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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 750x733, Vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11849453 No.11849453 [Reply] [Original]

Is it something with the diet, or is it that weak people are more likely to become vegans?

>> No.11849459

A vegan diet is more likely to make you have less muscle mass and a lower weight overall, which isn't entirely a bad thing considering how overweight some people are, but doing it properly means the difference won't be that big.

>> No.11849464

It' s a mindset that poisons your body.

Just like feminism.

>> No.11849476

Inb4 "natty" vegan body builders who took 10 years to get the noob gainz a normal person would get on a good diet in a year or two.

>> No.11849515

i'm vegan and i'm probably stronger than you

>> No.11849538

I go vegan 2x a year for 40 days for religious reasons and I feel like I'm about to go crazy at the end of it. If you don't want to eat soy, you are basically limited to a diet of beans and grains. Nuts and seeds are dope though, they get a pass.

>> No.11849823

On this board? Laughable faggot, now post your body

>> No.11849912

Here watch my youtube video


>> No.11849959
File: 494 KB, 500x284, 72OLlwP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I shouldn't laugh at this shit, but never mind.

>> No.11849974

How many meat eaters die climbing the Everest? Not even a vegetarian or vegan but this is bad bait.

>> No.11850029
File: 80 KB, 435x690, 1547862805188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are actually stronger than meat eaters.

>> No.11850141


>> No.11850151

Almost 300 people have died trying to climb everest. They only made a clickbait article about the vegan, and you fell for it. Way to prove your superiority.

>> No.11850161

thats actually a good joke

>> No.11850162

Because it is funny when you do it specifically to show people that make odd decisions like you can do it, and then you can't

>> No.11850163

It's not false though, vegan died that's the point of this article.

>> No.11850167

holy shit, can we just drop this fucking vegan thing? god damnit, both sides are obnoxious
saged and kill yourself

>> No.11850173

You're a cock loving faggot

>> No.11850181

But vegan fucktards push this shit on everyone's throat.
Fucking whole timeline is filled with, "I'm a vegan and look how bad everyone else is".

>> No.11850182 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 552x524, 1526435777848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan here.

Im fairly sure I could take everyone on this board. I'm a multimillionaire (self made, bitcoin) Cambridge (grew up on a council estate before the eternal le privilege COPE) graduate, literally just make something up and call the police lmao.

Even physically I must be able to take at least 3 quarters of the 4chan virgins cause I'm tall and go jogging daily, instead of masturbating to Loli and pigging at McDonald's

>> No.11850197

Hey! It's not loli.

>> No.11850198
File: 8 KB, 250x186, 1494814430892s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this fag

>> No.11850200


Nah of course the 4chan meatchads don't even watch porn they just fuck a pair of models

>> No.11850929
File: 311 KB, 981x1355, you look like shit baldy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan for my entire life

>> No.11850966
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congratulations, you look normal, not many vegans can manage "normal"

>> No.11850971

You know how many meat eaters that have died on Everest?

>> No.11850974

wait so did your mom breastfeed you?

>> No.11850994

his dad did

>> No.11851023

haha, stupid vegan can't even climb Mount Everest. What a weenie.

>> No.11851024
File: 350 KB, 957x1024, 19581712585_a7235cfe38_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kuntal Joisher is a mountaineer and vegan based in Mumbai, India. On 15 May 2018, he stood on top of Mt. Lhotse, the fourth highest mountain in the world at 8516 meters, and became the first human in the world to have ascended any 8000 meter mountain on a 100% vegan lifestyle.

>Joisher criticized associating veganism with Strydom’s death, saying that she didn’t die to her vegan diet and rather due to the fact that she was a woman

Based Poo

>> No.11851027

does it count if you bring a damn ladder?

>> No.11851046

you reckon it goes all the way to the top?

>> No.11851061

He just pulls it up after reaching the top and uses it for the next climb.

>> No.11851099

It's the diet they choose, but it's something about the vegans themselves desu...they are weak in body, weak in mind, and weeak in character...overall I find vegans to be rather horrible meat sacks, and get a bit of a kick when one of them dies a horrible painful death...

>> No.11851159
File: 67 KB, 400x400, Elite Vegan Athlete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans have a lower body weight overall.

Well that's a true statement. As long as vegans are upfront about this lol.

