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11876199 No.11876199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11876270
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Vegan checking in!

>> No.11876300
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>> No.11876317

If you would rather be the starving person over the well fed guy then kill yourself via veganism

>> No.11876321

Na vegetarian is the way to live.

>> No.11876326


>> No.11876334
File: 40 KB, 300x500, 2013082846fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be healthy and slender instead of fat glutton cancer low T cuck
Nothing personal Tony

>> No.11876343
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vegan Lion here

>> No.11876344
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>> No.11877114

Yeah no I rather just eat meat and get way more protein while also eating less

>> No.11877129

I'm sorry that carnists get so upset over someone selflessly changing their diet in order to save our planet and our animal brothers and sisters. Sometimes I truly feel bad for the carnists because I wonder, how sad must your life be that you have not an ounce of empathy? That you intentionally cause needless suffering in order to please your neanderthal tastebuds? It sickens me to know that these kind of creatures exist.
The violent pursuits of carnism will not go without karmic justice, just think about that when the bull is trampling you, when you're choking on fuoi gras, or when you get hit in the face with a raven at 80mph and crash your motorcycle into a semi.

>> No.11877134

In the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty.

>> No.11877152

>nuts dont have phytic acid
>you can eat more than a handful a day
fuck you faggot vegan, your only proteins are nuts and shit beans, the amino profile is shit, and phytic acids will inhibit any proper nutritional effects, fuck you faggot

>> No.11877154

you got no real arguments, only muuh save the planet, i bet you believe in global warming cause of co2, start saving the planet by killing yourself, you are breathing out co2

>> No.11877173
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Hi folks!

You Are Their Voice, the organization behind VeganActivism.org and /r/VeganActivism, has just released 5Minutes5Vegans.org! In just 5 minutes you can help 5 or more people become Vegan right now!

"Our vegan robots are constantly scanning social media, they retweet or repost people we think are looking for help with going Vegan. Below are a bunch of quick-copy resources you can reply with quickly if you'd like. Simply scroll through the lists on the site and talk to the ones that could use a little help!"

Click here: https://5Minutes5Vegans.org

Suggestions and feedback can be posted below, or contact us here.

Right now the primary function goes through twitter, bu we're still looking at other ways to leverage social media through platforms like Instagram and Facebook, if you have any ideas or would like to help out in any way, please feel free to volunteer here.

Special thanks to YourVeganFallacyIs.com for lending his coding knowledge, and more importantly, his time. And naturally a big thanks to the @VegAssist bot by Andrew Gardner on twitter! It would not have been possible without him.

So what are you waiting for? Go make a difference in someones life! ;)

>> No.11877177

Fake news. Beans cause gas. Trust me on this.

>> No.11877183

>phytic acids will inhibit any proper nutritional effects
That's why you soak and drain them, or sprout, or ferment them. Lazy cunts stick to meat, vegetables are too much work for them.

>> No.11877187

This is now the advertising thread

>> No.11877239

YEA NUTS, you dumb faggot, lets soak fucking nuts, stop spouting your bullshit and do your shit in private, i dont care that you will cry in 10 years because of several nutritional deficiencies

>> No.11877243

You can start reducing Co2 by killing yourself, best option

>> No.11877297

this guy