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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11891026 No.11891026 [Reply] [Original]

What have we made today, cu/ck/s? Share it here
I made some baklava

>> No.11891031
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>> No.11891079

very nice.
almond though?

>> No.11891090

Do you mind sharing the recipe?
I got a Peruvian professional baking book and I don't know how I messed up doing some egg bread (looks exactly like Hawaiian buns) and now I feel really unconfident and need to try something different

>> No.11891094

I made a coconut milk iced coffee.

>> No.11892068

buttermilk biscuits this morning
cinnamon raisin rolls with butter rum icing last night

>> No.11892519
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Yes, it's subtler than you might think though
Sure m8, 1/2

>> No.11892523
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Don't hesitate to really soak each layer with butter when you're assembling it and it'll come out fine, I'm not very good at cooking generally and I could do it

>> No.11892537

>almonds mixed with walnuts
>honey mixed with sugar syrup
>only cinnamon and cloves
This is a garbage recipe and you should feel bad for making it when better, more authentic baklava recipes are also easier.

>> No.11892559
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Made a mushroom, onion, and potato pan-omelette for breakfast with some garlic loaf bread. It was really good. I used herbs Provence and a little butter. I didn’t want to overcook the onions, so I moved them and the cooked mushrooms to a bowl while I slowly cooked the potatoes. The mushrooms and onions were just marinating in their olive oil and herbs for about 10 minutes. It was so good I could have eaten only that. I think I will use that technique later in the week. Maybe I’ll add carrots and make it a vegetable side.

>> No.11892568

that's a frittata numbnuts...

>> No.11892576

I made a liter of coffee now I'm drinking it

>> No.11892579

sorry I don't speak spanish, pal

>> No.11892614

I'm not your pal, bud

>> No.11892662

I'm not your bud, guy

>> No.11893109

>muh authenticity

>> No.11893141

Make your own phyllo and I’ll be impressed

>> No.11893243
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I was out of the house all afternoon at the library, like a fucking NERD.
So I just browned some meat and threw it in the pot with some cabbage and carrots for a couple hours while I was out.
I only used one of these pieces.

>> No.11893249
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Pretty much goes without saying, but some onions, garlic, a jalapeno, some thyme and rosemary, and a little cumin as well as salt and pepper went in there as well.

>> No.11893253
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And a beer

>> No.11893260
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Delicious, hearty, and practically no work at all.
I went pretty easy on the cabbage because I want to use the rest for soon in a day or two but there's still plenty of flavour.

>> No.11893389

Made vegetarian lasagna. Bechamel too thin, pasta didn't soak the sauce. 9/10 taste wise, 0/10 texture wise, liquid as fuck. Feels undetermined.

>> No.11893407

I prefer the pre-boil the pasta at least a little and use a fairly dry sauce. I just think I can get more consistent results that way.
I make the bechamel very thick usually. Just adding the ol' mix of cold water and flour while it's on the stove until I get it where I want it.

>> No.11893410
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Looks good fellas. Here's a stromboli my friend and I made.

>> No.11893420

>9/10 taste wise, 0/10 texture wise
That's not how it works. If everything else is terrible, the best the taste can be is a 3 at most. Unless what you're saying is you're imagining it would be a nine if the texture was how it should be, but it's not.

>> No.11893559 [DELETED] 

So for you texture is taste? Not for me.

>> No.11893792

Looks good, man

>> No.11893809


you just left an open flame unattended in your house?

>> No.11895370
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I made a pumpkin pie

>> No.11895419

I made some low tier chunky beef cabbage stew in a pressure cooker. I browned the meat and lightly browned the onion/carrots/celery and used old vegetable trimmings and reserved beef fat to make the stock. Maybe it's in my head but I think it added a lot to the flavor. I couldn't find the other bay leaf. Out of a 10 in chef skill, I'm a 3, but I really enjoyed the end product cause I like green cabbage and I got a lot out of very little effort.

>> No.11895429

im a barista and i get at least a fifty orders for coconut milk lattes a day but i still have yet to try it, maybe i finally will tomorrow. what does coconut milk taste like?

>> No.11895433

im not your guy, friend

>> No.11895716
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Ohh that looks fucking gross, wonder what it’s gonna be.

