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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 738x738, 1549428136742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11866961 No.11866961 [Reply] [Original]

Can she get all this inside her /ck/?

>> No.11866965

Is that a tranny?

>> No.11866967


>> No.11866968

Yes, easily. Unless she tries to insert it through a whole on the top end, of course.

>> No.11866969

If she sits on it sure

>> No.11866973

no, just american

>> No.11866975

Eww, a mutt

>> No.11866978

yeah, and the burger is gross too

>> No.11866986

Good thing they put a wilted piece of cooked lettuce on the sauceplate, I was afraid this was not going to be a balanced meal.

>> No.11867128

Whenever I see a woman like this in public I purposely ignore her and don't give the attention she so desperately craves and expects from all men just for being a 7/10 blonde who manages to not be morbidly obese. After a time you can feel her becoming unsure, wondering what must be wrong that you aren't ogling her painted on face, B cup tits, and whatever 3 inch bird tattoo she has on her in a place that any decent woman would cover up like her shoulderblade. It's really quite satisfying to watch them squirm.

>> No.11867139


>> No.11867162


This doesn't work lad. Because it is so normal that everyone treats her nicely, she's wondering what the fuck is wrong with YOU.

>> No.11867443

It’s called frame control anon. Go open up a 2 set with a masterful dhv and come back to me

>> No.11867482

Imagine the smell of her huge vinegary shits after eatimg that..

>> No.11867522

blacked WHEN?!

>> No.11867524

Found the sexually frustrated incel

>> No.11867568

What’s wrong with a B cup? Granted it’s not as good as an A cup but it’s also much less rare and thus more obtainable

>> No.11867573

Yes, but only as far as her throat.

>> No.11867576

I know this is bait but you had to come up with it, didn't you? Hell there's probably people out there so frustrated they unironically believe this shit. Blows my mind.

>> No.11867580

Just wondering, did you write that in disgust, or while drooling?

>> No.11867608


>> No.11867617

How is it "frustrated" to be tired of letting her win the game she's trying to make you play? It drives THEM crazy that you're not instantly falling for them. The sense of entitlement a vagina gives you is enormous

>> No.11867639

Obviously a Brit, that's a Wildwood restaurant in the background

>> No.11867798

>americans can't travel
ameridumb "education" at work

>> No.11867807
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, sniff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11867889

It doesn’t drive them crazy when a weird fat guy ignores them, if anything they’re grateful for it

>> No.11867891

Me on the left

>> No.11867897

I want to see a burger like this squeezed under a hydraulic press!

>> No.11868113

OK now THAT is a based poster

>> No.11868280

american's wouldn't go to britain

>> No.11868302

The UK is an unsafe shithole

>> No.11868331

and your shithole is unsafe in the UK due to all the cigarettes hanging about

>> No.11868379

>compare crime rates between Great Britain and US
Every 1st world country would issue travel warnings about visiting the US due to high crime rates if it weren't for geopolitical issues.

>> No.11868563
File: 245 KB, 720x952, 1545517999016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based

>> No.11868590

Based desu

>> No.11869424

she looks like your typical swedish whore

>> No.11869450

I do this too sometime. I really don't like insecure ppl doing stupid things for attention. I wonder If it makes me an edge lord, so now I'll just smile along but keep quiet

>> No.11869453

>Virgin who thinks giving woman attention means they will have sex with them

>> No.11869455

If it doesn't fit, you make it fit.

>> No.11869460

UK crime rates are much higher, almost every Brit over 20 has been stabbed and mugged several times. And rape of girls under 10 (and turning them into kebabs) is no longer a crime for cultural reasons. Stay safe by avoiding England

>> No.11869470
File: 1004 KB, 596x686, seekay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's from London and she actually can put food away and gets paid to travel around doing competetive eating. Yes it's because she's pretty and slim and blonde but that's the way of the world. No one wants to watch a neckbeard eat ridiculous food

>> No.11869480

Oh god, the burger... I can't...

>> No.11869486

even better for me because im married and have kids. can roast these roasties all day long and dgaf. they keep coming back for more. originally did it so they would fuck off but turns out they love this type of shit.

>> No.11869490

Have some standard

>> No.11869513

Not everyone can bang a different supermodel everyday like you do

>> No.11869528

>goes on /ck/
>finds this post
>looks at burger

>> No.11869551

how does that machine work?

>> No.11869557
File: 7 KB, 57x158, isthisyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11869562

imagine her shit the next day

>> No.11869575

I dont.

>> No.11869599

I know you don't. The majority of people would describe that girl as pretty and genuinely mean it

>> No.11869626

imagine rubbing that shit in your hair and all over your naked body

>> No.11869692

I can't imagine how painful it would be to sit across and look at her her face all plastically looking and whatever dumb shit comes out of her mouth and you know she expects you to pay and she'd eat two bites and be full and want to go back to your place and fuck before she clogged your toilet or got her hair everywhere

>> No.11869749

>her her face all plastically looking
funny you mention because i thought she had the smile of a ventriloquist doll.

>> No.11869778

She looks like she'd be pretty good at fitting a lot of meat in her

>> No.11869815

>she could eat more than you without breaking a sweat
>she has more money than you
>she would never go anywhere with you to eat, let alone back to your place afterwards

>> No.11869825

braised and breadpilled

>> No.11870254

i like that greentext story

>> No.11870261
File: 171 KB, 768x1024, 73414805-AA28-4420-8E52-4DFE47AE38A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. They’re so fucking fake. I prefer more natural women, like pic related.

>> No.11870683

She's not going to age the way you think my dude.
Also she clearly has dyed hair and makeup. That vs bleached teeth, hair and a spray tan is a bit of a wash.

>> No.11870697

She’s still a hell of a lot more natural than OP’s roastie pic.

>> No.11870698

>I dont like that kind of fake vapid whore, I like THIS kind of fake vapid whore!

>> No.11870700
File: 142 KB, 657x868, 1542870782276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing more satisfying than making eye contact with a girl like this, seeing her smile at you and giving her a look of mild disgust and watching the expressions she makes.

>> No.11870703


>four hands, no feet
what kind of monster is this?

>> No.11870708

An American

>> No.11870709

You’re correct that all women are valid whores, anon. But I do prefer pale vapid whores.

>> No.11870755

Maybe if she sits on it

>> No.11870770
File: 2.23 MB, 336x200, 1524194326685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the size of the shit she has to take after eating all that

>> No.11870858

She would eat maybe 6 inches of it before quitting.

>> No.11871011

I could easily fuck this girl if I wanted.

>> No.11872136

A European posted this unironically

>> No.11872503

fuck off zoomer, adults are talking

>> No.11872511

>JerriLynn eats a burger.jpg

>> No.11872512

Out of curiosity, as I don't much browse /int/ or /pol/, but are euros being ironic when they use the mutt meme, or are they genuinely unaware of their hodge-podge rape baby histories?

>> No.11873024


Nice RP, faggot

>> No.11873047
File: 13 KB, 259x194, Flyover Cities - Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, New Orleans, etc, etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


America as a country is a fucking disgrace. The sooner you learn that the sooner you accept your fate, which is living the rest of your life in a shithole.

>> No.11873215


The structure size is unnecessary and impractical. This just gives me anxiety thinking about how someone could try and eat that without shit getting everywhere.

>> No.11874267

Actually she ate it all

>> No.11874278


>> No.11874288

The unhealthiest part is all the bread.

>> No.11874662


They’re not unaware, they just like to ignore it.

>> No.11874944

Jesus Chris, this fucking place