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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11858096 No.11858096 [Reply] [Original]

Stop. You have ten seconds to post your favorite fish before you can go back to shitposting. Mine's red snapper, usually done with a honey miso glaze. Cod baked in breadcrumbs is a close second.

You do eat seafood right? Please tell me you don't spend your life eating the same three fucking animals every day when there are dozens of types of fish.

>> No.11858112
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Why is fish the least tasty meat?

>> No.11858139
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Slightly overdid this one. Still tasted gud.

>> No.11858154

Battered catfish, simple and delicious. Grilled salmon is nice too

>> No.11858167

Because you still have a child's palate.

>> No.11858177

Largehead hairtail for frying or grilling

Japanese halibutfor sashimi

>> No.11858206

pan fried bass fillets
baked salmon with pesto crust
peppered mackerel
pan fried cod fillets
tuna steak
swordfish steak

these are my favourite fish dishes, recommend me fish i may like

no bottom feeder fishes (catfish, basa etc)

>> No.11858218
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absolute best fish is fresh, whole, and steamed chinese style
that's the way that most lets the fish itself shine

>> No.11858222

Mahi mahi is my all time favorite fish.

>> No.11858239
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>> No.11858246

Summer fluke that I catch myself.

>> No.11858269


>> No.11858277

I don't get what this post. What is the connection between Mahi Mahi and this picture?

>> No.11858294

Someone's never watched Bio-dome.

>> No.11858305

I watched it YEARS ago while drunk so I've probably forgotten the reference. Not a big Poly Shore fan.

>> No.11858313
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Blackened catfish with salt and pepper.

>> No.11858320

Halibut's really nice but usually pretty expensive. Try red snapper, cod, or haddock.

>> No.11858321

This, but freshly caught and grilled lightly (they're a small, relatively delicate fish so you need to be careful not to overcook them).

>> No.11858325

raw tuna

>> No.11858388
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I think salmon cooked in fresh citrus juice is godly, either in the oven or on the pan.

>> No.11858412
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catfish man, fry that shit up

>> No.11858418

chinook salmon. there's no other fish that even comes close.

>> No.11858776

For me it’s skate with beurre noisette.

>> No.11858814
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Sielawa, smoked on real wood.

>> No.11858817

Mercury poisoning:The post.

>> No.11858829

White North Eastern US here:
Flounder: Top tier
Tilapia: Good when you can't get flounder
Catfish: That thing that Poppy catches but the Fish and Game warden says he has to throw back.
Hammerhead: The thing that Poppy catches but he insists would make a good soup as he wrestles the first mate for the shark.

I guess it'd be flounder for me. Salmon is good but only if sushi. Tuna is good but I only appreciate it if it's sushi. Cooked salmon and tuna just doesn't taste like much.

>> No.11858834

I prefer squid and oysters. Squid is best because it has cool brains to scoop out and cook as a special delicacy.

>> No.11858873

For me, it's the whole fried tilapia sold at Asian or Mexican markets

>> No.11858931

If you're cooking it, gimme dat blackened catfish.

If it's raw on rice, mackerel. Ohohohohoooo, mackerel.

>> No.11859114

Veja (Sparisoma Cretense).
The different types of mackerel in the Atlantic.
Non aquiculture seabass from the Atlantic.

>> No.11859115

Salmon and tuna.

>> No.11859117

Moluscs are fod"s gift to the human palate, but we are discussing fish.

>> No.11859121


>> No.11859147

Peacock bass

>> No.11859154

The atmosphere is cleaner than the ocean so logically, the animals that live in the atmosphere are cleaner than the animals that live in the sea. For that reason, I avoid seafood.

>> No.11859188

That retarded herb on top, not cute btw, looked like a fucking mosquito.

>> No.11859191

>eating fish
I bet you voted for shillary too soycuck

>> No.11859196

fugg that looks good

>> No.11859198

I don't eat slimy, noxious "diversity food" with bones and skin and eyeballs because I'm not a delusional white guilt coastie trying to pay off a $100k minority studies degree with a barista job at starbucks

>> No.11859231

>favorite fish

I can't pick just one, it depends a lot on what I'm doing. Even if you make it super specific like "serve on rye for lunch" I still have to pick between three ways to prepare mackerel, three ways to serve herring, one way to prepare plaice and one way to prepare tuna.

