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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11869767 No.11869767 [Reply] [Original]

so not only are we obliged to tip 20% but we are also not supposed to eat our food so the serving monkeys can devour it themselves instead of *BUYING THEIR OWN DAMN FOOD*

>> No.11869771

>at least 20%
guarantee he never did that before making millions

>> No.11869772

>amerimutts must do whatever chris pratt tells them to because he was in a capeshit movie

life is strange in america

>> No.11869775

He's not, like, ordering you to do it, man. He's just virtue signaling to his pleb fanbase of food service workers

>> No.11869782
File: 7 KB, 317x159, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating some random person's leftover food

>> No.11869788

Line cook standing on their feet 10hrs straight in heat and fumes to crappy salary.
Servers do a little dress up, try to be charming/sexy, tell obvious thing about food, get those tips.
Anyone can carry a plate from a ->b
Try work in kitchen, bitches.

>> No.11869794
File: 26 KB, 400x298, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. absolutely disgusting

>> No.11869796

So why aren't you a server instead?

>> No.11869802

Try not being such a drug addict ex con brainlet who cant get a better job

>> No.11869803

Nothing wrong with it except I would be worried about getting sick. I’d think with shrimp people wouldn’t touch what they don’t eat probably.

>> No.11869804 [DELETED] 

male, oldish and fat-ish.

>> No.11869808

He doesn't have C-cups or bigger.

>> No.11869809

>Nothing wrong with it except I would be worried about getting sick
>worried about sickness
>nothing wrong
you have no clue what they did with that food by the time you get to it

>> No.11869814

I'm in a better place. Doesn't have to work.
But laughing everytime I hire bitches. Good4bizz.

>> No.11870054

>cook burns meal
>server has to deal with customer

You guy are all Anthony bordain wanna be losers who only do your job to support your drug habits

>> No.11870072

You could just add a note to the bottom of the menu that says "tips included in pricing", then raise the price of all menu items by 20%.

>> No.11870085

imagine living in some shithole third world country where you have to personally make sure your waiter can live off his salary.
hey guys, I have a genius idea: raise the prices of your food and pay your staff a living wage.

>> No.11870134

On look, the man with millions of dollars and probably multiple houses tells us to be liberal with our money
Thanks for the life advice, champ

>> No.11870147

if servers "deserve" 20% for bringing food fifty feet to your table, what do the cooks and dishwashers and busboys deserve?

>> No.11870177
File: 1.44 MB, 1925x1077, dahdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is forcing you to tip you know

why do people these days have no backbone

>> No.11870190


>> No.11870194

nothing, those incels lmao

>> No.11870213

no that's not the problem
the problem is that waiting used to be a temporary gig that could assist in feeding a person indirectly and cover the cost of a roof over their heads
to an everyday low-end service job that's entirely unsustainable in the traditional form with aggressively escalating cost of living.

>> No.11870221

when you're poor food is food

>> No.11870233

even places that say they don't give their employees free food sometimes give them food for free. and if you're working, you aint poor. at least not too poor for cheap food.

>> No.11871519

how shit is your immune system? just asking

>> No.11871556

I have a feeling you eat people's leftovers and out of dumpsters.

>> No.11871558

I only tip women to even out the wage gap just a little bit

>> No.11871567

based and chivalrypilled. may you be blessed with many virgins m'sir

>> No.11871573

anything above 0% is pathetic

>> No.11871574

why dont americans just pay their waitstaff a normal wage?

>> No.11871589

I'm a server and a lot of times people leave most of their plate untouched
I 100% will eat some food off someone's plate if it looks untouched enough for my tastes and if the person wasn't a nigger, child, or old person, it's fair game
food is food and easy food is great when you don't get breaks

>> No.11871627

good way to strengthen your immune system too

>> No.11871686

I only tip unattractive/awkward women so they can feel good about themselves for a little while

>> No.11871724

Because they want to complain about tipping

>> No.11871770
File: 149 KB, 636x954, 1423354016813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never look forward to my tip at the end of the day because it's easier not to pretend to be nice to customers. I also never tip when I eat out. Fuck tipping and fuck American tradition.

>> No.11871856

>server puts in rush because they are morons who forgot to put in something on the ticket
>let ticket sit for 10 min

lmao fuck servers.

>> No.11872731

>at least 20%
Fuck you chris, I have my own bills to pay.

>> No.11872746

Because servers make more money than they would with a "living wage". At least with the advent of plastic taking over, they have to report their full tips nowadays.

