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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11850960 No.11850960 [Reply] [Original]

RIP cluck clucks.


>> No.11850965
File: 40 KB, 658x662, C9B7A9A8-6248-4391-83A9-7E5BD0D86252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will trum sav them ?

>> No.11850988
File: 104 KB, 253x276, 1542675899502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birds Are Very Delicious

>> No.11850990

>almost protein
>mostly bone
>rest is skin and fat
Why do people crave this shit? There is a reason it was left to the slaves.

>> No.11851007

>rest is skin and fat
Crispy, fatty, what's not to love, and it's more of a social thing. Just like picking crabs with a group of friends or family.

>> No.11851884


Will these stupid cucks ever evolve to become poisonous to us? We kill billions yearly. Surely this would speed up the evolutionary process??

>> No.11851894


>> No.11851911

(((They))) ask the same questions about you

>> No.11851914

>Will these stupid cucks ever evolve to become poisonous to us? We kill billions yearly. Surely this would speed up the evolutionary process??
Evolution doesn't care if you die. Evolution is about the way selective pressures determine which organisms reproduce and what traits form from their selection. If anything we're artificially making these chicken wildly successful in an evolutionary sense by breeding them in such large numbers.

>> No.11851935


Life uh.... uh.... finds a way

>> No.11851948

There are waaaay to many chickens on earth

>> No.11851962

when will science invent chickens with four wings?

>> No.11852038

KFC's farms actually have some mutant ass chickens.

>> No.11852067


>> No.11852073
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RIPieces, yard birds.

>> No.11852080

1 cup Frank's red hot
2 Tbsp melted butter
Brush on cooked wings
5 min at 350
Brush on
5 min
Brush on
5 min

>> No.11852082

>Rest In Peace ieces
retards be all over my board

>> No.11852086

baste and red sauced

>> No.11852112 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 634x476, 3C422C6900000578-0-image-a-1_1484789317914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans will buy 12.5 million pizzas on Super Bowl Sunday
>Americans are set to eat 1.33 billion chicken wings
>Americans are drinking 325 million gallons of beer during the weekend of the big game.
>Americans will eat almost 200 million pounds of avocados during the Super Bowl

do americans really?

>> No.11852117
File: 68 KB, 900x507, broiler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We raise so many that you're bound to find the odd one. I've seen some baby chicks with two heads or an extra leg and shit at a broiler shed, the worker just broke their necks because they wouldn't likely survive. I think at the hatcheries they cull any mutants as well, so those were just a couple that slipped through. We're talking about maybe 50,000 chickens at a time arriving to a shed and a lot of farms will have several of them

>> No.11852120

Fuck off. God bless America!

>> No.11852121

the real question is do north koreans think that this is the best time to strike?

>> No.11852127

>325 million gallons of beer during the weekend of the big game.
>1 gallon per person of the population of the US

>> No.11852134

Yes, one single American will eat all of that. It's quite impressive actually.

>> No.11852141

only 104 million watch it so 3 gallons per person get drinking

>> No.11852148


>> No.11852151 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 1024x683, 01_arches_mcdonald-s-golden-arches-have-a-hidden-sexual-meaning_691789705_longjon-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

103 million viewers

12.5M pizza = 27,500,000,000 ÷ 103M = 266 cal
1.33B wings = 93,100,000,000 ÷ 103M = 903 cal
325M gallons of beer = 338,000,000,000 ÷ 103M = 3,281 cal
200M lbs of avacado = 141,200,000,000 ÷103M = 1,370 cal

Therefroe we can deduce the average american will consume about 5,820 calories during the 2 hour game

>> No.11852155

it's pretty extraordinary to think of how many are slaughtered on a daily basis, and how many of those slaughtered are disposed of because they didn't get eaten. such wasted life.
if we could engineer chickens with six wings then that would minimize the slaughter rates. or if we could merge a chicken with a lizard that can grow back it's limbs then we might not have to kill any. holy shit we have to do this!

>> No.11852156

It says over the weekend and doesn't specify that it's game related.

There's only 8 pints per gallon.

>> No.11852170

lol, must suck to be in a 3rd world where you gotta wait in breadlines. Americans literally can NEVER go hungry.

>> No.11852195

The industry doesn't really waste much they'll end up as pet food or fertilizer or something, maybe the worker will feed them to his pigs. Even the dirty saw dust gets trucked off to be used

>> No.11852206

Americans are eating a pound of guacamole today, each. Fuck you commies

>> No.11852245

what happens to all of those avocado seeds?

>> No.11852299

After-plate food waste is ENORMOUS. In america anone it could feed like all of sub saharam Africa or something.
If post-plate food waste were a country it would be like the #6 producer of CO2
I get your point about the industry recapturing resources and by/co-products, but food waste is a huge sink of resources and opportunity cost.

>> No.11852300

Vegan here. This genocide is upon your hands, carnists.

>> No.11852320

Fuck off chicken little with your college retard anti science fear mongering

>> No.11852330

based point maker

>> No.11852338
File: 19 KB, 221x218, 9781278311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more chickens every day, soon they will outnumber us 3 to 1, if we don't kill them they'll soon take over as the dominant species on this planet

>> No.11852382

How can it be an odd number, chickens have 2 wings

>> No.11852388

That's even, dude.

>> No.11852392

over crowded, won't properly crisp because the bottoms will be simmering in their own juices

>> No.11852417

Care to flesh out your point a little more?