>> No.11851848

Post body

>> No.11851856
File: 75 KB, 634x486, 27677F3B00000578-3032134-image-m-36_1428590952264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All meatmouths look like pic related

>> No.11851867
File: 181 KB, 976x1264, DSC_0073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11851874

not to sound creepy but body goals as fuck

>> No.11851887

If you don't think gluten is the boogeyman too, look into seitan.

>> No.11851888

Same but a little more than half the year.
It's not so hard until you remove oil. Doing the raw vegan just makes life so much harder. I'm surprised people willingly do that

>> No.11851892

Nice rings

>> No.11851925

vegans are the definition of malnourishment

>> No.11851973
File: 3.24 MB, 480x270, 1548848003236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not showing acne face, dead eyes, and missing teefs

>> No.11852645

Show us your bald head LMAO

>> No.11852654


>> No.11852665

*disordered eating

veganism is an excuse to restrict calories by being super picky with food

>> No.11852816

I'm not even anti vegan but I've ever met a vegan who wasn't malnourished or a bit deranged. I give them the benefit of the doubt every time, and every time I'm disappointed

>bruises on legs from iron deficiency
>sickly skin tone
>frail musculature
>easily annoyed and overly emotional
>chronic toker
>hate their parents
>"I'm always tired"

It's always some combination of these traits. I'm still waiting to meet at least one that proves me wrong. Then I might give it a chance.

>> No.11852834

Who wouldn't want to be the asylum demon?

>> No.11852841

The weirdest thing about the video is him not saying to be scared multiple times before showing the footage.

>> No.11852856

The issue with high elevation hikes like Everest is that they take a long time to do, as you camp for lengthy periods of time at different altitudes to adjust to the thinner air so you don't fucking pass out. If you plan poorly and try to rush it or run out of food you're fucked, let's not forget that the peak day is incredibly long and has deep snow.

T. Hobbyist mountain climber.

>> No.11852940
File: 3.94 MB, 6192x3416, Designated Shitting Streets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joisher criticized associating veganism with Strydom’s death, saying that she didn’t die to her vegan diet and rather due to the fact that she was a woman
While hilarious, automatically disqualified because India.

>> No.11853077
File: 71 KB, 1000x716, ad_165422090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11853080

Kek underrated

>> No.11853164

>French fries, bread pizza junk food.

You are on the wrong forum bro, none of us eat that lol. Are you lying literally to yourself to pretend you're healthy and we're not??


>> No.11853194

>none of us eat that lol.

i know right, only obese people eat that junk.


like and subscribe to my channel

>> No.11853217

Hench herbivore is a likeable guy and I wish him well. He is dishonest about Veganism not harming animals, but I think it's from lack of deep knowledge not purposefully deceitful. (Freelee for contrast, always uses crafted weasel wording, to avoid technically lying, while being deceitful to her gullible retarded leftist audience)

I wish hench would quit all the steroids and chemical protein powder and go healthy omnivorous for his health.

I like the guy so I would rather see him healthy and on my side.

>> No.11853222

>first vegan to climb an 8000m mountain
>the bitch who died climbing everest never had experiece with other 8000m+ mountaind

>> No.11853256


why dont you show us your nigerian chiseled body ,sverige. Or can you do us all a favor and explain how the earth is flat.

>> No.11853263

Nigger like you could scale Everest

>> No.11853347

u look gay

>> No.11853642

no u

>> No.11853651

or a reaction to seeing the problems with modern factory farming. most vegans don't stay vegan forever, but for the average person who never sees an animal slaughtered or thinks about what needs to happen for them to have that stuff, going a while without meat or animal products is probably a good thing.

>> No.11853952

this brings up a valid question couldn't one just skydive to the top or take a helicopter like i know it kills the challenge of it but there has to be at least one person who said fuck it and tried

>> No.11854015

Isn't Mount Everest just littered with corpses? Like actually just hundreds of dead people who all thought they were hot shit and are now just immortalized in permafrost.

>> No.11854019

His "Gf" has a stronger jawline than him

>> No.11854021

yea there's more than a few.
There are some bodies that people actually use as landmarks while they're climbing.
There's just no way to safely bring them down

>> No.11854030
File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, Insuferable pesonality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11854032



>> No.11854044


>> No.11854045



>> No.11854047
File: 79 KB, 640x640, heather boyd muffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of food rations would a vegan mountain climber carry? Just a shitload of nuts?
You need a LOT of calories to climb Everest. I think carnist climbers eat a lot of porkscratchings because of the weight/energy ratio.
I'd be curious to know exactly what this woman packed for the climb.

