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11869743 No.11869743 [Reply] [Original]

Korean BBQ

>> No.11869746

Best BBQ.

>> No.11869755

What's the Marinade?

>> No.11869817
File: 178 KB, 1200x900, 654654317987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no, here's some real Korean BBQ.

>> No.11871086

r those bananas

>> No.11871189

Gook slop.

>> No.11871275



>> No.11871280

>t. brown subhuman

You wanna know why these places exist? Because they use the worst quality of meat.

>> No.11871295

I've tried Texan, Korean, Brazilian BBQ

Power rankings
1. Brazilian
2. Korean
3. Texan

I hope to try Argentine, Tennessee, and South Carolina BBQ eventually.

>> No.11871301

>brazillian bbq
lmao. brazil didn't even have barbecue technology or even basic spices until the 20th century. their cuisine is just a hand for hand copy of mexico's

>> No.11871306

Lovely. I pay 50 dollars to cook my own food at some cramped table.

>> No.11871311

oh my gooood why are you virgins such depressing pieces of shit? maybe you'd get laid if you'd just lighten up.
>inb4 you call me a roastie or something
im a guy lol

>> No.11871314 [DELETED] 

gay btw

im gay


>> No.11871328

>didn't have barbecue technology
>what is a bonfire
I understand Americans can't cook anything without PAM spray and a gas oven, but that isn't the case for the rest of the world
>a copy of mexico
Unbelievably wrong, you probably think Brazil speaks Spanish too
There is no better BBQ than Brazil, and that's for 1 thing: no crutches. Brazilian meats relies solely on it's quality, not some marinade as it is in Korean and American BBQ.

>> No.11871337

do you think im retarded or something? brazillians speak brazillian. obviously.

>> No.11871374
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>uma delicia
guess you like monkey more than good barbeque
If you ever come to my state again i will choke slam your 20kg euro ass into my smoke pit

>> No.11871386

This isn't even close to being Korean BBQ. The fuck?

>> No.11871397

>plastic fork

>> No.11871414

>spend 3 hours slow cooking an expensive piece of meat
>pour a gallon on corn syrup on it when it's done
American BBQ is a fucking meme and you know it.

>> No.11871805

How many is a brazilian?

>> No.11872685

Never understood the obsession with Asian foods, always found the food pretty bland and very underwhelming for the most part, can’t tell if my taste buds suck or people just lie to themselves just so they can ride the latest hype train

>> No.11872803

thanks for posting on your blog

>> No.11872816

Holy shit. That looks fantastic.

>> No.11872852

They dont even have cows how are they going to make churrasco lmao wtf is this

>> No.11872897

>There is no better BBQ than Brazil

>> No.11873346

What is this? Is the fire to seal the bottle around the meat then he sous vides? Surely he doesn't cook the whole thing like this...

>> No.11873406

I took a shit in the toilet just a minute ago and it looked like that.

>> No.11873440

Korean BBQ is shit-tier.
t. a guy who lived in South Korea for three years

>> No.11873839

>tfw had bulgogi for the first time ever a few weeks ago

one of the best things I've ever eaten.

>> No.11873919

nice. isnt it fucking amazing. i live in the San Francisco Bay Area and there is a ton of KBBQ variety. American quality meats with korean style flavors and prep, its fucking amazing. Premium brisket with korean sauces, chadolbaegi, beef bulgogi, red wine pork. that shit makes my mouth water

>> No.11873945

>red wine pork
huh? you do know that Koreans have almost no concept of western-style red wine. It's insanely expensive over there and they don't drink it at all, unless they go to some crappy western-style steakhouse buffet place like Ashley or something.

>> No.11873961

samgyubsal pork meat is marinated with a seasoning then with a rice wine or red wine in kolea

>> No.11873967

>What is this?
Uma delicia, they cook their beef within plastic bottles over the grill

>> No.11873975

maybe in LA or something, but absolutely not in Corea

>> No.11873977

not all bbq has sweet sauces. some regions don't use any sauce, some use mustard, some use vinegar.

>> No.11873979

>Want to look for a korean recipie
>Results are nothing but mangbang videos

>> No.11874082

Try Dwaeji Bulgogi. Its bulgogi thats been marinated in spicy sauce. Very delicious with rice sangchu kimchi and gochujang.

