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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11879830 No.11879830 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on a strict calorie deficit and realizing no one ever really taught me how to measure out food at the store. I went to Whole Foods today for the first time to try some of their prepared foods and realized things were broken out into 4 oz. serving sizes for calories, and that I didn't know how to measure it.

So I literally just panicked and bought a black coffee and left without food. I don't know how to count/measure anything that isn't clearly spelled out on the packaging.

How do most people learn it? Of course, I imagine most people don't have to worry as much as I do because they didn't get out of shape in the first place... I'm just really sad and disheartened, sitting in my bedroom drinking my 3rd coffee of the day. I feel pathetic.

>> No.11879848

I don't count, I just dilute my caloric intakes with vegetables.

>> No.11879858

theres calorie counting apps. and places like wendys list calories for ya big guy. assume sit down places are gonna pretty much meet or exceed your daily limit. eat half your meal and you will be good.

>> No.11879863

I'm not sure what you mean anon, like you don't know how to measure 4oz?

>> No.11879876

Calorie counting apps don't help me when I don't know how to measure out whatever the fuck four ounces of food is supposed to be. If I'm at home I can do it with a measuring cup, but I don't know where to begin while at the store. And given that an extra chicken breast is like one fourth of my daily calories, I don't want to fuck up because I accidentally added an extra scoop of quinoa to my salad or something.

I've been surviving off of places that list their calories, or prepackaged foods that list the entire calorie count on the back. Before I go to any sit down place or anywhere, I Google the calories in advance.

I'm not even that fat, I started at 5'11, 195 lbs. But I was over 200 a few years back and can't ever do that again. I need to get to like, 170.

>> No.11879886
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Not when I'm at the store, no. Pic related is what I was at (similar). It's like "Turkey, 200 calories per 4 oz. serving." How do I know what's 4 oz.? Is it one pinch of the tongs? Two? I don't know.

>> No.11879892

ok then youre just lazy.

>> No.11879906

The nutritional facts say both the calories per serving and the total servings in the package. Multiply those numbers. Volume or weight or whatever doesn't matter, it's just (kcal per serving * total servings)

>> No.11879914

I'm not lazy, I don't know how to do it, and I don't want to fuck up my diet.

Packaging I can do. I'm talking about purchasing food from a hot bar or even to bring home and cook for myself.

>> No.11879924

Oh okay I see anon, 200 calories per 4 oz isn't that much and it would probably be more than two "pinches" but it'll vary per food and you'll just have to get a feel for how much 4 oz is over time.

>> No.11879934

Get a kitchen scale

>> No.11879939


>> No.11879943

That's a fifth of my day's food. 200 calories is a lot. I'm doing everything in my power not to fuck up like plenty of out of shape people do when they think "oh, a little won't hurt."

And bring it to the store?

>> No.11879947

What's your hieght/weight ? 1000kcal is not a lot.

>> No.11879949

Get it in separate cups and measure at home until you can eyeball it

>> No.11879951

I highly highly doubt eating 1000 calories a day is healthy for you, have you calculated your tdee?

Losing weight is a marathon not a sprint anon.

>> No.11880010

5'11 195 is where I started... now at 188. I know it's not a lot, but it's enough and I've done this diet before. It works well.

Yeah, I've calculated it, but I'm not going to try to do the "lose one lb. a week" thing. I have a determined period here, for reasons we won't go into, but I basically have from now until April and then my lifestyle is going to change again. Trying to lose weight while I can.

>> No.11880070

Alright anon, honestly I think you'll probably fail since it's so restrictive and you'll feel like crap the whole time but you do you.

>> No.11880146

I don't feel like crap, I feel great. The restriction sucks, but I've done it before and the effect is worth the sacrifice.

>> No.11880232

Oh really, are you sure you are only eating that much then? What kinda foods do you eat? You have me curious now.

>> No.11880272

I'm sure, I've been extremely meticulous with my calories, unless places are legitimately mislabeling their food. Last night I had Zucchini Pasta with a grilled chicken breast and side of buffalo cauliflower. Only drank black coffee and water throughout the day.

Day before that, I had a chicken and egg white breakfast wrap with a tomatillo salsa on it, and raw veggies (carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower) with Valentina hot sauce throughout the day.

I'm mostly eating once a day, which has been just fine. Today's lunch was seared ahi tuna with some jasmine rice and mixed greens. Not sure what I'll do for dinner tonight yet.

>> No.11880299

I see, i'm glad you're eating healthy food at least.
Good luck losing weight anon!

>> No.11880330


>> No.11881555

This thread makes me feel bad
Emotional eating is the worse fucking shit. I'm on a 1300 daily cal intake and I had a nervous break down last night. Ate 2 honey buns to calm myself down. 1180 fucking cals.

And here I am trying to get lean.