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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11792426 No.11792426 [Reply] [Original]

ITT red flags for guys
>he doesn't own a cast iron pan
>he eats fast food
>he shops at Walmart
>he drinks soda
>he doesn't own japanese knives
>he has frozen dinners in his freezer
>he doesn't use a water filter
>he eats out more than once a month

>> No.11792438
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>He doesn't watch the 3 o'clock rolling in to Water Orton station

>> No.11792451

>he pretends to be a woman on the internet

>> No.11792470

why are women so obsessed with cast iron? it's totally outclassed by other metals in all but a couple rare circumstances, and they're always like "oh be careful not to get it wet" and then leave the fucking thing in the sink overnight. cast iron is such a crock of shit, jesus christ.

>> No.11792478

The frying pan is the traditional weapon of a woman committing acts of domestic violence, and cast iron has a nice heft to it that no other pan can match.

>> No.11792479

Stainless steel folded a thousand times is far supperior

>> No.11792482

>Sugar water


>> No.11792484

>he doesn't use a water filter
But I live in a first world country with tap water that is more pure and of higher quality than any bottled water on the market.

>> No.11792511

>he has sex with men

>> No.11792515

You enjoy that fluoride. I'll go find somebody fertile.

>> No.11792524

Fuck you, my local water is flouridated, and I had to pay for abortion twice.

>> No.11792542
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>> No.11792543

I hope you got those fetuses genetically tested, because you're entitled to a refund.

>> No.11792548

My gf rusted two of my cast irons and now fears it. She also fears the grill because the charcoal pops and she's afraid her hair will catch fire.

>> No.11792639


>He posts bait threads on /ck/

>> No.11792705

Oh, also I'm gay not sure if that matters.

>> No.11792894

That'll be hard with your yellow, rotten teeth smile

>> No.11792898

Fluoride does not prevent staining.

>> No.11792942

Don't reply to a post if you haven't read it. Or do you not understand what "pure" means?

>> No.11792947

From first hand experienced married to a korean there's a certain amount of truth to this. They can descend into absolutely raging physical violence with absolute disregard for the consequences when all you're doing is parrying blows and speaking in calm soft tones like when training a wild horse or dog. I've had my cast iron pans swung and thrown at me as well as crystal or ceramic plates, even kitchen knives wielded maniacally trying to cut. Korean females have vicious, uncontrollable tempers if you get them riled up, rational thinking level reaches sub-zero. It's not only me, korean men and whites married to them all have stories.

>> No.11792977

>he doesn't own a cast iron pan
>he doesn't own japanese knives

>> No.11793008

>thinks this is a Korean thing
Try all women, anon. It's just a matter of when, not if.

>> No.11793024

You should move somewhere where the water is so bad it kills your babies and you

>> No.11793040

> he doesn't own an immersion blender
> he uses spice combo packets, like "chili"
> he doesn't eat any of the cheese plate you just spent $60 making fresh mozzarella for
> tries to buy RITZ crackers for the cheese plate like a fucking SWINE
> he doesn't know how to smoke butter
> he doesn't rinse and massage his rice before cooking it

he makes really good scrambled eggs, and pesto at least.

>> No.11793045

>cast iron
Cringe, my pussy dries up if that shit is in his house. The fedora of cooking

>> No.11793072

Back hole?

>> No.11793078

Your pussy dries up due to a failed sex change, anon.

>> No.11793162

but you have a gf!! Lol!!!

>> No.11793172
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>dogfaced thots being picky about anything
who cares lol

>> No.11793176


>> No.11793190

Are you this upset nobody wants you for anything more than a cum dumpster?

>> No.11793404

>he shops at Walmart
Have you ever lived in a small town?
>he doesn't use a water filter
Brita filters don't do shit

>> No.11793421

>he eats out more than once a month
poorfag detected

>> No.11793467


I unironically have 0 red flags.

Does that mean I'm gay whether it matters or not?

>> No.11793500

>girls don't like guys who can afford to eat out more than once a month
Yikes, OP. Just yikes.

>> No.11793522

Imagine giving a shit about what women “think”.

>> No.11793547

I eat fast food sometimes but I also cook like a god

I shop at Walmart for certain things but not groceries and I hate going there

You should post feet

>> No.11793549
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>> No.11793563

>invited over to his apartment, no furniture except a mattress on the floor with a blanket over it because he likes it that way
>doesn't know how to cook
>stockpile of mac and cheese boxes
>orders takeout three or more times per week

>> No.11794101


Do frozen dinners count if you make them yourself? I'm gay if that matters.

