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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11884309 No.11884309 [Reply] [Original]

>The cattle ranchers and farm bureaus of America are not going to give up their hold on the word meat without a fight.

>In recent weeks, beef and farming industry groups have persuaded legislators in more than a dozen states to introduce laws that would make it illegal to use the word meat to describe burgers and sausages that are created from plant-based ingredients or are grown in labs. Just this week, new meat-labeling bills were introduced in Arizona and Arkansas.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.11884329

It's not meat if it's made from plants. And the definition of meat is the flesh of an animal, if there was no animal then it's not meat.

And your steaks and burgers don't bleed. That's myoglobin and moisture from the meat. Blood would congeal. Well-done fags are idiots.

>> No.11884334

Probably good, some vegan products are starting to be misleading on purpose to get people to buy them without realizing it's a vegan alternative.

>> No.11884342

i think truth in labeling is important. i'm not sure being grown in a lab should preclude something from being meat.

>> No.11884348

as events play out according to a logic which is either predetermined or indistinguishable from predetermined, there is no meaningful way to apply the terms good and bad to any event, action, utterance or thought

>> No.11884349

Both, I suppose.
Good: Companies can't call meat substitutes "meat". The English language has been butchered enough by Americans. This prevents a little bit of damage. Vegans should just admit they want to eat meat instead of calling vegetable paste formed into meat shapes "meat".
Bad: Vegans will throw shitfits anyway.

INB4 "Obsessed/Europoor", I'm from the U.S..

>> No.11884355

I'm generally not a fan of big government or excessive regulation, but consumables is where I believe strong regulations are required.
If a product that is meant for consumption is incorrectly labeled, it is dangerous for the consumer.

If I'm allergic to whatever plant material they use, then I need to know that the product is made from that plant. By calling it "meat", you inherently refuse to do that.

>> No.11884358

You should have to describe things accurately you're trying to make people buy.

>> No.11884364
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Bad: Vegans will throw shitfits either way.

>> No.11884365

People who defend this will shout about a nanny state whenever anybody suggests it should be illegal to vocalize hate speech.

>> No.11884371

Calling something meat when it's made of vegetables is false advertising and should be punishable regardless. Calling lab grown proteins "meat" is fine, but it should definitely have some sort of added label so the consumer knows what they're buying. Obviously it won't be "lab grown" since that's got a shitty connotation to it, but I'd be fine with something like "made meat."
Really just anything that lets me know what I'm buying instead of trying to trick me.

>> No.11884378

but if it will happen regardless, what is the point of describing it as bad?

>> No.11884383
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So this shitfest all over again

>> No.11884394

There was a shitfest with sour cream and onion chips?

>> No.11884395

>Obviously it won't be "lab grown" since that's got a shitty connotation to it, but I'd be fine with something like "made meat."
I think they're calling it "cultured" meat.

>> No.11884403

Regulation should state that it must be included in the name and not some fine print or stamp in the corner.

"Batch Meat" "Farmed Meat" "Vat Meat" or any word indicating there was no animal; "Faux-Meat"

>> No.11884414
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The government should called it "Fag-meat" or "iMeat".

>> No.11884418

Chip company took Pringles to court because Pringles didn't make "chip" but call themselves chips. So now Pringles have to call themselves crisp while there is a gazillion "chips" calling themselves as chips now.

>> No.11884435
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Let me guess, Britain?

>> No.11884446

Back in the State in 75. The brit part is more recent.

>> No.11884456

What is it about cattle ranchers that makes them such pussies?

>> No.11884458

pringles aren't chips because they're goddamn compressed potato flakes

>> No.11884465

losing money isn't good for buisness

>> No.11884471

Maybe they should get better at business instead of begging the government for handouts.

>> No.11884478

Lab grown meat sounds fuckin delicious

>> No.11884497

no, i think all they have to do is raise cows until they can kill them

>> No.11884498

idgaf about the plant stuff, but lab-grown muscle tissue is still meat
It's cool shit. They can make woven patterns of fat and muscle. Imagine frying up a scarf made of beef.

>> No.11884508

And yet here they are, afraid of vegans.

>> No.11884520

Fuck cattle ranchers.

>> No.11884661

>Telling the truth is a bad thing

>> No.11884670

Good thing. I don't want a lab grown chemical "burger" or "sausage" sold to me as a real meat burger or sausage.

>> No.11884703

They can change the name and lie all they want, but the stupidly high prices they demand will always be a dead giveaway.

>> No.11884746

>plant based
Not meat, fuck off with that shit. I don't even dislike veggie burgers but they aren't meat and calling them that is false advertising.
>lab grown
Depends on the result. If it's effectively identical to something cut off a cow then sure, if it's "a matrix of cultured proteins and fibers structured in a way emulating muscle tissue" or whatever only-technically-meat jargon they can come up with then no. I don't know enough about the technology.

