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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 142 KB, 500x492, the-uk-without-immigration-toast-beans-toast-beans-bean-toast-36222251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11768128 No.11768128[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of /uk/

>> No.11768133

I can't read btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.11768187

Looks like fucking paradise desu

>> No.11768212


Have you even tried beans on toast? They're great.

>> No.11768214

It's current year and we have the internet. You no longer need literal and figurative shit covered hands behind the prep table to get good ethnic food.
I make chicken tika masala that shits all over what some jihadi made me in the UK and it takes very little effort.

>> No.11768218

Lmao carbs on carbs the ABSOLUTE state

>> No.11768232

With immigration its just kebab shops instead

>> No.11768240

Beans are protein you carnist cuck

>> No.11768269

But in the UK with immigration I'll be beheaded... I'd rather have beans on toast than have my head cut off d e s u

>> No.11768293


>> No.11768622

Because no English person has ever been able to cook a curry, a pizza or anything remotely foreign before...
Fucking retard.

>> No.11768628

>no baked potato shop

Think again fake news

>> No.11768630

Read a book you illiterate fuck

>> No.11768633

>Another racebait thread from the leftover /pol/tards after glumpf served the pinnacle of American cuisine at the whitehouse

>> No.11768706

You don't need immigrants to bring food when you colonized half the world and you can just bring it home yourself.

>> No.11768727

the english are literal cuckholds, it's in their DNA
I never had respect for them, the whole society is based around being subservient and willingly bending the knee to authority

they don't even technically own their own property, they are just renting in from the monarchy which they for some retarded reason didn't execute in the street like the rest of the civilized world did to theirs
in fact they are so cucked they CELEBRATE having a queen and a royal family

and their whole attitude is to just be "tough" stiff upper lip and all that, proper manners, remember you must never question your oppressors. You are to just pretend everything is fine
in fact when ever you do get a chance to vote on something, make sure you vote away even more of your rights just like always

>> No.11768736
File: 35 KB, 500x335, London Murder Rate now Higher than Detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you ignorant Americans think it's all a joke, but it's a nightmare over here. Knife crimes in my neighborhood has gone up 300% and I won't dare let my daughter out after dark. If you american bigots only know how bad it is here...

>> No.11768742

>I won't dare let my daughter out after dark.

For you ignorant americans that refuse to open your eyes, grooming gangs are real and a serious issue for our children here...


>> No.11768744

The diverse food selection is totally worth the Muslim child rape gangs guys.


>> No.11768747

>For you ignorant americans that refuse to open your eyes, grooming gangs are real and a serious issue for our children here...


>> No.11768750


Start ______ the Muslims and the politicians that led you here IRA style. What the fuck are you waiting for? It's literally almost too late.

>> No.11768751

>For you ignorant americans that refuse to open your eyes, grooming gangs are real and a serious issue for our children here...

Rotherham grooming victims speak out for the first time


>> No.11768770

>For you ignorant americans that refuse to open your eyes, grooming gangs are real and a serious issue for our children here...

This is sad beyond belief. Yet British and american liberals are condoning and turning a blind eye to one of the greatest humanitarian crisis/atrocities to occur in the last century.


>> No.11768906

The UK without immigration would be even worse than that, since all the best British food exists thanks to the Norman conquest. Without French influence, they would be eating wild game supplemented with wild edible roots and tree bark.

>> No.11768921

This sounds suspiciously like our trumped up "national emergency" on the border which in reality is as tranquil as a pastoral Norman Rockwell painting for the Saturday Evening Post.

>> No.11768925


"girls as young as 7 years old"

This is fucking disgusting... why isn't this major news and top priority for your britbong police?

>> No.11768939

> t.Ignorant Muslim rapist apologist

You liberals might want to do a little research on your own before you spew your ignorance & bigotry.

>> No.11768956

>the border which in reality is as tranquil as a pastoral Norman Rockwell painting

Holy shit. I thought you white liberals were supposed to be all educated and knowledgeable? Turns out you only just repeat shit you see on tv and are just as ingorant as redneck trailer trash.

