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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 245 KB, 1019x682, Dw6nt_RV4AAIC4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11761747 No.11761747 [Reply] [Original]

>/ck/, welcome! We have an excellent spread on tonight, only the finest American food from the finest chefs in all the land. Prepare to be wined and dined, my friends!

>> No.11761753
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>> No.11761759
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it looks pretty good desu

>> No.11761765

>Obama does it
>”Haha! Under all that political skin he’s just a normal working man like us! Good on you, Obama!”
>Trump does it

>> No.11761766

They both sucks. Yippy.

>> No.11761767

I would be honored.

>> No.11761768

Wen did he serve white house guests fast food?

>> No.11761771

Kill your self faggot

>> No.11761776

For me, it's the McChicken.

>> No.11761782
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>complains about anime on 4chan

>> No.11761783
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What is your favourite hamberder /ck/?

for me its a cheesburger with lettuce and big mac sauce

>> No.11761786

Billionaires don't become billionaires by spending all their money.
>sir you're going to have to foot the bill on this visit from Clemson
>just get a bunch of burgers then whatever
I have no idea why anyone even cares

>> No.11761789

Nobody called Trump bad. He's based for embracing our culture and serving the best we have to offer.

>> No.11761791


Because they have nothing else new to attack him over, they are desperate

>> No.11761793


this. Leftoids are detestable.

>> No.11761796

>make routine ameriburger joke thread
>MAGAtards take it personal because daddy's featured in the meme this time

Jesus christ

>> No.11761798

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11761801


then it's not routine, is it?

>> No.11761803


>> No.11761811

Obama served hot dogs at a reception? Anyway it's funny because the government shutdown means he can't get any food cooked.

>> No.11761812
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>> No.11761814

thanks mr. trump, i was very hungry.

>> No.11761815

>$60000 for hotdogs flown from chicago

it was a euphemism for underage male prostitutes.

>> No.11761826

Oh shit, what's he been up to these days?

>> No.11761831

Imma grab one of those Wendy's spicy chicken wraps.

>> No.11761848
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It is so beautiful.

>> No.11761850

Coolin and boolin

>> No.11761863

lol when did Obama buy McDonalds for a state dinner, show me just one time

>> No.11761879

Is Donald trump buying a bunch of burgers for some college kids the worst thing to ever happen in the history of our country? I seriously can not even believe how embarrassing and horrible of an act this is.

>> No.11761889
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on par, if not worse than 9/11

>> No.11761903

It's cheap and embarrassing. He should have gotten some nice burgers and pizzas brought in.

>> No.11761907

I heard sometimes he has 2 scoops of ice cream. What a piece of shit

>> No.11761913

If you're embarassed by something this unimportant than your life is absolute garbage.

>> No.11761931

It's not a state dinner, though. Maybe you should look up these terms before using them.

>> No.11761936
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>> No.11761939

That man has no statesmanlike qualities at all.

>> No.11761948

Obama would have cooked each young man an individual meal to his liking while Michelle gave them slow passionate blowjobs until climax. Trump should have spent 50 million dollars of his own money to feed these men for life, and because he didn't, he's a piece of shit.

>> No.11761951

This nigga needs to start bombing hospitals or else

>> No.11761952
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>POTUS paper cups and napkins

>> No.11761961

Someone post the Reddit screencap

>> No.11761964

You realize there's like 90 people on a football team right?

>> No.11761976


>> No.11761981
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>> No.11761988

>these replies

Why can't /pol/tards take the banter?

>> No.11761991

>the president of the United states can't afford proper dishware for 90 people

is the US Liberia now or something?

>> No.11761995

Who is going to do all the dishes and wash all the cloth napkins?

>> No.11762000


Melania isn't doing anything else.

>> No.11762008

She's busy teaching Barron how to masturbate properly.

>> No.11762011

I imagine you're kidding and not actually retarded, but the left literally looks for anything trump does to bitch about. This pushes more people to the right when elitist fucks act like they are too good for food. They realize they out themselves as stuck up elitist snobs when they do this shit, right?

