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File: 87 KB, 581x767, almond milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11789889 No.11789889[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met a vegan? What was your experience with them?

>> No.11789914

He wasn't "a vegan" but he ate vegan.
Probably just because he wanted to try it?
But he's been keeping it up for over half a year now.
Maybe he's just trying to get into someone's pants.
He's a mysterious person.

>> No.11790506
File: 51 KB, 804x602, Freelee Castrates her Soyboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met one and she was insane. She was screaming and waving her hands around like a complete psycho. I ran out of the vegan restaurant in fear of my life.


>> No.11790510

This guy at my work is vegan. He's like 6'9 and you can see his baby-arm dick through his jeans. He smells like sunflowers. I swear he was only 6 feet tall a few years ago...

>> No.11790515

>Have you ever met a vegan?
Yeah a few.

>What was your experience with them?
Very lean. Seemed nice enough.

>> No.11790519
File: 933 KB, 1242x1260, 24237F68-833B-49CB-B28A-7522DDDC25D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ones better

>> No.11790523

My wife has been vegan for about five years now but you doesn’t mind me eating meat. To be honest when I cook it’s ptetty easy as she mainly eats soup and salads. We don’t give her son meat at the moment but when he gets a bit older he can make his own decision. It’s really not a big deal.

>> No.11790527

Is her son a good kisser?

>> No.11790530
File: 67 KB, 1080x540, average 4channel user.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats only meat

>> No.11790531

What does son meat taste like?

>> No.11790532
File: 83 KB, 838x719, stahp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is getting really old

>> No.11790534

Jamal Jr. isn't going to grow up very strong if you cripple him like that, Anon.

>> No.11790536

you forgot to add "Im gay btw" at the end, but still pretty funny.

>> No.11790552

Is doubling your dick size common with veganism? I almost went to the doctor when it happened to me.

>> No.11790556
File: 154 KB, 1080x1440, 662936_v9_ba[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her son

>> No.11790558

The whole veggie/vegan/carnivore debate is pretty dull and tiresome.

>> No.11790598
File: 286 KB, 1294x666, Green Smoothies Key to Dental Health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuckposting never gets old lol.

>> No.11790617
File: 1.43 MB, 2363x3113, Jim-Morris-Vegan-Thinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11790635 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 2363x3113, Think Before thou eatest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11790651
File: 30 KB, 600x337, peta-last-longer-vegan-sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if he ate meat. He would have died at 50.

>> No.11790664
File: 482 KB, 1128x645, Sacrifice your teeth for the animals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His teeth were gone long before 50

Freelee's latest rant admits that the vegan lifesickness is established fact. Your job is to suffer and die for the animals. Proceed.


>> No.11790668

Sheesh. If I lasted much longer my wife would be fed up with how much of her day I'm taking up, and her daughter wouldn't be any happier.

>> No.11790748

Some cute girl at my work. She was very friendly and not in your face about it though. Sometimes she even felt like cheating little with some innocent non-vegan thing like some cookie or a piece of pie and it was fun trying to make her believe that it was even worse than eating a piece of meat, while having our mouths full of said pie.

>> No.11790779
File: 136 KB, 400x298, 1540931984074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to work with a vegan nurse. She wasn't preachy about it but she did love to talk about it and point out that she was indeed vegan.
Such as, when it was her turn to bring cake to work (nurses eat cake for at least two meals a day) she'd make a lovely chocolate cake and then fucking write VEGAN NURSE across it with Smarties. I'm not bullshitting you about this.
It was so painfully obvious that Instagram saw that cake before we did.

Another vegan nurse I worked with years before that WAS preachy, to the point where I'd skip breaks if I knew I'd be taking them with her. Early on in the job I engaged her in some light debate because she said animals are worth the same as people. Ended up asking her if she were driving her car and got in a situation where she would either hit a stray dog or me, would she feel that was an actual ethical dilemma? It was, apparently.
Imagine being her patient. Fucking hell.