>> No.11872760

I only tip white men who aren't poofters because I am racist, sexist and AIDSphobic

>> No.11872790

>ewww it's been on somebody else PLATE!!!! can you imagine!!?

whole lotta bitchbois ITT

>> No.11872824

>be me, yesterday, at work
>fuckface customer forces us to hand-load 50 goddamn boxes of tile
>when we finish, not only do they not tip, they don't even say thank you or even glance at us
>just climb in their shitbox and drive away

Explain to me how some shit-eating faggot who carries 3 plates 20 feet deserves a 20% tip but I deserve nothing.

>> No.11873459

>All this virtue signaling
So, Chris Pratt is trying to become 2019's Shie LeBeouf (or however that fag's name is spelled)?

>> No.11873917

>work in corporate IT
>bartenders at simple bars that don't even make craft cocktails make the same amount of money as me
granted they have to put up with more retards than I did when I was working helpdesk but I don't believe they should complain when making 50k handing people beers and mixed drinks. They probably also pay less taxes.

>> No.11874395

>be american
>go to restaurant
>order food with your friends
>everyone has a good time
>check is given by server that has been courteous and friendly the entire time
>look at the price you need to pay
>suddenly remember you need to leave extra money because if you dont then they might fuck with your food if you go again, or give you terrible service
>pay the extra money out of fear and societal pressures from people too stupid to work anywhere else except giving you greasy overpriced food
>as you leave, remember you didn't leave a scrap of beef for said server
>leave an extra $10
>friends with you still think you should have tipped more

>> No.11874401

Americans have no sense of dignity. Are you really surprised?

>> No.11874418

Then you run the ridiculous risk of some college-level bitch getting mad that you didn't give her entitled ass an extra ten dollars for smiling and telling the server nigger in the back to drool some HIV onto your steak the next time you go in.
Used to frequent a bar that did that to people. Once I found out that happened, I never went back.

>> No.11874442

I used to work at a thrift store, and whenever someone bought something big and we either delivered it to their house or put it in their vehicle for them, they'd try to tip us. Anyone that accepted tips got written up and some other disciplinary action. That logic is ridiculous.

>> No.11874468

That happens at all restaurants my naive friend

>> No.11874483

Which is why I never go to them anymore. They're all overpriced and loud anyway.

>> No.11874604

That's true, Europeans can't even afford to be this fat.

>> No.11875500

Can aids really be drooled on steak?

>> No.11875534
File: 56 KB, 640x432, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're working, you aint poor

Imagine being this Republican

>> No.11876017

Don't you give him to us. We recognize monkey jobs for what they are and that they don't make you poor, your complicity with doing them does.
He's just retarded and trying to write off 2/3rds of people as 'not trying'.

>> No.11876045

>work in pseudo restaurant (kitchen attached to movie theater)
>get free food from the kitchen sometimes
>always super tempted to eat literal scraps of food
>literally only thing stopping me was managers on staff who, rather than just giving you access to free food, would rather fire you for being hungry enough to eat out of the trash
Don't ask me anything boys, minimum wage is a bitch and sub minimum wage + "tips" is hell

>> No.11876052

>being okay with only being able to get a minimum wage job because you cannot save up enough money to get schooling is YOUR FAULT
y-yes mr trump

>> No.11876057

Your more likely to get sick from a "normal person" than a child or an old person

If a child or an old person was sick, you'd know it or they wouldn't exist

>> No.11876058

I had never seen the non guy fieri version of this image.

>> No.11876068
File: 273 KB, 517x396, 1548604135927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're working, you aint poor
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

>> No.11876365

am I allowed to deduct tips on my taxes?

>> No.11876812

>Not tipping 100%
>Not buying an extra meal just for your server
I can't stand it when people.dont treat their wait staff like human beings. Its a hard job.

>> No.11876817

Nobody deserves to be tipped you entitled jew.

>> No.11876823

Yeah but you're also more likely to get a STD like AIDS from eating the niggers' food.

>> No.11876832

t. says the amerinigger

>> No.11876841

Pratt is trash

>> No.11876876

>t. says the amerinigger

>> No.11876909

This. Fuck servers.

"Their" tip was always dependent on how well I cooked, and I never saw a fucking dime.

Whiny shits.

>> No.11877133

AIDS isn't an STD. HIV is. AIDS is caused by HIV.

>> No.11878712

>t. person who's HIV hasn't turned in to full blown AIDS yet

>> No.11879966

reminds me oh how me and my friends went to buffalo wild wings and ordered our food. We all got our stuff except for one friend who asked for it when the waiter returned like 10 minutes later and just brought it out like it had just been done for about 15 minutes. All of us left no tip, eat shit wagies not tipping your faggy sports bar with sub par wings.