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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 792 KB, 1067x1034, 4oe7ExI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11830875 No.11830875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

'go 'za about to go extinct.

>> No.11830881

Hopefully amerigoys go extinct

>> No.11830883

Al Gore waa right

>> No.11830884

Am I on /pol/?

>> No.11830891
File: 3.15 MB, 1600x1068, yooper awoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor little Chicagoans can't handle a little cold

>> No.11830893

no, you're on >>>/int/

>> No.11830898

oh look its the pol boogeyman again, whatever will you do dumb fag

>> No.11830901

>Cold weather
>Not encouraging people to eat large portions of high-calorie food

Extreme cold snaps are the reason pizza cake exists.

>> No.11830903

this poster is gay btw if that helps

>> No.11830915


>> No.11830967
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>Am I on /pol/?

This is clearly about food, what's your problem?

>> No.11830974

zyklon b-eernuts?

>> No.11831054

Absolutely based and redpilled yooper

>> No.11831058

[/pol/ DETECTED]

>> No.11831069

michigan's probably colder
i haven't been outside in the past week but it looks like it

>> No.11831080

>being this fucking cringy
absolute state of /ck/

>> No.11831097

It's only 10* out right now, warmer than the past few nights, and tonight's only gonna be as low as -6* at least up here.

>> No.11831104

Dude I live in the area that is supposed to get around -50 to -60.

You people would never know true cold.

>> No.11831105

Fuck off polack

>> No.11831109

>it's cold

>> No.11831120

Siberia, or are you just counting windchill?
Because windchill doesn't count.

>> No.11831144

>fahrencuck complaining about -50

>> No.11831153

How will this affect the week's murder rate?

>> No.11831211

Actual air temperatures below -30 Celsius are still a bit chilly. Of course it doesn't really reach commie extremes.

>Oymyakon has two main valleys beside it. These valleys trap wind inside the town and create the colder climate. However, children are still allowed to go to school if it is warmer than −55.0 °C (−67.0 °F).

>> No.11831215

: ^ |

>> No.11831220

Pizza casserole*

>> No.11831222

Hopefully the cold murders a bunch of people.

>> No.11831230
File: 41 KB, 500x410, afoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gatekeeping temperatures
Who the hell takes pride in living in an arctic shithole?

>> No.11831354
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>Every business surrounding me has closed Wednesday and Thursday
>Mine is still open
Guess I'll get frostbite

>> No.11831369

Who the hell gets triggered by someone pointing out their inferiority?

>> No.11831478

>chief, we got a lot of cold cases on our hands

>> No.11831480

Try harder, please.

>> No.11831504
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RIP shitcago

>> No.11831526
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I guess it's due to the government shut down and the lack of hot air

>> No.11831579

Ok, now THIS is epic!

>> No.11831590

Idiotic story. Grew up in Chicago in the 70s and 80s. -15 to -20 was common. Nowadays it's newsworthy. Must be that made up Chinese climate hoax, ainna?

>> No.11831596
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>> No.11831604
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I live in Arizona and it's 70F out

>> No.11831621

Chicago pizza sucks dick
Detroit pizza is much better
Basically Michigan > Illinois in every single way, including the Sufjan Stevens albums

>> No.11831625

No one gives a shit about the cheeselake states they're all the same and they're shit

>> No.11831626

Shit falls downward, fren.

>> No.11831667


>> No.11831678
File: 609 KB, 940x705, 412F379E-1122-452B-8FD1-F080745F2143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by “shit” you meant “our future” then you are correct.

>> No.11831684

replace those guys with somali's and you'll be 50% more accurate

>> No.11831691
File: 101 KB, 720x990, gbo172ghi6411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burr durr you don lige muhy you dum pol-tar
lol what a bunch of losers

>> No.11831697

That's like 21C for you third worlders.

>> No.11831792

That's Minnesota anon, we keep them quarantined there with all the v*king fans.

>> No.11831798

The absolute /pol/edditor

>> No.11831907

Take it over there champ, this thread's for cold pizza not your politics

>> No.11831915

Why are you using a 19th century map?
Still buttblasted about Honduran independence?