>> No.11790792
File: 31 KB, 615x409, obese-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what every omnivore wife turns into at 30. Much worse than stopping brushing their teeth because that's what veganism does apparently.
Antiscience flatearthcuck.

>> No.11790822

I know several. They're not pushy about it, and on the rare occasions we do discuss diet, health, and ethics, it's been civil and friendly.

>> No.11791115

almost milk is great though
it's not at all like soy milk, which was definitely an acquired taste.

>> No.11791117

work with one. she misses at least one day a week to sickness, her skin is flaking off, her eyes are dull and lifeless. she's a walking zombie but thinks shes the picture of health and that everybody is jealous of her. the mental illness is real.

>> No.11791119
File: 96 KB, 607x562, 1547784922383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it never gets old. that joke has aged like fine port.

>> No.11791127

my gf is vegan. she's super nice and kinda knows what she's talking about but isn't pushy about it (I'm not vegan)

>> No.11791156

Old co-worker at Pita Pit. She was nice and she had good conversation. She kept trying to make vegan pitas for me that we're okay at best. I made myself vegetarian stuff a few times just because I wanted black bean and egg, but I need protein. This veggies only shit won't cut it

>> No.11791164

>Seething vegan

This is you raging because you're cult is dying..


>> No.11791178

Ooh look at me I can take an unflattering picture of someone and put it next to a flattering picture of someone else and use it to push an agenda. An hero faggot

>> No.11791185

>you're cult

>> No.11791186
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 1547328402948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reee the truth is out, pls stahp

>> No.11791193

>unflattering picture of someone
that "someone" is a vegan, and its only unflattering because the truth hurts your feelings. that is what long-term vegans look like. they look like death.

>> No.11791198
File: 67 KB, 400x400, 1548023093902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture of health, carnist bitch

>> No.11791217

It's pretty easy to find flattering pictures of older vegans. You have proved nothing.


This doesn't prove anything either but one thing's for sure: you're retarded.

>> No.11791231
File: 100 KB, 918x879, GillianMcKeithwindow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Gillian McKeith, the same lady in that picture. Literally the first picture that comes up when you Google her name. Hmm...it's almost like someone took a picture out of context and used it to push their bullshit

>> No.11791237

Shrinking to half your size doesn't mean that your dick size doubles, faggot

>> No.11791242

that is one sickly looking, ugly broad.

>> No.11791252
File: 15 KB, 300x300, nigellalawson113426-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, look! Here's Nigella Lawson! Clearly this picture shows the dangers of a dirty carnist diet! You'll look like this.

>> No.11791272

she looks like death warmed over. thanks for proving our point, dipshit.

>> No.11791319

>Vegans getting fucking wrecked...



>> No.11791324

>Veganism causes lots of health problems long term
>But at least our bone density isn't compromised!

>> No.11791335

>Celebrity vegans.

Are pretty much 100% never vegans. It's trendy and modern to be "vegan" so Ellen's publicist tells her to claim she's vegan, or the Diaz brothers (pro fighters)

It's clear the these people have zero interest in self starvation, and I would bet my PETA badge they eat meat at public functions and are protected by (((the press))).

Let me into the emmies parties with a camera and I will debunk 100% of your (((celebrity vegans)))

Ellen and the Diaz brothers both admit to eating meat, and or dumping Veganism.

>> No.11791336

I dated one for almost a year. She was a pretty good cook so her vegan meals were actually pretty tasty. She definitely had issues but I don't think it was a product of her veganism.

>> No.11791344

i'm pretty sure the veganism is a product of the mental issues.

>> No.11791349

That does make a little more sense yeah

>> No.11791395

But humans and animals have the same value per se, probably animals on average even more. Your run of the mill cattle won't have a negative fiscal impact over it's lifetime. A really significant portion of people wastes more money than they generate.

>> No.11791426

only because cattle provide delicious and valuable food. a cow that just eats farts and shits its whole life then dies and rots into the ground has a negative net impact because of all that methane destroying the environment.

>> No.11791436

> Women being women
Nothing new here, they don't know where they belong so they try to fit in any subculture possible.

