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11789217 No.11789217 [Reply] [Original]

So I never actually knew this but apparently eating offals is considered to be gross in other countries.

Can you explain why? Is it a "I never tried it but I don't like it" kind of thing or do people just genuinely dislike it

>> No.11789255

Can you specify where.

>> No.11789261

It's awful.

>> No.11789276

Kindey's and hearts are actually pretty good if cooked correctly. I like to make chicken heart curry stew. Slow cooked for 5 hours.

>> No.11789277
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Where what?

But have you tried it?

>> No.11789281
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>eating the fucking organs and intestines of an animal
>asking why this is disgusting

>> No.11789283

>t. palate of a child

>> No.11789293

>"I never tried it but I don't like it"

>> No.11789296

>eating the muscle and connective tissue of an animal
>asking why this is disgusting
You are retarded

>> No.11789299

Livers are good.
Hearts and gizzards are good

>> No.11789308

Probably some old class system bullshit. I know that around here there was a time when lobster was considered poor people trash because they were seen as sea insects. Time passes, and now they're an expensive commodity that poor people can't even afford. Funny how things change.

>> No.11789312

Oh and kidneys

>> No.11789318

Hearts and gizzards are fine but I never developed a taste for liver (can't get over the cat food smell) and I don't think I've ever seen kidneys sold where I'm at in the US.

>> No.11789330
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Depends on which country.
Here in italy, every region has its way of eating offals, where I live ve ground llivers, lungs, hearts and kidneys with parsley, garlic and other spices, then we wrap them in the intestines of the animal.
Kinda like an offal sausage, only that instead of pouring the content in the gut, we wrap the guts themselves around it.

>> No.11789337
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This is chunchulín, it's the small intestine

>> No.11789339

animals don't digest food and process waste product through their muscle, idiot.

>> No.11789348

Chicken heart is quite good

>> No.11789368
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This is intestine and it's filled with Cassava flour and stuff to give it flavor inside, it's really tasty.

>> No.11789417

>animals don't digest food and process waste product through their muscle
1) You dont rip it out and stick on the grill, you prepare it.
2) Animals absolutely do process waste products through their muscle tissues.
Again, you are retarded.

>> No.11789423

Nigger do you shit out of your biceps?

>> No.11789427

>prepare it
>cleaning out as much piss and shit as possible before you say ok that's good enough let's eat it it doesn't stink anymore
You probably eat bugs too you imbecile. Enjoy your brain worms.

>> No.11789439
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>lmfao poo poo ass butt muscles
No u r the rarted one

>> No.11789473

>"In Uruguay, they laugh at vegetarians, they think we are weird," says Laura Lacurcia, with a sigh.

>> No.11789627

If I flex hard enough.

>> No.11789861

Jerusalem mixed grill is a dish with offal, and it tastes pretty great

>> No.11789868

the same kind of people who hate fish and seafood

aka babbies raised on frozen dinners and formed meat patties

>> No.11789881


This. Only sophisticated adults can enjoy the refined texture and taste of a pigs sphincter.

>> No.11789885

some older people don't like eating offal because it reminds them of being poor when they couldn't afford meat. hipsters seem to be eating more offal lately though.

it can be pretty bad if prepared incorrectly, but i like liverwurst and if i have a whole chicken or turkey with the offal inside i just chop it all up, bread it, and panfry then eat with mustard which is nice.

>> No.11789923

you are already eating offal when you buy sausages. They have just been ground up. Well washed and well prepared offal has no stinky smell anyway, and the texture is really nice. Like springy but very tender meat.

my favourite offals are pig's small intestines and stomach and occasionally beef tripe. Cant stand liver though, unless its duck or goose liver.

>> No.11789927

You cant possibly be this misinformed about basic human physiology. Every tissue in your body constantly generates waste which is either metabolized and/or excreted.
Offal doesnt strictly refer to the colon you idiot. Even if it did you still wouldnt have a point given that you can drink urine without any ill effects for the purposes of this point.
You are either a typical dipshit who claims to not like something without having tried it or you claim to not like it on principle without being able to explain the principle, so still a dipshit.

>> No.11789959

the taste palette is different in those countries, they don't like rubbery textured organs to eat while other regions like slimy seafoods and congee/gels/rubbery stuff.

>> No.11789973

I like liver, tongue, heart, gizzards, testicles, and sometimes kidneys. It's a very very seldom indulged food, though, and has to be prepared well.

