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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 257 KB, 998x1236, Coca Cola Taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11854421 No.11854421 [Reply] [Original]

Scandinavian Taco > other taco

>> No.11854429

This image is too white, where's the adopted refugee?

>> No.11854431

Shout out to Minnesota

>> No.11854447

I'm genuinely surprised someone didn't make that complaint unironically before it went to print.

>> No.11854450

Look at thise open soy mouths
Can’t show the real world anymore or another poor oppressed Brevik type might get offended and shoot up a summer camp. All media must now be censored so as to imply it’s still 1951

>> No.11854480

Yeah I was kind of surprised there was no black guy sitting beside one of the women. Maybe he's still in the bedroom recovering though.

>> No.11854483


>> No.11854495
File: 228 KB, 981x1233, refugees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11854642
File: 364 KB, 1024x768, thumb_img_8220_1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad pushes diversity, anons complain
>ad lacks diversity, anons misses it
The fuck is wrong with you? You know you have a whole board to obsess over your shitty identity politics.
Now fuck off so we can discuss fredagstaco™.

>> No.11854667

Basement dwellers can't handle media that makes even a passing attempt at depicting reality as it exists outside anime

>> No.11854792

What do Scandinavians do for their tacos?

>> No.11854811

Whatever it takes

>> No.11854813
File: 154 KB, 416x435, 1543511319782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me voice an opinion about a country that i know only from shitty paint memes

>> No.11854842


I imagine some sort of fermented fish....and a cheese that spreads like butter, with some sour pickled salsa.

>> No.11854869

In Sweden. Picture's from Norway.

>> No.11854887

although i agree, i also have to admit that it's a wholly bastardized taco with commercial products and not a lot of soul

i'd take my soulless tacos over authentic mexican any day though

>> No.11854902

store bought shells/tortillas, store bought taco spice, minced meat, mild cheese, store bought salsa, corn, sour cream then red onion/salad/cucumber as topping

some people use chopped garlic in the minced meat and some people substitute or add home made guacamole to the sour cream

no fucking beans or any of that authentic shit

>> No.11854914
File: 415 KB, 800x532, 1791869-10-1445787300335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

Norwegians eat this every Friday.

>> No.11854929

Well that just sounds like a plain, boring taco to me. Exactly the same as any lower-middle income family would make. I was expecting something a little more exotic desu :/

>> No.11854934

it's far from exotic, but it's fucking delicious even though it sounds plain as fuck

>> No.11855418

>If I think someone is being dumb, my default reaction is to call them a trump supporter

>> No.11855424
File: 88 KB, 1214x403, kk4ac7zj16az.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty safe assumption these days

>> No.11855432

Sounds about right. What's the problem, flyover?

>> No.11855440

>le flyover meme too
Now THIS is an NPC.

>> No.11855464

But I'm not a sub-80 IQ human-chimp hybrid aka a flyover.

>> No.11855474

Really? You sure sound like one.

>> No.11855488

Last I checked I was typing not talking but I forgive you for being stupid, it's not your fault you were born geographically irrelevant. Now share with us your best marshmallow 'salad' recipe.

>> No.11855499

>I-I'm not literally talking, d-dummy! ;~;

>> No.11855501

sound can mean following a pattern you brainlet

>> No.11855505

Girls, you're both pretty

>> No.11855527

Contain yourselves flyovers, we don't want to see stupid posts here. Have you entered this thread and mistook it for the fast food thread?

>> No.11855533

t. flyover

>> No.11855546

go back to your hole baby killer

and the ad is a ski team

>> No.11855675

Had this for dinner couple hours ago lmao. Good to see Norway doesn't do the duty nigger nonsense based neighbours

>> No.11856087


Tbh, i've been in the US many times through work. I would choose the people of flyover states over coastdwellers any day of the week. Both east- and westcoast inhabitants are horrible people.

>> No.11856120

That is legitimately about 150 to 200 tortillas. Who tf eats that many tortillas? Are they hosting a party for 50 people and everybody's wearing the same sweater? Is that a Swede thing?

So many questions.

>> No.11856274

It's a Norway thing, it's a lusekofta/setesdalsgenser.

I think the people in the image are on the Norway ski team and of course the monkey races don't like snow or skiing so it's gonna consist of actual norwegians.

Swedish tacos is basically minced beef with "taco spice" (mostly cumin) and some variation of the following: cheese, cucumber, tomato, salsa, creme fraiche, lettuce, corn, bellpepper. Some even use banana. The true patrician limits his taco to the first five ingredients I mentioned and puts it all on a large Santa Maria tortilla. Infact I ate that today.

It's probably the ultimate BLEACHED food for pasty honkies. Good though.

Based. Min tacobroder.