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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11825977 No.11825977 [Reply] [Original]

Do you cook for your dog?

>> No.11825986
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>> No.11825991

it seems like if you feed a dog anything but their kibble they get sick

>> No.11825997
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No, I have a small meme dog so she just eats a few bites from my meal and she full

>> No.11826022 [DELETED] 

I make my two dogs dinner when I have dinner every day because I'm lonely

>> No.11826042
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dogs are happiest when they know their place in the pack. that is, behind the master. never eat alongside your dog, never let it walk ahead of you, etc. this freaks it out because it doesn't know its role. if you must feed it scraps, make it watch you eat first, spit on the scraps, and hand it over to the dog. this makes the dog happy even if it doesnt seem kind.

>> No.11826135

I give him an entire ox heart every week
He loves it

>> No.11826258

Imagine living with you

>> No.11826267

Yeah I cook for your mom after I pork her.

>> No.11826268

What the fuck

>> No.11826269

based and redpilled alpha
cringe and bluepilled cuck who lets his dog sleep in his bed with him

>> No.11826304

my dog is the happiest, calmest dog on earth because he knows his place
it's very important. i have owned a few dogs and have bred dogs. it stresses the dog out if it doesn't know exactly where it belongs in the pack. it's not abuse - it is kindness. you don't treat dogs like they are your kids. you certainly don't fucking cook for them.
dogs LOVE knowing exactly where they belong. it gives them joy and peace and a great life. choke chains and dominance. they crave it.
they will love you more for it because this is what they are made for. it's abusive to treat a dog like it's a member of your human family, because centuries of wiring have taught it otherwise and this works against its natural instincts and puts it in a state of disarray

>> No.11826305

dogs love eating puke they lick your mouth hoping youll puke up and feed them
if you really love them youd give em some barf

>> No.11826317

never let your dog get anywhere near your mouth
again, this freaks them out. for dogs, if they can get their head up and over the head of another creature, that's dominance
it may seem like a harmless thing but the dog needs to know he can never get his face anywhere near your face
people dont know how to raise dogs to give them a happy and peaceful life. it is about dominance and clear rules

>> No.11826321

Jesus Christ this /an/ pasta again.

>> No.11826333

I provide my roommate's dog with more human food than I really should, but I feel bad for her on the all kibble diet. No complaints from him though, so I keep doing it.

It has the added bonus of making her like and listen to me without having to train her and shit. She never leaves my side if we go for walks. Lovely dog, but I hate putting in effort for her or snuggling too much.

>> No.11826335

all those (yous) are me
i dont think it's a pasta. it is generally-accepted advice that people who own and breed dogs will give. my mother is like 80 years old and gave me this advice. she bred incredible rottweilers all throughout my childhood. the best behavior you can get out of animal, she got it.
never have posted there, but if someone on this board is suggesting that it's ok to cook for a dog, that's a really big mistake and as someone who loves dogs, i had to chime in
i guess i'll move over to that board and talk about obedience training and you can carry on here talking about how you love letting your dog sit at the dinner table and it will never protect you and will be in a permanent state of mental illness

>> No.11826336

thats a cute motherfucker

>> No.11826342

>t. dickhead
>he doesnt get cuddles from his dogger
doesnt surprise me desu

>> No.11826347
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>some faggot hipster linking "haha so depressed am i right fellow 20-something year old NPC's" bullshit images while giving bullshit bad advice

>> No.11826351


>t. beta boi

>> No.11826353

Most dogs descend from dogs that were bred to assist in hunting, which means their instinct is to be in front to sniff out trails and chase down prey. It is not a position of power.

>> No.11826360

you shouldn't even be allowed to feed a goldfish if you think that's bad advice
most? no, god no.

>> No.11826363

t. shitbull owner who keeps his dog around just to attack others

The rest of us will keep, happy, friendly, companion dogs that we can introduce to others. I have a gun for safety.