>> No.11791452

Methane stays in the atmosphere for only 10 years. CO2 for hundreds. Tell that to the vegans who have their avocados shipped to them from across the world.

The exhaust from cows can be reduced by changes in their diet.

>> No.11791522 [DELETED] 

I worked with an environmental group as part of an externship and they were all batshit crazy.
They used salt as a deodorant, women had hairy armpits, never wore shoes, and smelled like shit.
They were super into meditation and holistic medicine and above all else, they were vegan.
They were so outright hostile to people that ate meat that it was insufferable, like carnists were the minority in a vegan world that needing purifying or something.
Within a few days they tried converting me like some fucking cult.

I met a girl in college (surprise) that was an off-and-on vegan and she was tolerable when she wasn't vegan but when she wanted to be vegan she was intolerable.
She was preachy as hell at first, but once everybody collectively started shitting on vegans, she toned it down and acted super open to people eating meat,
but in reality she was still very defensive about veganism and still implied that carnists lacked compassion and had health problems.
She forced her boyfriend to be vegan, moved across the country with him, and then dumped him and moved back after she tried fucking another guy.

>> No.11791550
File: 14 KB, 254x393, Stangl,_Franz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A really significant portion of people wastes more money than they generate.
there's an obvious solution to this problem.

>> No.11791557

>my wife's son
Not very subtle this time, anon.

>> No.11791614

My friend from high school. He's jacked, doing his biochem masters and has a pretty hot girlfriend. He's not preachy, but it's still a bit annoying going out to eat with him if you don't go somewhere that has vegan options, because you can still tell that he's bothered and only gets a water or a salad. Doesn't touch soy at all.

>> No.11791646

Naw the first one is way funnier

>> No.11791670
File: 387 KB, 829x483, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats for a single meal in weight what a regular omnivore eats for two days

>> No.11791682

My poor older cousin who was abandonned by both her parents in her childhood is a vegatarian.
She's nice as a button, the opposite of a roastie, and simply doesn't eat animal tissues.
Literally the only person I've ever met who doesn't eat meat or fish, but that's because vegans are considered lunatic psychos in my country.

>> No.11791691

My friend is a pescatarian but that’s more for health reasons.

>> No.11791696

A vegan, a crossfitter, and an atheist walked into a bar. Wanna know how I know? Because they told everybody within ten seconds of getting there.

>> No.11791697
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11791706

>vegans are considered lunatic psychos in my country.
that really narrows it down...
the only one I know is severely autistic, he's the son of a guy I used to work with. the kid saw a youtube video and since then he starts screaming and beating his head against the wall if he sees anyone eating meat. his family eats vegan around him but eats meat away from him. the upside to all this is his veganism will kill him in a few years and they'll finally be free. or he'll scream at somebody at a mcdonalds and get a bullet in his head (they live in texas).

>> No.11791713

You're obviously talking about yourself. You're not jacked and your gf is fucking ugly.

>> No.11791729


>> No.11791745

Find me an equally unflattering picture of Nigella.

>> No.11791749
File: 1.52 MB, 3360x1282, vegans_really_believe_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that's sad.. I don't care if people decide to eat certain foods or not, but when they get to this level of emotional involvement over objectively trivial issues, I call them neurotic.

Other thing that truly bothers me about vegans, is how they think a human life has the same value as that of an animal.
How mentally sick must someone be to unironically believe the murdering of a veal equates that of a child? Mesmerizing

>> No.11791860

>Eats enough food for ten people
>Be an emaciated living corpses anyway

You just cannot make this shit up.


>> No.11791900
File: 976 KB, 720x1195, Capture+_2019-01-01-04-22-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dating one for a month in highschool. She didn't want my meat either.

>> No.11791932

Yes, my dad. Dear God, he was insufferable, You know when an addict like a smoker gives up something, they always go on to others about how they should give it up too and never shut up about it? He was exactly like that. Luckily he gave it up after about 9 months because he was constantly feeling shitty and nobody would join him on his shitty diet.