>> No.11874096

Strange, I've literally never met an amerifat who didn't love kbbq. Whenever my wife has made kalbi or bulgogi for americans they always want the recipe for the marinade. Of course she tells them to fuck off (politely), but still.

>> No.11874097

I'm pretty sure that's what I had. It was a little spicy. Made my mouth water.

>> No.11874115

I think it's because a lot of things taste good because they are "new" or "exotic". Also, cooking the food at a fire in the middle of your table is so unique for us dumb fucking Yanks when we first move to Korea. Never mind the fact that in Korean places you get to cook the food yourself!
After the novelty wears off, anyone who has been exposed to BBQ that actually tastes good such as Texas, Memphis, Pakistani (tandoori), Argentinian, etc realizes the shit that Korean BBQ actually is

>> No.11874135

forgot to mention, the fact that that's your wife's response made me chuckle. good for her

>> No.11874139

Burnt overcooked mush. Looks like shit. Fuck off.

>> No.11874164
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>> No.11874190

obviously this shit doesn't represent the whole

>> No.11874331
File: 337 KB, 620x465, budae_jigae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean food in general is fucking delicious, even simple shit like budae jigae looks fantastic

>> No.11875593

Specifically pork.And when cooked on the open flame, not shabby.

>> No.11875711

Looks like my shit.

>> No.11875741 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11875745
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I've got a korean bbq truck that parks outside my apartment every day, I love it

>> No.11875752

KBBQ is best cooked over a charcoal grill. The middle of table grill is just an ok substitute.

Pakistani? Enjoy your poo covered meat.

>> No.11875830

>in Korean places you get to cook the food yourself!
I mean, it's sliced thinly for a reason, you know. Not to mention that the cost for what you get is usually significantly lower because of the reduced labor.

Eating for Koreans is a communal event, kbbq is no exception to that. You get with a group of friends, coworkers, family, sit around a table and partake of food. Doing it around a fire usually involves a lot of drinking as well, it's a social gathering just as much as it is a food one.

>> No.11876139

Korean BBQ is usually $10 all you can eat, couple bucks extra for all you can drink beer too.
Eating in Asian countries is a relaxed, social affair, not uptight and formal like in the West

>> No.11876171

Does anyone elses kbbq place give them fuckin pirated religious themed novies and sermons

>> No.11876556

I wouldn't trust $10.

You can usually find some decent deals in the $13-18 range though. These are a good bargain imo. 20-30 if you're feeling special (which is basically what you end up playing for a lot of white people meals anyways for far less).

>> No.11876867

>I'm depressing because I don't want to spend 60 bucks (plus tip). To cook my own food


>> No.11877222

the best grilled meats are persian

>> No.11877247

I dont want to wash the dishes

>> No.11877267

>has never had grilled/fried plantains
they're richer and harder, and especially if you use oil that had contained meat it'll increase their savory flavor. Just add some sugar on top.

>> No.11877333

it's squash

>> No.11877735


>> No.11877738

You misspelled Brazilian

>> No.11878108

Dude they literally set up everything for you. All you have to do is pick up a thin slice of meat and flip it one time. Its fun and its better because if youre having a 3hr meal, youre always eating fresh and hot meat.

>> No.11878121

This is real
Never seen this one before

>> No.11878127

>fresh and hot meat
Ironically at here hipsters bitching about "muh fine dining" that meat should rest after cooked therefore Korean BBQ is too hot to taste anything

>> No.11878153

Thin meat doesn't need to rest faggot, steaks need to rest although you probably like it well done in which case it won't matter what you do with it since it'll be garbage no matter what.

>> No.11878187

>I'm better than you because I eat raw meat

Grow up kiddo

>> No.11878263

When you let a steak rest, all that happens is it gets colder and drier. The juice doesnt magically reabsorb. The steak "rests" on your plate while its being eaten.

>> No.11878295

There's literally video proof to the contrary. Please go back to your reddits.

>> No.11878318

>all that happens is it gets colder
that's the point.
When the juices are cooler they become more viscous and thus they don't run out onto your plate as much when you cut the meat.