>> No.11826370

>I have a gun for safety.
Nice blog post

>> No.11826371

ok. and every time i visit and your chocolate lab jumps up on me, i will look at you and see a derelict dog owner
go cook it up a filet and give it a place at your table. you're doing great

>> No.11826373

I'm just imagining your parents looking at you spitting on a piece of meat because the dog walked up to the table during dinner trying to say hi to you and you wanted to feed it. I am just sitting here, imagining the moment of awkwardness as you lunge your head backwards to keep it the minimum of two feet's worth of distance away from the dog's snout (gotta maintain dominance, bro!) and then begin hocking up loogeys all over your chicken tendies so you can slowly give it to the animal that is confused at best with your antics

Man, this is some great mental imagery. You deserve to get slapped upside your damn head for this dumbass advice you damn clown

>> No.11826376

Nah, but I do feed my german shepherd, puppy girl many people foods...She gets scraps of steak and chicken. I will giver her chunks of a mozzerella cheese stick. I put raw egg, w/shell on her kibble for a good protein boost.

Sometimes dogs naturally have a craving for milk, so I will coat some kibble with some plain,whole milk greek yogurt, which she loves. And on other nights, she will get some wet, Alpo dog food on top of her dry dog food.

And on occasion I will cut up some apple, or give her a handful of frozen blueberries.

>this guy totally gets it

Dogs are wired with a pack mentality, and in a family, both big or small, a dog is trying to climb their status ladder to be the leader of the pack, and they must be broken, otherwise.

>> No.11826383
File: 15 KB, 217x239, mfw snugglies with muh doggos and puppers!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11826385

>i dose my dog on salmonella-infused egg shells

GOD DAMN this thread is looking GOOD

>mozarella cheese sticks for my dog


>> No.11826388

dogs should never be inside the home
porches and sheds
again, this makes them HAPPIER

>> No.11826393

>get blown out, post s0yface

Every time. It's no damn wonder you're out here trying to keep your face away from dogs while spitting on their food and shit; you got ZERO clout with your fellow humans, and your brainpower shows it. Gotta get the imaginary upper hand with the animals.

>> No.11826397

I don't have a chocolate lab but I also don't really care what you think. If you're throwing a fit because a dog jumped up on you once, time to reexamine life, dude.

Every time I come over to your house and see your dog cower in fear at you, I'll know who to peg as the closest serial killer.

>> No.11826401

right but that's the thing
the dog doesn't cower. i'm not beating the dog. i am mistreating it, but only if you think the dogs mind works like the human mind
dogs need to be dominated. they love it. it brings them peace

>> No.11826405

>I have never done research on a dog's raw diet and have no idea what I am talking about

t. a subhuman

>> No.11826406

Get the fuck out of here, tourist

>> No.11826413

Yeah, enjoy your memes from last summer you projecting retard

>> No.11826416
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no but i let him lick my asshole clean after i take a shit so he doesnt miss out on what i had the night before

>> No.11826418

that wasn't me posting that
getting the upper-hand with domesticated breeds of pack animals is anything but imaginary
and yeah, if your dog is jumping on guests, you have failed and your dog is miserable

>> No.11826428

b-but he just wants to play! he a good pupper! i love my doggo

>> No.11826434
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Says your 80 old grandmother and no other literature. Believable! She probably also recommended these as cures for pleurisy.

>> No.11826451

>w-wasn't me p-posting!!!


Tell you what, dude; you go wake up your 80 year old grandma and ask her to update you on that training concept, because no dog training guidelines support it.

>> No.11826457

lol dude it wasn't that guy, it was me.
you're schizo

>> No.11826462

can't comprehend that more than one person may disagree with you huh

>> No.11826465

>you're schizo for calling out a random samefag attempt on an anonymous imageboard


This shit was too lit man, hey, go spit on your dog for me or something

>> No.11826499

go prep your dog for your wife
back to the cuckshed

>> No.11826507

>this idiot still talking about sheds and brings up cuckoldry for no reason

Well, thanks for letting the thread know what you jerk off to. Hahaha!

>> No.11826514

yikes dude

>> No.11826521
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I've turned you into a pit of non-response memes. Man, you should've just owned up to being the s0yface guy from jump; you have no brainpower!

