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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11856068 No.11856068 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck am I supposed to quit eating sugar????

Shit's in fucking everything we eat. Even foods you wouldnt expect has shitloads of sugar in it.

>> No.11856072

Are you American by any chance?

>> No.11856075
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make your own food?

>> No.11856083

Meat and vegetables have barely any sugar.

>> No.11856082

Try for natural sugar rather than added sugars.

>> No.11856085

But I mean it all has sugar. Even carrots. There's sugar in those. It's impossible.

>> No.11856104

Are you autistic by any chance?

>> No.11856112

sugar isnt bad. your body breaks down ALL carbs into sugar so you probably technically consume way more sugar than u even realize on a daily basis

the issue is spiking blood sugar (high glycemic index foods), which is avoided if u use more complex carbs which are harder to break down to sugar like brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread, etc. avoid too much juice as its just pure concentrated sugar with no nutrients. cereal can be ok depending..

eat yogart, sardines, etc

>> No.11856117

Sometimes I don't feel like doing that shit.
This retard isn't me btw>>11856085

>> No.11856130

The point is to avoid refined and added sugar and carbohydrates while being conscious and limiting starchy foods. A few carrots and sweet potatoes won’t hurt you.

>> No.11856131

Too bad, because good things take effort. You are not entitled to an easy AND good life, you have to choose one or the other

>> No.11856136



>> No.11856138


>> No.11856154

The sugar in carrots is far from being "bad" from your health like refined sugar, and they are there in less quantity too

>> No.11856181

>How the fuck am I supposed to quit eating sugar?
Why would you want to?

>> No.11856189

Because too much sugar in a person's diet has been liked to several cancers and mental illnesses.

>> No.11856195

well if you don't want to cook then finding a sugarless prepared meal is going to be pretty tough then aint it

>> No.11856203

Easy. Stop buying processed foods and cook from scratch, and don't choose recipes which call for a lot of sugar.

>> No.11856236

Maybe don't eat too much of it then? The same applies to alcohol, water and orange juice as much as it applies to cane or beet sugar.

>> No.11856268

Too much of anything is bad. It's easier to focus on cutting down than trying to cut out.
Try to make the brunt of your sugar intake through fruit for a start. If you have to chomp through apples and oranges to get it you won't eat as much.

>> No.11856293

It's easy to cut out added sugar... in hindsight. It is very difficult when you are actually doing it but stick with it.

No desserts or candy, straight up.

Read the labels on all drinks that aren't water. Certain things might surprise you with how much sugar they have. Don't even think about soda or fruit juice.

Fruits and veggies are fine because of the way your body will digest the sugars considering all of the fiber and such. As mentioned above, juicing is bad because it means you are throwing out all the good stuff and get a direct hit of sugars, making it no better than soda.

Read labels on premade food well. They put HFCS in everything all the time. It's an easy way for corporations to increase flavor on the cheap. Meaning that a premade granola bar can be okay, but you need to make damn sure because some of them are pretty much candy.

>> No.11856402

>Don't even think about soda or fruit juice

Fruit juice is fine if you make it is freshly squeezed instead of out of a box. Eating the fruit itself still healthier

>> No.11858303

Stevia, which in proper iterations is only sweet.