>> No.11853541


>> No.11853549

The exact reverse is happening. We're breeding them to be bigger and tastier, and have been ever since we domesticated them. And even then, they'll be obsolete the moment we figure out how to economically mass-produce synthetic chicken meat, saving us a hell of a lot of money and space.

>> No.11853552

If only they had four wings...

>> No.11853554


>> No.11853719

Would you love to watch these mutants pecked to pieces by the other chickens, they will even do it to a black one let alone something fumbling around on the floor with an extra arm

>> No.11853741

a fellow pozzer I see

>> No.11853764


>> No.11854664
File: 441 KB, 1024x1024, crispr-infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have supplanted natural selection pressures entirely with the advent of gene modification. With the help of crispr cas9 we can expect to see some ridiculously meaty animals in the coming years by literally editing the genes of our livestock (significantly speeding up our constant march towards bulkier biological meat machines).

Chemically 3d printing meat may never be more economical than letting bioengineered chickens produce it, that said it would be much better for the environment and would remove that pesky moral dilemma of horrible living conditions and systematic slaughter of living things with nociception. Now that I've just thought of it, we could genetically hijack fish to produce more chicken-like meat to skirt that moral problem.

>> No.11854703


>> No.11854711

When's the super bowl?

>> No.11854712

What is the best type of food and the best kind of restaurant for someone who hates the NFL and does not think and wants to avoid the super bowl?

>> No.11854713

Lots of modern plants and animals cannot reproduce naturally in their current state, so they'll degenerate until they can. Corn is one example.

>> No.11854719

>the 2 hour game

>> No.11854721

>Americans are drinking 325 million gallons of beer during the weekend of the big game.
That's a gallon per person!

>> No.11854732


>> No.11854794
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>> No.11854804

That makes it sound so much worse

>> No.11854808

Kek. Come to my restaurant. We're going to be dead today.

>> No.11854856
File: 40 KB, 401x500, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chemically 3d printing meat may never be more economical than letting bioengineered chickens produce it, that said it would be much better for the environment and would remove that pesky moral dilemma of horrible living conditions and systematic slaughter of living things with nociception
Can't you just breed headless chicken?

>> No.11854861

I'm thinking of going out and grabbing something before i watch and shitpost on /sp/ tonight, because I don't feel like having leftovers.
What should I get?

>> No.11854907
File: 97 KB, 498x594, 13f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your sacrifice today, bird of gains

>> No.11854932

Brains are pretty important for staying alive, not just for abstract thought and motor function. Your heart and lungs take autonomic signals from the brain to function. Maybe it's possible to decentralize that and move the job to the spine but it would be like reverse engineering a whole creature as opposed to just tweaking a few of a creature's stats.

>> No.11854943

based pepe dabbing on the incel 4chanellers

>> No.11855026

>Your heart and lungs take autonomic signals from the brain to function.
>Maybe it's possible to decentralize that and move the job to the spine
Why overcomplicate it with adding new functionality to the spine instead of just leaving the brain stem and taking everything else out?

>> No.11855261

Drums > Flats

>> No.11855274

Reminds me of The Matrix

>> No.11855275

Good. One step closer to eradicating the feathered menace.

>> No.11855296
File: 485 KB, 960x1280, wingstray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people like their wings

>> No.11855344

Looks overcooked

>> No.11855366


Drums = quantity
Flats = quality

>> No.11855651

Drums = easy to eat
Flats = more trouble than it's worth

>> No.11855662

>not liking wings
Picky, babyish taste in food

>preferring drums to flats
terrible taste, unable to appreciate the perfect balance of fat and protein that flats offer

>> No.11856008

I dont get Super Bwl, it's like 10% actual playing while rest is ads, interviews, ads, replays of epic moments, ads and more ads.

>> No.11856014

My wife is bartending at Buffalo Wild Wings right now; the chicken consumption has already started. Wish her luck /ck/ frens

>> No.11856272

I hope your wife gets fucked hard by a real man in the bathroom so that you can eat his cum out of her pussy.

>> No.11856744

do americans even math? no wonder they're so fat.

>> No.11856755

>doesn't know the one bite pinch of a flat is easier than the drum

>> No.11856825
File: 67 KB, 537x357, Headless-Chicken-Solution-Andre-Ford-7-537x357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of this

>> No.11856841

>After this "desensitization," the chickens could then be stacked into huge urban farms with around 1,000 chickens hooked up to large vertical frames – a little like the network of pods the humans are connected to in The Matrix. The feet of the chickens would also be removed in order to pack more in. There could be dozens of these frames in the vertical farming system, which Ford refers to as the Centre for Unconscious Farming. Food, water and air would be delivered via a network of tubes and excrement would be removed in the same way. This technique could achieve a density of around 11.7 chickens per cubic meter instead of the current 3.2 chickens achieved in broiler houses.

>> No.11857335

Kek underrated

>> No.11858043
File: 257 KB, 500x474, D4AB3995-EDCE-45D6-B21D-3D09A6B2CAC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my part, bro. Had to buy food for my workplace Super Bowl party today (for the entire site, it wasn’t a potluck) and instead of buying a ton of chicken wings from the store to go with the pizzas I bought a bunch of cauliflower and baby carrots with dip. Fuck those ungrateful carnivores.

>> No.11858046

It’s the flavorful sauces more than the meat.

>> No.11858066

The party I went to only had chicken wings to eat but none of them at all were boneless. So stupid. So my grand contribution to this was zero.

>> No.11858556

Kys yourself.

>> No.11859457

Nigger what? That's not how evolution works.

>> No.11859463

Hard R eh? Must be from bama