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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11887925 No.11887925 [Reply] [Original]

anyone cook organ meats much?

food is so expensive here in canada, but organ meats are so cheap. I was thinking if i could gather a few good recopies I could benefit from their nutritional value and the savings

>> No.11887938

no thanks, I are'nt gay :D (a dick is an organ)

>> No.11887978

Would you perhaps have any photographic evidence of the in store prices?

>> No.11887999

Chicken liver, hearts and gizzards
beef liver

Boil, sautee in butter and spice and onions, or deep fry em. fried chicken liver is fuckin tasty, like better fried chicken

>> No.11888011

Pork brain and eggs is pretty dank

>> No.11888026

Raw calf liver with butter chunks is pretty decent desu and a good way to avoid needing a multivitamin if you eat a few pieces here and there every week. Regular beef liver from mature cows is darker and a little too mineraly /sulfury for me, from calves it is better imo.

Raw because cooking destroys alot of the folate etc

Heart has most coq10 of any food, it is probably not bad quickly seared and bleu rare inside.

I havent tried anything else. I made chicken liver pate once and basically had to eat it while holding my nose. It has alot of biotin. Maybe i try it again with better sourced product.

>> No.11888065

Where's a good place to go if I wanna buy organ meats/offals? Is the local grocery store a bad choice?

>> No.11888071

Chicken hearts

Remove the fatty part of the chicken hearts with a knife prior to cooking.

>Coriander powder
>Cayenne pepper
>Annatto seed (or sazon if you can find a Latin store)
>Lime juice or white vinegar
>MSG if you're a real one

Marinade hearts for several hours, then skewer with pieces of white onions, bell peppers or whatever else and grill them. Alternatively, remove the hearts from the marinade and fry them in a pan.

>> No.11888077

Grocery stores are fine but meat markets may sell them to you for a fraction of the price if you ask them.

>> No.11888080

I go to an asian farm market, but I like in metro Hongcouver, so your mileage may vary.

They have offal, organ meat, pigs feet, blood, etc. on the cheap.

>> No.11888098

Meat markets? Like butchers?

Also, any recommendations on what offals to start out with/recipes to use?

>> No.11888108

Yeah like butchers or just dedicated meat stores, I'm not sure if those are a thing where you live but I live in Ontario and my town has a meat market and a slaughterhouse outside of town that sells meat directly.

For recipes, I posted this one >>11888071 but if you're looking for something a bit more bare-bones, buy a calf liver, soak it in milk (removes mineral taste), then dry it, batter it and deep fry it. Top it with sauteed onions and mushrooms (I know bacon is expensive) and serve with some mashed potatoes and gravy.

>> No.11888111
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I just go to a farm market near me. It isn't exclusively a meat market or anything like that.

There is a large Asian population where I live so that may impact the availability of offal, organs, blood etc. I'm not sure because I've never been to a non-Asian-centric farm market.

>> No.11888120
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Beef tongue is great for sandwiches.

>> No.11888182

Or, grilled and chopped, on tacos.

>> No.11888357

Lamb liver is good and versatile.
I usually coat it in flour, mustard powder, salt and pepper, then pan fry it with butter. Goes well with mashed potatoes and salad.
I also put it in pasta sauce sometimes.
Other than that steak and kidney ale pie is a solid dish.

>> No.11888453


Lmao look at this brainlet

>> No.11888455

yeah they are nice.i'm used to cook liver and heart whit some onions and they are great. i used to eat brain fried because there was a sandwitch shop that made it back when i was in highschool, but since then i eat it rarely because it's hard to find in the supermarket

>> No.11888522

It's also more expensive than just normal beef so doesn't fit his "it's cheaper" criteria.

