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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11770640 No.11770640 [Reply] [Original]

My mom and I are going to Vietnam in about a month. What are your favorite Vietnamese foods, a picture, and why?
Also, if there are any Vietnamese-cultured people that could advise, what is considered good manners or what is polite?
Bonus points for restaurant recommendations!

>> No.11770645
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>> No.11770652

I'd like one them sardine ban mi

>> No.11770656
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are you gonna have a threesome with your mom and a tranny? if so take pics

>> No.11770707

>fried summer rolls
so spring rolls

>> No.11770760


>> No.11770763

I've been told by a Vietnamese friend that I totally must try Bun Bo Hue. So I already know I'm on that!

>> No.11770774

Make sure you tell every Vietnamese person you can about how America "won" the Vietnamese war.

>> No.11770775

>go to pho place for a year or two
>stick to pho entire time but menu is huge as fuck
>one day stray out of the ordinary
>noting but sinew, blood, and bone

>> No.11770776

Getting food in Vietnam is weird. Whenever I went to a brothel and asked someone to bang me I was given a sandwich.

>> No.11770799


>> No.11770812


>> No.11771752

I'd recommend pho, obviously.

Also cried spring rolls with crab and pork

The baguettes with herbs, siracha, plastic cheese, carrot and mayonnaise and great

Bun Bo hue (hue spicy noodles) are really rich, broth is key

>> No.11771755

ahue hue hue

>> No.11771782

>cried spring roll

Tried that hue dish before, it was meh.

>> No.11771811

It's when the kids come home and the dogs gone

>> No.11771835
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Based dog eaters.

>> No.11771841

lol them ban mi tho

>> No.11771856

banh xeo
banh mi
white rose

Cafe 43 in Hoi an (or it was Cafe 41, you should look for the one with pass photos and letters under the glass on the table)
Banh mi Phuong in Hoi an for the greatest Banh mi in Vietnam
Poke Saigon in Saigon for great cheap poke bowls

I also ate some crab in the middle of the street in Hanoi. There was a woman with a bucket of live crabs and a pot of boiling water. She just threw the live crab into the boiling water and to this day this is the best crab I've eaten in my life.

>> No.11771866

Also in Saigon the Asiana food town for all different kinds of asian foods. I've been to japan but the sushi I had at the asiana food town was better than any sushi I had in Japan.

>> No.11772130

Westerners have no problem eating pigs, which are much more intelligent than dogs, so I don't get it when they have such a big moral panic about Asians eating dog meat.

>> No.11772134

Went to Vietnam in July. The gooks love Americans, try everything, enjoy the coffee shops. Just don't be an asshole, take off your shoes, and don't have a heart attack with the traffic. Watch some videos on how to cross the street in large cities (every Viet I know is scared as shit to cross the street in HCM City, but I found it entertaining)

>> No.11772136

Damn, smart and critical.

>> No.11772143

Yeah It doesn't really bother me until I think of how loyal dogs are to us. Then I feel kind of like it's a betrayal to them. Like "thanks for helping us hunt, protecting us, and being companions for thousands of years. You're food now"

I feel really bad for the kid in this picture though. I hope that wasn't her dog :(

>> No.11772163
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Crickets, scorpions, worms, spiders, snakes. I love them all. I use my blender to process them when they are still raw into a pink paste I just call my "Vietnam special" and just deepfry it as little balls of yummyness.

>> No.11772182

>I hope that wasn't her dog :(
Anon, I...

>> No.11772183
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This. Also make sure to tell every English speaking Vietnamese your "ME SO HOONY! ME LUV YOU RONG TIME! ME SUCKY SUCKY TEN DORA" joke while using your finger like so.

>> No.11772191

They love that shit over there. I made so many friends in Vietnam with that joke.

>> No.11772519

Probably banh mi, I like meat and there is a good variety.
Maybe bun cha too.
Try some dog too for an experience, they're not very good though.
Actually I think I've had more foreign dishes that I enjoyed than vietnamese.

>> No.11772558

Will you idiots shut the fuck up about this? I've never once heard anyone in America claim that our country won the fucking vietnam war. No one cares. Stop obsessing.

>> No.11772594
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As an actual Vietnamese -- unlike this impostor -- I can ensure everyone ITT that it is our custom to expect American visitors to tell us about their war victories. We like it when a guest boasts, it shows that he has confidence in himself and us as well. Please tell us when you are visiting us that you won the war. We will be very grateful.

Haha! I love that joke. American so funny.

