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File: 41 KB, 580x270, bottled-vs-can-vs-fountain-pop-soda-coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11889297 No.11889297 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best?
If you think they're all the same, your tongue is broken.

>> No.11889301


>> No.11889302
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This one.

>> No.11889304


>> No.11889305

let me see
>warm soda in bottle
>warm soda in can
>oh look at that some goddamn ice

>> No.11889309

Fountain if done right > can > bottle

>> No.11889315

Damn, you have to be really talented to tell the temperature of a liquid from looks alone.

>> No.11889321

Glass bottle, followed by plastic, followed by can, followed by fountain.
Fountain sodas are always watered down so that the owner can squeeze a quarter of a cent more profit out of the highest cost-efficient product they sell. Can's are convenient to drive with, and opening them is very satisfying. But bottled soda tastes better, and glass bottles are the most kino.

>> No.11889322

The can has condensation on it.

>> No.11889329

The can is sweating, meaning the internal temperature is markedly lower than the temperature of the air around it. That canned soda is fresh and chill as fuck.

>> No.11889331

Glass bottle.

>> No.11889337


>> No.11889354

Can. Always can

>> No.11889355

Bottle because it's resealable. Paper cup soda is by far the worst because the consistency's all fucked up in those machines and you don't even get the benefit of buying a sealed product instead of disgusting communal pump crap.

>> No.11889368

The worlds shittiest beer is marketed as coldest. Cold makes shit things taste better. Drinking something warmer would give a more accurate experience.

>> No.11889371

Glass obviously

>> No.11889375

mexican glass> mcdonald's > >mini can >can > other fountains >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plastic

>> No.11889381

Pepsi and coke taste the same

>> No.11889384

Glass bottle > fountain > plastic bottle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coca-cola concentrate mixed into cold water for stomach pain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can

>> No.11889391


>> No.11889424

Good bait

>> No.11889427
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Fountain >>>>> can >>> plastic bottle

>> No.11889429

Can poured into a cup full of ice> the rest

>> No.11889430

>drinking corn syrup water


>> No.11889438

I'm serious

>> No.11889445

i believe you
i failed the pepsi challenge

>> No.11889449


Almost perfect

glass bottle >>>>>> fountain >>>>> can >>>>> plastic bottle

>> No.11889462

Pepsi tastes just a tad bit sweeter and lighter than coke does. Did you clear your pallete between taste tests? Coke has a much bolder taste.

>> No.11889465

Why is it that sprite from Taco Bell is 10x stronger than it is from the bottle

>> No.11889470


based and glasspilled

>> No.11889488

McDick's Coke is something else, apparently it and their Sprite are a slightly tweaked formula.
All other fountain drinks are garbage though

>> No.11889698

That’s why Mexican Coke exists, anon.

>> No.11889703

So does Dr Pepper, but I really don’t see anyone complaining about that

>> No.11889709

this. can is smooth, bottle seems extra fizzy, and fountain is dirty and gross.

>> No.11889727

bottle > can > fountain

>> No.11889752

bottled. the fountain drinks taste like water, canned is too carbonated

>> No.11889881


>> No.11889920

this guy. but so many fountain places fuck up. also, why does bottled coke and can coke taste so different, the bottle stuff seems too syrupy or something, or is it all in my head?

>> No.11889940

Glass bottle >can> fountain >>>>>>>>>>> plastic bottle

>> No.11889949

for me, I prefer drinking it out of a hookers asshole

>> No.11889952

Based! Boy or gril hooker?

>> No.11890022

2019 gender doesn't matter

>> No.11890040

McDonalds fountain > Subway fountain > all other fountain > can = bottle = glass
McDonalds has the best fountain coke anywhere. They formulate that shit to taste good. Subway is a close second.
All cans, bottles and other pre packed shit all tastes the same. Idk how you faggots can tell the difference. It all comes from the same place.

>> No.11890072

What's Mexican Pepsi taste like

>> No.11890083
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seriously why does coke taste better in a glass bottle? is it a mental trick?

>> No.11890086

of course not, water tastes different as well depending the container

>> No.11890249

It tastes better out of glass bottle because it just do, taste is a subjective experience so it's not a 'trick'. That's why I hate blind taste tests so much, they're so goddam pointless.

>> No.11890254

glass coke is made with sugar instead of hfcs

>> No.11890258

Glass Bottle Mexican Coke > Glass Bottle Coke > Canned Coke > Good Fountain Coke > Plastic Bottle Coke > Bad (the usual) Fountain Coke.

This is indisputable.

>> No.11890566

>Idk how you faggots can tell the difference.
You should see a doctor, anon. Your tongue is broken.

>> No.11890588

>no glass bottle

>> No.11890620

Only the stuff imported from Mexico. They also have HFCS Coke in glass, but only in 6 pack cases with 8oz bottles.

