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11788059 No.11788059 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll be able to get a meal at a one of these places in a few weeks. It’s likely this is the only time I’ll be able to do so in the next year. I’ll be able to charge it on the corporate card. What is the optimal, expense account order from Chick-Fil-A?

>> No.11788072

Spicy chick fil-a combo, large, with an extra spicy chick fil-a sandwich. Optionally switch your drink to a milkshake.

Chick fil-a sauce is mandatory, one per sandwich, plus one for dipping fries.

>> No.11788073

why punish yourself? do real people actually look forward to puting this junk into their body? seriously? go eat at a propper restaurant.

>> No.11788087

Chick Fil A posts are not allowed on sunday

>> No.11788100

Call ahead and get the 200 piece nuggets from the catering menu.

>> No.11788105

Should I get both a milkshake and the house lemonade?

I get to eat at all kinds of high end meme restaurants for work, so I might as well eat some high end meme fast food while I’m at it.

>> No.11788129

1x Spicy Chicken Deluxe
1x Fries
1x Chicken Biscuit
However much sauce and honey you need
1x Drink

>> No.11788142

>Should I get both a milkshake and the house lemonade?
have you had chickfila before?

>> No.11788146

Only once. And I regret not having optimized that visit every day.

>> No.11788157

I would get a chicken sandwich combo and an extra sandwich. the spicy chicken.
and you seem to like lemonade so go with that

>> No.11788162

>1x Spicy Chicken Deluxe
Never go deluxe. The draw of these things is the chicken, adding lettuce tomato and cheese just overwhelms it.

>> No.11788166

I doubt you made this thread to talk about food but, I eat there maybe once a year. The chicken sandwich is pretty good as far as fast food goes. Just get that.

>> No.11788173


Get an icecream cone. They have the best icecream. If you wanna get a shake with your meal fine...but dont neglect just getting a regular cone after. Or ordering a dish so its waiting after your meal is done.

Thank me later.

>> No.11788176
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>another fast food thread

>> No.11788208

thank you

>> No.11788375

This is the correct answer, make sure to get lots of mayo packets. Add salt and pepper to them before eatting. This is all you need ever

>> No.11788381

This. I would go normal with the original chicken sandwich and then spicy get cheese and lettuce and shit. Also don't forget waffle fries.

>> No.11788385

Unironically, the chicken wrap with avacado ranch is good

>> No.11788391

I can feel how fat you are.

>> No.11788396

This but also 12 nugs

>> No.11788403

I said thank me later, not now asshole

>> No.11788408

you faggots trying to ruin the entire reason the spicy breading exists
make the regular the deluxe, keep your shit cheese and vegetables off the incredible spicy chicken itself. for fucks sake
if you're so into wasting money, just give ME money and I'll buy myself the correct fast food sometimes and you can go eat any generic pickle, lettuce, tomato sandwich. obviously the chicken means nothing to you
what a waste of oil, time, payment, tastebuds, raising humans, i am still mad and i don't even know you

>> No.11788481
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kek relax anon. I don't even get the spicy chicken sandwich I just thought if you were going to add shit to one and fuck with it thats the one.

>> No.11788485

Good chicken sandwich

>> No.11788489

Imagine being this upset that someone orders differently then you at a fast food chicken shack.

>> No.11788547

i get mine without the tomato desu

>> No.11788655
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Hi I'll take uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh spicy deluxe with onion rings and frosty lemonade. Add uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 piece chicken strips to the order and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh polynesian, chicfila and ranch sauce. Thanks

>> No.11788689

Spicy deluxe meal is where it's at.

>> No.11788693

you fucking child
this post is embarrassing
grow up
deluxe is the only way to eat a chic fil a sandwich

>> No.11788698

Read a book

>> No.11788727

get the frosted lemonade

>> No.11788756

lrn 2 metric

>> No.11788796

This but with a lemonade

>> No.11788896

>reee fast food isnt real food
calm down autismo

>> No.11788916


>can charge a meal to a corporate card
>goes stright for cheap fast food crap
because the man on the telly told you to buy thing™

>> No.11789189

Good point. I'd like to see all advertising suspended for 1 week in the US. I'd wager my left nut the economy would collapse and we'd realize it was simply a fata morgana.

>> No.11789575

Ok thanks.

>> No.11789611


god is there a more overrated eatery than this shitheap. finally went with my girlfriend(female) and it was the most disappointing meal I have ever had.

>> No.11789794
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>Extra spicy
They have this?

>> No.11789802

Nigger its a standard menu item. Stop having a tantrum.

>> No.11789859

spicy chicken
extra pickles
2 (two) mayos

>> No.11789870

Why are the employees here so happy?

>> No.11790291

Wait, you can order them extra spicy? I always get the regular because the only-slightly spiciness of the spicy isn't enough for me to justify spending extra on it outside of rewards or survey coupons or whatever.

>> No.11790296

They're white.

>> No.11790344

As a white Chick-fil-A employee making $13/h, I'll smile all day long serving people I know who make less than me.

>> No.11790350
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>> No.11790355

Extra spicy doesn't exist but they have Buffalo and Siracha sauce that can send your taste buds to high heaven

>> No.11790618

But I make more than you though.

>> No.11790725

Just accept the fact you're a minority, congratulations!

>> No.11791348

aw shit, ya got us there.

>> No.11791354
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>> No.11791829

The sauce isn't mandatory and sweet tea is the GOAT chik fil a beverage, just get an extra mikshake because those are admittedly really really good

>> No.11792199
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Great minds think alike.

>> No.11792307


>> No.11792309

The lemonade is the best

>> No.11792363

This is the order.

>> No.11793238

This is the patrician Chik-Fil-A order.
Personally, I'm a fan of the cookies n cream milkshake and you gotta get that polynesian sauce for the fries.