>> No.11762012

Mexicans? oh wait

>> No.11762015

Did somebody hurt your feelings?

>> No.11762018

I ain't bitching about shit nigger, I'm laughing at this fast-food guzzling retard

>> No.11762017

Only in america does not wanting cold, soggy assembly line food make you an elitist lmao. and you're wondering why the whole world laughs at you

>> No.11762020

>I used to be on the left, but the day the liberals started insulting my McDonald's I finally tilted right

>> No.11762021

Nice. I want some too.

>> No.11762024

You trumptards are really something.

>> No.11762028

More like:
>I used to be a moderate but the constant whining about everything by the liberal left turned me off democrats
Or be a faggot.

>> No.11762033

It's a non-event that the liberal left is making a big deal out of because they are gigantic faggots. Millions of Americans eat fast food everyday. most of them probably don't want to be preached to by liberal faggots about how they are too good for fast food.

>> No.11762037

/pol/ flyover brainlets will defend this

>> No.11762043
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I'm coastie faggot who will happily drop >$100/head on a good restaurant meal and I'll defend my orange president buying college kids burgers until the day I die.

>> No.11762044

I'm not American, but how the fuck doesn't this apply to the right who do the exact same thing through Fox news instead of CNN?
I would venture as far as to say that the American evangelical right is way more deeply concerned with inconsequential and stupid shit compared to the elitist/city libs, who are pretty bad in their own way.
Lmao American politics is fucking diseased, glad I'm not living there.

>> No.11762048
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>but the left literally looks for anything trump does to bitch about
It has a lot to do with him being the heroin the dinosaur media needed when he announced his candidacy. You can tell its been a slow news week when the 6 o'clock report is some mundane shit the Trump family did that day

>> No.11762052

why do the mods keep deleting these threads, despite being about FOOD in a board called FOOD & Cooking? a new one just pops up to replace it

>> No.11762053

Stop trying to paint this as if people were berating the working class while we are actually berating your NIGGARDLY CHEAP ASS DADDY MILLIONAIRE.
>be guest at Mr. Dollar Trump
>get served cheap shit

>> No.11762055

>Be college athlete
>Get all the fast food you can eat at the white house
sounds pretty based desu senpai

>> No.11762056

>flying in "pizza" and "hotdogs" from chicago using taxpayer money

>> No.11762057

>the mean libtards wrote a blogpost calling trump stupid reeee
You right wing redpilled MAGA retards are seriously more sensitive than my fucking girlfriend.

>> No.11762063

Do you serve your guests McDonald's too?

>> No.11762064

most of em are just having a lil giggle m8
they dont actually care what some football players eat in the WH

>> No.11762069

If I had to foot the bill for 90 kids, I would.

>> No.11762072

>charity dinner
Such statesmanship.

>> No.11762076

>caring about politics this much you make up stuff like this.

Yea you sure showed those liberals a thing or two!

>> No.11762078

He wasn't hosting foreign dignitaries, boss.

The college athletes loved it.

>> No.11762079

Nobody is making a big deal out of it. They're just laughing at it. Mockery =/= outrage.

>> No.11762080
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But then again you are not a "self made successful millionaire." Oh, wait.

>> No.11762081

Did you actually save this on your hard drive?

>> No.11762082

at least they weren't dry-aged steaks cooked well done and smothered in ketchup.

>> No.11762083

He's a literal billionaire. If you're invited at the white house you can reasonably expect to get fed a decent meal, not the absolute bottom of the trashcan.

>> No.11762085
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>google obama and hotdogs
>pizzagate and pic related are the only results
You are seriously mentally challenged.

>> No.11762087

Are you unironically a wine aunt?
This is some wine aunt shit.

>> No.11762090

Where is your argument? Oh, wait, you must have left it in McDonalds.

>> No.11762093

The college athletes seemed to really like it.
They have been hardcore celebratory drinking for the past week, you don't think this is better than they could've ever hoped for?

Imagine sucking down tuna tartare on that kind of hangover.

>> No.11762095

What argument? This is just cringe beyond belief. I'm not arguing with you, I'm kind of creeped out by you.