>> No.11895720
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Let’s make it tomatoey

>> No.11895728
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Let’s make it orangey

>> No.11895734
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Add a couple of these chicken nuggers

>> No.11895742
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Wa la.
Samosas from Trader Joe’s and I made some naan but since I don’t have a rolling pin it was a little too thick. So it tasted good but was ugly and not pictured.

>> No.11895762


>> No.11895780
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Chip steak + beef kidney + whole wheat puff pastry pie

>> No.11895785


>> No.11895789

why are we all cooking alone
and not cooking together as one big fat family

>> No.11895794

>authentic but also better and easier
Ignorance is not really an excuse for incompetence when the internet exists.

>> No.11895795
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Pressure cooker chocolate sponge cake with chocolate brown butter buttercream. I know I cooked it for too long but it was my first try. Made it in individual 4oz ramekins. Whole wheat flour.

>> No.11895796

>Born alone
>Cook alone
>Die alone
Just the way it is I guess.

>> No.11895799

it's fine don't be such a pussy

>> No.11895814

Oatmeal raisin, cinnamon, cocoa powder, chili powder, and smoked paprika

>> No.11895819
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>> No.11896061
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teriyaki marinaded chicken, seasoned, and pan fried in olive oil and leftover bacon grease. Once cooked, added chicken stock and a little white wine and let it cook down a bit before adding the mushrooms and carrots. Turned out OK, but I've still got a lot to learn.

>> No.11896081

nice job nigger

>> No.11896083

Electric stove.
Although I agree with the other guy that you're a total pussy.

>> No.11896109

I'll leave stock boiling on low or a pot roast that is going 5-7 hours and pressure cookers are entirely safe to leave since they turn to keep warm after its done.

>> No.11896113

I have a gas stove. I'll leave it if it is on low for making stock. Go watch a movie or something.

>> No.11896117

Low key risk taking like this is totally safe until all the times it other people over. But you'll be fine. Nothing bad has ever happened to you or people you know so you'll be fine. It only happens to other people.

>> No.11896121
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This is out of control. All of you should report to jail.

>> No.11896142

>Pressure cooker chocolate sponge cake
What's the purpose of a pressure cooker for cake?

>> No.11896162

I haven't ever made a cake in a pressure cooker but I can guess at a few things I'm guessing.
1. Pressure Cooker keeps a moisture-rich environment with steam. The cake will likely stay quite moist
2. Pressure Cooker can hit WAY higher energies than any other method of cooking all the while not risk burning or drying things out, so it's probable that it drastically reduces the time it takes to make.

>> No.11896210
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I got a tub of gochujang a while back so I've got to make it work

>> No.11896214

yeah man you need to get some control on what's going on. Attention to detail, attention to detail.

>> No.11896251

to have a steamed moist cake

>> No.11896275

Not that guy, but I know my stove and my pressure cooker pretty well. I know how to set them up so the pressure stays up but doesn't build to a dangerous level, even over many hours. Even if the pressure did get too high I would only blow the valve, not the entire device. You'd have to REALLY feed some energy into it for that to happen with a modern pressure cooker. Or do something retarded like messing with the valve because you can't accept a few water droplets coming out or it etc.

Would I leave a new cooker I didn't know for hours by itself? No.
But I'm perfectly confident in the one I have.

Why would a gas flame be any more of a risk than an electric hotplate anyway? It's not spraying flames in random directions, you know. It's a low controlled burn that you hopefully aren't storing precarious pile of laundry next to or something.

>> No.11896639

wtf is that bullshit?

>> No.11896890

Recipe for the naan and curry?

>> No.11896904

took a couple months, but i can make a pretty good pork chop. eating one now.

>> No.11896992

not him but coconut milk doesn't really have a flavour when you mix it into coffee. it mostly just enhances the coffee flavour if that makes sense

>> No.11897903

Update: like always, it's better reheated. Still a bit too runny, but I'm very happy with the aromatics. Feels excellent.

>> No.11897926

How do you prevent green cabbage from getting bitter?

>> No.11897932

I'm not your friend, anon.

>> No.11897937

Made some cauliflower rice. Not too bad.

>> No.11898442

>taste includes texture
Someone needs to be told there: >>11898279

>> No.11898548
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I made sourdough bread today.