>> No.11768964
File: 1.84 MB, 1352x2823, Britain 10 Pedophilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they'd rather sweep everything under the rug than deal with the issue that the assholes they've been importing have a culture of violence and oppression that the British government isn't prepared to handle; and any attempt to stop them would be spun as racism by outside parties.

>> No.11768971
File: 23 KB, 359x480, Images2608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bongs are a bunch of pedo child rapists, they're scared because they think foreigners are going to be more effective at raping the youth before they get a chance to defile them first

>> No.11769230

>the sky, is falling, the sky is falling
>president takes a trip to border to show the devastating emergency, literally nothing happening
>every border district congressional representative says, fuck your wall
>B-but I said mexico is paying for it, ok?

>> No.11769248

>We just got fucking chips, ok?

Made me laugh, I'd eat there.

>> No.11769273


weve lived with niggera for 400 years we know what its like

>> No.11769295

>every border district congressional representative

Is either a dirty Mexican who wants to import more of his ilk, in the pay of the cartels, or both.

>> No.11769333

>pajeet memes

>> No.11770405

based and redpilled as FUCK

>> No.11770414

That's why every pizza place is run by Italian immigrants.

>> No.11770421

>I make chicken tika masala that shits all over what some jihadi made me in the UK and it takes very little effort.
lmao do you have a tandoor? because if you don't then i think some jihadi can definately do better.
Have you ever even had it made with a tandoor?

>> No.11770777

I left the TV on the other night. PBS now has a show that shills multiculturalism down kid's throats.


"Jolly Special Friend" was about how London has people from every culture around the world, and that's what makes it special. They end up getting Thai food and shit in London and say how great it is that every race is represented.

>> No.11770795

you know, the secrets of oven construction are not limited to durkas

>> No.11770883
File: 180 KB, 517x768, 1547118605532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11771060

Coyotes are a really large problem on the border. They smuggle tons of people, and contraband constantly and will kill people who see them doing it.
Everyone I know who lives near the border won't leave their house at night without at least a rifle on them.

>> No.11771072

Using food as the go-to argument for multiculturalism is reductive racism. There is so much more to culture than the food.

>> No.11771325

There's definitely a massive powergap between proper restaurants and the average dive in the UK. The average sort of family restaurant is usually reviling. It's really wholly inferior to the states and I found myself finding indian places to eat at if I didn't want stuff that had literally been microwaved.

>> No.11771357

Who cares about ethnic food, it's mostly shit.
Italian, french, chinese and japanese cuisines are all you need

>> No.11771364

Fucking moron.

>> No.11771368

>Chinese and Japanese food are not ethnic cuisines

>> No.11771374
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like curry. But now that we've got the recipe, is there really any need for them to stay?

>> No.11771376

Wow, way to be a bigot.

>> No.11771379

They're happy that immigrants are working so hard to adopt an old British tradition.

>> No.11771380

>There is so much more to culture than the food.
Yeah, I like sharing food, music, history, clothing, etc. but some parts of cultures are just inherently bad and deserve to be criticized and discarded. Acting like you can't criticize another culture is bad for everyone because it gives no reason for people to learn and improve.

>> No.11771454

>tfw we literally conquered half of the world just to get stuff to taste good
Though if you read Orwell's take on British food it really is great. When we bake things we put a lot of consideration in what flavours mix, most bad British food is either cheap, not all that appealing to look at but taste decent, or Breakfast when true Brits are hungover and just want to finish it.
I know a good Polish place in my town.

>> No.11771456

Do not respond to me if your central point is totally tangential to what I was saying. I mean it. Never do that ever again.

>> No.11771458

Also, just to add, if you don't like pudding you're a cunt.

>> No.11771466

all day brekkie ftw.

>> No.11771478

i like turtles

>> No.11771494

So what you're saying is that cultures are a bunch of different things and you can choose to accept things from them, like line item voting, rather than be a complete retard and accept completely criminal activity with the positive things like it's an antiquated political deal? Fascinating.

>> No.11771551
File: 84 KB, 498x496, IMG_20190117_210809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have this thing called 'cookbooks' now, it's amazing you can have any food on the world you like without having to import the people as well

>> No.11771602


It was all over the news when it broke and still (sort of) is.

>> No.11771620

It died down a bit when it was pointed out that 95% of sexual offence perpetrators are white.