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11806214 No.11806214 [Reply] [Original]

How many sliders can you eat in a single sitting

>> No.11806218

none because i’m vegan (unless they were plant patties!)

>> No.11806221

All of them.

>> No.11806220

gay and faggotpilled

>> No.11806224

Probably 3 or 4.

>> No.11806226

Based. Carnicucks SEETHING

>> No.11806228

Probably like 2.

>> No.11806231

The smell of White Castle makes me nauseous

>> No.11806275

4 or 5 if im really hungry

>> No.11806339

never had white castle but they look about 2 bites apiece. probably 6-8

>> No.11806447

white castle sliders? 0, because they look like they'd taste like the crusty brown crumpled napkins strewn about in their nasty ass bathrooms

>> No.11806486

Too much processed garbage made by jew companies who like to cut corners. No thanks.

>> No.11806915

About a dozen. You can basically eat as many as you want if you wait a couple of minutes after getting full each time. They fill you up very quickly but that feeling fades even more quickly.

>> No.11808089

once every 3 years I get stupid enough to buy some and half-way through the 2nd one I literally feel gut-wrenchingly sick from the soggy greasy shit-stain texture and feel of these things.

So 1 and 1/2.

>> No.11808103

None of those white castle diarrhea bombs. But when I was in college there was a bar near campus that would do 25 cent sliders once a week and my friends and I would go after working out and I could put down 25 or so every time.

>> No.11808123
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How many IMPOSSIBLE sliders can you eat in a single sitting?

>> No.11808145
File: 120 KB, 536x531, 1463449357589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good but eating more than 3 in a sitting is retarded. It's 90 percent bread and the rest is meat and cheese fucking gay. Where is the BEEF FAGGOT?!

>> No.11808151

You're missing the point of these entirely.

>> No.11808162

i think realistically about 18

are you guys kidding me 4? 5? 8? where's your competitive spirit? its how many can you eat not how many do you want to eat

>> No.11808416

>How many sliders can you eat in a single sitting

I'm not a disgusting lardass, I get the #1 combo with cheese and that's 4 sliders + fries and a drink, and that's my limit.

When I was dating this one gal, we decided to eat at the Castle before going to IKEA, but she only ate 2 sliders, so I had her other 2, so I had 6 and I felt sick for the experience.

>> No.11808454

>going to ikea
>an experience
stop adulting so hard

>> No.11808462

If we're talking only sliders and no fries then maybe 7 to 8
If I'm hungry I could probably eat around 12

>> No.11808463

zero because white castle burgers are always DAMP and GROSS. in all the chances i've given that place, i've never once gotten a burger that wasn't a sweaty mess.

>> No.11808464

How many you got?

>> No.11808468


About 8, then I instantly sharted about 2 minutes later into the toilet. Confirmed it 3 months ago because there's one by my doctor's office.

>> No.11808508

most ive ever ate was 30 in one sitting. ive never dared to buy the 100 pack crave case yet because i feel like i could do all 100. im 6'3 350lbs for anyone who cares

>> No.11808524

Depends on how hungry I am. Probably 10 at the most.

>> No.11808525

Used to eat 12 once a week. I could easily scarf down 15 now. They're so good.

>> No.11808955

I can down about 7 of them things before I up and quit eating for the day.

>> No.11808965
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This many.

>> No.11808971

Along with sushi, I could probably eat myself to death on an infinite amount of White Castles.

>> No.11808976

i can and do put down 20 at a time with ease every friday for lunch. could probably do 30 desu

>> No.11808979
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Not enough. /bulk/ here

>> No.11808989
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We're all gonna make it.
New year, new gains.

>> No.11808999


Lefties not realising that if you buy bulk catering packs it is even cheaper than 2 for 5... also wendys, burger king etc do not do 2 for 5. He was a boss for thinking of this. It will help his future campaigns as the "everyman american".

Fucking stupid leftists.

>> No.11809027

that's a shitty serving of fries, anon.

as for sliders I go to arby's and get the chicken sliders (add diced jalapenos) and ask for the chicken to be fresh, which is a 5 minute wait.

they always have to drop fresh chicken anyway because i get 6 sliders.

