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File: 1.85 MB, 403x720, thats what you get for not tipping whiteboy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11862147 No.11862147 [Reply] [Original]

don't want to tip? think again.

>> No.11862185

damn wh*toids be thid weak?

>> No.11862210

I guarantee he played the primitive ape by not fighting back and can now EASILY sue the FUCK out of that bar. Based white man.

>> No.11862395

I was just thinking this. Either hes going to sue the dude or sue the bar as well. Anyone got a sauce to this dish?

>> No.11862411

he can't sue if he wasn't going to tip the roastie

>> No.11862423

If he can't afford to tip a waitress, how is he going to tip a waiter and judge?

>> No.11862424

I mean lawyer and judge. Stupid typo, sorry.

>> No.11862426

Lmao that bouncer straight up assaulted him.

>> No.11862427

Youre not obligated to tip. Its not against the law to tip. Being attacked by some jigaboo for no reason is a payday.

>> No.11862433

I always tip 10%. But never when bying fast food. Nobody gives me shit because i look angry. Its my eyebrows, theyre bushy

>> No.11862499

it's not illegal to not tip you retard

>> No.11862502

Are you talented at taijutsu?

>> No.11862503

Somehow this argument doesnt look like its related to tipping

>> No.11862515

what exactly is going on here?

>> No.11862517

Ah, the 'Muricans

>> No.11862519

I wish non-Americans will stop pretending to be American. We know the law here, you don't.

>> No.11862528
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1548729043542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when eurolards try to pull an absurd false flag

>> No.11862542

Would the victim have been allowed to shoot the nigger when he tries to choke him out like that?
Seems like it would have been a clear cut case of self defense if he shot him dead.

>> No.11862554

Yes. You can’t just assume someone attacking you is going to stop before causing permanent injury. You’re allowed to assume he’s trying to kill you.

>> No.11862558

yes, you are allowed to use lethal force if your life is threatened

>> No.11862562

Do you track down guitar wielding space pirates?

>> No.11862572

No. It is disproportionate force when you use a weapon exceeding the power of his. You can shoot him if he has a gun, you can stab him if he has a knife. You can't shoot him if he is just choking you.

>> No.11862576

if that was about him not tipping then LOL that white guy is going to get one massive TIP from suing the place.

smart white guy.

>> No.11862589

Bullshit. He was choking him which can kill someone in less than a minute.

>> No.11862609

Tell it to the judge. It would take a very very expensive lawyer to convince the court that a gun isn't disproportionate in that scenario.

>> No.11862610


You absolutely can shoot someone for choking you. The guy had him in a rear naked and had some pounds on him. If he didn't stop he could kill him. It probably wouldn't hold to scrutiny if you shot a 5 year old girl for choking out hulk hogan but please don't get into law or law enforcement. You'll probably end up dead

>> No.11862616

Maybe in some liberal shithole like New York, in any sane state it would be a closed case by lunch.

>> No.11862631

need audio on this shit now

>> No.11862636

not to mention that he's a nigger so the judge and jury might actually tip him for putting down a wild animal

>> No.11862677
File: 193 KB, 1598x925, 1486915436362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11862678

that looks like a solid lawsuit.
he can sue the establishment since the jigaboo was on the job.

well played white man

>> No.11862683

>choking can kill someone in less than a minute
i think you've been watching too many movies, anon

>> No.11862702

Would you be able to sue the establishment for having an employee attack a customer AND not having his co-workers stop the attack?

>> No.11862710

No. People who don't try to help a person in distress are not legally at fault. People who try to help a person in distress and fail are the ones who are legally at fault.

>> No.11862712

I think you dont know how to choke someone out. A properly placed chokehold can make someone pass out in maybe 10 seconds

>> No.11862724

but it takes 3 minutes for the brain to *start* dying when deprived of oxygen

>> No.11862729

It takes much less time when you cut off blood flow

>> No.11862730

i googled "black man assaults white man in american bar" and now there's smoke coming out the back of my computer.

>> No.11862733
File: 75 KB, 683x1024, 1511502994014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11862750

sauce obtained:
>The patron who was allegedly assaulted has declined to pursue criminal charges.

>> No.11862763

>need audio on this shit now


>> No.11862764

found sauce

>> No.11862766
File: 42 KB, 720x658, 1541025106465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wh*te bois

>> No.11862808

Wow. Looks like the white guy tried to walk out without paying for 3 or 4 shots at the bar. The bouncer fucked up pretty badly by grappling and choking the guy. He should have just stood in his way while they called the cops waiting for the guy to try hitting him. Then the bouncer goes on to knee the guy in the body and face while he's on the ground. Clear cut assault. That business is screwed.

>> No.11863099

the cope is real

>> No.11863191

Has to be bait.

>> No.11863234

I never fucking tip, unless it's super great service. Fuck them. It's not my job to support you, sorry you made a bad choice and get paid 2 bucks an hour. Not my fault.

>> No.11863246

you're not a lawyer.

>> No.11863252

Why is anyone assuming that tipping is why the dude got attacked? It's just what OP posted, it doesn't mean that's what happened.

>> No.11863475

>false imprisonment
>violation of fire codes
>violent extortion

The bouncer is now a felon and the bar is done for. Was that 40 dollars worth it?

