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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 800x450, loaf of meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11792896 No.11792896 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this fucking thing need breadcrumbs in it god fucking damn it

>> No.11792902

Because it would be dry as shit without them.

>> No.11792913

It doesn't.
But, using them makes for cheap filler and it allows you to use grades of meat which don't have enough fat on their own to bind together properly.

>> No.11793051

Use oatmeal.

>> No.11793054

that's what makes it a loaf. otherwise it's a meat log

>> No.11793070
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Watch Chef John's video for Prison-Style Meatloaf.

>> No.11793074

>make meatloaf with onion, breadcrumbs
>still tastes like eating straight ground beef

>> No.11793103

>grew up with around family and they always wanted to make meatloaf for get togethers
>I'd go vegetarian for get-togethers even when I was six
>be 19 working in professional kitchen, deeply respect the executive chef, surely I'll like her meatloaf
>work under a very high end chef who is trying to re-imagine old supper clubs
>meatloaf with beef ground in house and demi consisting of wil-
Meatloaf is just fucking disgusting and was only ever meant to ration out meat as far as you could go, while hiding how shitty it was with spices and fucking ketchup. It's the epitome of boomer and child food. Sugary meat logs. No fucking wild mushroom veal demi-glace is going to fix it.

>> No.11793106

meatloaf is delicious and you are an idiot
you probably always tried it with ketchup or something

>> No.11793120

Maybe if you made a glaze made of semen it'd be something you'd be into. It sure sounds like you're into ingesting semen.

>> No.11793126
File: 198 KB, 1000x1000, meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh, a meatloaf hate thread. I see you are the idiotic kids who fell for the pop culture meme. I suppose you also hate broccoli and brussel sprouts too.

>> No.11793132

Poverty loaf defense force activate.

>> No.11793148

There's nothing to defend because it's a delicious, fulfilling meal. You're just upset because there's no semen on a typical meatloaf. Seriously, try my idea. I bet you'll change your mind.

>> No.11793159

Y'all cuss too much on here. Y'all sound like some kids who just learned cuss words.

>> No.11793165

i love meatloaf but mine always seems to be missing something. could i see some of your recipes?

>> No.11793167

Reddit might be more your speed, faggot.

>> No.11793168

You seem really upset that I'm insulting your favorite childhood dessert. That was mistakenly served as dinner. Mmmm bread topped with high fructose corn syrup.

That and they have a weird fixation on semen. They probably are underaged.

>> No.11793196

Smash some crackers

>> No.11793207
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But I'm on parole.

>> No.11793208

Ooh, edgy. Yep yep, this place too craaaaaazy for me betta bet it.

Nah, grow up loser.

>> No.11793243

im from europe how do i make a good meatloaf. p.s. i dont eat ketchup its for negroes

>> No.11793246

Use tomato paste and vinegar instead

>> No.11793271

>bad words hurt my fee fees
Cry more bitch.

>> No.11793300

I don't hate it you fucking dog dick brain I just didn't understand the breadcrumbs

>> No.11793302

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.11793315
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I unironically add fish sauce, soy sauce, tomato paste and anchovies in my meatloaf

>> No.11793329

Meatloaf night at my midwest families dystopian hellhole was always the worst and it looked exactly like that thing you sliced, pale and grainy HFCS saturated. I generally begged friends to invite me for dinner at their house, no matter what it would be it would be better.

Tbf, my parents stupidly raised 4 spawn and although they had decent jobs, money was tight, cause muh reasons. But it's still no excuse to feed us garbage, hamberders , tacos or burritos would have been a better use for their shitty factory farmed ground beef.

>> No.11794062

Because bread or something similar is what separates the texture of a meatball or meatloaf from a burger patty. Burgers are much denser and firmer, generally, because the bread (usually soaked to make a panade) both lightens and softens the meat mixture. You can do it without, absolutely, but the texture is pretty different.

>> No.11794085
File: 12 KB, 183x275, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a meatloaf appreciation thread. ITT post excellent examples of this delicious, egalitarian meal for the common man.

