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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11872030 No.11872030 [Reply] [Original]

how do americans manage to eat so much junk food?

>> No.11872035

capitalism's pursuit of profit figured out that it's easier to program dumb consumers into buying your product than it is to create a good competitive product.

I make no apology for my fellow Americans. They eat shit and like it.

>> No.11872040
File: 378 KB, 1600x1069, 'MURRRICA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only wish you could eat this much food.

>> No.11872045

Boredom, malnutrition and low energy levels, and limited understanding / experiences

>> No.11872046

Because being so free is exhausting, you need those sugars and fats and carbs to energize you at a level that vegetables can't.

>> No.11872047

I'd probably eat one burger and feel full for the whole day and half of the next.

>> No.11872103

selling everything in a 'funsize' in pallets of 30 at a discount certainly doesn't help

>> No.11872109

I'm not American and looking at this picture makes me very confused inside. On the one hand it's disgusting, on the other one I want to try to eat like a pig until I feel bad just to see how bad it can get.

>> No.11872118

Quit hatin bitch faggot

>> No.11872176

Can you imagine if a black guy did that in the white house? The GOP would be screaming bloody murder

>> No.11872210

It's fun to make things up innit

>> No.11872220

by getting fat and dying of heart disease for the most part.

>> No.11872222

I think a big reason is if your parents kept shitty food around the house when you were a kid. In Europe, was junkfood isn't really a constant ficture in peoples houses from my experience. If you feel like some chips, you go to the store and buy it. You don't just have 5 packs in your cupboard. Similar for ice cream. My relatives in the US, on the other hand, always had a cupboard full of snacks, ice cream in the freezer etc and they aren't even fat. So in peoples mind it eating junk food is something they've always done on a regular basis while for yuros it's an infrequent treat.

>> No.11872233

They would scream bloody murder regardless of what food Obama was serving, or doing really.

>> No.11872469


Yeah, wasn't there a big stink about a dinner he hosted having tons of peas?

>> No.11872498

I remember the one where Obama murdered some niglets and the GOP didn't complain at all

>> No.11872524

He could have started resurrecting people from the dead and the GOP would have screamed about him needlessly increasing social security outlays.

>> No.11872693

I live in the states and i have no fucking clue. It's super expensive (by weight) and half the time it isn't really enjoyable.

>> No.11872715

This. Drumpfh is a f*cking retard and not my president. I wish we could have had another 20 years of Obama. Like he should have declared martial law to keep the rethuglicans out of office.

>> No.11872757

Europeans are so poor that McDonalds is a bi-yearly treat for them. Ice cream is reserved for the elites of society over there.

>> No.11873486

Fast Food is more expensive in Europe. Must be all the regulations.