>> No.11854050
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1516097076509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always tired and I eat meat.
How to fix?

>> No.11854052


every little bit helps

>> No.11854073

I know antarctic expeditions carry lots of blocks of chocolate

>> No.11854089

According to my google-fu, the body doesn't do so well with digestion while climbing and the body wants to focus on providing nutrients to vital organs and brain. They go with things that are carb heavy and break down easy, and eat most of their protein at base camp.

Foods carried are crackers, meats, cheese, nuts (nut butters), fruit, cookies, chocolate. Camps have more food, including liquor and coffee.

>> No.11854093

Imagine lugging a Pineapple up a fucking mountain
No wonder that vegan died, she had 4 Durian in her bag

>> No.11854144

Veganism is a malnourishment cult.

>> No.11854570

Pretty much this


>> No.11855240

You just proved his point

>> No.11855267
File: 47 KB, 576x768, jcvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regurgitating anything from that brainlet sv3rige

>> No.11856225
File: 98 KB, 605x500, 0009ef3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Promoting vegan starvation cult.

>> No.11856561

Eat a variety of foods. Or lose wait fat ass it'll help with your sleep apnea, and if it doesn't talk to a ENT specialist.

>> No.11856961

Fair point but vegans are the only ones who make it a point every fucking time they open their kale-holes.

If they just went to everest and died on the way without being a massive faggot about it, there'd be no story. Plus the woman was a preachy vegan from melbourne uni, i'm aussie and i can say that uni has plenty of pretentious fuck just like that so good riddance.

>> No.11856973

You fat fucks never even leave your basement. This fantasy that vegans come up tell everyone they’re vegan isn’t a reality to anyone that actually goes outside

>> No.11856977

sv3rige is a fucking lunatic who eats 1 year old rotten meat that he keeps in a jar at home lmao

to his credit though, he still looks a lot healthier than your average vegan

>> No.11856997

He looks like Nosferatu on the G-Virus. Dead eyed nonce with absolutely ridiculous proportions. He’s got wack form

>> No.11856999

>Why are vegans so weak?
um, because they are picky eaters who usually do not eat enough because of their arbitrary limitations

>> No.11857002

If you've ever sat around and chewed the fat with a group of people and a couple of them are vegan, you'll hear about it.
Food seems to be ever present on their minds for it to enter conversation so often.
And once they mention it, then it becomes a topic and they start talking more about it as if it's a desirable topic for discussion, which it isn't, so they're just ranting to no one which is where their bad rap comes from.
Vegans just seem rather air-headed and unable to read other people and whether or not they are engaged in conversation or it's a topic that is of disinterest, they just keep going and now it's gone from "i'm just a vegan" to "preachy intolerable rant"

>> No.11857005

this is fucking bullshit. Vegans are incredibly evangelical

>> No.11857008

>If you've ever sat around and chewed the fat with a group of people and a couple of them are vegan, you'll hear about it.
You haven’t done either so no worries for you. The only time I hear about it is when some fat retard goes “iS tHaT VEgAN!!!?!!?”

>> No.11857018

You don’t even leave the house to meet one, fatty. It’s usually lardos like you whining about evangelicalism 100x more than it actually happens

>> No.11857031
File: 1.74 MB, 300x290, 1453310065374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only time I hear about it
You're clearly not an average Joe who mingles with different types of people within society at all

>> No.11857036

of course, some fat faggot on 4chan is clearly a high level socialite, how could i be so silly

>> No.11857046
File: 37 KB, 600x582, 1507520339989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projecting this hard

>> No.11857059

>youre actually the fatty!

>> No.11857087
File: 22 KB, 453x453, 1451543575757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spend your time going round anonymous Vietnamese basket weaving forums telling people that they are fat neets?
Fucking hell

>> No.11857094

did i say anything like that? someones projecting...

>> No.11857114

>chewed the fat
I can literally envision your boomer fatass sitting in an Archie Bunker chair drinking a shit beer, smoking a cigar and bitching about the vegans taking over the world.

>> No.11857127

>Archie Bunker
I had to look that up.
Apparently some show where half the main cast are already dead...
and I'm the fat old guy?
Post body
This is me.