>> No.11794090

Wait what? In what ratios? This sounds like an unamigasm

>> No.11794258

Kill yourself cum gargling retard.

>> No.11794359

Protip: use mashed potatoes as a substitute

>> No.11794444

You can substitute rolled oats if you have no breadcrumbs

>> No.11794494

this man is a murderer

>> No.11794515

You sound like a total cunt

>> No.11794539

T. loves his retard parents

>> No.11794547

wew you have problems, I didn't even mention your parents

>> No.11794611

You don't deserve love.

>> No.11794629


>> No.11794647
File: 14 KB, 200x255, 1265197076086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard me, nigger.

>> No.11794759

I'm not the one who feels the need to get so upset about a topic so benign that he feels the need to create an entire thread to whine and complain about said topic. Who between the two of us is really more anally frustrated? Answer honestly now

>> No.11794761

Lurk more queer. That's just the Y'all poster who posts that same comment on multiple threads

>> No.11794766

Niggers eat anything the government will give them.

>> No.11794786

it doesn't need to be breadcrumbs, but you should still use some sort of bread.

otherwise it's a shitty baked Salisbury steak.

>> No.11794787

The crying bitch sounds mad.

>> No.11794798

broccoli is disgusting and when it's cooking it smells like dog farts. literal bottom-tier vegetable, will never eat again, 1 star yelp review.

>> No.11794809

just make a gravy or something. it doesn't really have to be ketchup. that's just the betty crocker original way to make meatloaf. i like making italian-american mini-meatloaf that is basically just a larger meatball. beef, pork, and sausage, with a very crusty italian bread, spinach, onion, loads of garlic, and top it with mozzarella and red sauce.

>> No.11794817

in the grind or on top? because that sounds basically like adding Worcestershire sauce.

>> No.11795131

Use oatmeal instead then.

>> No.11795135

This is bait

>> No.11795141

What an idiot you are. Meatloaf is delicious, and a man's man's meal. You aren't a man unless you've walked into a diner where the waitress secretly wants you to make love with and you order the meatloaf special

>> No.11795151

i add that as well

>> No.11795158


Not liking meatloaf is like not liking meatballs. Crazy.

>> No.11795163

Meatloaf awesome if done right, also makes a fucking killer sandwich. Fuck I love meatloaf.

>> No.11795201
File: 124 KB, 960x540, rez-edeka-falscher-hase-rezept-e-h-resp-960x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In germany we call it faux rabbit, stuffed with a line of eggs and wrapped in bacon. It's pretty delicious if made of non foof-stamp grade products.

>> No.11795443

Use bread and milk

>> No.11795482
File: 20 KB, 480x360, laughing spanish man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't tap the knife with every slice

>> No.11795543

Try using stuffing mix.

>> No.11795546

Cranberry sauce is amazing for meatloaf.

>> No.11795563

i like meatloaf because when i watched ALF as a kid they always ate meatloaf :)

>> No.11795633

One two oatmeal

>> No.11796015

>tried making meatloaf yesterday
>recipe called for half a cup of breadcrumbs in 2 lbs of ground beef
>i thought hmm, maybe i should use 1 cup because i'm using 2.25 lbs of beef
>texture didn't turn out right, it was too doughy
>now I know not to use too much breadcrumb and it should be used for filling at best
>tasted good though and the seasoning was just right

Anyone know what the difference between adding eggs it and no eggs? I used 2 eggs. Was just curious. And to the people complaining about HFCS, just don't put it in? Or don't buy a ketchup with it? I use ketchup with sugar. Some recipe call you to mix in the ketchup with the meat while some just call for you to use it as a glaze. I prefer mixing it in because i like to taste it in the meat.

>> No.11796024

It'll be crumbly without the eggs, if it even holds together at all.

>> No.11796034

its supposed to be a way of stretching meat. I use probably a whole cup of breadcrumbs (lightly toasted in the oven first) for every pound of meat. Also, you should let the breadcrumbs, once toasted, mush up in some milk or cream, enough to saturate them. Also add eggs. You want a fair bit of filler, it is meatloaf. Also, adding berry puree (frozen fruit will do, mashed up or pureed) to the ketchup/brown sugar (molasses or date syrup are welcome too) glaze is nice.

