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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11820723 No.11820723 [Reply] [Original]

>make japanese ramen for stoner friend
>probably the first time he's had something better than instant ramen in years
>dim light bulb goes off in his head
"Bro, do you know what would make this even better?!"
>opens a can of chili
>pours it into his bowl
>chili in fucking broth
>eats a few bites before he says he's full
>can of chili still there when I come back next week

Sometimes I wonder why I should bother

>> No.11820749

you most definitely should not prepare food with any true effort for a person who is unable to appreciate what you are giving them

>> No.11820800

You're right, I was just doing it cause him and our weeb friends were having a party

>> No.11820801

Not realizing you are a shit cook and he hates your guts

>> No.11820811

>stoner friend
why would you let filthy drug addicts into your home, let alone serve them anything better than dog food?

>> No.11820816

>weed is a drug

harmless breh

>> No.11820818

shoulda put some cheese and nachos on top

>> No.11820828

Shure thing bud.

>> No.11820832

I was at his house, you double digit IQ simpleton! Fuck!

>> No.11820836
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>> No.11820856

The fact that he thinks canned chili is better than whatever you made for him, say a lot more about your cooking skills than anything.

>> No.11820882


>> No.11820884

wanna know how I know you've never hung out with stoners

>> No.11820945

Oh dear...

>> No.11820953

>Cook nice meal and serve friend a nicely presented plate
>before he even looks down at it
>"do you have any hot sauce, bro?"

low class

>> No.11821113

Enjoy your schizophrenia breh. Maybe we'll make you the next Terry Davis one day.

>> No.11821202

>I made Terry Davis

Shut up you pompous retard you can't even boil an egg

>> No.11821252


>> No.11821315
File: 746 KB, 681x1059, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.43_[2018.09.22_21.07.26].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was this before or after you guys fucked? Post-orgasmic endorphin rush can make you feel "full" without actually eating anything

>> No.11821339


>> No.11821345

He's not gay, but you are. I'd recognize your avatar fagging anywhere, bike pump anon

>> No.11821498
File: 551 KB, 575x721, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.25_[2018.09.22_21.08.38].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bike pump anon
That's not me IDIOT

>> No.11821531


>> No.11821846

Yeah sure you little slut

>> No.11821865

>eats a few bites instead of the whole thing
Lol it was probably garbage. Get good at cooking and quit thinking your own shit doesn't stink.

>> No.11821882

>be stoner
>weeb friend comes over randomly one day and starts cooking some weeb shit
>won't shut up about some crap called a wayfoo
>serves me this weird shit with pork not sure if edible
>have some chili I wanted to eat instead
>dump that shit ontop and eat that
>don't really eat the ramen
>get full on that

>> No.11821909

Disgusting. That doesn't mesh. If he added paprika or another shit, that would be a little understandable. But he never finished it, so he is scum anyways.
Now, a shrimp and vegetable broth with dried chilli or hot sauce. That is kino.

>> No.11822903

post the recipe, I'm intrigued.

>> No.11822944

Can I get a qrd on bike pump anon?

>> No.11822958

not a fucking word why does /ck/ capitalize it like one

>> No.11822961

Stupid phone posters

>> No.11822975

Americans only like ramen with a gun

>> No.11822983

Not a phone poster but whatever. If only you put as much care into your cooking as you do about typos on a fucking imageboard.

>> No.11823046

Not if you don't swallow the load, but it's probably been awhile since you did that eh?

>> No.11823059

Gross, he should've thrown in flaming hot Cheetos with lime

>> No.11823091

Are you me? This happened to me too with stoner friend the chili and the disgusted look on my face

>> No.11823121
File: 46 KB, 150x152, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.34_[2018.10.19_22.19.39].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have you know I did that just LAST NIGHT with some guy I met at a bar and I feel just as empty as I was before

>> No.11823157

>implying anyone in this hellhole cares about cooking

This is the fast food and youtuber board

>> No.11823449

Bike pump anon gets physically abused by >her bf and regularly get air shoved in her ass with a bike pump. She also watches shit anime