>> No.11857142

I regularly leave my house to go to work and pay my rent/bills because i don't live in my parent's basement and i can confirm that most vegans are in fact that obnoxious. Also my burgers are better than McShit hamberders.

I'll concede that not all vegans do that but they are certainly in the minority and for most part these subhumans will piss themselves and go into fetal position when someone doesn't conform to their coddled microcosm of an existance.

If i ever go to everest i'll find that freezer-burned bitch and take a long piss on her crispy corpse with my omnipotent omnivore cock.

>> No.11858383

If it makes you feel better archie bunker is the best character in all in the family and is accidentally portrayed as reasonable and mostly correct, meanwhile the liberal son and the person you're supposed to agree with comes across like a babbling retard.

>> No.11858448 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 578x428, 1548619970494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be vegan

>> No.11858919
File: 62 KB, 609x350, Americans-are-Obese-and-Yet-Believe-They-are-Eating-Healthy-dating-singles-meetville-matchmaking1-609x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell how angry this full time sperg is by how many links he posts.
4 is all time Jimmy Rustling.
Sometimes I go to vegan news websites and get a link to the current know and post it on /ck/
It's hilarious that he checks in every 30 minutes for about 12 hours per day to post the same 6 videos nobody has ever watched, to post the same 6 vegans nobody has ever thought was an argument

Hey dude, you're so easy to troll it almost hurts that 5 minutes of my time wastes 12 hours of yours.

>> No.11858921
File: 40 KB, 300x500, 2013082846fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11858937

Try eating game meat sometime.

>> No.11858961
File: 2.59 MB, 1932x2576, 20180522_183903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. None of that is true.
2. If you tried to fight me I would just shoot you :^)

>> No.11858982
File: 64 KB, 752x750, cd18401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you couldn't take him. Did you not read? He could buy an angry pack of wolves, twelve bears and thirty body guards, equipped with two AKs and six grenades each.
Your Walmart 9mm wouldn't stand a chance.
Honestly the man could just buy your house from the bank and ban you from society until you starve to death.

>> No.11859029

I'm vegan, btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.11859031

No, you should laugh at things like that.

>> No.11859061

>Hello fellow normal people! You know how vegans are super annoying, well don't you think people who COMPLAIN about vegans being annoying are JUST as annoying than those pesky plant eaters?

>> No.11859095

lololololol the fags here might be fat as fuck but they can definitely push around an anemic vegan twig
post body

>> No.11859257

>to the top
If they could just take a helicopter up there that easily, you wouldn't have a mountainside littered with corpses.

>> No.11859266

Try pemmican

>> No.11859282
File: 60 KB, 976x561, 1548619655867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far more persuasive if you shout it outside so the whole damn world can hear you...


>> No.11859287
File: 108 KB, 1000x626, two-days-in-appalachia-0000687-v22n7-600-1435773723-size_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both sides
Yeah except that vegans are outnumbered by 14 year old "rrrawr cave man" edgelords by about a 20:1 ratio

>> No.11859311
File: 1.16 MB, 1300x1800, 1548628963972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care I will laugh at vegan skelingtons until the last one suicides.

>> No.11859357
File: 357 KB, 1080x1336, Meat suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave those vegans to me.

>> No.11859362

it's pretty obvious mate

>> No.11859373

>Vitamin A & D are essential and will never be found in plants
literally cannot tell if the source is ironic, if the compilation is ironic, if the screencap of the compilation is ironic, but clearly the shitposter missed it so i'll at least point out it's a poor shop

>> No.11859442
File: 650 KB, 969x653, 1545760834759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then improve it.

But answer me this are vegan teeth ironic?

>> No.11859511

Trick question. Vegans dont have teeth. Or a sense of irony, for that matter.

>> No.11859522

My friend lives in a country where meat is a scarce. He has to take supplements or drinks with vitamins and minerals to get all his nutrients. Unless you plan well, not eating both vegetables and meat will leave you malnourished

>> No.11859648

Are you saying nonvegans are a bunch of jealous fatties?

>> No.11859656

Dude needs to lay off the cocaine

>> No.11859661

He’s literally Barneyfag except gets triggered by veganism. 12 hours is a lowball, he goes from whenever mom wakes him up to 2am every day


>> No.11859694

It's the vegan-hate trolls that start a vegan thread on this board every fucking day so they can post their three youtube links over and over. Vegans don't push shit down anyone's throat.

