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11861934 No.11861934 [Reply] [Original]

>when it's too late to get booze and you notice a mostly full bottle of lemon extract
>the shakes won't wait for the liquor store to open

>> No.11861945

One of the upsides of being a stoner rather than an alcoholic. You can always get high by scraping your bong/pipe if you smoke a lot.

>> No.11861956

Nobody who gets the shakes doesn't know what they have on hand (aside from maybe a few hidden half empty bottles) and plan ahead.

>> No.11862962

try not bragging about your slow crawl to the grave on the internet like anyone wants to hear how pathetic you are

>> No.11862971

>Doesn't drink rubbing alcohol
Do you even /alk/ bro?

>> No.11862996

No, that's retarded nonsense. People get bad withdrawals because of neglecting to restock all the time, be it alcohol, benzos, or any other physically addictive recreational drug. I wouldn't be surprised if OP doesn't really get the shakes and was just trying to be funny, but pretending this scenario doesn't happen is dumb.

>> No.11863023

It’s so sad when I see young people (early 20s) get the shakes. You got a long way to go.

>> No.11863026

If long term planning was possible for these people they wouldn’t have gotten to this point in the first place

Imagine getting drunk in the morning, just imagine

>> No.11863032

I get drunk every morning; I'm drunk right now. After having to drive to the store first thing in the morning to pick up a handle of vodka with visible shakes once you make sure that shit doesn't happen ever again.

>> No.11863051

>After having to drive to the store first thing in the morning to pick up a handle of vodka with visible shakes once you make sure that shit doesn't happen ever again.
You're not every other alcoholic on the planet you idiot. Benzo withdrawals are worse, wanna try claiming nobody with a history of benzo withdrawals ever finds themselves out of benzos?

>> No.11863078

You can't just drive to the store and pick up more benzos any time you want, dum dum.

>> No.11863094

>What is a drug dealer?
Anyway your original point is still retarded. People definitely exist who run out of alcohol and get withdrawals. It's really not that hard to mess up. If you're in any sort of mind altering addiction to a deep extent you're not going to be very good at planning ahead. That's pretty much the definition of addiction, throwing away your longer term living wants / needs in exchange for constant attempts at immediate gratification.

>> No.11863101

>be 18
>date some coke dealer
>people ring him up and bang on his doors all hours
>he dgaf, has enough money, wants sleep

>> No.11863118

>Having only one drug dealer

>> No.11863126

>everyone has multiple dealers
Idk what to tell ya. These people didn’t.
You will enjoy life more by not being so argumentative.

>> No.11863128

I've been there, and then you get to make that shameful 9am trip to the liquor store with the other end-state alcoholics. I learned to always have an extra bottle.

>> No.11863130

>having to use a criminal to get weed
>not going down to the weed store with nice glass jars and cabinets where a pretty young girl dressed in black will let you smell buds directly out of her hand and her perfume overpowers the weed smell but that's just fine
I'd hate to live somewhere that doesn't allow weed.

>> No.11863135

You can also get a prescription. Or just have it delivered through the mail, it's not like you're going to end up in prison for buying personal amounts of a prescription drug. Worst thing that happens to buyers is they just take your incoming package.
And I don't care, it's still really fucking retarded to pretend people like this don't exist:

>> No.11863137

Nobody was talking about weed. What's wrong with you?

>> No.11863157

He's an addict in the addict thread. You expect much from a stoner? They don't even realize how much those stores rip you off compared to your neighborhood weed grower.

>> No.11863171

The store has way better prices. It's $60 for 5 grams of premium or 8 grams of the cheap stuff. $60 always bought 3 grams from the dealer.

>> No.11863173

I knew a 15 year old girl with the shakes.

How do you become an alky at 15?

>> No.11863184

Was she really an alcoholic or did she just have shaky hands? There are a lot of causes for tremors that have nothing to do with alcohol.

>> No.11863593

Shit happens man

>> No.11863599

2 beers, huh?

>> No.11863601

I don't have to imagine

>> No.11863611

Hey, lady, the dude was just confused by the fact that some people are so stupid that they only have 1 dealer, you fucking pig.

>> No.11863616

Never mind, this dude is retarded.

>> No.11863737

Imagine paying some guy 20/g. Your dealer was abusing your lack of experience

>> No.11863763

Too much lemon extract and not enough love.

>> No.11863781

We were talking about benzos.