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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11837958 No.11837958 [Reply] [Original]

recipes i can bring to class that are not smelly or loud to eat?

i really dont want to eat junk food anymore in my night classes

>> No.11837963

Cotto salami

>> No.11837967


>> No.11837970

are you going to bring enough for everybody?

>> No.11837980

What the fuck? Just eat before or after class you degenerate.

>> No.11838001

>gorge yourself with all your daily calories before and feel sick the entire time you're in class

>be hungry the entire time and then eat after 10pm


>> No.11838006


Stop eating in class. I fucking hate people who eat in class. You fucking idiot. Just bring a cup of tea or coffee like a normal person and wait until you get home.

>> No.11838032

aren't you just too lazy/poor to bring your own food and thats why you get mad? because im reminding you of it

>> No.11838058


You fat fuck, I bet you already eat before and after class, you just cant go one hour without stuffing your fat face. Your prof should kick your fat ass out of class for disrupting the other students who are actually there to work.

>> No.11838062

>eating in class
>night classes
what the fuck

>> No.11838065

Soylent is pretty good

>> No.11838071

Eat before you go in, dum dum.

>> No.11838085

I've never seen someone eat in a college course before, not even the fatasses back in my Gen Ed courses when I was a freshmen. I can't even imagine what op looks like

>> No.11838087


Wrong. I am rich because rich parents and have 0 student debts. Fucking asshole. I just fucking HATE people who eat in fucking class. You are the most obnoxious fucking assholes out there. Entitled, selfish, inconsiderate lunatics who can't go 1 hour without stuffing your fat faces with some sort of repugnant processed garbage or foul smelling liquid shit. FUCK YOU.

>> No.11838093

People who eat in class don't have any manners. You cannot wait 2 hours? Quit being such a little bitch holy shit.

>> No.11838099

I eat in class because it's bulking szn and I need to down 8k calories per day

>> No.11838109

Shut up you fucking retard. Eat shit, how about that? Stuffing your faggot face in a classroom like the FAGGOT that you are.

>> No.11838121

You wouldn't say that to my face that's mean

>> No.11838126

Is this thread typical of /ck/?
If yes, I'll just go back to le Reddit :(

>> No.11838140


yes clearly this is a normal reaction to one eating food in the classroom

do you chimp out in the middle of class too or just on this mexican basket weaving site?

>> No.11838156


No of course I don't act like this in real life I don't want to get into conflict. That's why I go on the internet to be anonymous and say things I can't say in real life without looking like I have autism. Faggot.

>Be in lecture trying to learn neuroanatomy
>Retard starts eating chips behind me
>Next week some bitch opens a thermos of steaming hot reougnant Indian curry shit that stinks up the surrounding area. Must be reheated goop from the designated streets.
>Some other asshole actually brought a container of hummus and crackers.
>Crumbs everywhere
>Distracting because of munching sounds and smell

>> No.11838176

Based and seethpilled.

>> No.11838184

Lmao u mad

>> No.11838189

So you do have autism? Just say that anon we don't judge.

>> No.11838203


No I do not have autism but I have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder by 3 psychiatrists and did some really fucked up shit as a teen but since I was a minor and from a fucked up background

they gave me a slap on the wrist and after I turned 18 basicallyhave a clean slate and try to keep it together but holy fuck I wish I could just knock your teeth out.

>> No.11838208

Yeah but you don't always need to lash out at innocent anons.

>> No.11838211


what did you do anon?

>> No.11838216


When I was 13 I tortured and killed my neighbors pitbull. It was muzzled so it wasn't too bad. Obviously my scumbag trash neighbors didn't like that and retaliated so I torched their house. They got out but one of them had severe burns.

>> No.11838218


You're fucking insane kiddo jesus fucking christ. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11838223
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I hate pitbulls and pitbull owners. I also just hate people in general I guess. I feel no empathy when I see others suffering. In fact I like it.

>> No.11838273


You're right sorry

>> No.11838364


Dont being sketti to class ffs

>> No.11838747

I'd say go with banana smoothies fortified with protein powder and powdered (or regular) PB and almond milk. Hella nutrient dense, tasty as fuck, loaded with electrolytes. Or smoothies/protein shakes/liquid meals in general because it really is kind of gnarly to be gnoshing in class. It's slightly more acceptable if you have either a small class where people know you're bulking ergo constantly eating and don't mind, or if it's a large class where no one fucking cares.

>> No.11838790

are americans really so fucking fat that they can't bear to go 10 minutes without eating?

>> No.11838819

American here. I haven't eaten in 12 minutes. Goodbye /ck/ it was nice knowing you

>> No.11838845

Smoothies are great for a stealth meal

>> No.11838849

mah nigguh

>> No.11838858

I bet you say this with a faggot little lisp too. Just call if food you fucking pussy.

>> No.11839050
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crab legs

>> No.11839594


Bye bye

>> No.11839626

fa/tv/irgin pls go

>> No.11839799


>> No.11839845
File: 45 KB, 616x462, HighTea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took alot of night classes. I guarantee you in any class someone eating food it obnoxious as fuck but I get it. I did it to. Don't do crinkly bags or wrappers, food that you can smell three feet away, or anything crunchy. If you wan't an honest no bullshit recommendation that would probably work and bother no one? British high tea sandwiches and scones in a ziplock bag and a thermos of tea. Plus there are a billion types of high tea sandwiches and a billion types of tea so you can keep things interesting.

>> No.11839846
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Supplemental materiel.