>> No.11772831


>> No.11772944

Banh xeo
Banh canh
Bun bo hue
Mi vit tiem (egg noodle soup with roasted duck)
Banh hoi thit quay
Canh chua ca or hai san/ lau hai san or ca ( sour soup with fish/seafood)
Spring rolls (bonus if you know how to roll your own and go to a place that you roll your own from the serving)
Any seafood
If you order fish dishes, expect them to serve as a whole fish or bone in chunks instead of filets.

Comfy foods:
Tau hu
Bot chien
Chao (congee) chicken is safe, offal if you feel adventurous
Banh bot loc
Che (many types)

>> No.11773028

go to da nang and eat Bo ne

>> No.11773090

Try some Mi Bou Te

>> No.11773094

But will you show hospitality and make a good roasted dog dish for him though?

>> No.11773100

>Mi Bou Te
>go to da
>at Bo ne
>Tau hu
>Bun bo hue

What's wrong with this language?

>> No.11773107

The same thing that's wrong with yours. It sounds strange to people ignorant of it.

>> No.11773117

Oh so ry A non, I did not try to hurt u fee fee.
(Can you read better if I write like this? Does it naturally suit your small eye holes better? Not trying to be racist, I'm genuinely curious.)

>> No.11773125

You didn't hurt my "fee fees" at all. You're just an idiot.

I'm white as fuck anon, I don't have small eye holes. I'm just calling out idiocy when I see it.

>> No.11773134

It's actually pretty neat and difficult, best part is the Viets really encourage and appreciate people that throw in a few native words, mi deng.

>> No.11773145
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I know a Vietnamese when I see one, trust me, I'm an expert in these things.

>> No.11773152

Tonality, there’s 5 or 6 of them

>> No.11773153
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cotton was actually based and not racist. remember him being fine with khan and knowing the difference between laotians and the japs he fought

>> No.11773159

>muh dogs

without oxen to plow the fields and enable mass agriculture and thus the population and technology boom humans would still be stuck in muh huts

so why do you eat beef?

>> No.11773163

You are as funny as your smell. How did you manage to do that, mouth-breather?

>> No.11773164

It's absolutely fascinating

Are you calling me racist, little vietcong?

>> No.11773165

dog meat. Try it at least once and cross it off your bucket list.

>> No.11773166

no solly sir

>> No.11773170

I am so ry it is not to u lik ing A non. Mai be we can be frens?

>> No.11773225
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Pho mi, it's definitely Pho Xao Bo.

>> No.11773230

I prefer Xia Bing Bong over Pho Xao Bo. Also, let's not forget Pho Din Te and Hue Dum Hue.

>> No.11773318
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>>Mi Bou Te
>Xia Bing Bong
>Pho Din Te
>Hue Dum Hue.
I know you're making these shit up, but I kek'd a little still.

OP, you should try pic related, it's called Cầy Tơ Bảy Món (Puppy Seven Ways)

>> No.11773337

Are you a genuine Vietcong?

>> No.11773376
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Nope, my uncle was, I'm just Viet.

>> No.11773385

I ate dog in Korea. It was good.

>> No.11773406

Can you corroborate these, please?

>> No.11773496
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I don't think you need anyone to coroborate on those posts. Are you seriously considering doing those things?

Common senses will tell you not to mention the war, but even if you mention it, nobody is gonna stick a booby trap up your ass for that. If you tell them American "won", people would probably laugh it off and treat it as a joke.
In case of >>11772183 people might be weird out and think you're either an idiot or the heat make you go crazy or smth. Also, the average viettoids woud not understand it if you're trying to pull a 'l' to 'r' joke since we don't have trouble with those unlike the japs.

>> No.11773527

>f you tell them American "won", people would probably laugh it off and treat it as a joke.
I KNEW it! I'm gonna tell everyone that in Vietnam. Thanks.

>> No.11773555

Not him, but go for it, it will be a real hoot at Cu Chi.

>> No.11773638

>I KNEW it! I'm gonna tell everyone that in Vietnam. Thanks.
Do it at your own risk. I said most people would be cool with it, not everyone of them. For example, my cousin would probably fuck you up for turning his father into a cripple with Agent Orange, he still keep the knife my uncle used to slit american soldier's throat.

>> No.11773653

pigs are vermin and useless for anything other than sniffing out a mushroom
dogs have literally coevolved with us to emulate our feelings

>> No.11773665

Pigs are more intelligent than dogs. Dogs are filthy animals. Pigs clean their bodies like cats with their tongue. Dogs are dumb: throw the "invisible stick" and they "go fetch". Pigs can count up to twelve thousand and they understand negative numbers. Pigs taste mediocre at best. Dogs taste excellent.

