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File: 47 KB, 634x566, 2CF0ED6800000578-3255111-Drinking_a_240ml_glass_of_orange_juice_boost_alertness_concentra-m-90_1443631853698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11825639 No.11825639 [Reply] [Original]

*Gives you extreme heartburn after a few sips*

>> No.11825663

lmao fucking esophagusletts

>> No.11825669

what the fuck, i usually get shtiloads of gastric reflux, i basically sleep with a pack of bakind soda right next to me, but i always get them from eating fried food/dough/hot shit or especially onions.
literally never got gastric reflux from fucking juice

>> No.11825672
File: 163 KB, 907x941, apple juice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>causes the most intense pain known to man if you drink too fast

>> No.11825956

genelets detected

>> No.11825964

>orange juice is too irritating and spicy for wypipo
jesus christ you guys

>> No.11825978
File: 244 KB, 750x417, 1521290181411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kys if your genetics are so shit you can't even drink orange juice.
Wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.11825985
File: 118 KB, 1242x1133, 1538422976800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11825988

>being a boomer

>> No.11825989

snowniggers have garbage genetics tho

>> No.11826110

Only time I get heartburn from juice is if I make it myself, and that's just because I tend to do half grapefruit, and half orange/lemon juice

>> No.11826124
File: 44 KB, 642x432, 1533555792167[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11826132

You have a condition we call dick throat

>> No.11826147

I can drink it just fine, but just imagine for a second having such an inferiority complex that the ability to drink orange juice is something you boast about.

>> No.11826149

Go chug some apple juice and see for yourself

>> No.11826161

What helped my heartburn like nothing else is raw ginger. I always eat a good chunk before going to bed, and I haven't had serious problems in months.

>> No.11826175

Bitch I have chugged apple juice before and never gotten any pain. Go see a doctor.

>> No.11826203

You probably haven't, or at least not enough. It's worse for some than others but people can't process fructose quickly enough if they ingest a bunch at once it causes cramps. Congrats if you're the minority who doesn't experience any symptoms, but you're still a huge faggot

>> No.11826221

Just take some Lanzoprazole and you're good.

>> No.11826225

>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
Fuck off Big Pharma

>> No.11826226

You're the huge faggot for making up some condition about juice giving you heart burn in a sad attempt for (You)s

>> No.11826234

please, I invite you to go chug, as quickly as you can, about a liter or so of apple juice and see what happens.

>> No.11826237

Not even a liter, but a good amount. How much you'd drink if you were really thirsty.

>> No.11826239

Have you seen a doctor about it?

>> No.11826242

I'm not that person but I routinely drink liter-size bottles of apple juice, as well as other kinds of juice. It does absolutely nothing, except make me need to piss a while later. What does it do to your malfunctioning body?

>> No.11826265

this is absolutely absurd
what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.11826272

Chug, bitch. Statistically it'll eventually hurt one of you, which is good enough for me. 1/3 have it bad enough for it to be considered a ""condition,"" but everyone has problems absorbing fructose to some degree. Make sure you do it fast.

>> No.11826276

If fruit juice is causing you any kind of pain you should seek medical assistance.

>> No.11826290

is this ebonics for "master race?"

>> No.11826533

Why is this? I can handle spicy peppers, vodka, fried shit, but orange juice is like acid

>> No.11826580
File: 13 KB, 355x355, 41b+ki46iwL._SY355_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*makes your teeth fuzzy*

>> No.11826597

Well orange juice is the only one of those that contains acid, so...