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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11795846 No.11795846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’ll start: MoKeBe’s in St. Louis

>> No.11795854

pfft 2019 white people.

>> No.11795855
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>> No.11795858

>Punch a nazi

I'm offended. I'm not sure why I'm offended but I am. I think too much time on /pol/

>> No.11795860
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They sell cool swag too, this ones for you

>> No.11795863
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This is my local coffee shop in Washington, D.C.



It has a faintly vegan lesbian woke feminist vibe like a lot of neighborhood businesses.

Not as hip as Ellē (spelled that way), but less crowded I think.

>> No.11795874
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You're offended because you know they consider anyone they don't like a nazi.
If they were talking about actual nazis there would not be a problem.

>> No.11795882

>tfw you want to open an oxygen bar/hookah bar called “the fume room” but don’t have any money ;_;

>> No.11795886

I'm honestly more mad at the suggestion that they will add espresso to chai for $0.50 more

>> No.11795897

>I’ll start: MoKeBe’s in St. Louis
Pfft - that shit could come with a free blowjob and I'm still not venturing into the Heart of Darkness to get any. Let me know when they open one in 636 and I'll consider it.

>> No.11795922
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We get it you’re racist, this safe space for African Americans doesn’t want your kind here gtfo

>> No.11795931
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>> No.11795959

>Punch A Nazi
>contains soy

You can't make this shit up

>> No.11795965

very thankful that I haven't had to deal with this annoying BS in my home city. though there is a diner I like with all sort of first nations rights/anti-white rhetoric scribbled all over the place. its pretty gay desu.

why is this such a thing? why are coffee shops such a den of liberal indoctrination? its fucking coffee, how did it take on a political identity?

>> No.11795969
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>Nazis were bad

>> No.11795975
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white people
more like safe space for whites, clever really

>> No.11795976

They made some serious strides in scientific pursuits.

>> No.11795984

the Turks actually talked about this several centuries ago.

Coffee bars are dens of sedition and disunity, pubs are dens of happiness and togetherness.

>> No.11796011

Well I like the idea of coffee shops being that. classically coffee houses have always been a place of political discourse I guess... so I am remiss in my earlier question as to why they've become so political.

I suppose my problem is that they have become more one-sided. If I tried to have a discourse on conservative politics in the average coffee shop I would be escorted off the premise for hate speech or some shit.

>> No.11796045
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This is my usual.

Could you please stop being so faggy America?

>> No.11796054
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>Don't pray in my school and I won't think in your church.

>> No.11796055

I go to a local public pool to swim and the nicest pool in the city is in the Whitest part of town and it is mostly white people and some asians who swim. Go hiking and there aren't a lot of Black people either. That said I know Black people do use pools here a lot, but more for recreation than laps compared to White people to some degree I think.

>> No.11796063

It's true, MoKeBe's is literally 100% upper middle class white liberals and their hangers on.

>> No.11796065

Yeah, I noticed that too. Bit Islamophobic, isn't it?

>> No.11796075
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>> No.11796076

Leftist memes are more "wordswordswords" than the fucking order of the stick

>> No.11796084

In my mind this may be representative of a move towards extreme dogmatism and singularity within the left leaning component of the American political sphere.

Republicans come in many shapes and sizes, many of them don't agree with each other all the time. Fiscal conservatives feel the militarists spend to much. populists feel that fiscal conservatives shill out to much for the rich. so on and so on. However come election day they all vote together relatively peaceably because they don't disagree so much that they feel they can't get some of what they want aslong as one of them wins.

Democrats don't function like this when it comes to demographics. Instead being a democrat means serving a large number of disunited groups that very much disagree and hate each other. You give preference to the gays as a democrat the black caucus will run for the hills, and the single mothers will demand you give them money instead. You side with the single mothers and the Hispanic community gets pissed off. ect ect. So democrats run on charisma and seek to limit offending as many groups as possible.

What this results in is being unable to actually stand on you accomplishments as a democrat for fear that someone won't like it. Instead they must rely on vague myth making.

However in recent years there has been a push for orthodoxy within the democratic party. Instead of having multiple groups contributing to the platform there currently has been set in stone a platform that everyone must stand by. They have largely been aided by their overwhelming control of media in the US in this goal.

Now wither this move towards dogmatism is natural or artificial I can't say however it does feel like strategy to me.

>> No.11796085
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>> No.11796088

Looks like a working adult's coffee place. Not loaded with faux-hip clutter and trash.

>> No.11796098

Put simply as a modern democrat you are no longer defending your own opinions you are defending the faith. Whether you know it our not.

>> No.11796101

Joke's on you, I'm a serf of Merkel's Euroreich

>> No.11796106

>liking X food means you must take in millions of immigrants

>> No.11796110
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I love her. She's punishing Germany on behalf of the Jews as a good Christian. You shouldn't have been so uppity in the 1930s and this wouldn't be happening :^)

Germany must be punished for its arrogance.