>> No.11890652

glass bottle > can > McDonald's fountain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plastic bottle

>> No.11890664

Coke for drinking by itself or in mixed drinks. But Pepsi can form the basis for a decent ham glaze, believe it or not. I've tried it with store-brand cola, actual coca cola, and pepsi, and pepsi was hands-down the best way to do it. Coca Cola had too much of a bite, and mixed with the salty was disgusting. The store brands were either too sweet, or not syrupy enough. But it really is good. Look up some recipes and try it out if you like ham.
in b4
>americans actually do this

>> No.11890669

McD's fountain coke is different from other fountain coke.
They use steel containers, not plastic bags, for the syrup.

>> No.11890691

PET bottles release polymers on the liquid, changing the flavor, this amplifies if the bottles receives sun light. Metal cans when heated will allow the CO2 to escape faster, also changing the flavor

>> No.11890706

Also I'm pretty sure the flavor from the fountain depends on how clean the water from the place is, as it's the one used to make it

>> No.11890864

What's Mexican Pepsi taste like?

>> No.11890927

Guys I tried the Mountain Dew AMP Charged Berry Blast for the for the first time and it's one of the best sodas i've ever had. I put it off for awhile because I thought it was gonna taste like another piss tasting energy drink but boy I was wrong. It tastes exaxtly like cotton candy which I never expected to taste so good as a soda. It's not even overly sweet like a cream soda where you're taking small sips. You can take gulps of this and still get that nice crisp soda feel.

11/10. Didn't know Mountain Dew could put out something good.

Also just to sorta stay on topic. Fountain soda is the fucking worst because the pour is way too harsh making the soda a bit flat tasting. I also would rather not use vending machines for soda.

>> No.11890932

Glass but besides that can > plastic > fountain

Fountain is too watered down

>> No.11890948

This is a shitty opinion. Cola with sugar instead of HFCS is worse because it has an odd after taste in a similar vein to diet cola. Also the burn is oddly not as strong with real sugar. We are tricked to think sugar would taste better but it's not the case. I've tried drinking those glass bottled Mexican cokes for 6 months and it's just not as good as regular coke with HFCS

>> No.11890951

You must drink a lot of soda

>> No.11890982

God damn right. I barely drink Cola any more but i like trying different types of soda so every couple days i'll hunt down something unique to try. 2-3 sodas a week is not worse than half the shit people put in their on this board.

>> No.11891404

Bumping so i can shill this post. Mountain Dew Charged Berry Blast is a gift from god.

>> No.11891458


>> No.11891519

>better than anything

>> No.11891639

i prefer fountain>can>glass>plastic

>> No.11891758


>> No.11891778

Why does the fountain ones taste so good? It's baffling.

>> No.11891820

My nearby deli sells Mexican glass bottle coke, it's amazing bros.

>> No.11891824

cinema fountain > glass > can > fast food fountain > piss > PET bottle

>> No.11891830

Can, they're the best way to store liquids safe from light and temperature, also the slight metallic tinge makes carborated drinks taste so much better.

>> No.11891837

I strongly disagree, Coke has a hint of caramel which Pepsi is lacking, but Pepsi feels more refreshing because of it.

>> No.11891839

Youve reminded me of salted caramel Pepsi.

It was like chemical warfare in my mouth

>> No.11891846

the glass cools with the drink, so when you feel the cold bottle against your lips it appears to taste better than a plastic bottle.
plastic doesn't transfer heat well so a pet bottle will be lukewarm even if the contents are cold.
try chilling a drinking glass in the fridge and pour a plastic bottle of coke into it. it won't taste too different from coke out of a glass bottle.
it's also why metal cans appear to taste nicer, as evidenced by multiple posts in this thread:

it has nothing to do with the ingredients or chemicals, like these to couch chemists seem to believe:

>> No.11891867

Except they have distinct tastes becaise od the real sugar. Same with Pepsi throwback vs Pepsi original

>> No.11891871

nothing but a myth.

>> No.11891875

>try chilling a drinking glass in the fridge and...
we believe you

>> No.11891888

ah one of those. i see

>> No.11891955

Interesting, ill try to chilll my drinking glass

>> No.11892009

Beats me. They don’t really sell it over here

>> No.11892016

Glass > can > fountain >>>>>>>>>> plastic bottle

Like, wtf is even going on? Why is plastic such shit? It literally has less taste

>> No.11892024

Coke tastes better in a glass bottle but Pepsi tastes better in a can

>> No.11892031

Release of compounds (like antimony) by PET bottles is well documented, faggot

>> No.11892050

Glass bottle.

>> No.11892134
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For me, it's a nice, cold, refreshing glass bottle of Eãn.

>> No.11892144

RC cola

>> No.11892180

can Pepsi>fountain Coke

>> No.11892728

glass bottle>can>plastic bottle>fountain

Fountain is always too watery

>> No.11892740

Not restaurants with coke freestyle

>> No.11892761

Fountain > bottle > can

>> No.11893043
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>nothing but a myth.
Bow down to your HFCS overlord.