>> No.11826535

>dog training guidelines
and im sure they recommend letting your dog live a confused and panicked life where it doesn't know where it belongs
training = obedience
i dont know what you're reading but give me stage 4 tomorrow if i don't know vastly more about raising dogs than you do. i cant argue if you're implying i'm a dullard who beats his dogs. you're purposefully misreading everything i've posted and it's just tiresome

>> No.11826548

HAHAHA you did not even TRY to reply to the banter, you just hit the rewind button and re-replied to my initial post HAHAHAHA

>Dogs also lick because they like the taste of an owner's salty skin and out of habit. Mostly, with domestic dogs, it's a sign of affection. Licking releases pleasurable endorphins which gives dogs a feeling of comfort and pleasure — like the feeling people get when they are biting their nails — it relieves stress.


Dumb cunt. Why do you make me do this to you? Just stop replying little clown, just stop, take the L

>> No.11826549

says the faggot who can't even properly train a dog

>> No.11826555

*makes it rain on u as u post on ur phone*


>> No.11826557

More like all. Nobody selectively bred wolves to become toy dogs. Wolves were selectively bred to help with hunting and herding, and then those dogs were selectively bred to become poodles and chihuahuas.

>> No.11826562

Why are you so riled up?

>> No.11826566

Stupid faggot

>> No.11826567

I just got this spindly little liar trying to LARP about his 80 year old grandma in a /ck/ thread and I felt like taking 20 to blow his ass out. I don't do this often; in fact, I'm outta the thread right now, you're right

Have a good one, fellow dog trainers!!

>> No.11826577

Jesus Christ, take your meds

>> No.11826581

start with goldfish, move up to turtles, and then work with dogs when you're ready
but for the sake of the animal, don't do it before you're ready

>> No.11826585

You don’t have to feign smugness. Everyone knows you’re seething.

>> No.11826590

You aren’t fit to cook up a bowl of cereal. How many human hides do you have in your basement?

>> No.11826591

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.11826596

What a fucking shit thread. I hate dog owners.

>> No.11826605

I thought you were leaving the thread? You really need to get the last word in so you can convince yourself you won an argument about dog training on a cooking forum.
Great work, faggot.

>> No.11826625
File: 53 KB, 1416x744, HAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw the thread from the front page!

I'm back, one last time, just for you! That wasn't me; believe it or not, you got your back blown out, brother!! Hahaha!! Okay, bye now! Nobody else blow this man's back out, or else you're me!

>> No.11826630

You're a fragile one

>> No.11826631

Why are you not on meds? More than one person mate.

Stay pressed.

>> No.11826637

Is this "dominance dog training" guy the same guy as the "luthier" guy? They type the same way.

>> No.11826643
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>Do you cook your dog

>> No.11826644

hahah you're really seething huh?

>> No.11826676

This entire thread is proof that all dog owners are mentally ill.

>> No.11826687
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>> No.11828275

I like your meme dog.

>> No.11828317
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>> No.11828330
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Pit Bulls shouldn't exist. I just remember that news story where an infant ended up in the ER when they left it alone with the pitbull and the dog tore it's clothes off and raped it. Of course being a dog they couldn't separate them thanks to the knot.

>> No.11828334

Everyone here is mentally ill. If you want to see the far end of the spectrum you should lurk a cat thread.

>> No.11828494
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>> No.11828536


The world would be a much nicer place if you died.

>> No.11828553

Take notes, Tyrone, OP's teaching you how to treat his bitch right.

>> No.11828630
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>> No.11828780

Fuck you. Dont EVER tell me how to treat my dog. My dog(s) have more loyal to me than any family member, any friend, any bitch I ever dated, my cunt ex-wife, ANYONE. People are a fucking blight on this planet and should be exterminated en masse, but dogs are loyal, friendly, fun, and they love you whatever. If you were to say that to my face Id beat your fucking brains in with an axe handle, like you deserve, you cunt.