I guess if you made it something like "you can only ever have one type of fish ever again," I'd probably pick salmon just because it's so versatile but man.

>> No.11859246


>> No.11859253

Mackerel, great basically every way you can prepare it. Grilled, fried, battered, raw, smoked, pickled.

>> No.11859258

Squid and sardines. Also soft shell crabs

>> No.11859276

burbot buddies

>> No.11859293

Swordfish. Tastes like a steak when grilled legendary.

>> No.11859308
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For me it's Cazón, the best small shark.

>> No.11859372
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There is nothing better in the whole world than freshly caught bluefish fried up with butter and lemon. Tender, soft, perfect amount of fat, perfect balance of flavor. My dick is hard right now.

>> No.11859377

Probably stingray or like gilt-head bream but realistically its whatevers fresh on the market that day

>> No.11859400
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Lake salmon
all preferred smoked, slightly grilled and Norwegian salmon as sashimi
not forgetting sushi

>> No.11859434
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i live on Cape Cod and go fishing twice a week, so i have access to some pretty incredible fish. I'm thinking about going straight pescatarian this summer.
>striped bass. Super versitile and meaty. Usually do it grilled, but its great poached with an aromatic broth, too.
>Black Seabass. These tasty little fuckers are just amazing. I tend to grill them whole, although en papellote come out insanely good.
>Bluefish. This fish is one toothy bastard. They keep trying to eat you even after they are in the fish box. Its a really oily fish, but if iced and bled properly and grilled fresh, it's shockingly tasty. also smokes well and makes a mean patê
>flounder/fluke. Pretty standard sweet white flatfish. Make flounder like you would dover sole, fluke like you would halibut. Pain in the ass to clean, but well worth it.
>Atlantic Bonito. These little tuna are amazing. They fight like hell and taste great. Seared in sesame oil, or steak cut and grilled.
>cod/haddock/pollock. Baked with ritz crackers, butter, lemon and white wine. It's pleb tier recipe but why fuck with delicious?
>bluefin/yellowfin. Bluefins are a colossal pain the ass when you catch one, but every year i try for days like an idiot. recreational anglers cant sell them, so i wind up giving HUNDREDS of pounds of bluefin away when it happens. Like, literally, these fish are worth $5k apiece but we're prohibited from cashing in, so pretty much everyone i know gets 10 lbs. but man is it good... the yellows are much smaller and managable. 30/40 lbs.

>> No.11859440
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>> No.11859508
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For me it's brook trout. Fresh seafood is very expensive where I live, but these tasty fuckers can easily be caught in any river or lake. I keep it simple when cooking. Salt, pepper, flour, fried in a pan, eaten with rice and vegetables.

>> No.11859521
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That's a classic.

>> No.11859538
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For me, it's the tender, flakey Filet-O-Fish.

>> No.11859614
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>Tender, soft, perfect amount of fat, perfect balance

>> No.11859782
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>> No.11859796

Depends on my mood. Broiled Cobia with dirty rice is a staple. Grouper is good pretty much however you cook it, as well as snook.

Whoever says Tilapia can neck themselves.

>> No.11859812

F l o u n d e r

Unless you let me count the eels me and my dad would fish out of the storm canals.

>> No.11859820


>> No.11859842
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The only right answer

>> No.11859891
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>> No.11859898

Snapper is great. Also a fan of halibut in brown butter, bronzini is good pan seared or as tartare if you can get it t fresh enough. Trout is really nice if you get the skin really crispy as well.

>> No.11860234

That's not a fish, anon.

>> No.11860245
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>> No.11860316

the snack that smiles back

>> No.11860337

im a big red snapper fan myself, but these days i eat almost exclusively tilapia because it's way more sustainable.

>> No.11860379

Man, hard to pick just one favorite. If I really had to I'd probably pick sablefish, but wild sockeye salmon, monkfish, mackerel and sturgeon are all pretty fantastic as well.

This. Molluscs / shellfish are phenomenal but not the thing we're discussing.

Guess what man, all food that comes from animals had bones and skin and eyeballs at one point. You think it just magically appears in nice wrapped packages in the supermarket? Moreover, you don't recognize the literally thousands of years of tradition behind eating seafood? It was a staple part of our diet in pretty well every coastal country in the world since humans settled there. Calling it 'diversity food' is patently ridiculous.

