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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11794051 No.11794051 [Reply] [Original]

>ask for mid rare
>cut into it
>it's rare
>fuck it, I'm too hungry to send it back
How did you become a rare guy, ck?

>> No.11794073

My mother would always prepare my steaks medium well or well done. The first time I went to a real steakhouse I decided to ask for medium.
It was actually much better than what I was used to. The next time I tried medium rare, and finally rare. Now I pretty much exclusively order my steaks rare.

>> No.11794088

Opposite for me, steaks were always medium rare or medium but I ended up preferring well done, I just like the texture more. I also enjoy how people get upset by this.

>> No.11794102

That image has some fucked up Wallshart meat that doesn't look right past medium rare due to the red "dyed" meat. Evidently supermarkets think your beef is supposed to look like it's from a cartoon.

>> No.11794106
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>haha I'm making you so mad by eating lower quality food haha TROLLED!

>> No.11794112

mm yes plz give me more

>> No.11794113

I bet you use a Mac too

>> No.11794126
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>> No.11794167
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>> No.11794262

i got a big'ole load for ya, hun

>> No.11795571 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11795581

is there anything more beta than judging someone for how they like a steak?

>> No.11795584

having a autistic tantrum over beans in chili

>> No.11795628

Medium to medium well are my favorite, the texture is better, when it's too rare the beef feels almost like jelly

>> No.11795643

i cooked a steak to all levels of doneness and liked medium the best. i don't like the red uncooked caveman meat

>> No.11795646

>parents dinners were always fried food
>coated and fried pork chops, chicken, cube steak
>once in a while very well done hamburgers or tacos (ground beef, cheese, sour cream, not even a packet of taco seasoning)
>at friends house
>his moms boyfriend grills some hamburgers
>notice it's not done all the way through
>best thing i've had in a long time
Started cooking beef less and less, got old enough where I was wanting to try quality meat and finally had steak other than cubed or salisbury, and it actually doesn't taste identical to ground beef or the cheap tough round steak if you cook it less. favorite is ribeye with unrendered fat

>> No.11795691

I like well done streak, too. Genuinely don't understand why people get so assmad about it.

>inb4 you're wasting good food! Order hamburger if you want well done

Fuck off if it tastes good to me it's worth the money.

>> No.11795708
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>not dry aging your own steak in the fridge
>cooking steak past med-rare ever
>not enjoying raw/blue/rare beef
As a zero carb carnivore I'm eating rarer than ever, and I eat at least 1-2lbs of steak every day. Even fattier cuts like ribeye I find myself cooking less and less.
>tfw daily exclusive steak is the easiest lifehack for perfect health but only if you don't totally fucking denature the protein by overcooking
feels carnivore man

>> No.11795712
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>As a zero carb carnivore

>> No.11795743
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Try it, you brainwashed poop factory, before you dare to question me again. Who doesn't wanna eat steak every single fucking day and get optimally healthy? Are you retarded?

>> No.11796176

My mother always made steaks well done. I made the jump from that to medium when I was a shy kid who was too afraid to call for the waiter, steak was medium rare, juicy but sadly underseasoned

>> No.11796302

I love well done

>> No.11796318
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>Rumia will never eat your big anime meat

>> No.11796329
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Carnists actually enjoy this

>> No.11796343

I dont think really anyone wants a steak prolapse.

>> No.11796355

A well-seasoned medium rare is the peak of taste. For me, it's either that or medium. I don't like eating meat jelly or carbonized bricks.
>lel look how alpha and caveman I am bruh, I eat two raw steaks for breakfast before giving myself a creatine enema
Looks like a fucking hemorrhoidal asshole. Gag.

>> No.11796553

im glad you found one you liked anon! we all enjoy different things :)

>> No.11796630

> Ask medium rare
> Get rare
> Way too chewy, eat anyway

>> No.11796637 [DELETED] 
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Enjoy your cancer ridden meats carnis

>> No.11796645

> indian farmer in india
> tries to false flag as american

Do you vegans ever deal with facts instead of just spreading misinformation & lies?

