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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11834966 No.11834966 [Reply] [Original]

Spiciness is degenerate, spiciness is anti-white. I don't mean to say that in any trivial way. In what it represents, spiciness is degenerate. What it means to spice up your food is to cause yourself agitation. To agitate your tongue. To cause you pain. To cause you a sensation, this new sensation, you might start shifting in your chair like "aah! that's hot!"

Here's the thing about spice, once you go from spicing food to making food spicy you've crossed into the realm of degeneracy. You're gonna be welcomed by Arab sheikhs and fucking la cucaracha dances. I don't mean this as a joke. If spicy food is something you enjoy then it's a sign of a degenerated spirit.

And it's these mud races that are so obsessed with spicy food, they're obsessed with agitation. They live in these climates where it's just sand, blowing in the wind. Or they might live in a muddy tropical forest where it's all gooey and slop-slop everywhere; it's constantly changing. But in the far North, what do we have? We have ice. There we have a true symbol. A way to orient ourselves, I suppose you'd say.

Spice is really a symbol of total decadence. If you enjoy causing pain to yourself, why is that? It's a thirst for total agitation that these lowers races are so much more... It's so much more sensual than the Hyperborean race. And it's not a plus. Hyperboreans have the true strength. Ice is strong. Sand you can just throw it to the wind, or you know... Disgusting... you can step on some mud, throw it away. You can disperse it easily. But you have to smash ice.

So don't eat spicy food from a fucking salsa bowl, drink from the cool ice of your hyperborean ancestors.

>> No.11834985

Get fucked.

>> No.11834991

The original pasta wasn't Reddit spaced.
Just can't help yourself, can you?

>> No.11834992
File: 12 KB, 240x210, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


White Americans will be bred out over the next century or 2. Americas future is brown. Get used to it faggot.

>> No.11835057

>muh /pol/
Fuck off to your shitty safespace, racists.

>> No.11835063


I am not racist I just hate Anglos.

>> No.11835082

This shit is the reason I still come to this website.

>> No.11836235

Good to see the folk over at /pol/ hate spices as much as they hate spics

>> No.11836308
File: 146 KB, 596x800, 1488951741121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta up my game so I can start making some dancing arab sheik friends and we can eat peppers and dance across the desert all day and night. Sounds comfy.

>> No.11838164

Someone ate a bunch shrooms lol.
Makes kinda sense

>> No.11838205
File: 80 KB, 400x404, 1_kcubnMCvZqV7DwlkTEDcQQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole post had me thinking of pic related
Then I got to the part about ice and lost it.