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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11873538 No.11873538 [Reply] [Original]

Foods to eat and foods to avoid to stop farting all the time?

>> No.11874242

Try the carnivore diet. Zero bloating or gas.

>> No.11874265

I've never got the problem with farting. Feels good man - like digging for gold - and if you happen to be around other people (face it, you aren't) just go to the bathroom to let it out.

>> No.11874277

No, idiot, it's all about veganism

Cut out meat and dairy. Eat fibrous cooked vegetables with every meal. Your insides run smooth as a xerox machine. Shitting takes 8 seconds. Gas is a distant memory.

>> No.11874283
File: 27 KB, 534x401, 636619809689389265-636619721251046400-WC-National-Slider-Day-The-Original-Slider[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try a White Castle Slider detox bowel cleanse OP

Just eat as many sliders as you can in one evening, results will be apparent the next day

>> No.11874314

gas literally comes from intestinal bacteria metabolizing carbs into hydrogen, co2 and methane you fucking retard

why do vegans lie so much?

>> No.11874325
File: 38 KB, 640x834, 4D58EB73-6063-4D28-9779-1329AEE0BF91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero test either

>> No.11874352

Idiot, eating more fiber and less dairy/meat = less constipation = more efficient digestion = less rot

>> No.11874357

gas literally comes from whatever the fuck you put in your body including the air you breathe

>> No.11874378

>unabsorbable carbs that bacteria eat instead
>efficient digestion
weakest bait


>> No.11874381

I hate all the sugar free soft drinks because that sweetener crap makes me fart so bad.

I need to drink real, full sugar soft drinks.

>> No.11874390

assuming op isn't swallowing air like a retard obviously, then my post is correct

>> No.11874399

>assuming op isnt breathing like a retard

>> No.11874419

>your lungs dump air into your intestines
please retake that elementary school biology class that you failed

>> No.11874433

>air only goes into the lungs

>> No.11874451

This is true

>> No.11874475

or it's swallowed or do you think there's any meaningful amount of diffusion from other body parts? or OP is getting air enemas? don't be autistic

>> No.11874534

>>confusing swallowing with inhaling

Do you normally think "lungs" when someone talks about swallowing? Because I dunno about you, but when I hear "swallow", I think "esophagus and stomach".

>> No.11874546

You literally swallow air when you inhale, this is pretty simple, you swallow air when you chew and drink

>don't be autistic
Then dont be a retard and say gas only comes from carbohydrate consumption

>> No.11874547

the anon i replied to said breathing not swallowing. you breathe through your esophagus and stomach?

>> No.11874606

never said only mr strawman. and

>if the cause of flatulence is mainly swallowed air, irs carbon dioxide content should be very low. Since flatus samples rarely contain less than 5 to 10 percent carbon dioxide, one is justified in questioning the theory that swallowed air plays much of a role as a source of flatulence.

unless you intentionally hold in your burps i don't think it's that big of a source or even that relevant to the thread since op asked specifically about food

>> No.11874627

>eat meat
>get gas
>eat carbs
>get gas
>eat fat
>get gas
I just can't win. I think I have IBS or something.

>> No.11874678

Should I dare ask what manga this is from?

>> No.11874698

eat gas and then just poop
like magic

>> No.11874720

>gas literally comes from intestinal bacteria metabolizing carbs into hydrogen, co2 and methane you fucking retard
And it literally doesn't. You're lying by omission, just because you didn't say "only" doesn't mean you didn't imply it, you moron.

>unless you intentionally hold in your burps i don't think it's that big of a source or even that relevant to the thread since op asked specifically about food
Good thing I'm not talking about primarily. You haven't even posted anything specifically relating to carbs causing gas or excessive gas.

>> No.11874863

>You're lying by omission, just because you didn't say "only" doesn't mean you didn't imply it, you moron.
it wasn't implied. learn to read and take your meds.

>> No.11874874

>it wasnt implied
Yes it was. Now you're just doing damage control because you're a retard that can't commute a coherent sentence without shitting all over himself

>> No.11874887

project harder, brainlet. your loose associations are your psychiatrist's problem, not mine.

>> No.11874903

The 14 year old's "no you!!!"

Get dabbed on, retard

>random posts about psychiatry
Projecting :^)

>> No.11874908

now THIS is damage control

>> No.11874919


>> No.11874929

>denial again
that's right. keep entertaining me.

>> No.11874945

no entertain me

>> No.11874963

>cleverbot tier imitation