>> No.11794141


>> No.11794186

Shitty bait thread aside, I never got the concept of "red flags." Like, unless it's something showing you're going to get straight up murdered/robbed/etc. If you enjoy their company, the rest of this shit should be negotiable, right?

>> No.11794231

Indeed, as a man I can say women don't notice or care about this shit. Here are two actual things that make you less appealing to women

>Being apologetic or self-deprecating
Self deprecating humor is generally correctly identified as attempt to preempt criticism.
>Asking too many questions
Try making statements instead. E.g. just say something you did recently.

>> No.11794271

I sleep on the floor. I DO like it that way. :/

>> No.11794937
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>It's got a vagina
>It bleeds for a whole week without dying
>It has XX sex chromosomes
>It's an annoying cunt at best
This is why the popularity of tranny porn is on the rise

>> No.11795033

seek help

>> No.11795036

>marries a subservient oriental waifu
>she beats the fuck out of him
LOLOLOL try smacking the fuck out of her next time, bitchboi.

>> No.11795071

My wife thinks tranny porn is hot

>> No.11795121

There's nothing wrong with that. You be you. It just means you don't deserve love.

>> No.11795583
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Does it get her hard you faggot?

>> No.11795595

I'm not sure there's a problem to be fixed.

>> No.11795635

>he doesn‘t let the bull give a taste of my puss before going to the cuck citchen

>> No.11795673

>red flags for guys who like to fuck guys

Fixed that for you bro

>> No.11795706


Those two are pornstars, right?

>> No.11795707

that's a can

>> No.11795715


>> No.11795759

>7/8 or 8/8 depending on whether you consider a dutch oven a pan
At least its just some anonymous whores judging me

>> No.11795799
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>> No.11795826

>he lives in a small town where Walmart is the only option

This is a legit red flag. No woman worth anything wants to doom her children to a life of backwardness and lack of opportunity.

>> No.11795843

>uses a measuring cup instead of eyeballing it

>> No.11795933
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>> No.11795941

>jap knives
>not German
He probably sharpens them while watching hentai

>> No.11796066

This. The Dutch supreme court banned water fluoridation in the '60s. I could literally fill a bottle with my faucet and sell it as mineral water without breaking one law or code. It comes straight from an ancient aquifer with protected surroundings. Filtering it would be a very expensive and tedious way to make my water less healthy.

Other points are valid though, except we don't have Wall Mart here so that's a free pass.

>> No.11796100

filtering is neither tedious nor expensive, though I admit it does sound pointless in your case. Otherwise, I agree 100%.

>> No.11796108

I've been to places where the water is disgusting though, like southern France. It's basically non-potable and I'd very much understand people wanting to filter it. Locals tend to just buy bottled water for consumption purposes though

>> No.11796120

>he's a guy
that's enough red flag for me

>> No.11796141

>Locals tend to just buy bottled water for consumption purposes though

for some reason, people love paying the idiot tax on bottled water over and over again when they could easily install a filter for FAR less money. this puzzles me.

>> No.11796545

>eats out more than once a month
sorry you're poor, you should grow a work ethic. Otherwise solid list.

>> No.11796551

looks like you forgot

>doesn't sous vide

>> No.11796685

>he has enough time to cook every day and then bitch about others on the internet

>> No.11796739

REAL infowars fans buy water at natural grocers instead

>> No.11796756

Red flags for guys?
>eats fast food all the time
>drinks soda all the time
>eats frozen food more than occasionally

My standards in terms of food aren't that high, I just don't want a boyfriend with a child's palate.

>> No.11796790

Fucking got 'em.

>> No.11797084

Still better than not being wanted at all

>> No.11797106


>> No.11797209

In France you can get gallons of bottled water for pennies

>> No.11797214
File: 142 KB, 1292x683, grug tribe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me grug
>me no use induction
>me only use cast iron over my open flame

>> No.11797222

>debt free
>no tattoos
>a fucking virgin
you speak for yourself, anon.

>> No.11797225

OP would've been a good woman," said The Misfit, "if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life.”

>> No.11797273

>she doesn't own a cast iron pan
>she eats fast food
>she shops at Walmart
>she drinks soda
>she doesn't own japanese knives
>she has frozen dinners in her freezer
>she eats out more than once a month
Pretty much describes my gf.

>> No.11797738


>> No.11797785
File: 43 KB, 460x316, 1527855891242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walmart has gallons of milk for under a dollar and YumYum sauce, suck my dick.
Japanese knives are no different from any other sharp knife. They're not all Hattori Hanzos just because they're form Nippon land.