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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11792131 No.11792131 [Reply] [Original]

I'm dieting, but I miss ice cream, so I'm trying to make a healthy dessert. Pic related is the first step: a custard of whole milk, eggs, and vanilla extract. Added to the custard is pureed strawberries and banana.To get the texture of ice cream, I'm going to freeze this for half an hour and then whisk the shit out of it, and repeat that process another three to five times.
I'm worried that, since there's no cream or sugar, it won't become thick enough. But I'll find out soon, since I literally just put it in the freezer ten minutes ago. Will update if anyone cares.

>> No.11792166

Monitoring this thread. Might make it if it works.

>> No.11792177

Just eat some ice cream but just a small amount or go jogging for an hour if you want a big ice cream
Its that easy fattie

>> No.11792203

I know. And I do eat a cheat meal once a week. But if I can make something that's functionally equivalent to ice cream while still being healthy enough to conform to my diet, why not try it?

>> No.11792211

Update 1/5: Still too watery to tell how it's going to shape up.

>> No.11792217
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allow women on the internet, they said.
at least stay in your FB containment, cunts.

>> No.11792253

I'm a dude.

>> No.11792340
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, 20190121_153212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update 2/5: Better. You can't tell from the image, but the edges are starting to get icy. I realize now that I should have frozen the tray before pouring the custard in.

>> No.11792356

You should try “nicecream,” freeze bananas and blend it with some other fruit or extracts, peanut butter, chocolate. It’s creamy and naturally sweet, I ate this shit all the time when I was losing weight.

>> No.11792373

That sounds pretty good, except that the chocolate wouldn't be on my diet. Would it be possible to use cocoa powder instead?

>> No.11792437

Your diet is retarded. Eat whatever you want as long as you get enough protein, minerals, and vitamins. Just make sure you stay under your daily calorie budget. Anything else is a meme.

>> No.11792442
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, 20190121_160258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update 3: Now we're getting somewhere. The whole surface was iced over. Right now it's got the consistency of a smoothie.

>> No.11792454 [DELETED] 

My diet **is** largely based around calorie restriction. My restrictions on particular foods are mostly based on avoiding very calorie-dense foods that are easy to overeat. Since I don't want to count calories, this method works well for me. I've lost 59 pounds so far.

>> No.11792591
File: 2.80 MB, 3264x2448, 20190121_163443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update 4: It's coming along nicely. I'd guess there's another hour until it's fully at the right texture, but I'm willing to call it a success at this point. Here's the recipe.

Whole milk 2 C
Eggs 4
Vanilla extract 2 tsp
Strawberries 1 lb
Banana, very ripe 1

1. Freeze tray. Add extract to milk. Heat milk in pot over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally to avoid film formation. When bubbles form, remove heat.
2. Whisk egg until smooth and frothy. Stir while gradually adding milk.
3. Heat mixture over medium heat to thicken, stirring constantly. When custard coats back of spoon, immediately remove heat to avoid curdling.
4. Strain custard into tray and stir to cool. Cover with plastic wrap to avoid film formation.
5. Hull strawberries and peel banana. Purée. Mix into custard.
6. Place custard in freezer for 30 minutes, then remove and stir. Repeat until frozen and smooth, about 2 to 3 hours of freezing time.

>> No.11792609
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>im dieting so im eating frozen custard

>> No.11792625

Read the ingredient list, brainlet.

>> No.11792638

This. Tricking yourself into eating this DIY calorie bomb won't help. Learn portion control and realize ice cream is a "sometimes" food, not a dietary staple.

>> No.11792643
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Good job anon, and thanks for the recipe!

>> No.11792656

It's not a calorie bomb. That's the point. It doesn't have cream or sugar. Yes, of course it's possible to overeat anything, and if I scarfed down a huge amount of this stuff, it would be bad for me.
The point of this experiment, however, was to see if I could make a frozen dairy dessert similar to ice cream that would conform with my diet, which is based on excluding certain foods. I'm not giving myself license to binge on it.

>> No.11792660

You're welcome! I hope it turns out well, if you try to make it.

>> No.11792662

A whole lot of sugar, great diet.

>> No.11792674

Kill yourself.