>> No.11863498


>Milo's Cantina has permanently closed in the wake of the violent altercation at the bar on May 31 that was captured in a viral video.

I love a happy ending.

>> No.11863673

In the US at least most states will have Good Samaritan laws that say a random person trying and failing to help can't be held at fault if they make problems worse. That changes if the person trying to help is, say, a doctor out for lunch and he accidentally kills someone while trying to give CPR.

>> No.11863712

Based. Niggers are truly the eternal setback.

>> No.11863722

I can't be completely mad at him because he's clearly from an upbringing where the second something goes wrong you just use violent confrontation to try to force the resolution you want. It's the job of his supervisor to tell him not to put his hands on customers, because she should know service law better than an untrained dishwasher. For her to look at the other customers taking video and just say "yea I'm the manager and I don't care, good on Tyrone for putting his hands on this cheap whiteboi" she's a certain kind of entitled clown who deserves the career ruination that inevitably came about from this fallout.

>> No.11863726

found the europoor/britcuck

>> No.11863734

>unavailable because of gdpr
wtf I'm not even in the EU

>> No.11863785

They shouldn't have hired someone so enthusiastic about tipping, simple as

>> No.11863789

Guy refused to tip after spending $150 on drinks with his friends. The owner told the bouncer not to let him leave until he paid at least a 30% tip. It was an american bar so tipping is required otherwise the workers don't get a salary.

>> No.11863811

>tipping is required otherwise the workers don't get a salary

Misinformation. Workers get a wage if they don't get tipped enough to break even. But they always break even and then some, which is why they're so in favor of tips that they'll commit felony assault against a customer who won't pay them.

>> No.11863824

Yeah, if this was really over a tip, he was straight up unaggrevated assaulted.
Nog bouncer is looking at a year in jail at least, patron is looking at an easy hundred thousand payday from the bar, which will likely close.

>> No.11863833

Legally, it depends on the state.
Practically, pulling a gun when the other guy can just grab it is a bad idea.

>> No.11863838

The guy got his back side. If a big nig is going to pull a Gracie choke, let him take you to the ground but fight the choke. Try to get him in some sort of guard and don't stop throwing punches until someone stops the fight.

>> No.11863853

>Boyce, a tattoo artist who is also the owner of Queen City Tattoo, initially declined to proceed with criminal charges, police said. But he later told the Journal he hired attorney Joseph O'Connor of Mainetti, Mainetti and O'Connor. The lawyer said he hopes to work with police to give them "information that will be sufficient enough to press a whole number of charges."
Frat bro about to get paid large.

>> No.11863859

>criminal and civil proceedings are the same thing

>> No.11863867

he sounds like a decent dude who tried to keep the drama low and not be a bitch. But the only way he's gonna get that medical bill money is by sinking Tyrone, so there's no time for mercy.

>> No.11863870

The goal is to hit the ground with him on your belly instead of back. You can wrap your legs around his waist like a seatbelt. But from there you can wiggle to a neutral hold where you are both completely immobile or go for ground and pound. Would not suggest going for a submission.

>> No.11863874

The guy was short on his multiple hundred dollar tab and said he'd go outside to get the rest.

>> No.11863882

Nothing says college like a tattoo parlor. If he were so smart he'd have tipped the woman.

>> No.11863883

and that man? he went on to kill hitler.

>> No.11863885

If you don't tip, they just get the difference from their employer. Which explains why the manager just sat back and watched this happen.

>> No.11863898

What if he has a broadsword and I have a +1 crossbow?

>> No.11863903

this wasn't about tipping though the white guy was drunk and belligerent and refused to leave

>> No.11863904

Dont be that Guy.

>> No.11863916

That doesnt look like not wanting to leave to me. Did you watch the video?

>> No.11863932

stupid ape, hope he enjoys his lawsuit

>> No.11863956

I am a lawyer and this is called theft by extortion (or attempted), assault, battery, and probably kidnapping (or at least false imprisonment). Civil suit along the same lines.

>> No.11863981

that makes no sense. he was probably just some drunk dude-brah acting hard.
yeah like this douchebag with a backwards hat actually thinks that far ahead and can play people like that, not to mention being able to afford a legal team with whatever sub-30k mcjob he has.

>> No.11864000

So that's assault then. Should sue.

>> No.11864005

the article said he lawyered up

you don't need money to sue, you just need to be able to convince a fast-cash lawyer that you have enough of a case for him to take a percentage of the final award. A video like this is an absolute goldmine for an ambulance-chaser.

>> No.11864016

at least he didn't get shot

>> No.11864038

last time this was posted they said he was harassing or stalking the waitress, not because he didn't tip

>> No.11864039


>> No.11864069

His wife claimed that he paid half, then went outside to go use an ATM. It sounds a little bit fishy. The audio from the LiveLeak sounds like he knocked over some alcohol and had it replaced, and didn't want to pay for it. I think he was drunk and it was a misunderstanding.

>> No.11864103

It truly takes a lot, lot longer to die of lack of oxygen or lack of bloodflow to the brain than you think. Otherwise you wouldn't see so many brain damaged people who only got half hanged.
-t. med student

>> No.11864393

Is that what we're calling whites these days? I guess it makes sense.