>> No.11762097

>The college athletes seemed to really like it.
>The college athletes loved it.

Yes, bigly. Actual moment when they enter:
Both reactions were appropriate.

>> No.11762100

Trumpanzees will defend him no matter what.

>> No.11762101

>sorry guys we would have had a nice cooked meal but the staff isn't in due to circumstances, so I sent some guys out and got a ton of burgers and fries and eat what you like
What a piece of garbage

>> No.11762103

Werent those people staff?

>> No.11762106


I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, the choice of serving McDonald's was good for whichever franchised location he bought from (probably made their week.) It's a good way to show that the president is not above a common man (part of his platform) and it's somewhat comforting for people who might be nervous about their meeting with him (hard to think you're not right being there when they are serving McDonalds.)

On the other hand the food was obviously served cold/near cold which means it's inedible.

Not a terrible idea but awful execution.

>> No.11762107


>> No.11762109

Could he not get actual quality catered food?

>> No.11762111

Skip to 2:08 if you don't want to see Drumpf shitposting about burgers (but why wouldn't you?)

>> No.11762114

He did though.

>> No.11762116

Where are you guys getting hot fast food from? I don't think I've ever gotten a burger that wasn't room temperature.

>> No.11762118

What a normal fucking person, who has the capital to do so, would do instead is to contact some local businesses and make some decent food for less than the money he spent on the fastfood that's fucking cold by the time the athletes got there.

>> No.11762121


swing and a miss there squirt

>> No.11762122

No. literally a stratfor email, anon. Just shows you the retardation of /pol/. Barely literate.


>> No.11762123

Are you gonna pay for it?
>but he's a billionaire
Billionaires don't become billionaires by being frivolous with money.

>> No.11762124


>> No.11762126

You're acting like he's not a billionaire who can afford any meal and it would be less than a tiny fraction of his wealth. You're acting like it's not the house of the actual US president, one of the most powerful people in the world. It's not a homeless kitchen where you should be grateful to get a bowl of soup. McDonald's is literally the cheapest, trashiest most disgusting food out there.

>> No.11762130


Literally every fast food place I've ever eaten from is at the very least slightly above room temperature. You have a bad sense of heat detection.

Eating cold fast food (non-salad) is garbage tier dining.

>> No.11762133

that's why you don't serve fast food to guests

>> No.11762135

So a billionaire near the end of his life cannot spend a couple thousand dollars at most to get good catered food for his dumb event?

>> No.11762136

>Billionaires don't become billionaires by being frivolous with money.
This. They inherit the money.

>> No.11762137

I could totally go for a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich right about now.

>> No.11762139

no, they do so by inhereting their daddy's money

>> No.11762140

So you admit that you are elitist liberal scum who is too good for a Big Mac?
>why isn't he shelling out 100,000 dollars of his own money for a bunch of kids to eat dinner

>> No.11762142

>Let me tell you college athletes why you should be upset

>> No.11762146
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>Billionaires don't become billionaires by being frivolous with money.

>> No.11762147

Is this the part of the conversation where you pretend that you've accomplished more in life than Donald Trump?

>> No.11762148

Did you ladies get lost on your way to Facebook?

>> No.11762149

Why are you expecting him to pay out of pocket? No other president does that either.

Taxpayer money paid for this. Id rather it be cheap instead of some $50k fancy spread.

>> No.11762150

Big Macs are disgusting calorie bombs that give me diarrhea every time. Any person who respects their body should be too good for it. Only in america is that considered elitist lmaoo

>> No.11762151

The part that makes shit like this so frustrating/bad is how low expectations are.

Say what you want about Obama--he wasn't great--but he at least tried to act like he gave a fuck.

People are bending over backwards to make every wet fart Trump does seem good. He serves lukewarm burgers, this is somehow okay because "his base also eats lukewarm burgers" or "they're too dumb to care" or "lukewarm burgers are American." not only is this somehow okay, but it needs to be defended. It's like this for every misstatement, every bad strategic decision, every day that goes by without an actual accomplishment.