>> No.11828809

agreed. i was attacked by a pitbull as a child and that same dog killed a little girl 2 weeks later. the epic black people in my area are the ones who get pitbulls, and it's a pitiful display. i don't even walk my dog down certain streets to avoid any interaction with "them"

>> No.11828812

Your mom was a ragged white trash cunt and you are a boomer faggot

>> No.11828813

My god, this is top tier boomer posting

Put me in the screencap

>> No.11828816


But anon, you arent here in my face and i can say whatever i want
Lol bitter divorcec boomer sitting at home spitting on dinner scraps for dog , and i say you are a bitter boomer divorcee who spits on food to give his neglected dog

Even if you make a good point here or there, you are still a fuckin boomer and need the rope

>> No.11828820

You're more pathetic than he is. Your dog doesn't love you, by the way. They don't love the same way you do.

>> No.11828821

Suck my dick, lambchop

>> No.11828824


>> No.11828847

If it wasnt for the fact that I hope you get hit by a bus the next time you live your house, Id feel sorry about the fact you cant appreciate the joy that comes from having a dog. But I *do* hope you get hit by a bus the next time you leave your house, so I dont.

>> No.11828854
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I totally agree with you on the pack mentality, alpha dog aspect of these posts. It's the only way to train a dog that is unfailingly thorough.
However, the dog doesn't know the difference between you spitting on food or not spitting. Dogs don't spit and the emotional disrespect of spitting is purely human. Furthermore, a dog doesn't know the difference between you cooking or giving him kibble - in that he doesn't know what takes more time or effort, or that you work for him - he only knows that he likes real food more. It's reasonable to assume that providing your dog with better food will help him see you as a more competent pack leader, rather than subservient. Dogs don't cook or do chores.

You're not wrong in your basic concepts, but your understanding of dogs is kind of filtered through a human lens and that's not really sufficient.

>> No.11828877

Stop being so level-headed, man. Me and the queer are having an argument.

>> No.11828881

My dog is literally asleep at my feet lol

I gave her a lick a yogurt off my finger, r u mad now

>> No.11828888

Toy dogs like rat terriers and miniature pinschers were bred to hunt small pests like rats, mice, voles, etc in tunnels and burrows. However, long-haired toy dogs like Papillons and Chinese Crested were literally bred to be small and impressive looking on the laps of great rulers for paintings, nothing more.

>> No.11828898

Why would I be mad? Im the one who likes giving dogs human food. Roid boy up top is the one blathering about pack mentality like hes a fuckin dog shrink.

Its actually supposed to be good to give the doggo a little yogurt once in a while, just not too much. My dog likes mashed-up bananas, too. Your dogs lucky she has someone to love her

>> No.11828907

Lol i didnt read the post chain so i didnt know which anon was which LOL silly me

Where arw the upvote buttons?? How do i give gold? XD xd

>> No.11828922
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All fags ITT need the advice of Peter Caine renowned dog trainer and enthusiast of all things supernatural.
You can find him here: https://www.youtube.com/user/readyourDogstaff
He is also an excellent cook: https://youtu.be/vnV6a7yj9vM

>> No.11828929

Ha! I know, right? Im still getn used to the new ads thatvare popping up everywhere. What kinda dog you have?

>> No.11828937

My golden retriever of 10 years passed away a few years back. I miss him so much sometimes. He was the best dog

>> No.11829621
File: 2.11 MB, 4160x2340, 20170805_155810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice mosquito
heres mine

>> No.11829634

hes not wrong though.
Dogs are happiest being either a leader or a follower. Leaving them unsure of their place is unempathetic.
My dogs would be happier if i took based anons advice.

>> No.11829648

why does this gif exist when there is actual footage of a dog loosing its shit seeing that ice cream being beheaded?

>> No.11829653

Goodnight dog

>> No.11829909
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>being a degenerate fucking dog-owner
>condemning your neighbors to having to live in the same neighborhood as a shitty creature that shits everywhere, barks all the time and attacks people because "muh man's best fren" and "hurrrr he kyoot"

>> No.11830011

>implying you're not a catfag
>implying the neighborhood likes your retarded hissing machine going around and pissing off other pets/leaving dead rodents everywhere