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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11784979 No.11784979 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck?

I tried to make scrambled eggs but they didn’t come out right?

>> No.11784985 [DELETED] 

Eggs are for gay people

>> No.11784986

You used butter?

>> No.11784990

Beat your eggs first, goober.

I can see yellow/white, it should all be one color. Also add milk

>> No.11784993

The secret of a perfect scrambled eggs is salting your eggs BEFORE you cook them and squeezing in half a lemon for every second egg you use. Make sure to have your flame on the highest setting. NEVER use butter.

>> No.11784998 [DELETED] 

>eating cowtiidybacteria and chicken periods
Very homosexual

>> No.11785009

Mistakes I can see:
>didn't mix eggs together beforehand
>heat too high
>no oil/not enough oil

I'm impressed you managed to fuck this up, but eggs are cheap. Throw them out and try again.

>> No.11785013
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Instructions unclear fucked up again

>> No.11785025

You're improving

>> No.11785034

> throw them out

Nah mane I just tossed some Tabasco sauce on them and they were delicious

Wanna keep going to get the perfect eggs but I already ate 6

Maybe tomorrow morning

>> No.11785035
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Before you crack and scramble them, you need to hold the eggs with tongs above direct flame for like 4 minutes. This activates the scrambolium inside the eggs, giving them that scrambly texture we all like in our eggs.

>> No.11785038

hear hear

>> No.11785044

It's all about curd size, you're scrambling too early and with too small of a utensil. Scramble the eggs with a teaspoon of water, then add to medium hot pan with a small drizzle of neutral oil or light coat of spray. Let them cook for a minute before scraping the bottom with a spatula's whole flat side, to create large curds.

>> No.11785046

Whisk the eggs* with a teaspoon of water

>> No.11785048

You need to lower the heat. I also recommend investing in something like pic related and spray coat the pan, or manually rub olive oil onto your pan.

>> No.11785050

Also remove them from pan when there's still a bit of moisture left, they'll finish cooking on the plate with residual heat

>> No.11785051
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Forgot the pic.

>> No.11785060

God I want Pam in the ass

>> No.11785066

>Instructions unclear
I'll make it idiot-proof for you.
1. pick up eggs with egg tongs, heat them above direct flame for 4 minutes each, activating the scrambolium particles inside them.
2. using your hands crack open the eggs as soon as possible (scrambolium can easily deactivate) and collect it in mug or something
3. add half a lemon's juice, add salt, pour into blender to mix properly
4. set flame to the highest setting
5. pour in the egg, start scrambling it as quickly as you can and as fast as you can with an egg-beater


>> No.11785074

He’s right

>> No.11785075

This is fool proof and will give you the best eggs possible

>> No.11785076

ignoring the cringe troll advice, literally just put the heat way down and theyll come up 1000x better

>> No.11785088

>Looks just like the eggs Dad used to make

They probably taste fine.

>> No.11785135

Medium heat, melt a tablespoon of butter or so (enough to coat the bottom of a skillet)

While that's happening crack open three eggs into a bowl. Toss in a little salt and pepper, and eyeball about a quarter cup of milk. Beat that with a fork for about 20-30 seconds until it's smooth and yellow. By now the butter should be melted and you can pour the eggs into the pan. After about a minute or two take a spatula and lightly scrape the bottom of the pan, making a pile of firmed-up eggs in the middle. Repeat this after another minute or so and the pan should be almost omelet-like in consistency and no "liquid" from your beaten eggs should be moving around if you tilt the pan. Congrats, you just made an omelet, but you can't stop here if you want scrambled eggs. Now instead of pushing the firmed-up eggs to the center, use your spatula to cut a chunk free and flip it. Do this until the rest of the eggs have been flipped. Give it another 20-30 seconds and the eggs are done.

That's how I make scrambled eggs, and while it isn't the french chef "touch the eggs as little as possible" method I like them fine.

>> No.11785141

does it matter

>> No.11785163

looking better already

>> No.11785170

what other anons said. you are touching the eggs too much
give it a moment to solidify before you scrape it around like that

well oiled pan, give it a moment to heat up, swill the oil around = nothing sticks. Your egg is sticking because you didnt have enough oil on it and you didnt let the eggs release on their own.

pour your beaten eggs into it, fold the edges into the centre once they start to solidify. Its fool proof

>> No.11785178

You're cooking the shit out of it, here's my recipe:
3 eggs, dab of heavy cream, salt pepper in a bowl and whisk together. Melt dab of butter in pan medium heat. Mix in egg mixture and grate a little cheese on if you like. Cook, stirring a little until not runny, don't overcook it.

>> No.11785182

>you are touching the eggs too much
in French omelets you are doing nothing but touching the egg
in fact a French omelet is so scrambled that the curds are the size of mince

>> No.11785214



no milk.

just let em settle a tiny bit every time you fold.

>> No.11785221

Did you activate your eggs?

>> No.11785286

As much as I love cast iron it is not the ideal cookware for eggs, scrambled or otherwise. It just holds too much heat and responds too slowly to changes. A cheap non-stick aluminium skillet over low heat is just fine for eggs.

>> No.11785292

>scrambled eggs
>heavy cream

You need to be hanged in public.

>> No.11785300

>all this retarded advice ITT
What the fuck. Just literally put eggs on a pan and keep moving them around. Let them settle for a bit, then move them about. Let them settle a bit again, interfere again. Key is getting them out of the pan just before they seem "ready", they'll cook themselves to completion outside of the pan.

>> No.11785308
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>> No.11785310

>purely olive oil
Contains: olive oil, soy lecithin, phosphated mono- and diglycerides, and FUCKING DIMETHYL SILICONE!

What is wrong with you people?

>> No.11785316


>> No.11785317

> spray oil

why not fucking use butter or just NORMAL OIL? that spray shit is toxic and shit

>> No.11785319

This is the perfect video for learning to make eggs:


>> No.11785506

I cannot stress this enough, make sure to add a pinch of garlic

>> No.11785595
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>> No.11785613
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>he didn't activate the scrambolium

>> No.11785809
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