>> No.11797248

Yeah you're rare rn but wait until you have blue rare. But That's another tartare for another day. Why do I like my steak rare? Because I want to taste the meat, the A1 sauce and meat pair so well

>> No.11797819

sell me blue rare

>> No.11797867

Just steak or do you have organ meats and stuff too where would you even get organ meats?

>> No.11797985
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>> No.11798036

when I'm trimming my steaks I eat the non-gristle bits raw
raw beef heart is top 3 best meats ever

>> No.11798164

Don't know why anyone shits on well done. It's how I've always eaten my steaks and It's delicious.

>> No.11798237

Med rare is certainly flavorful and juicy. As I get older and see the folks in the kitchen, I trust them less and less. So, I order medium unless it’s a dive, then I go medium well or even well in a shithole.

>> No.11798683

sotty but i dont like eating raw food
well done for me
dont @ me either

>> No.11798687


>> No.11798689

i was a rare guy till i accidentally cooked a blue rare steak at home. holy shit bros i'll never go back

>> No.11798701
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Rare is only good if its extremely juicy or I feel like LARPing as an anprim caveman

>> No.11798756

If you like your meat well done, there are just cheaper options.
There are very few meats you can eat rare. Tuna, steak, etc

>> No.11798802

Yes. Liking it specifically medium is more beta.
People who like medium need to man up and pick a side. I don't care if you pick rare or well done, just have some conviction

>> No.11798977

I understood that reference.

>> No.11798989

My mother always ordered everything for me well done. So I always assumed steak just sucked. Eventually I was offered to try a rare steak and it was delicious.

>> No.11799593
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>> No.11799619

Blue rare for me please

>> No.11799624

I seared a steak and didn't bother cooking it through. Realized the less a steak is cooked, the better it tastes (with a sear on the outside of course)

>> No.11799629

I'll always be a mid-rare guy, I guess it's because of all the venison steaks I cook. When I've had rare it's always cold in the center and hot on the outside. Mid-rare gets it warm in the center which is how I like it.

>> No.11799634

lol why pull it inside out? I'd still eat it though

>> No.11799641

It's far too dry for my liking. I prefer to have the option of eating my steaks unadulterated by steak sauce.

>> No.11799645

based. same here

>> No.11799649

You've got to be careful with wild game. Unfortunately it's unsafe to cook wild game anything under a medium-well.

>> No.11799651

Gotta watch out for parasites in wild game.

>> No.11799692

Definitely, but at all the steakhouses I worked at, venison was always served mid-rare unless someone asked for it to be cooked otherwise. For deer I shoot myself I like it medium.

>> No.11800108

Why not eat a cooked meat-raw meat-cooked meat sandwich instead?

>> No.11800121

i didn't. i always ate rare because i just figured it would be more flavourful the closer it was to raw. it took me about ten years of eating steak to realise that was bullshit and you get more flavour when you cook it enough to melt more of the intramuscular fat and connective tissues without taking it past the point of discolouration

>> No.11800181

>me use big word
>me right
>you wrong

>> No.11800187

>me see big word
>me make no argument demonstrating i've even understood what it's being used for
>me right
>you wrong

>> No.11800341

>cook it enough to melt more of the intramuscular fat and connective tissues without taking it past the point of discolouration
Literally broscience. Admit you're a vegan or post pics

>> No.11800427

>listens to Jordan Peterson once
>is convinced that you're now an anime protagonist caveman alpha


>> No.11800488

>still no argument
Broscience is for gainz ya dip

>> No.11800502

Enjoy your heart disease and messed up gut microbiome

>> No.11800509
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Because I don't want to have colon cancer you dingus.

>> No.11800552

>adopt fad diet backed by 0 science
>die early
Why are you waving them off? Seems like a perfect solution.