>> No.11893062

Fountain > Glass Bottle >>> Can >>>>>>>> Plastic Bottle

Fountains are hit and miss though, most drive thrus get it perfect but restaurants have it way too carbonated and watery

>> No.11893081
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>> No.11893123

people always talk about the mexican one. but literally only because it has real sugar. which is a good reason. but remember that all coke except in america is made with real sugar. americans get fucking scammed with their shit

>> No.11894267
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>The can is sweating

>> No.11894728

they don't use hfcs in yurope, americuck :^)

i don't drink that over-sweetened garbage anyway

>> No.11894896

Mex Pepsi is awesome, it benefits from real sugar waaaaay more than Coke does.
Drank a ton of it when I was there, and I rarely even drink soda normally.

>> No.11894986

Good fountain > Glass bottle > Plastic (assuming proper storage) > Can > Bad fountain

Fountains are inherently inconsistent because of the ratio valve and the freshness of the syrup being monitored. McDonalds is usually your best bet. The worst version is a shitty fountain and anybody who has had one knows what i'm talking about.

Glass is second best, it retains freshness for the longest by far so carbonation is consistently better. Glass adds no flavor to the drink and is shaped to formulate bubbles better.

Plastic if not left out in the sun is the next best. It does add a bit of a taste but it isn't too bad and the shape is better for the carbonation.

Can is next, adds a metallic taste to everything. Best avoided.

As for Coca-Cola itself, my preferred version is the HFCS variety. Nothing has the same bite and flavor profile. Second best is "Kosher Coke" which is the American cane sugar variety produced near passover. It's got a different flavor, it's sweeter and lighter but still has a decent bite. Last is Mexican Coke which always tastes watered down and weak.

>> No.11895017

huh surprised first post hit it right so quickly

>> No.11895036

Have you even tried them both? Throwback Pepsi tastes less sweeter than regular Pepsi, since it only uses sugar to sweeten it instead of both sugar AND high fructose corn syrup together. That's primarily why Pepsi tastes so sickeningly sweet compared to Coke.

>> No.11895086

McDonald’s fountain coke is something else when you’re fucking hungover

Idk why, but a large fry, quarter pounder with cheese and a fucking coke can do wonders

>> No.11896017

So it's Pepsi throwback

>> No.11897139

An Ice Cold Can of Conk is God-Tier.
Fountain Conk withe just the right amount of Ice is Great-tier.
Estrogen filled plastic bottled conk is shit-tier.

>> No.11897217
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>they don't use hfcs in yurope, americuck :^)
Then you really have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, eurodouche,

>> No.11897224

This. Bottles suck for some reason. Maybe because it's not as satisfying

>> No.11897336

Quit drinking that cancer.

>> No.11897398

They're all literally carbonated syrup marketed as a drink don't drink any of these

>> No.11897399

nah i'm just telling you americucks that glass coke and plastic coke "taste" differently even if the ingredients are the same. you wouldn't know since you don't have access to real coke on plastic bottle.

>> No.11897415

fuck soda

>> No.11897470

as long as the drink is cold it doesn't matter

>> No.11897472

I don't care what type of shit it is, it's still shit.

>> No.11897778

Found the soyboys.

>> No.11897819

Fountain is superior
>Comes out cold
>Freshly made with syrup
Next is can
>Stays fizzy for as long as you drink it
>Gets nice and cold in the fridge
>Stays cold
Then bottle
>Tends to lose its fizz before you're done drinking it unless you're American
>Doesn't retain cold as much
Last and certainly least, Coke Freestyle
>You want Coke?
>Too bad, enjoy the taste of 600 other sodas and drinks

>> No.11898048

You could always let water run through a few seconds on a Freestyle machine first before choosing a Coke, you fucking autist.

>> No.11898497
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Funny thing is, they actually used to sell Coke fountain syrup in milk cartons.

>> No.11898505

Fountain if it is really syrupy.

Otherwise can.

>> No.11900335


>ywn pour pure CocaCola syrup over a bowl of Frosted Flakes for breakfast

>> No.11900372

Canned pop and beer is the best. Any brand.

>> No.11900814

If you tap on the button on a soda fountain about once a second, instead of holding it down, you get more of the syrup in the drink, making it sweeter. Therefore, a fountain is the best.

Between bottle and can, doesn't matter, as long as it's chilled and poured into a glass. If the bottle itself is glass, that's Mexican coke, and it's better than literally everything else.

>> No.11901541

Mexican Coke is weak and placebo. You can get full strength HFCS in a glass bottle too.

>> No.11901995
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HFCS Coke is sold in glass too

>> No.11902020

can tastes the most authentic to me. right balance between fizz and sweetness
fountain is nice because it's usually more fizzy, but can be sweeter depending on the restaurant.
bottle is usually sweeter than the other two and goes flat faster.
t. soda savant

>> No.11902049

McDonald’s fountain pop can be the best sometimes but I’d choose glass overall

>> No.11902064

And it is shipped cold I believe

>> No.11902520


>> No.11902577

>making it sweeter
>Therefore, a fountain is the best
If all you want is sugar, you could just grab some sweetener packets and dump them in.

>> No.11902610

You believe wrong.

>> No.11902693

It is around here... in the winter. Heh heh.

>> No.11902709
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>> No.11903536

I looked it up and it's that they keep the syrup and water cold before it hits the fountain machine... Other places just keep warm bags around