>inb4 fat fuck
>i'm 5'10 145lbs. so underweight lol.

>> No.11809061

More like in a single shitting.

>> No.11809151

The nearest WC is 5 hours away from me but I love it. Anytime I manage to go to one I eat 10 at a time, with fries and a drink, and then immediately hate myself afterwards.

>> No.11809157

honestly a fuck ton but i have to hold myself back

>> No.11809174

whats in the container right above the fries ?

>> No.11809186

gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins, I feel so disillusioned in you op.

>> No.11809330

>is just a small hamburger

>> No.11809538

depends on how drunk i am

>> No.11809621

Wtf is a slider?

>> No.11809622

a small burger

>> No.11809623

we dont have those in Canada

>> No.11810440


>> No.11810479

A poop that requires no effort .

>> No.11810555


>> No.11810562

all of them

>> No.11810896

i did 8 last night. and fries

>> No.11811043

I did a solo crave case challenge with my housemates in college and it wasn't as brutal as we expected, atl east for a stoned 19 year old. All but 1 of us finished, and the quitter just felt it wasn't worth it, rather than physically couldn't.

My farts were like bog witch queefs for a week though.

>> No.11811064

Why are White Castle farts so atrocious? Nothing else makes me fart like that. Only fucking White Castle.

>> No.11811071

>Raising Cane's box underneath the ketchup


>> No.11811084

What is the point exactly?

>> No.11811112
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Ate White Castle once while in Anne Arbor. Never had gas like that in my life. The smell lingered in my hotel room for DAYS. I felt bad for the housekeepers who had to enter that hellish brap dungeon.

>> No.11811119

A close second would be BK onion rings.

>> No.11811125

>the Castle
pretentious twat

>> No.11811129
File: 304 KB, 472x470, offbyone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11811130

Small dick in a big vagina. Slides right in

>> No.11811264

We absolutely have sliders in Canada

>> No.11811677

2 for 5 isnt even an amazing deal when you factor in coupons.

>> No.11811684

I can put down a crave case and two 40s of King Cobra in one sitting.

>> No.11811764

best part about white castle is that it smells exactly the same coming out as it does going in

>> No.11812274

Have done nineteen before. Could go more but had a sack of onion petals too.

>> No.11813005

4, maybe 5 if I’m really hungry. People don’t realize how filling those little fuckers are. Love watching stoner fags order a fuck ton of food at White Castle and they’re defeated after 3 burgers

>> No.11813080
File: 182 KB, 680x680, 1533336348736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he doesn't call it Chateau Blanc
lmao, what's it like being a classless poorfag?

>> No.11813126

I have eaten 25 at one point

>> No.11813181

10, maybe 15
My go to White Castle meal is the 4 sliders with medium fries meal, and 3 mozza sticks

>> No.11813186

White Castle actually makes veggie sliders

>> No.11813234

I've eaten 6 at one time alongside a large fry. That was pushing it.

Minus the large fry I figure I could go for 10. I'll have to try for 10 the next time I'm at White Castle.

>> No.11813239

Shit you probably could Anon. I would love to see you do it, but I would feel a bit guilty bringing you that much closer to death. I'm confused now.

>> No.11813246


>> No.11813354

Disgusting degenerate fag

>> No.11813399

Probably 20-30.

>> No.11813405

I'd be curious as to what exactly makes these particular sliders so 'impossible', for the slider in the picture looks quite possible.

>> No.11813431

Impossible is a brand of meat-free meat substitutes

>> No.11813470

my record is 14 and lots of self loathing

>> No.11813503

Those aren't sliders those are SMASHED AND SLAMMED burgers

>> No.11813705

If I ate stuff like that I'd eat a pretty great sum. Maybe like 10? I don't know if that's a large amount of them but I feel it's accurate.

>> No.11813711

Four. But then I'm really full. I have a twink body

>> No.11813718

Check the frozen food aisle in Walmart. They have the white castle cheese burgers

>> No.11813727

I've eaten 10 in one sitting. Stopped because I noticed the rancid smell of the onion infused meat and lost my appetite.

>> No.11813774

that slider to fry ratio is completely off and it's buggin my ocd