>> No.11800554

>once ate burger patties cooked from my dad
>notices the inside of the patty is still raw
>ate it anyway because strict 'no wasted food' policy in family
>next day got severe stomach ache and diarrhea
Never understood people who manage to each burgers with raw centres with no reaction.

>> No.11800602

The primary concern is trichonosis but cooking to medium kills that.

>> No.11800606

not everybody buys shitty beef like your dad did. I've been eating medium-rare burgers for 30 years and I haven't been sick once. Buy good meat, grind it fresh right before you make the patties. Fucking delicious.

>> No.11800800

Freshly ground beef from a clean grinder is totally safe if immediately eaten afterwords. Its all about the exposed surfaces and how long they've been exposed. Thats why you can eat half way cooked stake safely (vast majority of the time) due to the inner part of the stake never being exposed.
The problem is that people buy ground beef from the store that was grinded days ago, and you now have all that surface area exposed for a prolonged period, thats why buying prepackaged ground beef needs to be cooked 100% or you have a high chance of food poisoning.

>> No.11801073

>order medium rare
>get medium well
every single fucking time

>> No.11801125

Complaining about people's complaints is the most beta thing of all

>> No.11801131

Shouldn't you be prepping for the Zizek debate?

>> No.11801146

>optimally healthy
>eating exclusively one animal which was suboptimally healthy
>secondhand eating exclusively corn/soy feed
>not even eating organs, just muscle tissue, so not even getting all of the nutrients from the corn/soy feed
Your hair is going to fall out, lobster boy

>> No.11801155

this but unironically

>> No.11801163

You must smell awful. Imagine having such a disgusting diet your gf makes you cum in the toilet so she doesn't have to smell it on her

>> No.11801186

You should cook your mince meat thoroughly

>> No.11801877

>tfw i don't like medium rare or well done so i always order either medium well or medium

>> No.11802182

this, I'm really not fond of eating uncooked, raw meat

>> No.11802226
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>order well cooked food
>it's not well cooked

How can you fuck up such a basic thing?

>> No.11802386

>there are unironically people who eat anywhere between Blue Rare or Well Done
It's all or nothing baby, I either get a bacteria growing in my liver or im eating a shoe. Anyone who eats in between those 2 are pussies who need to be exterminated from the gene pool ASAP.

>> No.11802410

You can always get them to cook it further, you can't make something less well-done.

>> No.11803570

I too enjoy my food fully cooked and parasite free.

>> No.11803587

hey faggot, I bet you think "al dente" isn't a product of fuel rationing in ww2.

>> No.11803648


In defense of well-done steak...

It's actually good if it's a Med Rare steak that you recooked in the morning with eggs.

>> No.11803674

Eating and enjoying a well-done steak outside of being starving for 3 days or more

>> No.11803716

You mean finished cooking.

>> No.11803779

>melting fat is broscience

>> No.11803992

I say it depend on the cut
like for some meme third world meat
I cooked it well done and slice it real thin
and dip it in the some super spicy sauce that has literal shit in it
they said its so bitter its sweet

>> No.11804016

> rare
no thanks. medium to well done for me.

>> No.11805102 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11805112
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>> No.11805441

Both rare steak and sushi lovers are fucking retarded. Cook your food we arnt retarded animals anymore, we can into fire now.

>> No.11805447

The memes never stop

>> No.11805932
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"cooked meat is not N A C H R A L", *giggles*, "facking idiots". *giggles*

"dah enlightened onez are eating babies but you think dah earth is rownd? facking sheep lol"

>> No.11805949

getting your steak well done

>> No.11806123

It's more likely to get chewy, rubbery and dry. Some of them are still edible but I've had ones so bad that when you bite it, nothing really happens and you have to chew it forever or just swallow it whole.

>> No.11806173

>I just love the texture of asphalt and dry sand in my mouth

>> No.11806193

This is what your steaks should look like if you cook them from frozen on extremely hight temperatures.
No seriously what the fuck is going on here? There should not be a discernible line between cooked meat and raw meat. That's not what rare and medium rare are, they're supposed to be consistently cooked.