>> No.11792684

>a frozen dairy dessert similar to ice cream that would conform with my diet
Let me reiterate: your diet is retarded, see >>11792437

Eating a small portion of ice cream that stays within your caloric budget is no big deal, unless you can't keep yourself from eating a whole tub in one sitting.

>> No.11792688

What you're actually saying is that all dieting is retarded.

>> No.11792690

Not an argument.

>> No.11792724
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Custard seems like it could also be kinda high fat/calories, right? Eggs and whole milk?

I mean, what good is being healthy if you're miserable? If you want ice cream every once in a while, just eat the god damn ice cream. Don't beat yourself up over it. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and if ice cream is one of those things that you just love and want in your life - then do it.

Nobody in the world gives a flying fuck about an extra inch in your waist or thighs. Trust me on this. Anybody that DOES point it out has their nose way way too far up into your business and needs to fuck the fuck off.

Eat your ice cream, baby. Savor it as the treat it is and then move on with your life. We have a lot of bad shit that we're constantly protecting ourselves from and mental/social images that we feel we need to live up to - but you know what? It's ok to enjoy some of the pleasure that life offers us. It's ok to eat ice cream and eat pasta and drink wine and smoke pot and do all the things that we love in the short period of time we have on this earth.

>> No.11792731

Hey, you're right, I'm done dieting now, it's pretty gay, and those 59 pounds I dropped mean nothing. Anyway, I made custard, the recipe is in the thread.

>> No.11792749

it will be hard as a rock when actually frozen
yeah looks icy as fuck senpai. You can make a low cal low carb ice cream thats about 90kcal per 4oz serving and tastes better than halo top(low bar but still)

>> No.11792750

No, I'm saying budget your calories, watch your micronutrients, and forget about the rest. Meme diets like low fat, low carb, intermittent fasting, etc. are all a waste of time. If you want to lose weight, eat 500 calories below TDEE. If you want to gain weight, eat 500 calories above TDEE. It's not rocket science.

>> No.11792751
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>Whole milk 2 C

Now that we know what temperature the milk should be, how about telling us how much?

>> No.11792752

Your custard is a pathetic excuse for proper ice cream. Next time, make actual ice cream and just eat a smaller serving, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.11792758

And I'm saying that I'm already doing that. I just added some ingredient restrictions, too, as a shorthand way of helping me do that.

>> No.11792761


>> No.11792763

>make actual ice cream
I wasn't trying to do that. Though it would be trivial to do. Just add sugar to the eggs and cream to the milk. (And probably add more cream again, after the custard is done cooking.)

>> No.11792772

>I just added some ingredient restrictions, too
Don't do that. You'll just end up with shitty ice cream. Do you lack any self control? Or are you simply lacking the mental faculties to calculate your caloric needs vs calories consumed?

>> No.11792781

>I wasn't trying to do that.
Why? Do you hate yourself?

>> No.11792794

>it will be hard as a rock when actually frozen
That's why you stir it intermittently. To smooth out the texture. You'll probably also want to let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes before eating.

Cream and sugar aren't on my diet, and I was curious if there was a way to make something similar within my diet's restrictions.
>Do you hate yourself?
Yes, but that's beside the point.

>> No.11792803

>Cream and sugar aren't on my diet
Why are you following a retarded diet like that? Too stupid to calculate TDEE and calories consumed?

>> No.11792805

>Do you lack any self control?
I clearly lack some, since I ended up 100 pounds overweight. I decided I had to both cut my calories and come up with dietary rules in order to make that easier. And it's worked so far, to the tune of 59 pounds. 41 to go.

>> No.11792811

Caloric restriction is the basis of my diet. Read the thread.

>> No.11792822

Halo Top is shit. But share your recipe.

>> No.11792829

Ah, so you admit you're a retard with no self control. The mere inclusion of cream and sugar in your diet will make you balloon up, because you can't keep yourself from binging on the whole tub. Glad we got that straight. You eat subpar ice cream because you're a subpar person. Sucks to be you I guess.

>> No.11792835

I mean, yeah. Normal, healthy people don't end up fat. Good job, you figured out that having to try to lose weight means that something went wrong. You're a real sleuth. Hope it feels good.

