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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11890513 No.11890513 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you drinking Natty Ice, /ck/? You do know it has to lowest calories by highest ABV ratio, right?

>> No.11890519


>> No.11890538

i dated a gril that would put down a 16oz 6pack and order too much pizza and wings and then not eat and keep drinking.
she was fucking adorable and sexy and when she was finally hungry, she would destroy the fucking wings.

>> No.11891660
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>not drinking the superior 8% Natty Daddy

>> No.11891671

Cool blog, dude. How do I unsubscribe though?

>> No.11891737

>You do know it has to lowest calories by highest ABV ratio, right?
ma'am tgat's vodka

>> No.11891739

I think I've gotten hungover too many times on beer and now my body rejects it. I can't drink the stuff without gagging.

>> No.11891759

what is with that crap soda infestation of CK?

>> No.11891852
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But I am drinking it.
Yes, its 5:23 AM on a Monday.
The time is now.

>> No.11892049
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>> No.11892057
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natty light masterrace reporting

>> No.11892074

Natty Ice is for a regular night, Daddy's are reserved for getting fucked up.

>> No.11892094

3 of those would get you loaded

>> No.11892248

you sound like pussies

>> No.11892255


>> No.11892309

fuck outta here with that bitchass attitude.
We are all nattybros regardless of your preferred natty.

>> No.11892347

shut the fuck up you retarted faggot

>> No.11892468

>I'm proud to be more of an alcoholic than you

>> No.11892532

>a regular night,
what if I have lost control of my life and every night is drunken revelry?

>> No.11892623

you haven't lost control of anything if said drunken revelry was planned and desirable

>> No.11892630

If you're going to do something, at least do it right. Be the best at whatever you do. If you are not the best at anything then what good are you?

>> No.11892676

last week i shit in the sink and apparently tried to flush it with the spray nozzle and came to the next day with poopwater all over my kitchen
besides the poop it was fun

>> No.11893374
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holy kek
look at these assblasted sissies who can't handle more than a few beers

>> No.11893386


>> No.11893404

You had one job...

>> No.11893415

I have a feeling he has NO job lmao

>> No.11893425

>I shit in the sink
>All over my kitchen
This is /ck/

>> No.11893441

Kek good point. He's probably gotta IV the last few cans whenever he needs to go out and buy more.

>> No.11893525
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Is it better than pic related? I currently have a 15 rack of this in my fridge.

>> No.11893531

>lowest calories by highest ABV ratio, right?

Just drink whiskey then...

>> No.11893624

The White Man's Steel Reserve

>> No.11894353

We don't get steel reserve above 6% here so we kinda have to settle. Hurricane High Gravity and Natty Daddy are the only 8% options in 25oz cans if you don't want some fucking Four Loko/Lime-A-Rita trash.
Also, I've only ever seen white people drinking steel reserve.

>> No.11895155

check this kino out


>> No.11895237

Keystone Ice is rough as hell, but cheaper than the natty I think

>> No.11895327

desu the main reason I drink keystone ice is because I support Molson-Coors more as a company than AB-InBev

>> No.11895391

Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.11895585

Awe. Incels.
Cheer up!

>> No.11895598

thanks for the kek anon, my roommates used to get mad at me for doing things like this. glad i'm not the only retard around

>> No.11895603

one of my favorite kinos. reminds me of my friends and i in college

>> No.11895621

you're in awe?

>> No.11895676


>> No.11895809
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U wot

>> No.11895827
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y'all are the real niggers on this board

natty haters will try to put us down, but in the end they only make us stronger, make us crave those nattys even more, we may move on to others beers as we grown older, but the natty dads will stay with us forever

currently a junior at an SEC uni and have put down at least thousands of natural fathers over these last couple years

we'll all make it

>> No.11895852
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Natty Ice/Light ain't even that bad.

If the price is right, it's a very decent macro brew to guzzle in the company of strangers.

What >95% of posters on here don't get is that macro brews like this get pushed onto normalfags all the time, and a majority of the time, those normalfags will drink that swill and be fine with it because it's either free or there was a very small "buy in" price to purchase such a large amount of beer, with a suitably large crowd funding its purchase.

Almost 100% of this beer will be consumed by 17-24 year old imbibers. They won't care what it tastes like, so long as they can get it down between bong rips and that it sits neutrally between bong rips, and helps the member of their opposing sex take their pants off.

This beer is neither positive or negative. It serves a role. It does so reliably. It's not tasty, it's not offensive. It will taste the same way for years on end as long as it's cold.

There are worse offenders than this, but this is a very neutral piss-water that gets men and women to take their pants off so that they can have fun.

That said, I wouldn't recommend it when there's even cheaper Lone Star or higher proof Ice House to be had.

Sorry for rambling, am drunk.

>> No.11895962

>Drinking beer
>Not drinking to get drunk
What's the point? Alcohol tastes like shit, if you're not trying to get drunk, then that's just a waste.

>> No.11896011

Same, but my blonde wife with DDDs and a big ass

>> No.11896119

but beer tastes good and gets you a good buzz, drinking beer to get drunk is for children, it usually takes my 15-20 beers to get drunk off of beer, but it just feels right to put down a nice natural father

you got it all wrong man, i'm drunk to so don't worry

natural light is all about introducing yourself to light beer, and as much as frat culture is hated, god damn is it fun. i can't tell you the amount of beers i've drank, but just going into my buddy's house an popping a cold one and watching hockey/football/cfb/cbasketball/NBA game with the lads while putting down some of the greatest beer america has to offer

natural light isn't just a beer, it's a way of life and a culture, yes there is better beer, but after a long hot days work, you best bet i'm going for the sixer of tall boy natties

>> No.11896130

What an exhilarating and informative place

>> No.11896294

>natural light isn't just a beer, it's a way of life and a culture, yes there is better beer, but after a long hot days work, you best bet i'm going for the sixer of tall boy natties

I'm drunk, too and we're agreeing with eachother.

With such a beer, we're not talking about the subjective experience of the beer itself, rather, the experience on the whole, which is more than fine by me.

>> No.11896521

Why wouldn't you just drink cheap liquor and diet pepsi?

>> No.11896742

natty light is the preferred beer of low income boomers
natty ice is the preferred beer of low income doomers

that is all, thank you for coming to my Tedx talk

>> No.11897099
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The Father

>> No.11897520

fuck yeah brother

there is no better father than a natural father