>> No.11888602
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>tfw can't find baby cow liver anywhere anymore

>> No.11888664
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mushrooms, sautee with no salt, take them out and add a glog of oil and cows liver, cook until mushy in the center, no more than that because it gets tough (you can marinate it in milk with garlic and rosemary to cover the "weird" taste) take out the liver and add some onions until golden brown, deglaze with white wine, add all the ingredients back in the pan until warm, serve with malbec, or syrah

>> No.11889136

op here... just made beef liver and its fuckin nasty. wtf this is the recipe i used. i even put extra bacon in but it still is gros

>> No.11889171

You could always get beef hearts and some sort of kidneys, and make a cottage pie with them. Some poatato and cheap veg round that one out. Throw in a couple herbs and some salt and pepper, use mash potato to top and toss it in the oven for a bit. It'll make it's own sauce while it cooks. I lived on this for a few weeks with little tweaks here and there to keep from getting too bored.

Find a cottage or shepherd's pie recipe that doesn't have too many ingredients and adjust the meats with organs.

>> No.11889176

Chicken hearts got me through college.

>> No.11889203

Pate is a great way to use liver.

>> No.11889225

Been thinking about making a goat's head soup this week once my pay comes through on tuesday. There's 2 main recipes i've seen, the first one is the jamaican one that has a few obscure ingredients that might be hard to find and an afghan one that's a bit easier to do since i have most ingredients on hand.

It says they burn off any fur to sterilyze the meat but if i hit up the butcher it might be skinned off anyway although if i burned it off could i just use a blowtorch?Then i'd throw that shit in a slow cooker with some chickpeas, wheat, garlic cloves, chillies and other stuff. Plus i want to be able to cook the meat off the head and clean the skull to keep as a cool thing around the house. Anyone got experience doing this?

On an unrelated note can we also use offal threads to scare off normalfags posting fast food shilling all the time? I'd consider that to be a good idea.

>> No.11889265

Golly, that is one big tallywhacker!

>> No.11889276

I'm all for more offal and actual food stuff threads :^)
I've seen a blowtorch used on a boars head before and it works. Personally I'd use one of those heat ray things you can use to light charcoal up for bbq's though as it seems to have a more gentle heat.

>> No.11889281

Did you soak the liver in milk like anons in the thread told you? Also was it a calf liver or an adult one cause they also said the adult ones are a bit harder to stomach (lol geddit?)

>> No.11889291
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Cheers anon goathead guy here. I'll check that out although it did emphasize that it should be razed (charred) if it's got fur. I'll be sure to bump this thread when i get to cooking it so anons can watch/laugh at me.

>> No.11889346

Cartoons always were like "EWW LIVER AND ONIONS" but when I had it for the first time as a kid it was delicious

thanks great grandma rip

>> No.11889387

Beef heart is one of the best stew cuts of all time, imo. Makes for a great chili.

>> No.11889414

Try soaking the livers in milk next time
It's what 30 year old Hunter Boomers do to take away the gamey taste from hunted beast meat

>> No.11889418

Tongue is kino in tacos
Based Beaners were right on that

>> No.11889428

chicken hearts are really good, I just fried them in butter with salt pepper garlic

>> No.11889432

Would beef heart be good if it was chopped up into a goulash/stew?
They had it at the foreigner market and the price was tempting, but it was so huge I didn't know what to do with all of it.

>> No.11889525

It's quite good in a stew. Ours usually has some paprika in it, so I'd bet a goulash would also work well.

>> No.11889944

works good for fish too just saying.

>> No.11890278

I purchased a beef kidney and braised it in red wine with potatoes, onion, carrots, and herbs
everything about it was absolutely fantastic except the fact I used kidney instead of something that tastes good

>> No.11890301

Yes, though I'm not particular in how I fry them. It's just my way of feeling powerful.

>> No.11890310

Southern fried chicken livers are God-tier.

>> No.11890319

live and onions, and chicken liver pate is delicious.

>> No.11890487

>food is so expensive here in canada
post them

>> No.11890493

The horror will never end

>> No.11890543

cow / sheep liver is considered a delicacy where I live, tastes good when cooked properly. heart is chewy but good too if you don't mind chewy food.
One of my favourites is chicken livers, like you get 1 kg clean them real good, put them on a well oiled frying pan and when they're almost done you put a lid on the pan. They turn red and they taste real good. Tbh if organs are cheap you should feel happy I would eat liver anytime.

