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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 250x250, Eat more hog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11838834 No.11838834 [Reply] [Original]

like seriously why is it always cartoon animals serving the meat they come from?

>> No.11838850

It's to glorify the Satanic Babylonian-Masonic symbolism upon which the United States is built. The ritualistic degradation of human dignity gives the ancient cabal that runs the United States and most of the Western world spiritual power. With this spiritual power, they sustain their control over the masses, who are forever ignorant of the satanic glorification they regularly take part in through activities like eating BBQ, purchasing iPhones, and taking the subway.

>> No.11838865

How does taking the subway glorify Satan?

>> No.11838878

Think about it for a moment. A subway is a cramped, fetid transportation of the teeming masses of humanity deep underground. You find them most often in the most crowded and sinful places, i.e., large cities. The wretched refuse of these cities, almost dutifully and zombie-like, board these demonic carts to travel "below". Sure, there's a lot of bums, thugs, and mentally ill people, but there's also businessmen, police, medical personnel. It's a metaphor for the damnation of of most of humanity, even those of us who seem "good". I'd recommend taking the bus.

>> No.11838886

oh that makes sense.
WHy do they always have wooden tables, tho?

>> No.11838892

symbolizes the subjugation of nature to the interests of the ruling class and the coming destruction of all that grows and is sacred

>> No.11838895

Wooden tables are used to simulate the ancient sacrifice of livestock to God. In the bible, sacrifices are placed upon wood and burned. The "sacrificed" i.e. barbecued flesh of animals is placed upon a wooden table to mock this holy tradition. It is especially powerful if the animal itself is "unclean", which is why pork is the most common meat you'll find in a BBQ establishment. Another deliberate parody of holy ritual is that humans then consume the "holy sacrifice" which was a sin, because the sacrifice was for God. Satanic ritual relies heavily on the mockery of that which is holy, to pervert it. In doing this, the seek to empower themselves and profane the truth.

>> No.11838896

I have Schizophrenia, btw. If that matters.

>> No.11838898

Then do airplanes glorify Jesus?

>> No.11838911

They were intended do, and indeed did, before they were corrupted in the 1950s. Air travel was highly restrictive, much like entry into heaven. The sudden removal for minor infractions, security barriers, and "gates" were all symbolic of the afterlife. Unfortunately, due to legislation by the powers that be, small, god-fearing airlines were regulated into oblivion and taken over by powerful corporate entities, which are always the tool of Satan. They've since ramped up what was initially a subtle and spiritually warming analogy to God, and dialed it up to eleven in a perverse mockery. Now security has become a painful process, people are thrown off for capricious reasons, and ticket prices have become almost prohibitively expensive. All this is intended to foster a sense of doubt that going to heaven is even possible, and make people give up on trying.

>> No.11838939

All of this but unironically.
agent of satan.

>> No.11838947
File: 32 KB, 500x387, 1540437931651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man these tickets are expensive. DAMN YOU SATAN

>> No.11839068


>> No.11839716

We noticed..

>> No.11839720
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>> No.11839732

I love when people rant about shit they don't understand.

>> No.11839756
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>> No.11840060

>high on the hog
vegans will never know this feeling

>> No.11840110

I wish I could find the quote I'm about to butcher. But it was something like.
>Only eat at a barbeque joint in they have a pig on the signage. If that pig happens to be anthropomorphic, all the better. If you see a pig in an apron happily cooking his brethren, you've found the place to eat.

>> No.11840564

Utterly based

>> No.11840565
File: 40 KB, 152x254, 1473642644243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat brisket

>> No.11840780
File: 51 KB, 360x360, 1541921490325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for stopping in /x/. Please take some cookies before you take off.

>> No.11841005

>Implying there is a difference

>> No.11841091

They're the slaver kings that sell their own people and become rich

>> No.11841156
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>> No.11841180
File: 7 KB, 225x225, oh naww retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Babylonian masonic
Pick one buddy both are not the same. The jews run the masonic lodge and practice judiasm which christianity comes from.

>> No.11841216
File: 155 KB, 550x563, 1548351810346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cute, anon.

>> No.11841223

I remember watching a JBP video for the first time too.

>> No.11841278
File: 221 KB, 1057x939, 489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and schizopilled

It's actually just a southern thing, romanticizing old timey cartoons.

>> No.11841702

Kek, I always found that morbid too.

>> No.11843414
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>> No.11843452

This is the kinda autism I miss

>> No.11843983

its schizophrenia, not autism

>> No.11844214
File: 24 KB, 310x248, 1549007667744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x comes over to your place uninvited

>> No.11844909


>> No.11845144
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 6068289_cekfAPA3uMmVyY4XvWqSbe49i_WmZ2Dbzj2zQvAWpAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11845203

>Sexualized Hens
I didn't know I liked this...

>> No.11845284

I think this is worth screencapping

>> No.11845298

What part of "synagogue of satan" didnt you understand, nigger?

>> No.11845813

Sorta like King Jew George Soros

>> No.11845854
File: 3.52 MB, 406x339, 1467190723460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
