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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11814483 No.11814483 [Reply] [Original]

why are there so many unsafe canning tutorials on youtube and why does everyone in the comment section defend them and attack anyone who says you shouldn't do it like that?

>> No.11814486
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>> No.11814588

How about you post a few links to actually good canning videos instead of bitching, tard

>> No.11814726

>People dying due to retardation
>People defend tards & do the exact sam thing
Natural selection at its finest. I see no problem here

>> No.11814762

The only guide you should be using for canning is the USDA information and university papers, period. Granny's ol' timey canning blog/video doesn't qualify.

>> No.11815675

I think it would be more like
>Retards not dying due to medicine and healthcare
>Retards wasting time and resources of health sector for reasons of being retards

>> No.11815710

ur just scared when somebody smarter than ur pretendtous ass. O NO HES DOIN SOMTHIN DEFFRENT THEN MY GOVRMENT SAYS

>> No.11815763

Go ahead and can w/o following USDA procedures. At least it will ensure your extra chromosome dna won't be passed on.

>> No.11815804

That may have been true in the past, but corruption and affirmative action have combined to ruin their credibility. Any advice you follow may have been written by someone whose only qualification is black skin or having a male or female vagina or who took a bribe. Never trust anything the government says

>> No.11815862

And here I thought I was being hyperbolic about the extra chromosome but you prove it to be literally true.

>> No.11817162

based Fabio poster

>> No.11817713

anyone have the Jack canning video? he deleted it years ago after someone got sick from his bad instructions

>> No.11818209


Found it!

>> No.11818290

you should be a journalist you sensationalist fuck

>> No.11818319

Link to canning tutorial?

>> No.11818372

Ja/ck/ is doing god's work kek

>> No.11818731

what's the safe canning tutorial then

>> No.11818768
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Not even 2 minutes in and this guy's talking about keeping his house warm by running the fucking microwave

>> No.11819109

There's another video where he shows how to make your own laundry detergent.

>> No.11819176

People get upset if you tell them they might be doing something dirty or unsafe.

>guy touches raw meat
>touches everything in his kitchen within a 10 foot radius without washing his hands
>"he contaminated his kitchen"
>well that's what you have an immune system for don't be so afraid of germs or else you'll end up like a bubble kid because your immune system will never get any work i do this all the time and i've never gotten sick fuck you

>> No.11819198

I usually don't care that much about cleanliness in the kitchen but unsafe canning can produce botulism bacteria. It is lethal and no matter how tough your immune system is it won't help.

>> No.11819311

What I don't get is how the fuck the entirety of /ck/ just agreed to call it "canning" when you use jars.

>> No.11819364

But it has always been called canning?

>> No.11819375

Because the alternative would just be jarring.


>> No.11819379

Because the alternative wou... fuck...

>> No.11819455
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fuck USDA shit.. Soviet shit was always better.

cook jars and cover for 10-20 minutes in boiling water.
put your shit into jar, when trying not to smear on the jar opening. put cover on the jars and close that shit.
boil another 15-30 minutes already canned jars. cool it slowly upside down. watch jars before and when opening.
Granddad Stalin also warns you: most of shit happening in your canned jar happens not because you did wrong canning but because you put the wrong food into it which was never meant to be canned. HOLD YOUR CANNED FOOD NEVER INTO HOT TEMPERATURES! BOILING JARS ALWAYS DEPENDS ON THE SIZE OF JAR!

>> No.11819463

If the main ingredient is baking soda then it's probably fine.

>> No.11819484

I swear this man is a serial killer or a rapist or something. There's just something off about him.

>> No.11819505
File: 77 KB, 736x736, 1544636936487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step one
>buy five things

>> No.11819533

But you'll save money! And smell like a 17th century pilgrim.

>> No.11819625

i know next to nothing about canning, what exactly did they fuck up?

>> No.11819667

They didn't boil the cans long enough.

>> No.11819672

Fully delitized

>> No.11819684
File: 62 KB, 746x401, bleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% certain this guy is from /ck/

>> No.11819706

The bleach advice sounds quite useful desu.

>> No.11821303

To be fair you all are being super paranoid about cleanliness in cooking. You can literally eat raw chicken daily an entire year and still have a single digit chance of getting sick from it.