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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11890854 No.11890854 [Reply] [Original]

CK I'm on acid right now so I've lost all concept of what is and what isn't a cookie.

Do you like pre-made cookies?

>> No.11890861

jesus christ, this is another ramen thread. keep me updated.

>> No.11890870

There is no cookie

>> No.11890874

Dude think about how fucked up it is that we kill animals for food. Cruel.

>> No.11890930
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The best

>> No.11890947

I thought real acid didn't exist anymore?
Anyway, try mescaline. It's worth the effort of obtaining, skinning, despining, blending, brewing and worst of all, swallowing.

>> No.11891115

you should move on to the Brookie
this is the freeman's cookie

>> No.11891137
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I like how every drug user is just incapable of not having a completely disgusting living space.

Hardcore alcoholics can at least clean up after themselves but even fucking weed smokers seem to be leaving several piss cups around, having all their underwear near their monitor, refuse everywhere, and haven't vacuumed in a month. Do drugs just not make you motherfuckers care? Because I care about stepping into your place and bringing roach eggs and bedbugs home.

>> No.11891150

bro it's just like matter man just like you man have some respect. ur the same stuff dude

>> No.11891172

Don't freak out when you open your oven door and your "cookies" have turned into a pie. If it looks black and a billow of smoke appears before you when you open the oven don't freak out - you've just burnt your cookies because you're high as fuck and forgot about your timer.

>> No.11891202

>Hardcore alcoholics can at least clean up after themselves
Fat lie and you know it. The houses of hardcore alcoholics are total messes, the only exception is if they live with family who clean up after them like they're still a child. They also shit/piss themselves on the floor which I've only ever seen alcoholics do.

>> No.11891215

>imagine taking hallucinogens and then just sit around on 4chan
>imagine pretending this to justify your thread

>> No.11891246

this post is so ass backwards, my dad was a heavy boozer and his room always was untidy as shit, never vacuumed or cleaned his desk off, couldn't even be bothered to clean a vomit stain off of his carpet, on the other hand my druggie ass managed to keep a spotless room

>> No.11891255

I literally am the most hardcore alcoholic I know and I always make sure to make sure the dishes are done and the trash is taken out. The sheets are washed every 3 to 4 days. My laundry is done constantly. You've only dealt with dumb fuck alcoholics. You know how many of your dad's friends were straight up alcoholics were keeping it together? There's a reason the term functional alcoholic exists.

>> No.11891258

you're delusional if you think you represent the majority of alcoholics, you're the 1%.

>> No.11891260


>> No.11891261

I don't know, maybe you guys knew suicidal assholes. Every pot smoker I've met in real life looked exactly like the OP and every other poster we've seen here with weed accessories near the desk. I've known some people putting down a full bottle of booze every night that had reasonable clean places.

Regardless habitual users of weed or any hard substance are usually a goddamned mess.

>> No.11891274

Nice lie, Mr liar.

>> No.11891279

OP's gonna read this thread and see you guys bitching about how messy his room is and he's going to go paranoid and start frantically cleaning his room while contemplating the implications of his untidyness for hours while having a panic attack.

At least that's what I'd do on acid.

>> No.11891288

Hey I lost all my fingers, but I can still type perfectly and punctuate.

>> No.11891352

You can buy 1p-lsd on the internet legally. Regular stuff exists too, and the RCs are mindblowingly good.

>> No.11891680


not only denying but having the nerve to call a truthteller a liar to cover up your own degeneracy has convinced me you filthy dude weed lmaos and acidheads need to be treated just like the deceitful, backhanded kikes you are. You are not the future, /our future/ will be cleansed of this degeneracy. Hard times create strong men.

>> No.11891689

Same minus the panic attack. I always end up deep cleaning something on acid. It's cathartic, especially on the comedown.

>> No.11891815

>Projecting this hard
I don't do drugs. Just pointing out that alcohol addicts shit and piss their pants and aren't normal or clean people. Anyone who denies this hasn't met many alcoholics or is in absolute denial.
>You think alcohol addiction is bad? YOU MUST BE A DRUG ADDICT!
Very convincing argument, kid.
>That cringe /pol/ word-vomit rant at the end
Cringed hard. It's ironic that you would call someone degenerate for saying alcoholism is bad. Your logic is twisted and I'd like to see you build your little fantasy future with men addicted to alcohol. I would bet you're underage. That rant reeks of underaged naivety.

>> No.11891841

>crispy on the edges, chewy in the middle
so fucking good

>> No.11891855

>Don't freak out when you open your oven door and your "cookies" have turned into a pie
Woah, that sounds like a total trip, man. Like, a PIE.

>> No.11891860

I really only like chocolate chip cookies when they're piping hot out of the oven.

Now oatmeal cookies with cream cheese frosting. There's a cookie

>> No.11892101

those aren't cookies

they're inter dimensional demons

use the fork on your left to murder them and then squeeze their lifeblood out and use it as a sauce for your cookies

>> No.11892205

>Hard times create strong men.
Such a shame you grew up in easy times, isn't it?

>> No.11892509

No, he's had a very difficult life. He had to cry over imaginary caricatures of "stacies," "chads," and had to imagine that "tyrones" were stealing his white women that belong to him, all while being well fed and being born into more resources than most humans will ever touch in their life.

>> No.11892597
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>> No.11892622

americans a mistake

>> No.11892756

It's more like not caring makes you more likely to do drugs.
But the first time someone accidentally smokes crack they're going to clean the whole house.

>> No.11892832

Lmao you're so out of touch my man
LSD-25 exists, but so does 1P-LSD and NBOMes if that's what you were referring to