I'm curious about the actual wording though.
>Tastes just like real meat!
would be fine, as long as it is clear that it isn't actually, and that is technically using the word meat to describe it.

>> No.11884767
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Lab grown chemical compounds should be properly labeled as well. If vegans are willing to consume literal soylent green, they won't have a problem with "lab grown chemical compound"

>> No.11884773
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What is it about vegans that makes them such amazing flamboyant skeletons?

>born this way

>> No.11884782
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>Vegan tears...

This literally never gets old.....

>> No.11884789
File: 306 KB, 1280x800, Ragequeen of the Vegan Nutjobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stick around vegans but keep your tears flowing.....

>> No.11885537
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From a philosophical standpoint sure but speaking practically whats good is good for me, whats bad is bad for me. For example:
A distant relative dying an early death is bad for them, the money I get from their will is good for me.
So with the practical in mind it is good for me that things are labeled based on the definition of words, even if this is about sales and not words it is still helpful for me, and so is good. However arguing meat has to come from a once living animal to be meat is bad for me, because for me lab grown meat is also meat.

>> No.11885576

So they'll call it MEAT*

*food product

>> No.11885638

Probably good. Meat is flesh, no other way about it. To advertise something that's not meat as meat is false advertising. Possibly bait and switch in some scenarios.
It'd be like letting margarine call itself butter, sugar fluid being allowed to call itself honey.

>> No.11885946

Meat is flesh, but flesh is not necessarily meat.

Guess Beyond Meat will have to go with Beyond Flesh now.

>> No.11886396


>> No.11886410

Lol i remember that toy sword, aww good times.

>> No.11886418

"Meat" shouldn't be used to describe things that aren't meat.

>> No.11886571
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fucking cismeat bigots
what if my soyburger identifies as being made of ground beef?

>> No.11886593

If something is imitating something, why would you give it a name that doesn't incorporate the name of the thing you're imitating? Nobody would know what it is.

>> No.11886603

im surprised /pol/ is pro nanny state now. why can't companies name their products and customers be smart and research it. let the lazy people who dont get fucked.

>> No.11886750

Then it needs counseling and medication.

But our society is lazy so we are just pretending severe mental health issues are choices instead problems.

>> No.11886757

No mental health issue can be cured with any of the knowledge we have at this point. They are intrinsic and can only be moderated so that they don't clash too violently with everyday society.

>> No.11886782

>implying corporations shouldn’t be held to a higher standard than the individual

>> No.11886789

the average person is going to have a really hard time against billion dollar companies trying to be misleading without any kind of regulation.

it's not about being lazy, you can put in hours of research and still be fed a ton of bullshit lies and not know anymore than when you started.

>> No.11886794
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Huge interest groups lobbying the government to enact restrictions without the will of the people is never a good thing, but it's completely normal in America.

If terms like "vegan meat" or "meat substitute" would apply, the restriction is certainly excessive. Also, when lab grown meat becomes cheaper and more efficient to produce, there will be nothing separating it from real meat except for the tons of waste prevented and that these cowboys wouldn't be getting paid.

>> No.11886858

If you're allergic to something, but you're too dumb to check the label when you buy something, then you're not going to last long.

>> No.11886862

>And your steaks and burgers don't bleed. That's myoglobin and moisture from the meat. Blood would congeal.
In the right circumstances you can see this happen if your steak has a bit of larger scale vasculature in it. The albumin in the plasma cooks, making teeny little spots of what look like cooked egg white on the surface of the meat.

>> No.11886866

Completely agree. Some kind of label would be good. I'm all for progressing the science behind lab grown meat but the problem comes in when this shit will start to be sold and mixed in with the real thing. A label or tag would be nice. Not a fan of corporations lobbying Government for this type of shit but I do understand it to an extent.

>> No.11886869

Genuinely curious, what's the deal with vegan health? I've seen bodybuilders who are vegan, or at least claim to be look perfectly fine but then you have skeleton creatures like this. What's the deal?

>> No.11886873

It's very easy to go excessively low protein on a "natural" vegan diet. Meat+dairy+eggs make filling nutritional gaps and getting decent protein intake easy mode.

If you look at something like Soy baby formula, once you apply science it really isn't such a big deal.

>> No.11886996

Fraud, libel, incitement to violence, and hate speech are all different categories of speech.

>> No.11887349

I'll settle for suppression. Beatings are pretty effective.

>> No.11887655

They knew that they couldn't get lab meat banned from being called meat by itself, so they lumped it with veggie burgers that don't even call themselves meat in the first place. Fuck farmers