from the competition by miles.

It has become a habit of mine to drive to my local McDonalds® establishment to get the one and only, Big Mac® and binge-watch Bon Appétit. This 100% beef burger tastes like no other and is a perfect companion to the award-winning No. 1 food lifestyle brand. It contains no artificial flavors, preservatives or added colors from artificial sources.

Bon Appétit is where food and culture meet.

>> No.11902220

Based and sh'illed.

>> No.11902230

Why do you guys watch a 30 minute video of some person doing this stuff every week? Why not just watch the end and skip all the "quirky" stuff?

>> No.11902259

>Why watch a two hour long movie when you can just skip all of it to see how it ends

>> No.11902265

>full script with tons of time and effort
>people just bullshitting

>> No.11902288

>Life is just endless amounts of people bullshitting, why not just end it all to skip all the quirky stuff.

>> No.11902389

>wild generalization completely ignoring the facts being discussed
yes, you are autistic

>> No.11902484

See it's this kind of logic that makes shills think they can get away with this sort of shill posting

>> No.11902508

I want shills to keep posting BA. I want to continue to post comments about Claire's voluptuous cottage cheese ass being spread apart around my face. If you have a problem with this you're a gigantic faggot and /lgbt/ is that > way.

>> No.11902533

>- sir, our earnings this quarter have increased by 15% while mantaining the prevalence between the 20-30 demographic...

>> No.11902791
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>you will never be that engineer who designed the Ferrero Rocher production line.
Chefs are faggots in comparison.

>> No.11902853

too many walnuts. she should have rolled it on a sheet with a interspersed walnuts rather than in a bowl full of them

>> No.11902867

>golden Rocher
Why are you calling it that?

>> No.11902876

Of course ____not, just a gay man

>> No.11902886


>> No.11902888

There are COLONIZED and BLACKED versions of Ferrero Rocher.

>> No.11902914

>Dumbass wh*te girls don't properly store shit
>Probably have piles of expired flour and grains, moth eggs hatch and invade their pantry
>Record video of highest-priced item in their cesspool cabinet
Let us not forget that all wom*n are lying whores who just seek attention and money from men.

>> No.11902932

It also happened to some arab guy that posted a video on liveleak, seems to be as common as moth larvae in pistachios.

>> No.11903257

>Pastry chef attempts
Still not a pastry chef

>> No.11903581
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>> No.11903646

>being this anti-fun