>> No.11859698

>a frogposting political cartoonist/internet personality has the audacity to create this

>> No.11859810

>for my entire life
I have argued that doing this to a child is abuse.

>> No.11859817

>He just pulls it up after reaching the top and uses it for the next climb.
No, he doesn't.

>> No.11859822

>eating healthy is abuse


>> No.11859834

>>eliminating the most bioavailable sources of many vitamins and minerals from your diet is healthy

Vegan logic.

>> No.11859835

>This fantasy that vegans come up tell everyone they’re vegan isn’t a reality to anyone that actually goes outside
You're right, but this is only recently changing. Not all vegans tell strangers that they are vegan anymore. They're too busy telling us how much they hate Trump.

But generally, the subject does come up pretty much immediately upon meeting a vegan and frequently repeats at later dates. It MUST come up, since human beings eat three times a day and many people view eating as a social activity. The most restricted member of a group of friends ends up tyrannizing the other people with their dietary restrictions by limiting where anyone else is able to go out to eat, what they are allowed to serve at gatherings, or even what accommodations need to be made for a neutral event like a workplace picnic.

Withholding meat from a growing child is abuse. Absolutely.

>> No.11859893

>>eliminating the most bioavailable sources of many vitamins and minerals from your diet is healthy
Nobody is eliminating supplements

Witholding atherosclerosis is the opposite of abuse.

>muh trumpy xD
Get over yourself. America’s not on the verge of a Q inspired civil war because you post on pol

>> No.11859896

What are you even on about?

>> No.11859908

>Nobody is eliminating supplements
Good thing I wasn't talking about supplements.

>Witholding atherosclerosis is the opposite of abuse.
You don't need to eliminate animal products in order to do that.

>> No.11859917

>Good thing I wasn’t talking about supplements
Then what does bio available mean to you?

>You don't need to eliminate animal products in order to do that.
Animal products are the most bioavailable form for it

That you’re a fucking moron.

>> No.11859923

You're the one who abstains from essential nutrition for no reason, but *I'm* the moron? Sure, buddy.

>> No.11859939

Essential nutrition like what? Wheezing after walking 10 feet? You’re the moron no matter what latent phallic fantasies you play out while eating a sausage, pussycat

>> No.11859946


>> No.11859949

>vegan accusing anyone of being out of shape or gay
This shit writes itself lmao

>> No.11859972

>anyone jealous of literal soyboys
Kek, good one

>> No.11859975

>tu quoque
You sure got me there

You seem upset that you can’t keep up. You alright, little boy?

>> No.11859977
File: 68 KB, 1024x553, DEF7B921-E6DC-44EF-ADF8-CD8B8B242A2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething bitch titty dairy fairy

>> No.11859993

There was no need to 'get you', someone adhering to "malnourished leftist numale: the diet" calling anyine out on physique or sexual orientation embarrasses himself on his own.

Carnist fascists, watch out. Vegans will smash you by throwing their falling teeth.

>> No.11860001

>There was no need to 'get you'
What are you even talking about? Why are carnies so fucking fat and stupid? Nothing more right wing than voting and eating against your own well being I suppose

>> No.11860098

Everest was first climbed 1953. A vegan managed to do the same 65 years later with the help of sherpas, ladders and preinstalled tents and ropes.

>> No.11860135
File: 68 KB, 976x549, p034s06h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an area called the Rainbow Valley because of all the corpses with colorful climbing gear. Sherpas push them down there off the trail where they died.

>> No.11860147

>fat neet sits from his motorscooter to criticize the feats of others

>> No.11860256

To all those who post the Sv3rige videos, most of those people there are fruitarians. Veganism is a wide spectrum of diets that only have one thing in common: no animal products. Some people believe that starving yourself by eating a few fruits a day is "cleansing". These are mentally ill and with all the sugar from the fruit it's no wonder that they are loosing teeth. A vegan diet is proven to REVERSE heath disease, lower the risk of cancer and cancer related death, and hundreds of other positive health benefits.

>> No.11860346

>not feeding your child the nutrients they need
>making them take pills and getting injections just so they dont die of malnurishment
>make them feel like garbage for wanting to eat what their body tells them they need
dont reproduce

>> No.11860360

What nutrients aren’t they getting?