>> No.11796041

Meatloaf is fucking disgusting, just make hamburgers or meat sauce for spaghetti or chili or literally anything else, don't waste the meat on nasty-ass meatloaf.

>> No.11796046

Try using ground beef from the farmer's market. It has a les slimy texture. If you make it from scratch, toast your breadcrumbs, add some cheese (parmesan or whatever else you want), you can add pre-cooked, chopped bacon, caramelized onions, ,fruit purees.

You could even just chop up nice cuts of meat like tartare fine if you wanted and then add the binders to make it fancier. Meatloaf is an idea.

>> No.11796048
File: 62 KB, 689x568, 1548034456625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>berry puree

>> No.11796107

I wanted to use up some overripe blackberries from the farmer's market. In the case of berries with seeds you should strain them first. I added about 1/2 cup blackberry puree to both the glaze and the meatloaf as I recall. Was great. Do you not like fruit?

>> No.11797714
File: 57 KB, 694x383, l_2568_recette-pain-de-viande-traditionnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have it in Belgium but never with a sweet glaze. Wtf is wrong with americans and adding sugar everywhere?

>> No.11798029

It's the same meat, you're just bad at preparing it.

>> No.11798120

Shout outs

>> No.11798126

Sweet? It's just ketchup, some american stuff is too sweet but its not like commercial BBQ sweet

>> No.11798130
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>> No.11798137


>> No.11798143

Well duh, turns out having a social safety net and not having MASSIVE tax cuts for corn and beef makes a wider variety of foodstuffs affordable.

>> No.11798145


whiter than you mohammed

>> No.11798149



>> No.11798156

soak up the juices and make it more tender and less dense. Try it without them, it is too dense

>> No.11798157

hey I love my sugary meat logs
fuck you

>> No.11798165

I came

>> No.11798173
File: 15 KB, 320x320, worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meatloaf can't be worse than any other ground beef dishes because the meat is the same.

Even if I liked meatloaf I'd be impressed that you made one of the dumbest statements I've read this month.

>> No.11798207

It's the same meat you'd be using + an egg and some crushed up crackers or bread you already bought. You are so bad.

>> No.11798236

when i'm at restaurants sometimes i'll get the meatloaf and my friends will look at me weirdly and be like "YOU LIKE MEATLOAF??? EWWW DUDE"

why does meatloaf have such a bad rap bros

>> No.11798243

If you're adding bread and eggs to your fucking burgers you're so bad.

>> No.11798259

>use quality meat
>go easy on the breadcrumbs
>add copious amounts of caramellized onions to the mix
>add a nice, spicy mustard (not that yellow shit) to the mix
>serve with a nice gravy, roasted potatoes and baby carrots

Meat loaf can be fucking delicious.

>> No.11798268

Chop meat, Apple sauce, quick oats, onions, s&p.
Line just bottom of pan with dill pickle slices
Line entire pan with bacon
Chuck in the meat and cook
Serve with any brown gravy
Thank me later

>> No.11798355

Can you explain how this works?

>> No.11798423

Honestly? No. But if you ever try making it without bread, you will see the problem.

>> No.11798529
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1546568223079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broccoli is delicious and smells like a girls vagina. literal top-tier vegetable, will never eat any other vegetable, 5 star yelp review.

1 star yelp reviews probably never tasted vagina before.

>> No.11798532

bread traps liquid well. fat does not.

>> No.11798706

>MASSIVE tax cuts for corn and beef
It's almost as if there is a massive demographic within the population that lives on that shit.

>> No.11798709

I use rice or oats

>> No.11798728

To the people in this thread that hate meatloaf, do you also hate meat balls?

>> No.11798773

yes, balls are gay

>> No.11798778
File: 10 KB, 157x321, mustard11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


posting this even before reading the replies to the thread

cold, meat loaf sandwiches with any good salad mustard are fanfuckingtastic.

Quaker oats in meat loaf? fine
Mixed meats or just hamburger? fine
Bread crumbs? okay by me