>> No.11839847

>eating in class
literal animal behaviour. your classmates do not respect you.

>> No.11839886

Like the anons above me said, any type of sandwich.
Alternatively, baked potatos and a nice cold cut of pork or beef.
Here's a recipe for potatoes that won't smell nor be noisy to eat: >>11839199
Though I'd definitely recommend them fresh and hot, definitely still better than most foods intended to be eaten cold when not heated.

>> No.11839920


>> No.11840058

Go kill urself fag ;)

>> No.11840099

This never happened in any of my lectures. Coincidentally there were also only white people.

>> No.11840105



>> No.11840113

Get some help god damn

>> No.11840209

>engineering buildings all smell of curry
checks out

>> No.11840379
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I just munch on these

>> No.11840392

Salads are a good non-smelly food to eat. Bonus for general health and vitamins and shit.

Rice-based meals are good too. Fried rice with pork or chicken. Soups and stews are also good.

Avoid any sort of seafood or heavily seasoned things like curry or excessive amounts of garlic. Maybe throw a baking tray full of BBQ chicken legs into the oven and toss them into a lunch box with some potato salad or mashed potatoes.

There are tons of ideas if you're willing to do the effort of cooking it.

>> No.11840406

Congratulations, you've got a lot of symptoms of being a legit sociopath. You are not the norm.

>> No.11840478

>killing manlet nigger dogs
based edgelord

>> No.11840819

I track people like you.

>> No.11840893
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this guy gets it
I teach school and there is NO eating in my classroom
drinks okay

>> No.11842139


Oh really faggot? All pitbulls and their white trash owners deserve to be killed. Track my fucking balls you cunt.

>> No.11842180

if i ever took a night class i would unironically fucking kill you
people that insist on eating in public are the noisiest fucks in the entire world. chewing with their mouth open, slurping, smacking lips, tongue out of mouth - they do it all
you cannot tell me that you're legitimately so starving, not hungry, STARVING that you need to consume food outside of your house or a dining setting

>> No.11842225

This, I will join in the killings.
You are the same assholes the ruin movies. I went to see that gas ass Bohemian Rhapsody and there were literally chicken bones on the floor. Everything was sticky and greasy, and the place reeked like a fucking ghetto Taco Bell + fake butter. It wasn't a good movie, and the atmosphere was even worse due to all the fags stuffing their faces for two hours.
Never again. This is why we have 80 inch 4K TVs at home with 1000 watt sound systems.

>> No.11842265

how fucking fat are you that just HAVE to eat during class? I fucking hate faggot fucktards like you

>> No.11842297

I had a night class last semester that was once a week in a 200+ student lecture hall. There was this fat autistic faggot that would bring Panda Express every single time and stink the whole damn room up. Hope he's dead now.

>> No.11842534

You sound nervous.

>> No.11842553


You sound like an asshole that loves pitbulls. I hope one bites your face off someday.

>> No.11842569

Spaghetti conveniently fits in my pockets

>> No.11842601

Pits adore me. I'd never own one though. You're just upset that there are people out there who flag and keep tabs on sociopaths and BPD's. You can't hide.

>> No.11842620


Prove it you gigantic cum guzzling white knight

>> No.11842647

Can anybody recommend some good non smelly dog food for my pitty? She's so well behaved I bring her to night school with me but it's a long walk so she's usually starving in the middle of class

>> No.11842653


>pits adore me
>children adore me!
>parents adore me!
>my coworkers all adoooore me!

Always we weary of people who inflate themselves.

>> No.11842662


Good question Skeeter! I would recommend bringing her a can of spam and spagetgios with sone debydrated chicken treats and also whatever leftover KFC you stole last night. My pitty loves the stolen KFC.

>> No.11842715

That's fair. You don't know me.

>> No.11843017

>Has to eat everything or nothing
>waa I'll be hungry during class
Holy fuck how fat are you?

>> No.11843590


Nor do I want to you piece of white trash

>> No.11843609
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>> No.11843638
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>> No.11843738



>> No.11843807

>bring a cup of tea or coffee like a normal person and wait until you get home.
Autists manage to fuck this up as well because the beverage is hot so they slurp it loudly to avoid getting burnt.
Then they bring the biggest heat resistant container they can find so they can keep this up for the entire class. Oh God you're giving me flash backs.

>> No.11843840

>diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder by 3 psychiatrists and did some really fucked up shit
Oh anon-chan, you're so cool and dark and edgy. Can you join my after-school baking club so I can slowly uncover your troubled past while teaching you how to love again and to express your creativity and passion through the art of cookies? (○ω○)

>> No.11843853

This is actually a cute as fuck idea. I don't eat in class but I might make myself a high tea instead of my usual lunchbox for a change.

>> No.11843870

>enabling LARPing
I thought /ck/ would be better than this...

>> No.11844063

just bring a fruit and/or vegetable smoothie and granola bars are also good

>> No.11844066

check your pocket, i think they fell out

>> No.11844248
File: 42 KB, 326x236, 1484215971397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kinda sound like you have the 'tism anon. Getting angry because someone eats in class isn't a normal reaction. We had people eat all the time in my upper level courses, but maybe this was because we had classes back to back over the course of six hours followed up by lab's and simulations.
Having someone bring like a breakfast biscuit or apple slices or something with their coffee in the morning was absolutely commonplace.

>> No.11844253

Thing is that OP is asking how to be as considerate as possible while eating in class.

>> No.11844323


Sounds like you may be on the upper end of the BMI scale fatty