Never had bluefish, where is it native to? What is the flavor like?

>> No.11860397

>whatevers fresh on the market that day
I mean that's what you get, for sure, but it's not the same as what's your favorite. Your favorite is what you WISH was the best thing at the market that day.

>> No.11860406

Probably stingray then, love me some stingray stew or in fish soup

>> No.11860429

it swims in the ocean

>> No.11860472
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Ahi tuna is probably the best I've had, but catfish has the best memories associated with it. Pic unrelated, though I do love me some scallops as well.

>> No.11860550

amberjack is pretty good
red mullet for smaller fish

>> No.11860643
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Flounder and other door mat fish
Spanish mackeral

>> No.11860693
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I really really like small oily fish like mackerel, smelt, sprats, anchovies, sardines, etc

they are the tastiest to me but maybe that's because a luxurious fish like tuna is more popular and thus more common

>> No.11860797

That is a huge bluefish

>> No.11860816

Not a lover of fish but the best fish I ever tasted was on I caught myself in the LI sound. Two big, hideous fish with both eyes on the same side of its head. Believe it was called a flounder. Those were truly delicious - almost like chicken.

>> No.11860849

what a retarded fucking garnish.

>> No.11860874


>> No.11860902


I am pescatarian so seafood is my main source of protein. Sockeye salmon is by far my favourite fish. But dover sole breaded, with a lemon abd caper butter sauce is up there. Halibut and cod are staplestoo especially for fish and chips.

Red snapper, sablefish, and Arctic char are good but I don't eat them a lot. Canned fish like tuna, mackerel/sardines and anchovies are always in my pantry. Smoked trout is always a treat.

>> No.11860967

I'm guessing sushi doesn't count. I like baked mackerel. Grilled with lemon is good too. Low tier but cheap and plentiful.

>> No.11860973
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No thanks

>> No.11860998

European river eel, smoked

>> No.11861066

That's gallium.

>> No.11861078

Nope, it's fresh from the mercury mines, dipped it myself

>> No.11861241

+1 anon good taste

love mackerel, should probably try some of the others too

>> No.11861255

White fish: flounder
Red fish: salmon

>> No.11861256

Mercury comes from bore holes in the ground. Have you never heard of Hg wells?

>> No.11861257

Humans evolved past eating slime and bones and eyeballs though. The ones still doing that are subhuman.

>> No.11862305

>tfw know nothing about fish

Somehow despite knowing I know nothing about fish I ended up with a whole fish on my plate at a restaurant and had to awkwardly try and copy what other people were doing to get into it. It was real tasty though.

>> No.11862343

Nice. I've caught a ton of those about halfway down Baja in the sea of Cortez out of Loreto.
Sucks I don't like eating fish though

>> No.11862372

So do snakes, but they're not fish

>> No.11862373

Oh sorry, you're right. Four whole animals. That's way better.

>> No.11862376

I'll fucking kill you

>> No.11863842

What ocean/lake/river species are the most ecological to consume? I don't want to contribute to chinese mass net fishing and the likes of it.

>> No.11863892

because that is a dolphin fish. or a dorado. or a mahi mahi.

>> No.11863893

Catfish that has been breaded and deep fried is my favorite. One of my favorite restaurants makes a killer po boy with it.

>> No.11863900
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A simpl swordfish steak, a few herbs and salt and pepper, fried. A lemon buter pan sauce and wa la.

>> No.11863907

Please tell me you did an internet search for Hg wells. Lol.

>> No.11863914

Wild caught swordfish. I was unaware you could get farmed ones too.

>> No.11863927
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Dont mind me, just posting the GOAT fish, zander

>> No.11863940

Alaskan Sockeye Salmon is one of the best. Farming takes far more resources than wild fish, but what they do with Alaskan Sockeye is start the fish in a hatchery and then release them in the wild to restock. This shores up populations while taking far less resources than farming.

Though on the other side of that, farmed shellfish are more environmentally friendly than unfarmed for a variety of reasons. And anything you catch yourself is likely going to be a-okay since catch limits are put in place after years of studying sustainability.

>> No.11863947


You literally eat meat stuffed into animal-shit-tubes (sausage) and gelatin you brainless imbecile, your standards are arbitrary and your IQ is double digit territory. I don't eat fish eyes either, but I sure as fuck don't act high and mighty about it. Fucking pathetic, never post on my ck ever again.