>> No.11890551

There's no generic offal recipe since there's so much variance from organ to organ. My favorites are pan fried heart with fajita veggies and Italian tripe (I use this recipe almost exactly) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU7QlpQBxJg

>> No.11890631

i dont have pictures but the liver was $2.86 or just under $3 CAD for about 1lb of liver.

steaks were "on sale" beside them. 3 for $25

its crazy. funny part is I can afford it but i refuse to pay such a high price for food. All these gmos and big monoculture factory farms and food is still so fucking expensive. i wish i could shoot some people over this

>> No.11890641

Hey, what is that market called? Im going to dtes to score a quarter oz of vietnamese #4 heroin and want to get some good groceries before i leave

>> No.11890648

I just buy the calves livers, they tatse better

Did it taste like piss ?

>> No.11890701

Lambs liver I just clean it in water, slice it and coat it in flour with salt & pepper and some dried sage. Flash fry it so it's still pink but the flour browns. It's really good with buttered toast and gravy, mushrooms, onions. It's cheap, quick, nutritious, and tasty.

As other anons have said, if you get beef liver you can soak it in milk. I always rinse liver with running water to remove any dried blood clots, which are fine to eat from liver but I just don't like not rinsing it.

>> No.11890709

Langley Farm Market. I don't think it's exceptional or anything. Pretty small. But it has what I need for fruit, meat, veg. Decent deli.

>> No.11890722

What's the shelf life on liver? Mine expired 2 days ago.

>> No.11890726

Almost none. That shit lasts like 2 days once opened. Maybe the 3rd morning.

>> No.11890751

Eat offal that day. If you're slaughtering eat it while it's still warm. It goes bad real fast.

>> No.11890752


>> No.11890945
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>quadruple dubs
you amazing bastard

>> No.11890965
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Freshly slaughtered lamb liver, wrapped in its own fat, and grilled. Best thing on earth.

>> No.11890991

If you're in Canada you should look into hunting and fishing for your food. Fishing is fairly simple and you can get shit faced on some kokanee while doing it

>> No.11890995

Shes got some quality state droopers going on there

>> No.11891530
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I regularly buy beef liver to make biltong, aka SA beef jerky. As soon as it arrives home, I put it in the freezer at -22 C for at least a week to kill parasites. If I'm in a hurry to make the biltong, I take out the liver after 7 days. But when I'm too lazy to make biltong, I will leave it in the freezer for months.

>> No.11891550

I'm a fan of calf liver, onions, and mashed potatoes. I want to dip my toes farther into offal, but I'm just getting started.

>> No.11891636

dirty rice and liver is pretty nice if you make onion soup, keep liver in pot changing water until the water stays clear and then cooking it without overcooking it (in which case it becomes disgusting bitter shit)

>> No.11891650

Got some beef tongue in the freezer. Shit is good.

>> No.11891740
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>> No.11891793
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I'm an SAfag and I've never heard of this in my entire life. The biltong making process really enhances the flavor of the meat so wouldn't doing it with liver make the blood and organ flavor completely overpowering?

>> No.11892299

neutralize kidneys in milk otherwise you'll get a mouthful of piss soaked meat

>> No.11892636

you can also make an extremely decent pasta sauce with chicken livers

>> No.11892664

Never thought of this, so I Googled it.


Sounds incredible.

>> No.11893301

We make a salad where I'm from from veal off cuts. Not sure if any of it counts as 'organs,' though.
Veal muzzle, trotters and tendons are braised in plain water with halved lemons and lots of parsley. They're drained, cooled and cut. How it's dressed from there varies family to family, with olive oil, parsley and lemon juice being mainstays and garlic being controversial. Some say it's a must and others decry it as heresy. Do as you'd like.

Other things tossed in with the veal off cuts for braising include cow udder, cow or veal tongue, veal tripe and others. Sometimes, the salad is served with beef-in-aspic. The lot is eaten with sourdough and other, non-meat salads, tomato being one of the most common.