>> No.11792838

>I'm dieting, but I miss ice cream

throw frozen berries in a blender and add just enough yogurt that it forms into an ice cream like substance.

if you put too much yogurt, you get yogurt with berries and that's no good. Add more frozen berries or bananas to rectify.

here's a rough recipe. You don't need the honey he adds.


>> No.11792843

Sounds pretty tasty. Thanks, anon.

>> No.11792848

What's the matter, you gonna cwy? Is the fatty gonna cwy? Go ahead and cwy. Let me see you cwy.

>> No.11792874

480g milk of your choice, non-dairy is lower calorie and lower carbs
240g whipping cream
1g salt
28g erythritol powdered
-IF NON DAIRY MILK- 25g each whey isolate and casein
1.2ml liquid sucralose or other desired sweetener
28g USP vegetable glycerine
3 egg yolk OR 5g soy lecithin OR other preferred stabilizer
flavoring of your choice

Blend everything but the cream briefly to mix and disperse any powders. add mixture to a pot with the cream, heat to 170F and maintain heat for 8 minutes. Blend resulting mixture once more and age the mix 8h or over night. before churning add your flavorings then churn according to machine directions. decant soft serve dessert into a suitable container and harden in a freezer (colder the better, my hardening freezer gets to -20F) 8h or overnight then move to a warmer freezer (4-10F is good for this) or put ice cream in the refrigerator 90 minutes before desired serving time.

I sold 2 gallons of my sugar free vanilla bean to a local business that was throwing some sort of party and nobody but the manager knew it wasn't 'full flavor' ice cream.

>> No.11792889

>whey isolate
>liquid sucralose
>vegetable glycerine
What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.11792962
File: 1.80 MB, 1198x971, 2019-01-21_16-53-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whey isolate & casein
Dairy solids that aren't fat. Absence of these leads to a final ice cream that crumbles when scooped or even an icy texture

Partially sweetener, mostly present to depress freezing temperature of the mixture in the same way sugar or salt does.

>vegetable glycerine
Same as erythritol

>liquid sucralose
Easy to dose form of sucralose that doesn't add filler like powdered versions have but instead a negligible amount of liquid

Any other questions? Also pic related is a fairly old image of ice cream that results from the recipe I posted - i apologize in advance for the poor quality

>> No.11793066

I've learned a lot about how to fuck this up less in the future. This has been a very useful experiment.

>> No.11793079

why didn’t you just blend bananas like a normal person?

>> No.11793088

Kinda sounds like you're trying to make gelato.

>> No.11793090

This is more fun.

Kind of. Does gelato have eggs?

>> No.11793110

Some stuff I learned:
The custard/fruit mix needs to freeze as quickly as possible, to reduce ice crystal size. Refrigerate the mix overnight in a bowl. (And cover it in plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming.) Also, freeze the whisk and empty tray overnight, and put your freezer on the coolest setting.
Only then should you put the mix into the tray and do the freeze-and-stir process.

>> No.11793112

I'm not a gelato physicist, but my understanding is that some does contain egg yolks and cream, but some is made almost entirely of milk.

>> No.11793129

Fage yogurt is an ok ice cream substitute. Your ice crream is pretty sad. I'm going to try and improve the recipe and post because i want you to eat nice. You can't eat this frozen ice milk on the regular.

>> No.11793141

Good job losing 59 pounds OP. Keep up the good work and do whatever works for you. Fuck the assholes in the thread

>> No.11793143

If you're happy fucking around with liquid nitrogen, that's a fast way to freeze a low fat mix into an ice cream with small crystals.

>> No.11793146

You're very kind, anon.

>> No.11793151

Thank you. 41 to go. I feel good.

Not sure I'd be comfortable messing with that, honestly. I'm just doing this in my home kitchen.

>> No.11793229

OK. You should make a diet custard by heating milk eggs vanilla and sugar slightly then pour into a home ice cream maker. Or make sorbet or italian ice using your freezer tray and stir method.

Keto custard:

Any other method and your ice cream will be too icy and have bad texture because no cream. Xanthan gum cornstarch or corn syrup for some of the sugar can help compensate for the reduced fat in the custard mixture. Good luck! Congrats on losing the weight!

>> No.11793450

I thought asians were lactose intolerant???

>> No.11793965

Calm down anon, why the hate? He's experimenting with food