>> No.11864193

Thank you

>> No.11864198

im like salmom

>> No.11865232

Tuna, sardines, swordfish and herring. Sole, plaice and grouper.

>> No.11865243

Golden trout from the eastern sierras, my niggy

>> No.11865244

Perch. Bluegill is a close second.

>> No.11865271

Coral trout, barramundi and mangrove jack are all god tier

>> No.11865283

Pretty much the same here, but I like fried catfish more than bluegill. Not enough meat on panfish for me to bother with. I use cut gill as catfish bait

>> No.11865300
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eel are the best tasting fish

>> No.11865309

Really depends. Freshwater eel taste like mud. Ocean eel when barbecued are delicious. Then you have shit like monkeyface eel which are actually fish but they taste better than real eel.

>> No.11865315
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>> No.11865340

oh-mah-gawd! I thinks you got-a a znook on da line!
t.every fishing channel ever. Snook are instant pleb filter

>> No.11865345


>> No.11865616

>po-boy fish
holy fuck thats genius.

Also my favorite fish is walleye because thats what i grew up on.

>> No.11865620

Barramundi pan fried.

>> No.11865622
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I love a juicy grilled Norwegian mackerel. I love biting into the almost buttery tender flesh and have that explosion of oil and flavor coat your mouth.

>> No.11865624

No reason just like it most

>> No.11865639
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>> No.11865744

Mackerel (specifically Atlantic mackerel)

>> No.11865884
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>> No.11865940

I love you anon

>> No.11866052

Have you ever had it? I live on a salt river off a barrier island in the tropics, and it's the best thing you can catch. I love it. Aside:

>getting this ass blasted over a fish

Who's the real pleb?

>> No.11866087

I have. And it's a pleb tier fish. People like it because they can be a novice and pull in a 15 pound snook. Parroth/Ling/Rockfish are all better eating that fucking Snook. Learn the sea you fucking pleb

>> No.11866131

Surprised Bronzini hasn’t been mentioned, a Mediterranean staple. Skin cooks crisp, juicy lean meaty white meat. I’d argue this is a better entry level fish than tilapia. Bronzini with olive oil lemon and salt oven roasted is the best

>> No.11866146


>> No.11866501

sounds ideal, god bless

>> No.11866665

>getting so personally offended over a fish
>being pretentious over fish but calling snook lovers pretentious


>> No.11866714

Redfish aka black drum. Blackened with a nice lemon butter sauce.

>> No.11866964

i fucking love swordfish
but its so expensive
once for my birthday my parents gave me 2 kg of swordfish and i ate it all that week
then they said i should watch out because of the mercury but it seems ok, haven't noticed a difference

>> No.11867068
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>Also my favorite fish is walleye because thats what i grew up on
This guy gets it. Nothing beats some nicely prepared Walleye.

>> No.11867191
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The best fish is the one you catch yourself.

>> No.11867202

Grilled salmon
Fried/baked trout/perch/walleye
Cod for fish n chips

>> No.11867209
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>> No.11868028

nice mosquito.
fish looks genuinely good tho

>> No.11868034

based and flatpilled

>> No.11868040

damn. that makes me want fried catfish and hush puppies with some coleslaw and fries.

>> No.11868049
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Dried sardines for broth or munching

>> No.11868169

Sole meunière

>> No.11868412

Either salmon or unironically deenz when cooking it myself. The only thing better is fish straight from the river to some rural granma restaurant.

>> No.11868417
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>> No.11868424

Any dish where it's a minimum of 40% shrimp
Especially when it has that tiny crunch to them

>> No.11868460

Grew up fishing for and eating blue gill. Would always eat it at my grandmas in the summer after my uncles would go fishing. I don’t think it’s my favorite fish though. Ocean fish are a lot more satisfying to eat imo

>> No.11869878

northern pike of course

>> No.11870049

because your mom probably overcooked it all the time

>> No.11870067

There was this island i used to visit when i was a kid and they would sell cazon empanadas, best empanadas ive had in my life. Just thinking about them makes me nostalgic.

>> No.11870099

Swordfish, trout, shark - but mostly eat the more readily available, salmon, tilapia, tuna...

I need to try some snapper.

>> No.11870267

Is there fake wood? Serious question