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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11858356 No.11858356 [Reply] [Original]

He discovered a new flavor. What is it?

>> No.11858357


>> No.11858374

Go back to /b/ flavor

>> No.11858375

Artificial Watermelon Flavor #235264253?

>> No.11858376


>> No.11858399
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>> No.11858400

if it's new, how could i describe it?

>> No.11858405

He's discover a new element and it's watermelononium.

>> No.11858415

Green grape

>> No.11858430


>> No.11858431


>> No.11858432

liquid welfare

>> No.11858441

Green drank.

It's the same as purple drank, but green.

>> No.11858445


>> No.11858446


>> No.11858468

Like umami but also a bit like dust not the bad dust though the good dust you know?

>> No.11858533


>> No.11858544

They're going to make an Empire of Dust

>> No.11858724

Ha, wow.

>> No.11858737

Is there a dr piccolo edit of this? If so, pls share

>> No.11858745

pepe flavour?

what would it taste like?

>> No.11858992


>> No.11858993


>> No.11859021
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like tears of millions of incels who hate the best meme on this earth

>> No.11859064


>> No.11859081


>> No.11859193


>> No.11859201

maple butter rum
if were talking OPs pic related then it's probably working (Ha) on watermelon crack

>> No.11859230

Chicken - watermelon

>> No.11859247

it's just green water. Tyrone discovered food coloring an shit

>> No.11859267

Essence of fried chicken

>> No.11859271

racism is not ok

>> No.11859295


>> No.11859302


>> No.11859420


>> No.11859468

Fish sauce with a hint of coke

>> No.11859487

Wakandabola aids

>> No.11859561


>> No.11859624

>these are the "people" who post on /pol/
pretty much what I pictured desu

>> No.11859772

It’s insane how bitter you guys are towards black ppl when ha,f of you have never met one in your life

>> No.11859927

Pie flavor.

>> No.11859928


>> No.11860046

having a dad flavor

>> No.11860510


>> No.11860516

Waterchicken, also known as duck

>> No.11860537

>Waterchicken, also known as duck

How can blacks invent new flavors when they've already invented everythang? They're superhuman, I tell you.

>> No.11860588

Some people are just joking because it's funny that blacks = watermelon or fried chicken or other stuff but other people obviously hate blacks, and that's ok too, they're just too retarded and shy to know otherwise.

>> No.11860601
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>> No.11860605

>It’s insane how bitter you guys are towards black ppl when ha,f of you have never met one in your life

We've met your American blacks. They are some of the most racist, biggoted, and hateful people on the planet. Ever one of their own failures in life is somebody elses' fault, never their own responsibility.

lol Your white liberals are doing a great job of creating a permanent underclass of hateful, racist blacks who focus only on race & hate instead of bettering their own lives.

>> No.11860640

>no one posted the dwemer "gone too far" image yet

>> No.11860645

If you think that's how the majority of people think you are beyond sheltered.

>> No.11860647

No, it's because a black man raped my friend and I want to kill one to settle the balance.

>> No.11860648

>Your white liberals are doing a great job of creating a permanent underclass of hateful, racist blacks who focus only on race & hate instead of bettering their own lives.
as long as they vote democrat, i'm ok with this.

>> No.11860735


This. Even african blacks are way more productive and responsible. Blacks in america are way too pampered, manipulated, & corrupted by white people agendas.

>> No.11860742

>eye for an eye dipshit

Yep, checks out

>> No.11860943

Sprite Cranberry

>> No.11860997


>> No.11861024

A revolutionary hybrid of grape and watermelon known as "statutory grape"

>> No.11861035


>> No.11861049

13% flavour

>> No.11861069
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fuck you I laughed

>> No.11861070


>> No.11861071

Umami 2: Electric Weaboo

>> No.11861092

Absenté, named in honor of his father.

>> No.11861101

armed robbery

>> No.11861105


>> No.11861343

hang yourself newfags

>> No.11861412

Kool Aid Pickle and Four Loko

>> No.11861434

Based. Newfags and r*ddit trannies btfo.

>> No.11861447

Purple Rape

>> No.11861450

malted pickle brine

>> No.11861500

>ha,f of you have never met one in your life

>> No.11861505

Salty Milk and Coins

>> No.11861695

i live in brooklyn

>> No.11862005

This stuff was invented so I can put vodka in it. It's really great.

>> No.11862160

Dr Nigger

>> No.11862164

Yes. That's why I hate them.

>> No.11862179


>> No.11862556

Artificial Charcoal Flavor #420696969

>> No.11864425


>> No.11864445

roodie poo

>> No.11864462

/pol/ is mostly mexicans desu

>> No.11864475

The flavor of shieeeeeeet

>> No.11864834


>> No.11864945

Wow, even /ck/ is racist.

>> No.11865396

Deep down everyone is a racist

>> No.11865422

I'm literally from Ghana living in Atlanta, Why do
black americans ruin being black more than africans already do

>> No.11865449

Finally... Watermelonium.

>> No.11865469

Watermelon that actually tastes like real watermelon. His current project however is to find the artificial flavor for fried chicken.

>> No.11865481

>Implying unironic MAGApedes still browse /pol/
When was the last time you visited /pol/, my friend?

>> No.11865558
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This has barely anything to do with food. Go shit up r9k with this trash.

>> No.11865568
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The worst part is, the dregs of the left are even more repulsive than their counterparts.

>> No.11865590
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Which includes our old lulcow CWC, who was "with her." Look at him and tell me there's a god.

>> No.11865611

Over 90 replies and enter the spoil sport. Gtfo.

>> No.11865625
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 9338DE6E-8191-415E-B350-271260BF5031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I’m having fun encouraging this kind of bullshit”

I’d rather have mcchicken threads if it means this shit stops.