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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 282 KB, 2000x1000, tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11863063 No.11863063 [Reply] [Original]

What are /ck/'s thoughts on tofu?

I sometimes eat it with miso soup, but that's it.

>> No.11863144

It's bland until you put it in something for it to absorb flavor, and I don't like the texture. But you do you. If you like it, eat it. You'll just get a bunch of soy memes, here.

>> No.11863175

we against women and liberals :D especially liberal female vegetarians. We call them cucksoy

>> No.11863199
File: 468 KB, 1440x998, 26131b398b54c5586853b2c4e0ec9f24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a huge fan of it but it does go in a few dishes i love

>> No.11863207

Fry up some firm tofu in butter over medium-high heat. Right before your take it off hit it with a dash of soya sauce.


>> No.11863424

tastes good fried. even when it's in a curry or soup, it barely soaks up any flavor imo. pretty good clean source of protein though. the estrogen thing is a meme. it has more or less as much estrogen as any plant-based food

>> No.11863436

Fucking faggot, /ck/ is a vegan board and you're simply speaking on behalf of the /pol/ jews
Get the fuck off my board, kike.

>> No.11863484
File: 49 KB, 384x384, IMG_20170314_131529_051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it gives you man boobs

>> No.11863496

Better to have manboobs since boobs are universally loved in any gender.

>> No.11863514
File: 102 KB, 654x654, IMG_20190121_083316_510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man boobs are grotesque and vomit inducing, any man with boobs should be shot on sight.

>> No.11863541

How do people overlook that it's the same consistency as a wet sponge?

>> No.11863551
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The same mental disability that made them want too eat it in the first place.

>> No.11863602

You gotta fry it with spices and vegetables.

>> No.11863639
File: 13 KB, 300x300, ObeseUnaware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11863674

What dish is the top left one?

>> No.11863705

Firm tofu in good curry sauce... is a dish of the gods we do not deserve

>> No.11863736

Is there any data on gynaecomastia by country? It should be more prevalent in Asia if there was any truth to this.

>> No.11863753

Mapo Tofu
I doubt you whitefags can appreciate this example of fine Chinese cuisine.

>> No.11863754

Not true

>> No.11863821


>> No.11863902
File: 77 KB, 620x504, Mapo-tofu-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm white and I've made this recipe for mapo tofu and liked it a lot.


>> No.11863998

>red sichuan peppercorn
>fermented black beans
Never heard of these before. The process seems simple enough, sucks though that some essential ingredients aren't very common in the west.

>> No.11864003

I dont particularly like it, soy protein is where it's at
That shit soaks up whatever flavors you add to it and depending on the textures/shape you get you have a better way of converting meat dishes to vegeterian
Fuck tofu or mushroom tacos

t. cook for old dad who cant eat meat and is slowly losing appetite

>> No.11864013

tofu is soy protein fucking retard
i hope your dad dies

>> No.11864114
File: 22 KB, 450x300, tvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tvp then fucker
Nobody goes around saying "can you fry my soy protein?" It's just tofu

Thanks, I hope yours dies too

>> No.11864124

I have to travel @ 1 hour to a large asian market to get them but they store well. Do you not have asian markets? Try amazon.

>> No.11864150

It’s literally soy protein you stupid fuck.

>Nuts suck, almonds are where its at!!

>> No.11864247

I only buy firm tofu, the soft stuff is gross. The good stuff from the market has a nutty soy flavor. I sometimes fry it first and I sometimes slice it, marinate it in thinned sriracha and have it on sandwiches. The estrogen meme is reactionary carnivore snowflake propaganda but I've always wondered what it would be like to have boobs so I wouldn't care if I got some.

>> No.11864261

Tofu takes forever to absorb flavours. The only ways to efficiently make it nice are:

1. dip it in egg and then fry it
2. cook it in a starch thickened sauce (like with mapo tofu) to ensure the rich sauce attaches itself to the bland tofu
3. cook it and then have a dip ready (e.g. sesame paste, soy sauce, vinegar, chilli sauce, etc) to give it flavour

People who say 'just marinade it!' are talking out their asses's

>> No.11864266

Also another good way is to cut it into little bits and then fry it with ground meat

>> No.11864280


>just marinade it

The only people who suggest that are people who have never actually tried to cook with tofu. Tofu doesn't absorb shit for flavor

>> No.11864288

it sucks

t. a guy getting fat

>> No.11864297

Have you tried the good stuff from the market? It's in the fridge at the back of the health food store, in a white bucket beside the seitan.

>> No.11864345

I basically use it in place of chicken in some recipes, it has similar qualities to chicken breast and lasts longer in my fridge.

>> No.11864361

no I mean getting titties

I really hate having this fat layer on my chest that lags behind whenever you move and just makes moving around feel awful. I think I get how people get really fat now - exercising has gone from fun to an awful chore.

>> No.11864600

it's not mapo tofu like>>11863753 said although thats a great dish too. it's soondubu jjigae


>> No.11864605

oops this >>11864600 was meant for you. soondubu is pretty easy to make and the silken tofu is really different from regular firm tofu

>> No.11864824

Ya. It's only good every now and then too.

>> No.11864862

Tofu is coagulated soy milk, retard. It could easily be 50% fat. TVP is what's left after extracting soybean oil; it would be used as cheap dog food if vegans didn't buy it. Anyway, tofu is best after freezing it to expel excess water, then treating it like chicken.

>> No.11864981

I use it a lot, like 3 times a week. Usually this >>11863602. No idea why so many people complain about taste or texture, you just suck at cooking.

>> No.11865032

Ah OK. I know what you mean but I don't think that's the soy.

I always thought fitness trackers were lame if you weren't competing but recently my friend convinced me to download one and we each try to walk more than the other. It's actually decent motivation to get off my ass and out of the house.

>> No.11865046

>I sometimes eat it with miso soup, but that's it.
Same, the texture goes well with the seaweed, but I don't really care for it in anything else. It's almost like eggwhite, so not particularly flavorful or amazing.

>> No.11865053

seitan is better

>> No.11865062

It's good grilled and marinated. Can have fun texture. Otherwise meh. My family eats a lot but I never cared much for it.

>> No.11865104

as if, I put in soup and it just tastes bland in the fucking soup. no difference, unless it has been soaking in shoyu or sauce for god knows how long

>> No.11866171

Thanks, but the recipe I saw online makes it seem waaaay too spicy for my taste.

>> No.11866201


I like dessert tofu. Other than that, I don't eat it. Why eat tofu if you have meat?