Lamb fries (testicles) are incredibly delicious. They're almost like fried clams, but no worry of seafood contamination. And because an animal will want to keep as many toxins away from its reproductive organs as possible to prevent mutations, they have no risk like other organs.

>> No.11790030
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>> No.11790070
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Chicken testicle stew with dumplings, sour cream, and Hungarian bacon.

>> No.11790284

Enjoy your piss bags boys :D

>> No.11790343


i grew up in a family where we did not eat offals, except my father eating liver a few times a month.
but lately i've been to urguay and there we had an asado with beef in all varieties along with heart, kidney, brain, liver and intestine. I never tried something like this, but i gave it a shot, and it all was pretty good. I would not cook it at home, most likely, because i did not grow up with it and dont know how to cook it, but if i am somewhere, where this is offered to me, i would not say no.

>> No.11790381

based ur a gays

>> No.11790385

>you can drink urine without any ill effects for the purposes of this point.


>> No.11790417

Chickens are female, where do you get testicles? Is eating balls the gayest thing you can do?

>> No.11790438

The only thing about offal "I never tried it but I don't like it" is the fucking brain

>> No.11790440
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>Chickens are female

>> No.11790448

In some foods its pretty good. Like sausage or liver-mince-thingy-idontknowthetranslation, but basically 90% of the time they taste like shit

>> No.11790457


how do you guys bite down on testicles without wincing?

>> No.11790559

In Britain only young people 35 and under hate offal, older people like it. I like it all except tripe that stuffs awful but probably because i had a tripe related traumatic experience

>> No.11790563

You're not supposed to bite your own.

>> No.11790565

Sweatbreads are the most delicious thing in the world and i implore you try them

>> No.11790574


I tried Korean BBQ style pork intestine. Pretty much just tasted like a pigsty smells, even when dipped in the various flavourings.

>> No.11790584

Half the western world regularly eats "meat byproducts" minced up in their cheap hotdogs, vienna sausages or other processed foods. If they don't know, they don't care.

>> No.11790593

>it is, because it just is, ok!
>posts frogs
checks out

>> No.11790600

Only liver and maybe heart are good, things like intestines and other smelly shit are pointless because they taste like unwashed hobo ass unless you clean them for like 3 hours very meticulously and even then the taste is not remarkable

>> No.11790610

of course they're good. you deep fry them and mask their taste with other oils and vinegars. nobody orders plain liver

>> No.11790613

Sweetbreads aren't liver, normally thymus and some other part's, but never liver

>> No.11790623

wtf they have bigger balls than i do

>> No.11790628

it's funny because in our family we ate kidney and liver at times, so they seem normal to me. but the though of eating hearts or intestines makes me wanna throw up

>> No.11790663

underrated kek

>> No.11790678

Depending on how they're prepared they can be really good.
Here in Austria mostly older people eat them though, I think the only 'mainstream' dishes are Leberknödelsuppe (liver dumpling soup) and maybe baked liver

>> No.11790682

Have you tried emu or kangaroo liver? Is it very different from cow or chicken liver?

>> No.11790687

kek, Austria not Australia

Only tried kangaroo steak once, dunno about the liver

>> No.11790692

t. conejo cojones

>> No.11792371

Even here in Mexico it's considered gross by a lot of people. Specially in urban areas.

I like almost everything, you name it: cow (tripas, sesos, criadillas, ubre, menudo, hígado, riñones), pig (morcón, mostly), chicken (heart, kidney, gizzard), lamb, goat (machitos are GOAT) offals.

>> No.11792434
File: 144 KB, 640x480, surlawerla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Elsass (in France), we have Sürlawerla, liver with red wine which is pretty good imo

>> No.11792440

The only places where offal is typically consumed are those that are poor or have been poor/famined until recently, although of course, there are notable exceptions, like duck liver. This is obviously because in times of scarcity it is stupidly wasteful to throw away half of the consumable parts of an animal. As such, eating offal is the sign of a pleb, or more likely, a shitskin.

>> No.11792682

Your cumskin pioneer ancestors and their rural descendants ate offal until after WWII when corporate marketing brainwashed them into thinking it was icky poo poo, retard.

>> No.11794053

im glad they did because I can buy a ton of offal for next to nothing meanwhile normies continue to eat shitty third rate steaks for 30 bucks a pop.