Seems like you got a brain malnourishment, amigo

>their body tells them they need
Their body is telling them they need to stiffen their arteries? I dont need to tell you to not reproduce. You’re a shut in incel with a limp dick

>> No.11860400

The Everest is no longer some distant, unreachable goal. It's a shitty tourist trap, complete with trash and lines everywhere.

In 2018 alone, over 8300 people tried it, all of them presumably omnivores, with a death rate of a little over 1.2%. On the other hand, 100% of the vegans (that we know of) that tried it, died. And not just some cow-hugging numale vegan with cum from the gloryhole still drying in the tip of his ironic handlebar moustache: it was someone that had put in some effort, and made a point of trying to summit the mountain to show vegans are as capable as "carnists". It wasn't good ol' paunchy Bob from the DMV, in his 40s and falling for motivational speaker bullshit, croaking it before the first camp because he had too many cheeseburgers and too little exercise in his life.

One group had to call for attention and acted smug, sanctimonious, and obnoxiously, just to ultimately show their utter failure at doing something. The other group was just there to do the same thing, and they died in the process of doing so.

>> No.11860408

Do you honestly believe the one vegan you know of is the only vegan to try it? Could this be why you think all vegans are noisy about being vegan? Because you think the noisy ones are all of them?

>> No.11860414
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>> No.11860418
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 0004378374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another vegan tear falls to the ground.

>> No.11860505

I'm sure all the ripped guys at the gym and best athletes are vegan. Oh, and all those flabby numales at vegan rallies are actually carnist infiltrators.
Woah, smash the carnist patriarchy, comrade!

>> No.11860518

he did say "that we know of", so it's definitely possible, but we have no real way of knowing

>> No.11860552

Carneyfag is mentally unwell. Reality is only as real as he wants it to be

I can smell your breath from here, eww

>> No.11860558

>>not feeding your child the nutrients they need
Or be vegan and feed them the nutrients they need.

Half of western parents feed their kids nothing but McDonald's and bathtime spaghetti. If malnutrition is "child abuse" the vegans are the last people you should be looking at (unless you seriously think ground beef is a multivitamin lmao)

>> No.11860564

>all those flabby numales at vegan rallies

>> No.11860570

Ground beef may as well be a multivitamin at this point. Cows have to get supplemented because carnists are destroying the soils with pollution, other contaminants, and their overgrazing

>> No.11860577

>vegan faggot talking about breath
lmao, irony is really lost on your cult

>> No.11860587

If taking a supplement means you're "malnourished" then the entire West is malnourished. Any time you drink milk (A+D), eat cereal (A+D), eat salt (iodine), or eat meat (B12) you're getting the chemical supplements that are added to all of those things.

>> No.11860592

And even with all those supplements injected to everything, most carnists have an omega-3 deficiency lmao

>> No.11860614

Carneyfag i doubt you can run a sub 20 minute mile

>> No.11860666

>pointing out a vegan's lack of self awareness is "no you"
Lmao, go blow some starvation breath on those meat eating fascist shitlords, comrade, that will defeat the carnist patriarchy.

>> No.11860680

>getting this mad on the internet

>> No.11860687

>Do you honestly believe the one vegan you know of is the only vegan to try it?
No, which is why I wrote "100% of the vegans _(that we know of)_ that tried it, died".

>Could this be why you think all vegans are noisy about being vegan?
No, I think that because I often eat at a vegetarian buffet near my workplace. It is openly vegetarian (and even a vegan can still have a pretty decent meal there), but they still add little tags near the food to warn people of the presence of various animal products. Week in and week out, the only people I see complaining there are vegans, moaning because most of the desserts use either honey or some kind of dairy, or because the spinach quiche has actual eggs in it, or due to the occasional presence of ricotta/cottage in the vegetarian lasagna. Everyone else just tries to enjoy the food while some cunt nags in the corner about the poor wee cowies that we might as well be raping with our own cocks by daring to ask for some parmesan on the pasta.

>Because you think the noisy ones are all of them?
I know the noisy ones aren't all of them, but they are the annoying (and often loud) majority. I know two vegans that do not act like cunts, and, coincidentally, both became vegan for dietetic reasons instead of believing a chicken has as many rights as a human being.


>> No.11860701

cringey seething Carneyfag

Why are carnists so fat, stupid, and triggered? >>11851024

>> No.11860709

>The girlfriend isn't vegan
>Somehow this is the most beta part

>> No.11860785

Ok, so the mortality rate is 50%, not 100%, for vegans. Congratulations, it's a shit experience only half the time!
>Pajeet vegan made it
Right, make that 75% shit.