Tell me again why we shouldn't be eating dogs instead of pigs? As a westerner I actually love the fact that a lot of Asians come here and bring their (correct) attitude towards filthy dogs.

>> No.11773681

i'll grant you that you're more intelligent than a pig, but i'd slaughter and eat you before a pig because you're a soulless good for nothing FAGGOT

>> No.11773696

>Pigs can count up to twelve thousand and they understand negative numbers.
Me and my father work at a pig farm. I can guarantee you that the pigs intuitively understand decimal fractions and non-Euclidean geometry.

We are thinking about cooking our dog. Working with pigs really changes your perspective about dogs. They aren't just dumb, they are evil and selfish. Worse than cats. Why not eat them if they are useless, harmful even?

>> No.11773705

(Not that anon, but) I agree. Dogs are pests. Eat them between their first to second years. That's when they have the sweet meat growing.

Pigs have bigger souls than you have, that is for sure.

>> No.11774908

>not eating both

>> No.11774942

>Pigs can count up to twelve thousand and they understand negative numbers.
I'm not entirely sure I believe this.

>> No.11774953

That just shows you don't understand pig.

>> No.11774972

Dogs are simply intelligent in other ways, especially if properly stimulated. Pigs may be able to count, dogs are socially aware.

Dogs aren't stupid, they are actually capable of plotting complex plans and schemes and are very good at strategizing.

Anyhow, there are humans that are so stupid that they think intelligence can be measured by a simple number... every animal on this planet is intelligent in their own way depending on the environment they live in.

Regardless... both animals supply excellent meat :)

>> No.11774982
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Pigs are delicious.

>> No.11775016

imagine biting into that crispy skeeeeeeen

>> No.11775023
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holy shit....looked that up on (((youtube))) and the ad that played was fucking Petco

>> No.11775097
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kek, East Asians are master hypocrite. I remember reading an article about how the gooks save dogs from slaughterhouse just to kill them later anyway.

>> No.11775834

so much this

>> No.11775976

Don't forget to tell people about how much you love the smell of napalm in the morning.

>> No.11776001

fucking zipperheads

>> No.11776118

stop being an illogical emotional woman.

>> No.11776156
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>> No.11776625

pho sate is spicy and good for wide eye white boy

>> No.11776638
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>pho sate
No such thing exist. What's with all the fake gooks ITT?

>> No.11776722

It's called being trolled anon. Welcome to the internet.

t. fellow amerifat

dubs get

>> No.11776762

wow what a cool dude

>> No.11777382

I've seen dogs that can navigate home better than most adults I know.

>> No.11777423
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>> No.11778878
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If the weather is cold you might want try this. Banh duc nong - basically rice cake in a hot, hearty broth with minced pork, mushrooms and fried shallots. Don't really know any good place though.

>> No.11779115
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Make sure you get the thicker yellow noodle w/ pork and shrimp. I don't know what it's called. The base is not spicy but if you add all the peppers and chili it's really good.

>> No.11779140
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no one mentioned dessert stuff

fresh pure sugar cane drink in a fucking bag. Warning, your stomach better be up to par or else you will get diarrhea. It's worth the diarrhea btw and you will get addicted to it.

>> No.11779203

What part of Vietnam are you going?

>> No.11779214
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I love the white ppl who think using Saigon is some sort of counter culture sticking-it-to-the-man insider shit...

noone cares. Its Ho Chi Minh city 'formally' and informally Saigon. If you want to stand out as a white dude, just say Ho chi Minh city..

Almost every white person says Saigon as though they are communicating in a secret code.. FFS its cringy

>> No.11779369

I could never develop a taste for this, but my wife and her family love it.

>> No.11779628

Well it's really sweet, but there's plenty of other drinks you can get in Vietnam, in addition to stuffs like chè and other sweet puddings/dumplings.

>> No.11779648

well, considering we murdered millions of them to specifically breed friendliness into them. if they had a grasp of what we've done to them and the slightest bit of our intelligence, they'd be pissed as fuck.

>> No.11779876

>bot chien
wonder what's in that one

>> No.11779887

Basically a form of fried rice dough with toppings.

>> No.11780253


Less people have pigs as pets doesn't mean it is okay to slaughter them. May be you high horse "westerners" are just as soulless as the Asians that you people accused.


>> No.11780752

>t. beta vegan soyboi