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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11834672 No.11834672 [Reply] [Original]

Did I do good?
This was my first time

>> No.11834680

show me the inside of one

>> No.11834688


>> No.11834689

Yeah, and your butt too, OP.

>> No.11834717

I know there are rules here, sharpie in pooper, shoe on head, today's paper, and inside of croissant

>> No.11834739


Gibs me pls

>> No.11834784

Looks alright. Inside of croissant now.

>> No.11834796

show uncooked interior

>> No.11834919

Come on you shit show us already.

>> No.11834955

this is most likely brioche not croissants
making croissants at home is pretty hard if you're not a professional and use regular butter

>> No.11835066

>pretty hard if you're not a professional and use regular butter
maybe if you'r cooking with cerebral palsy

>> No.11835070

Why would I make bread with celery and parsley?

>> No.11835074

because those are both delicious in stuffing

>> No.11835106

They look more like medialunas, the Argentine version. But they look yummy op.


>> No.11835125

I pulled some sweet roll dough from the fridge to come to room temperature.
instead of making regular cinnamon rolls, would cutting triangles and rolling them like croissants work out?

>> No.11835429
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, 20190130_132801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

Interior as requested


>> No.11835434

Definitely medialunas

>> No.11835437

Looks a bit soft.

I mean, it looks delicious and 100% would eat with a cup of coffee, but shouldn't the exterior be super flaky and crunchy?

>> No.11835457

Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything I'm seeing online says Medialunas are basically the same dough, but with sugar added to the eggwash/glaze

These have just a regular eggwash with a bit of water

>> No.11835859

Looks good

>> No.11836162

It's been sitting for a few hours and got a little soft. I would probably need to cook them at a higher temp to get a long-lasting crust, but when they are fresh they are super crispy on the outside. It's not perfect by any means, but they're good to me

>> No.11836534

Looks really tasty anon, good going

>> No.11837391

Nice work OP. Would smash/10. Have you watched The French Guy's video on croissants?

>> No.11837404

Alex is based. I just tried out his technique for cacio e pepe and it worked flawlessly.

>> No.11837416

Not sure why my post got deleted, weird. Not usually a fan of food youtubers, but his stuff is really great.

>> No.11837427

I have watched his videos, I just couldn't wait for the final results of this series. I followed a recipe by Joshua weissman on youtube. He's kinda cringe but they came out well.
I didn't use European butter because I didn't want to run to the store, so this was more just getting the technique down.

>> No.11837445

First time, also a waste of time.
These are two for $1 at the local bakery which certainly does it much better than you ever will.
If you choose to make this at home, your time is verified completely worthless. Unless you are trying to build a portfolio of sorts to work at said local bakery. Enjoy getting up at 2 AM for work every day.

>> No.11837473

>He doesn't know the joy of the smell of fresh croissants baking in your own home
Feel bad for you my guy.

>> No.11837489

Please tell me more about this imaginary bakery that is near me?
Why bother making anything yourself if this is your attitude towards cooking.

>> No.11837499

Inside's good but the outside isn't crunchy, what the hell kind of a pastry is that

>> No.11837507

Angry bored housewives detected.
I guess I will never know the joy of having endless time with noting important to accomplish.

>> No.11837512

>$1 at the local bakery
Not everyone live in yurrrrup. Americans have decided to price these at $3 minimum.

>> No.11837516

Because that guy is a fat fuck who never cooks for himself

>> No.11837526

Lol you're bait is so fucking weak man

>> No.11837536

I'm glad you like the walmart croissants, but they really do not compare to home-made.

OP, you done good, especially for a first try. It seems you may have overproofed or let the dough get too warm during processing though, leading to a lack of definition in your layers and possibly decreased flakiness. They look very pretty though, and I would totally eat them with gusto

>> No.11837546

Fucking terrible

>> No.11837567

Real people dont have time to waste doing this shit just because its a "hobby".
Bored housewives are captured slaves, and cling to stupid shit like this, pointless as it is when they ARE actually 50 cents, and then post pictures online to get validation from other members of the same class.
I'm not buying it. They look good, but the real question is why dont you do something valuable with your time? This creates no value.

>> No.11837570

bottoms burnt cunt, you can't hide your shame from me

>> No.11837582

I'm sorry your boss makes you work 80hr a week, I guess I'd be coping pretty hard too if I was that miserable.

>> No.11837591

OP learned a skill today, post a picture of the value you added to your life today

>> No.11837603

You're on a cooking board you fucking dolt.
Let me guess, you only eat soylent because anything else is a waste of time, especially when you have (((more important))) things to do.
What do you do with your time that is so valuable? Sucking your wagie boss's dick?

>> No.11837605


>> No.11837609

Why do that when you can watch a trained pastry chef with a specialty in bread (Bruno Albouze) make them instead? It's like learning how to draw from a sonic fan account on deviant art.

>> No.11837613

Fuck right off, McDickhead. Your existence is pointless and you'll realize it only too late.

>> No.11837615
File: 47 KB, 657x879, 1537919884824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some peak cope level

>> No.11837627

Interior looks good but the crust is just a bit too thick I think ? Hard to tell without having seen it irl.
Anyway would definitely eat without a complaint. 9/10

>> No.11837645

Real people with aspirations dont have time to shit post you retarded troll

>> No.11837657
File: 112 KB, 800x600, cacio-e-pepe-4-high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a velvety ass pasta using only water, pasta, cheese, salt and pepper.

>> No.11837668

>be living in omg le fast lane
>somehow find the time to go to cooking board on a Cambodian mollusc husbandry forum
>get assblasted because somebody baked something

>> No.11837671

At least OP is actually making something, which is miles ahead better than your hobby, which is... what? Being a royal cunt on 4chan?
Fuck off.

>> No.11837679

imagine being a slave to the machine of capital and calling people not working doing whatever they want slaves

>> No.11837683

Absolute kek

>> No.11837689

loosk real good, but the outside should be flakier/ crispier. you probably did this already but make sure you use cold butter when making them and work quickly

>> No.11837696

and it looks fucking disgusting. Get some real cooking skills, you pathetic mongoloid reddit scum

>> No.11837799

Looks good anon good job

>> No.11838053


>> No.11839111

Looks good OP.
Would definitely have with coffee for breakfast.

>> No.11839340

Based, would love to have one of those bad boys with cup of tea even tho I am not fan of sweet pastries.

Better go back to work then. Boss is watching you.

>> No.11839622
File: 128 KB, 239x372, 1547869214196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks bretty gud would eat

>> No.11840712
File: 28 KB, 480x389, Snapchat-872677224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based steve
Please put out new videos

Pic related, btw

>> No.11840729

this, bruno is my personal god.
his tutorials were super interesting to watch.

>> No.11840734

I find medialunas are much denser, and the dough is not as flaky as a croissant's. Or french croissants at least, I'm not sure what goes for croissant in the US or in other places.

t. argie who visits France often

>> No.11840739

Oh and to be clear I didn't mean this badly. It's almost a compliment in fact, I like medialunas way better. Nice job OP.

>> No.11841158

i really hate his voice/tone/humor, but he's quite good i have to admit