>> No.11831919
File: 393 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190127-081107_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me

>> No.11831925

Rochester is fucked

>> No.11831928

rip in peace dude

>> No.11831934

Charge your phone anon

>> No.11831935

Windchill ain't shit, just bundle up my man. Hope you got your longjohns and thermal tops ready to serve as your base under-armor layer.

>> No.11831936
File: 45 KB, 500x447, 51qOIpvhdmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in MN too - SO excited. OK ok okokok. OK. SO here we have like a GREAT opportunity for /ck/rafting any recipe one of these fucking things would do.
Just buy a slab of iron - like a regular cast iron stovetop griddle. They sell them everywhere.. Walmart even.
Leave outside for like 5 minutes. BAM. $1300 anti griddle.
Pour cream over it. Stir in pastachios first. BAM. You got some schwank curled iced cream. Same kind they Jew you for at $15 bucks on the Greenway.
SO epic.

>> No.11831940

At least we have confirmation that global warming is a hoax

>> No.11831944

Just get under your electric blanket and shitpost all day, problem solved.

>> No.11831955
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>> No.11831963
File: 2.61 MB, 351x333, angry_liberal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure could use some of that global warming right about now.

>> No.11831965

It is, but the cold really has nothing to do with it.

>> No.11831966

>it's cold in muh backyard today
>global warming is now proven false because it's cold in my backyard today
>let's make a joke about it on twitter and muh 30% base will hoorah, cause you just know
holy kek!

>> No.11831967

Climate change causes intense weather of all kinds

>> No.11831970

Thanks, Lisa.

>> No.11831973

We're having a nice thread, don't b8 them into getting all riled up.

>> No.11831976

Generally murder goes down when it gets really cold.

>> No.11831987

I troll libs irl with that line, it never fails to cause a meltdown.

>> No.11831993
File: 827 KB, 2395x3000, thnFTSu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cold-blooded murderer
I don't think so, tim

>> No.11831994
File: 7 KB, 250x180, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's enough people getting angry on here isn't there? I just want to talk about the cold with some anons.

>> No.11832015

always amazes me when i see other people from the tiny little middle of nowhere
go shovel

>> No.11832031
File: 33 KB, 960x320, michigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did today, twice, but it's drifting around still and I'll have to push it back later before bed.

>> No.11832055

good on ya
also the keweenaw is the REAL upper peninsula and nobody can tell me otherwise

>> No.11832072

The UP's UP, shit's pretty up dare.

>> No.11832101

Is this the end of the Midwest?

>> No.11832104

Best state

>> No.11832108

have you tried not being triggered by trivial shit and overreacting to people that have a slightly different point of view?

>> No.11832115

Lol what? When our lakes freeze over we drive trucks on them and drag little buildings out on the ice to fish out of. The fuck you talking about 'end of the midwest' it's winter.

>> No.11832121

I just want to talk about the cold anon, not read two anons getting angrier at one another over a political disagreement like in literally every single thread on every single board these days.

>> No.11832127

You new here? Because that's basically all this site has been for the past 4ish years.

>> No.11832130
File: 139 KB, 1107x692, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I store up for food tomorrow and Thursday (got both days off and don't wanna go out)?
What would be the best vidya to play on dreamcast or gamecube?

>> No.11832138

Deli meat, cheese, bread.
That's what I get when I know I'm not leaving for a few days.
Also play sunshine, resident evil, sonic adventure, Harvest Moon: AWL or one of the many other great games for those systems

>> No.11832139

Not so up on the GC as I only had mine for like a minute, but if you got a Dreamcast play some Dynamite Cop. Skies of Arcadia is good too if you have some time to sink into it, although good luck with that enemy encounter rate.

>> No.11832154

one (1) costco 'za

>> No.11832183
File: 61 KB, 500x597, 1548637316385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the media and plebbit doesn't cite heat waves and drought as evidence of global warming

>> No.11832205
File: 67 KB, 900x729, 533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming
It's climate change
You're gonna get more extreme weather at both ends of the spectrum you autistic retard.

>> No.11832287

Don't bother, it's a magatard - those things aren't human.