I get it if all you care about is punishing brown people or owning the libs or her emails or whatever stupid flyover bullshit, but can't you at least have higher expectations for yourselves? When did the US get so weak that the President can't serve a sports team better food than an elementary school tee ball team gets at the end of the season?

>> No.11762152

Trump inherited his wealth.

>> No.11762154

>Taxpayer money paid for this
Nah the government is shut down and Trump doesn't take a salary. He paid for it.

>> No.11762155

The five stages of /pol/yp grief:
1. Denial
>What are you talking about? McDonalds is epic food, the kids LOVED it bigly.
2. Anger
>You are only attacking daddy because you are an NPC jew!
3. Bargaining (you are here)
>Yes, Trump is CHEAP, but that's actually GOOD.
4. Depression
>I voted for a senile idiot because of memes on the internet.
5. Acceptance
>I'm going to read The Communist Manifesto right now.

>> No.11762157

That will be used more than once, unlike last nights dinner.

>> No.11762159

>Taxpayer money paid for this
No, it literally didn't. Retard.
Why are you weighing in on this when you don't know a fucking thing about it?

>> No.11762162

The college athletes seemed to really

>> No.11762164

It's the incarnation of the emperor's new clothes. He's being retarded, but he's the POTUS so people have to pretend they're fine with it and he's a good boy.

>> No.11762166

Lots of people inherit money. They don't all become president.

>> No.11762169

Probably every hour if all he eats is MCD

>> No.11762171

Why didn't everybody just do that? Why didn't we all just increase our fortune by a thousand times?

>> No.11762173

Trump literally said he paid for it hahahaha

>> No.11762174

Nah seeing the amount of seething tears you smug faggots produce is still funny.

>> No.11762176

Pull your head out of your ass. You think college kids give a fuck? I guarantee none of them had an issue with that meal. They're kids, not the prime minister of whofuckingcaresistan.

>> No.11762178

Taxpayer money absolutely paid for this, retard. This was paid by the pre-budgeted operations budget the white house gets. Government shutdown didn't affect this in any way.

Did you also think the shutdown would result in the electric company turning off power to the white house since they cant pay the bill? Lmao

>> No.11762179

Fastfood isn't cheap. You could buy some decent vegetables, a wide assortment of meat and some bread and then hire someone to cook it and it would be cheaper and better than buying fastfood.

>> No.11762180

"the pigs like their slop!"

It's not about the fact that flat boys from deep Bubba south will eat any old shit. It's how the President of the US, a self-proclaimed billionaire, couldn't give less of a shit to serve something better. I mean goddamn, couldn't he pay a few chefs to grill some burgers there? You wanna talk about happy guys and photo ops, that'd be how.

>> No.11762181
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>Billionaires don't become billionaires by being frivolous with money.
While technically true, they don't exactly become rich by saving money either.

>> No.11762183
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>> No.11762185

Are you saying Trump LIED?

>> No.11762186

>The president sucks for giving college kids what they want, and they suck for liking it

You sound like a dick, dude.
I'm glad you're so upset by this. You deserve to be upset constantly.

>> No.11762189

You're gay aren't you. Be honest,

>> No.11762192

My point exactly.

>> No.11762193

He spent like, what... $1k? $2k? Truly a generous statesman/billionaire.

>> No.11762194

My fb feed is filled with people screeching about this. Either about him being a cheapskate, or him doing this despite the government shutdown.

>> No.11762196

Absolutely, at best it's a half truth. He did pay for it himself, using pre-allocated taxpayer money. He probably wanted people to think he looked generous.

>> No.11762197
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>that face

>> No.11762198

Hope you don’t let our politics define us friend, it’s just cause you’re on the internet.

>> No.11762202

The worst part was when trump held them down and fed them Big Macs against their well

>> No.11762203

Well shit if it's on FB then it must be true.

>> No.11762206

>"you sound like a dick"
>"my point exactly"

Damn you really showed him.

>> No.11762207

I don't understand this. This is very much shoulda coulda woulda shit. Man wanted to work and have influence, not just float on daddy's money the whole time.