>> No.11860795

Stupid fat seething carneyfag. Don’t get angry, pussycat

>> No.11861372

Does your gf know your are using homophobic slurs? If she finds out, she might not give you her penis tonight for being a bigot.

>> No.11861924

>vegans start in this thread claiming "not every vegan is in your face about it!"
>rest of the thread is vegans suffering massive butthurt calling everyone fat carnists and making themselves incredibly conspicuous

Shit just demonstrates itself.

>> No.11862066
File: 31 KB, 802x450, 1549227208196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A vegan diet is proven to REVERSE heart disease, lower the risk of cancer and cancer related death, and hundreds of other positive health benefits, including emaciation, tooth decay and loss of sanity.

>> No.11862080

So true. Vegan hypocrisy is infinite. We should discuss something sensible like which famous vegans will quit this week? My guess is raw alignment and Hench herbivore.

>> No.11862088


>considers 4chan “in your face”
All that needs to be said really

>> No.11862333
File: 79 KB, 680x441, Hunter x Lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I watched all four these are fucking hilarious lmao. The level of delusion is amazing. THE DIET WORKS WHEN YOU TAKE 30 SUPPLEMENTS A DAY BRO xDDDD

>> No.11862590

Vegans live an unsustainable life.

>> No.11862596

There's no such thing as a sustainable life. Death is inevitable.

>> No.11862701

>my GF's sperm

>> No.11862844

>friends become vegan a couple of years ago
>they're getting so skinny and effeminate
>others look anemic and malnourished

if you're rich and could afford all the food it'd take to compensate for meat, I guess, and I get the ethical problem..but being vegan is still fucking whack.

>> No.11862948

Vegans breast feed you nit wit.
At least research what you claim to be against.

>> No.11863013
File: 45 KB, 540x405, 1548218679766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how vegans talk out of both sides of their mouths at all times to defend their starvation cult. When vegans drink mothers milk is beautiful and healthy nourishment for babby. When it's me drinking milk is disgusting bla bla giving me cancer.

(Not that I care. They all end up emaciated ghosts)

>> No.11863497

Mate his “gf” has more sperm than him

>> No.11863840

>GF's sperm

>> No.11863861

You look like a fat guy trying to pose like he doesn't appear as overweight. Good job!

>> No.11864872
File: 27 KB, 512x512, neal-barnard-headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol that's a troll post, wfpb vegans have chiseled jaws, high carbers also have higher test and more sperm. The guy in pic released is clearly a meatboy.
Yes, the guy in vid is still a cock but look at him before veganism, he looks wayyy better

>> No.11864877

This is the average anti-vegan sv3rige cocksucker

>> No.11864883

>he looks wayyy better
because the pic on the left is desaturated.

>> No.11864928

anon being auschwitz mode ain't much better for your body than being a fat fuck you know.

>> No.11864960


>> No.11864961

At least being a stick is aesthetic while it's just disgusting to be obese

>> No.11865024
File: 240 KB, 1024x768, CAM00130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I could lose 10kg but I'm still a Park Ranger. Don't think I couldn't do a 3 day hike in under 24hours shooting dead all the pest animals along the way and getting paid to do it

>> No.11865170
File: 210 KB, 701x442, 1546265375106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, anti-veganism and carnivore is the hip new /pol/ trend, it's funny because last year because of Nasim lots of /pol/cucks were shilling veganism but then sv3rige gained a lot of popularity and now vegetables will kill you lmaooo

>> No.11865208

Those fags on /pol/ are the literal hive mind they meme about, lol!

>> No.11865258

>and I choose to frequent a board that is mostly fast-food and meat related shitposting

>> No.11865292

Not him but I only come here for the bait threads and bread threads desu ne

>> No.11865500

Did they recover the body?
If not the cold should preserve it well. Might still be doable.

>> No.11865529

>“Walking away was the hardest thing [for him],” Pennells said. “You can imagine, or hopefully you can’t, making the decision to come off the mountain knowing that the body of your wife is up there.”
Have at it

>> No.11865565
File: 2.35 MB, 1000x2000, soy not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy ruins men

>> No.11865824

Have you seen the average vegan? They're all bordering on malnourishment. Even the body builders look like their body and soul have become 40% desaturated.